r? *? {-« ~&rj % \ * < i ■T* ir ■ * 0 ^ — C ^ « T '>/> w S> i * k\ryv “iM^ if, i*fc* V pf * < > .I^W **V *-.< extensive •; experience / inSf IrrUAGon/ £f scheme, inasmii^^^e^Tojug; ^ 4 ® yWqrk In India, has for years-been^cwj| /Turks refuse to admit-anY ..settlers ,',T|---- •*rv Jing^ the attention of .the ■ worM^^t^B ;Who will not become Turkish subjects., k o r “ Irrigation possibilities of i^efdelis,|og .Otherwise the surplus peoples .of In- the Euphrates and the. T ig r i^ ^ T l^ ^ . jdia and Egypt, already, trained to work 4 b$mk good reason why the^atf&entj .on irrigated land, would' quickly, find FARM AND „ M ? /.»- s-^ ^s> .productiveness of this dtstrlct/should Prriud^ce.-.lsta'mard^thlngltonovarcomew ;thetr way here. It Is1 not at aR un/ but? where ■ health.<to at 0:and,vthO: Jnotfb.e restored. The %ater0s|*atUl![ likely that within the next three yelars .oplnioiopinion of; ffio\isahds;’al,?Muawei;MpVpeopl*'. _ available, and the soil is as .gpodlaia} the chauvinistic Young* Turks will differs frqint}$m yoursi/’piyours;j^rpre#ualce';> then-.bo- comes- your .menace.*atuLysuvousht :;to ever it was. The only reason^pit&l*; have had a chastening that will re­ lay It aside. T h is Is /sold ‘ In -the.-'inter­ ancient productiveness—which^waa^flO' move this difficulty. In any case there est .of people , suffering’; from'' 'chronio 1 “ ’‘"f.”*'?•> great that • Herodotus waa afrald|to are the industrious K u rd s':‘of .the V constipation,;and I t .lBj{worthy o£ their' Towered?: Babel Is Again’ In .Use— describe it In full lest his vera<^F/jh0' mountains who would flock - down In attention,. ' ••-- v; - / V ' -"'/, In the opinion .of .legions o f reliable Mesopotamia’s y Reclamation—Sir questioned—wan the system of; canals numbers, while Hie Moslem’ Persians .*& American people the most . stubborn William Willeock’s'-/Great Project maintained by the peoples o f’ oldijiCv. have no scruples against exchanging CHAFF HIVES FOR WINTERING constipation imaginable , c a n , be' cured by a brief usp of Dr. 'Caldwell’s Syru; Now in Course of- Realization. It is to be remembered that^the their present sovereign for the caliph Pepsin. You .may* not' have, heard' of is dense' populations which filled jthiB of all the faithful. Then there is the No Better Place for Caring for the before'; but do-'notr douot Its merits on Bees Than Out of Doors Dur­ that account, or because It1 has -not been By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. delta In a former time were notjeav- not unreasonable proBpect that the blatantly advertised. It has sold very ages or barbarians; they represented roving Bedouin will settle down to ag­ ing Severe Cold Weather. /> successfully on word .of mouth recom­ mendation. Parents' are -giving -It to Babylon.— Possibly the greatest alike the beginnings and the high- riculture, when conditions become their children today who ;were given It present project of civilization, and water mark of ancient civilization. more stable In the land. I know of no better method of win­ by; their parents, and It has been truth­ certainly ' the most romantic, the <■ •. , fully said that more- druggists use It Greece and Rome were the heirs of Is This Germany’s Chance? tering bees than to winter them out personally in their families ' than any reclamation - of Mesopotamia, is this Eastern culture. Here It was At present the delta Is a land of of doors providing you have the right other laxative. ' now in course of actual realization. that many of the fundamental inven­ kind of hive, and pack them prop­ *- Letters recently received from Mr. lawlessness. Some of the tribes along E. M. Connelly, Genoa Jet, Wls., During the time of my sojourn in tions of civilization had’ their origin- the lower reaches of the tw o rivers erly and In season, says a writer iff and Mrs. E. Bolch, Hatfield, Wls., Mesopotamia the papers providing for the Orange Judd and Farmer. I have are but a. few of thousands show­ It was here that wheat and barley; are little better than sheer savages. ing the. esteem In which Dr. Cald­ the construction - o f these vast irri­ were first domesticated. Some of the Everybody carries a gun or a stout well’s Syrup' Pepsin Is held. It Is mild, gation wot ks were signed by the Turk­ sciences took their rise in this., part cudgel, with a ball of pitch on the gentle, non-griping—not violent like salts or cathartics. It cures gradually ish government and Sir John Jackson, of the world. A code of laws as old, end. The lack of safety for the farm­ and pleasantly’-so that In time