New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for the incomplete links and L33t gibberish. This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there. SS, $$, or @SS is sendspace, m3g4 is mega, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one. $n!p<dot>li, s00<dot>gd, and h1v3<dot>@m links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.” Special thanks to Da Archivist, Mageguru, Here!, Agent13, TheWiz!, The Warden, Fat Charley, Blink_Dog, DiosMios, Porthos, The Greyhawk Ranger, Fitz-Empress bani Flambeau, helpful, CityofCarse, donkey, Magister Man, ABF, 3DoorsDownDude, Smink, Nergal, Okultek, JaZZ, UglyPanda, VL, Bytee All the Awesome Curators, and the entire Anon Brigade. Extra Special thanks to the Pioneers who paved the way. Like Anons say Thanks to all the anons here that provide us with their files and/or help!!! This thread is awesomesauce3, and you're the reason! The most recent version of this document and others can be found at $n!p<dot>li /ShareThread Fun and Educational! What methods do people prefer to add OCR to a PDF? smallpdf.com does a pretty good job of lossless compression OCR shouldn't be affecting the compression of the image in the PDF by default. Unless you are setting the OCR to downsample a 300dpi page to 150dpi while performing the OCR. In which case you should set the OCR downsample to match the actual page dpi. But honestly if the PDF consists pages that are just images, you should extract them in Photoshop, and reduce the resolution to 150dpi with the bicubic sharper option (Does a better job of downsampling than Acrobat), save to PNG, and recreate the PDF, then OCR @ 150dpi. £0\/3 ¥Oµ! - - - A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b Recent Shares Collection Archive of what gets shared in each of these threads. Hopefully that will give people another chance to grab them. You'll need Resilio Sync to access them, this link will take you where you need to go. if you don't have pro, you can't choose individual files but you can try Pro for 2 weeks, so for that time you'll be able to cherry pick. Otherwise you can have the lot, if you need something that's in there then this will be one more way to get it. https://link.resilio.com/ #f=Games&sz=8E9&t=1&s=TDYJ5W7LZEWO4LMP4AWDXUMMDBNISDUS&i=CPYAVEJGEMOV2B4CL3SKNEB5VWG7 SRXXZ&v=2.5 $nip /Ckht3 - - - - - - - - - REVOLVING COLLECTIONS! Get 'Em While They're Hot!! (47 hours 59 minutes - or less!) The GraveYard The Dusty Shelf The Inner Temple v0la /r/efv2t780 v0la /r/jyyevh2r v0la /r/theinnertemple Share Bears Byte This Axe I RULE North Libya v0la /r/jjkbczrm v0la /r/kzz1wp2m v0la /r/hr65p9Qc RollenspielBücherSchrank The Forgotten Utopia The Mindflayer's Daydream v0la /r/g7m8zdgc v0la /r/mQaec2h4 v0la r/nd23y0bc Quiet Nysa Temp Transient Trachis v0la /r/fwac5ajr v0la /r/fkucwuar v0la /r/fjbmhdnc Shrouded Ortygia Quiet Pangea The Cultist Lair v0la /r/hdgc0c8c v0la /r/hdgc0c8c v0la /r/jkm63tyw Jovial Tilphussa Malignant Narcissism Cavern of Carse v0la /r/gncmzyvm v0la /r/Red_Sector_A v0la /r/nQacax5m Illuminated Thrinacia Grand Triphyle Elegant Zeleia v0la /r/nxtbx83c v0la /r/pdj4f75r v0la /r/dwmx6420 - - - - - - - - - New shares for the month of October (pw = devilsnight) $nip /Oct-Releases No. 226 DMs Guild - A Shadow Over Pinewood SS /file/823u2t DMs Guild - The Gleaming Cloud Citadel SS /file/lptgl1 7th Sea Adventures - The Grand Design 01 - The Caliberi Letters.pdf SS /file/6Q9x9r 7th Sea Adventures - The Grand Design 02 - Montaigne Blood.pdf SS /file/p6cz3w 7th Sea Adventures - The Grand Design 03 - The Changeling Queen.pdf SS /file/glh4l2 Numenera Discovery and/or Destiny SS /file/j254gv Drakonheim Drakonheim - City of Bones Heroes of Drakonheim (5e) SS /filegroup/EXRmJZrfwmkaAL5QX%2F8mKA TSR Strategic Preview #5 and #6 SS /filegroup/UvjYJI3UfDWelHmbRVDZVA FATE - Guide to Superhumans and Tachyon SQuadron SS /filegroup/lrxX7hzWelCF7A%2FzDA9k%2Bg Espadas Afiadas & Feiticos Sinistros - Addendum SS /file/bnhlut Iron Kingdoms - Monsternomicon Vol. I - Privateer Press 78<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/DG12N5Nm/file.html Iron Kingdoms - Monsternomicon Vol. II - Privateer Press 78<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/8Hf7CP1Y/file.html Metamorphosis Alpha - Chronicles from the Warden Vol 1 and Vol 2 SS /filegroup/k6HxaiG3eG%2BJGzR3EgXiGw Good link for a lot of the MERP