1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 10123 - haps even 60 cents, of every dollar will 1938, as amended, by providing for the cer­ the President and the Congress of the United go to pay these concealed taxes. Let us tification of batches of drugs composed wholly States to consider their Senate Resolution not forget that a dollar spent for taxes or partly of insulin, and for other purposes; No.8, dated December 23, 1941, relative to leg­ H. J. Res. 41. Joint resolution making the islation for the purpose of furthering national cannot be used for food, clothing, and fourth Thursday in November a legal holi­ defense; to the Committee on the Judiciary". so forth. day; We are at war. It will be a long, bloody, H. J. Res. 259. Joint resolution to authorize bitterly fought, and highly expensive war. the commission appointed by the President PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Because of our f:;~.ilure to provide the to conduct an investigation in connection Under clause 1 of rule XXII, equipment and supplies for a large Amer­ with the attack on Hawaii, to compel the at­ tendance of witnesses and the production of Mr. PAGAN introduced a bill (H. R. 6290) ican Army and Navy, because we failed for the relief of Pedro Sagazeta, which was to pile up stocks of strategic materials books, papers, and documents; and H. J. Res. 258. Joint resolution to provide referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. with which to meet a greatly expanded additional appropriations incident to the na­ program of national defense, we now find tional defense for the fiscal years ending June ourselves in a position where tens of 30, 1942, and June 30, 1943, and for other PETITIONS, ETC. thousands of heretofore prosperous small purposes. Under clause _1 of rule XXII, manufacturing plants are denied the ADJOURNMENT 2217. Mr. ROLPH presented a resolution of materials which will permit them to con­ the executive committees of the Peace Officers' tinue to employ several million of our Mr. RAMSPECK. Mr. Speaker, I move Association of the State of California, the people. These must either find work in that the House do now adjourn. District Attorneys' Association of California, other channels or they must go on relief The motion was agreed to; accordingly and the Sheriffs' Association of California, for a~d thereby add to the necf'ssary spend­ (at 1 o'clock and 39 minutes p.m.>, under Congress to adopt House bill 5727 or Senate ing of the public funds. The manufac­ its previoUs order, the House adjourned bill1936, which was referred to the Committee . turers, when their plants close and their until Tuesday, December 30, 1941, at 12 on Military Affairs. incomes cease, are completely removed o'clock noon. from the tax-paying class, which auto­ matically throws a greater burden of taxation upon all others. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. SENATE History repeats itself. Already we ·Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive find evidence of highly exorbitant profits communications were taken from the TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1941 in the national-defense industries. Rep­ Spea.ker's table and referred as follows: The Reverend Hunter M. Lewis, B. D., resentative ALBERT J. ENGEL, of Michigan, 1191. A letter from the Secretary of War, assistant rector, Church of the Epiphany, has disclosed the loss of hundreds of transmitting a report of contracts awarded Washington, D. C., offered the following mililons of dollars in the cost of con­ under the act of March· 5, 1940; to the Com­ prayer: structing cantonments alone. In our mittee on Military Affairs. haste to spend money for the things we .1192. A letter from the Secretary of War, 0 Lord God of Hosts, who of Thy so desperately need, we are giving al­ transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engi­ divine providence hast made and pre­ together too little thought as to how neers, United States Army, qated August 27, served us a Nation: Vouchsafe, we be­ 1941, submitting a report, together with ac­ seech Thee, to continue Thy almighty this money is being spent. It is high companying papers, on a reexamination of time that the Congress and the admin­ Cape Fear River above Wilmington, N. C., · and gracious guidance and protection of istration realized that a country is only with a view to ascertaining what damages our Country in the fiery trial of war. En­ as strong ir.. war as is its ability to finance have been caused to drainage districh bor­ due with the spirit of wisdom and courage a war. It may easily occur that the dering the said river, and whether any reme­ those to whom in Thy name we entrust money we now so carelessly and uselessly dial works are advisable, requested by resolu­ the authority of government. Strengthen spend may prove to be the determining tion