naturo the distinguished British engineer, to or older, than the Mosaic, is now er is one reason forythe abandonment again does its own work without out­ side aid. Constipated people owe it to trhom the carrying on to completion of known to have prevailed in this Baby­ of the old irrigation works. The new themselves to use this grand bowel the imperial project of Sir William specific. lonian civilization. government, however, haB vigorously Willcocks has been entrusted. Sir Anyone wishing to make a trial of this For the present It Is enough to re­ undertaken the disarmament of the The Hive Bottom. remedy before buying it in the regular Tobn has left one of his consulting en­ call that a oomplete and wonderful people and the establishment of law way of a druggist at fifty cents or ona gineers In charge at Bagdad, and the system of canals covered all the.lapd and order. If It succeeds in this a five different styles of chaff or double- i W h e n \ dollar a large bottle (family size) «»n jther men of his staff are either al­ known as lower Mesopotamia. Noth­ greater obstacle to the prosperity of walled hives, the result of several have a sample bottle sent to the horns * B u y i n g • free of charge by simply addressing Dr. ready here or on the way. The mag- ing like it is known in modern times; Mesopotamia than any that confronts years' experimenting, and the hive il­ lificent conception of Sir William lustrated here is the one I like best W . B. OdldWell, 201 Washington S t, engineers have freely conceded high the engineers will have been over­ ! B a k i n g i Vontlcello, 111. Your name and address tVlllcocks, to give back to civilization praise to this achievement. Not until come. of any, as it not only winters well, on afpostal card will do. he fertile land between the Tigris Sir William Willcocks took up the Some persons there are who say but it admits of all kinds of manipu­ ;l Powder * tnd the Euphrates, which was the • » In Strange .Company. subject, from high humanitarian mo­ that Germany should be permitted to lation and tying up, as well as single- The Visitor—And what is that gray Dirthplace of history, and the home tives, was the re-establishment of the fulfill her ambitions in this region. walled hives. -g For this is g stone structure over there? )f teeming millions of people. Is no Babylonian canals ever seriously con­ Everybody knows that/a primary, con­ These hives are made as follows: g the baking g The Courier—Zat ees ze armory for onger a dream. sidered. His preliminary observations sideration in the building of the Bag­ Bottom board at least four Inches g powder that g to soldiers. So dramatic an event as the rehab­ led him to broach the question, and dad railway is to give Germany ac­ larger each way than the hive design­ m “makes the g The Visitor — Ah, yes. And that ilitation of this once-fertile land, now five years ago he undertook, on be­ cess to the wheat and cotton fields of ed to be packed in it. It would be g baking better.” g aecome a desert, is found to he full of half of the Turkish government, whose Mesopotamia. Here lies the potential Jong, low building that looks like a better six or even eight inches if you ■ It leavens the food g train shed— what is that? itartllng aspects. Not the least of interest he had enlisted, the actual granary which Germany so much can stand the extra lifting on tbe evenly throughout; « The’Courier—Zat ees ze arsenal. ihese I discovered when I came to mapping out and beginning of a canal needs. Here, too, may be grown the covers, which must be larger In pro­ puffs it op to airy • The Visitor—I see. And what is the Babylon and saw that what the arch­ system. This he has done for a nom­ cotton for which her spindles are portion makes it g big factory with the immense smoke- aeologists are' agreed upon as the re­ inal salary, which has straightway hungry. In all her projects looking Nail the four sides to lap over the lyappetiz- g ptack? mains o f the Tower of Babel Is now gone back into the project In some toward the Persian gulf she has been bottom, coming down flush with tbe fogSnd wholesome.. ^ The Courier—Zat ees ze gr-a-reat practically a hole in the ground; and cases the lines of the old canals, hindered by Great Britain and RuBBia. under side and thus keeping any wa­ Remember, Calumet a Aron works where is made ze big gun when I went out to the Hlndia Bar­ which to this day are the outstanding Now a school of British statesmen,' ter from soaking in onto the bottom.
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