of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and protect our defenders by land, by sea, House of Representatives, adopted on October and by air, and suffer no dishonor to factor as to the o'!ltcome o1 the war it­ 8, 1937; to the Committee on Rivers and self in which we are engaged. Always Harbors. stain our arms, that, with clean nands the public moneys should be most care­ 1193. A letter from the chairman, Joint and pure hearts, we may go forward in fully disbursed. This is highly impor­ Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Thy might. tant in peacetime . It is vital, if we are Federal Expenditures, transmitting prelimi­ Bless those who labor in field and fac­ to win the war in which we are now nary report of the Joint Committee on Reduc­ tory, in office and home, for our Country's engaged. tion of Nonessential Federal Expenditures, welfare. Unify us with a quickened Congress of the United States, pursuant to sense of responsibility to our Nation and SENA.TE ENROLLED BILL SIGNED section 601 of the Revenue Act of 1941, to­ a deepened loyalty to Thee. And let Thy The SPEAKER pro tempore an­ gether with minority views; to the Committee tender mercy, 0 Lord, be upon all who nounced his signature to an enrolled on Ways and Means. suffer violence at the hand of man; suc­ bill of the Senate of the following title: cor the wounded, receive the dying, and S. 2119. An act to prohibit the possession of PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS comfort the bereaved. dangerous weapons and explosives on board We ask not that Thou wilt keep us safe, certain vessels. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills but that Thou wilt keep us loyal. And and resolutions were introduced and sev­ grant us grace always to live in such a BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS PRE­ .erally referred as follows: SENTED TO THE PRESIDENT state that we may never be afraid to die; By Mr. CASE of South Dakota: so that, living and dying, we may be Mr. KIRWAN, from the Committee on H. R. 6288. A bill providing that pers~nal Thine, through the merits and satisfac­ Enrolled Bills, reported that that com­ correspondence of members of the armed ­ forces of the United States on active duty be tion of Thy Son, Christ Jesus, in whose mittee did, on Saturday, December 20, transmitted in the mails free of postage; to name we offer these our imperfect 194-1, present to the President, for his the Committee on the Post Office and Post prayers. Amen. approval, bills and joint resolutions of Roads. NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER the House of the following titles: By Mr. PAGAN: H. R. 5558. An act increasing motor-vehicle­ H. R. 6289. A bill authorizing a preliminary The Secretary, Edwin A. Halsey, read fuel taxes in the District of Columbia for the examination and survey for flood control, the following letter: p~riod January 1, 1942, to June 30, 1951; run-off and water-flow retardation and soil­ UNITED STATES SENATE, H. R. 5785. An act to fix the responsib111- erosion prevention on, the Bayam6n and PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, ties of disbursing and certifying cfficers, and Hondo Rivers in Puerto Rico; to the Com­ Washtngton, D. C., December 30, 1941. for other purposes; mittee on Flood Control. To the Senate: H. R. 5988. An act to amend the Sugar Act Being temporarily absent from the Senate, of 1937, as amended, and for other purposes; I appoint Han. WALTER F. GEORGE, a Senator H. R. 6215. An act to amend the Selective MEMORIALS from the State of Georgia, to perform the Training and Service Act of 1940 by providing Under. clause 3 of rule XXII, memo­ duties of the Chair during my absence. for the extension of liability for military serv­ CARTER GLASS, ice and for the registration of the manpower rials were presented and referred as President Pro Tempore. of the Nation, and for other purposes; follows: H. R. 6251. An act to amend the Federal By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ Thereupon Mr. GEORGE took the chair Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of June 25, lature of the State of Illinois, memorializing as Acting President pro tempore. 10124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 30 THE JOURNAL I recommend that this problem receive RESOLUTION OF ASSOCIATED PENNSYL­ appropriate consideration by the Con­ VANIA CONSTRUCTORS-SUPPORT OF On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by THE WAR unanimous consent, the reading of the gress prior to the effective date of the ·Journal of the proceedings of Friday, loan on the 1942 crop of peanuts and Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, one of the December 26, 1941, was dispensed with, that existing legislation be modified so most active organizations of which I and the Journal was approved.
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