and LotR Adv Game in Spanish http://www.lacompania.net/lorien/suplementos/1 Greyhawk folio maps SS /filegroup/SMfDJiUA6NyT5QWMflPQcQ Greyhawk boxed set maps SS /filegroup/lcoxV%2FQWBp%2BrIMfhTSz1Lg Atlantis the Second Age (exp. 11/11/18) ufil3<dot>i0 /jmxte DIY book scanning tutorials https://www.instructables.com/id/Quickly-Scan-a-Textbook-With-a-Camera/ https://www.instructables.com/id/Book-Scanner-Low-cost-easy-to-make-1000-pages-an-h/ No. 225 N.O.W. The Modern Action Roleplaying Game v1.2 SS /file/3wQx7z SaWo - Titan Effect SS /file/9l6fws Savage Worlds - Guild of Shadows - Campaign Guide SS /file/bmar2s Tech Unleashed for Pathfinder SS /file/1dzncz Sword of the Bastard Elf (800 page choose-your-own-adventure) SS /filegroup/O5erUfeFwzBHGloCDiMUt51HXikMlRWgZa1x9gM%2FtSjYeE3XslMGGw The Korranberg Chronicle - Adventurer's Almanac SS /file/9nvv63 The Korranberg Chronicle - Threat Dispatch SS /file/5kogb5 The Korranberg Chronicle - Xen'Drik Advisory SS /file/xdhgkt Barrel Rider Games - BRG93 - Class Compendium (LL) SS /file/ypp14m Tolkien Quest - Night of the Nazgûl, The Legend of Weathertop, A Spy in Isengard, and Helms Deep m3g4 /#!KlZSCYKb!s0BCY1VeT7Z4lCCD4bWtJHpeuRkhUDK8a4uYYQMo1Xs Rescan of Golden Heroes SS /file/s2d854 oWoD - Nuwisha (OEF with color cover) SS /file/6e0afs Hex Kit: Fantasyland SS /filegroup/93cpdUh4%2BrcgtRhhacvh1A PF - Alien Codex SS /file/571b1Q All things Tianxia SS /filegroup/k5%2FX5KABFSsLQkaLxISlRQURkMNyaDbf7g1WwAc7DmSl%2BObXVVZvQoOPo0olETHQ Book of the Fantastical b1t<dot>ly /2QAeaGQ Book of the Light b1t<dot>ly/2yfOWQH Book of the Spirits b1t<dot>ly /2y9xZxV Book of the Unliving (Revised) b1t<dot>ly /2zYSheS Codex of the Immortals b1t<dot>ly /2IHnshr Sorcerers of Ur-Turuk.rar u$er$cl0ud /bcpwbracj3je Unmerciful Frontier: the CCA Sourcebook SS /file/wQd829 Eternal Contenders SS /file/hvanju Star Trek Adventures - Deep Space Nine Player Characters Star Trek Adventures - Remnants SS /filegroup/JECpQk5aTZc1QmABmoHRgQ Cepheus Engine - Outcast SS /file/1co03i Chaos - Cypher System NPC and Creature Generator SS /file/w3ys9g Spell - The RPG - Corebook Digital Spell - The RPG - Character Sheet SS /filegroup/K6Qc7D%2BZlgAIeOUPtLrj%2BA JG0016 Installment J JG0152 City State of the World Emperor Map SS /filegroup/b9CoLrIUCbdXi4IbUhAb%2FA No. 224 Mike Schley Age of Worms maps SS /file/yj1pb9 Mike Schley Chult maps SS /file/a2cv7k Kult collection (includes 2e) m3g4 /#F!08c1zAyJ!oh-Qmhe5tuLWz5L-_UCVdw Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate (updated) u$er$cl0ud /g6wuv6s9l7w9 World of Greyhawk Folio Maps SS /filegroup/sWsAcqKb7PRkzieRlsYi1A 2008 First edition Carcosa y@di<dot>$k /d/5ziybJoLMWSQAw ISS 1603 HeroWars - Gloranthan Visions 102<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/wW8mUdyy/file.html Tiny Dungeon 2nd Edition - TinyZine - Issue 6 SS /file/gihi3t The Ruins of Ramat (LL) u$er$cl0ud /yfj81t2zr4wh The Armory RPG Data Con - Data & Stat Conversion Chart Book SS /file/4t9o5v T&T Japan Adventures SS /file/ieymkz White Dwarf October 2018 14<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/moM7OWvf/file.html Car Warriors comic SS /filegroup/ApIPAl%2B9yjXtbn4pLm3UjwU4lbBpLIyD Kill Six Billion Demons SS /filegroup/wZ3jH9%2B%2FTl8aQMm15FngIA Numenera Player’s Guide SS /file/xm2pza No. 223 El Raja Key Archive m3g4 /#F!QC5kjQLC!-ZSWK8zonI4t-NOcYIHcPg SotDL - In Pursuit of Power v2 and Nessus, City of Decay SS /filegroup/Bzaj%2BiQ59c4Nyz3chHXdfA Interface Zero for Pathfinder Gatekeeper Chronicles - Kaylethon [PF] Races of Neoexodus - Android [5e] SS /filegroup/6j01n45o1%2BTKTNyJnK%2B5%2FOYAtOaHfWXL d20 - Cry Havoc SS /file/ib9xk1 SS /file/4omc0n Wiedzmin: gra wyobrazni (The Witcher - Polish) $nip /aXDy Tiny Dungeon 2nd Edition - TinyZine (Issues 1-5) SS /file/9209yu Different Worlds #46 (James Bond mini module) SS /file/syQbyv Book of Exalted Darkness [5e] SS /file/5fQi5x DMs Guild - Faiths of the Forgotten Realms SS /filegroup/lUdmAiaXPo65URw7bBVIvQ Lots of recent donations Enascentia for Savage Worlds, Hobomancer, Hope & Glory, Iron Kingdoms, lots of miscellaneous items, Manastorm World of Shin'ar for PF, some other PF material, Raiders of Ry'leh, River of Heaven, Smoke and Glass, Sufficiently Advanced, Leagues of Gothic Horror & Adventure Appendices $nip /83F Pulp Alley madponies<dot>net /game/Pulp_Alley_-_Quick_Start_PDF.pdf Star Trek Adventures: Beta Quadrant u$er$cl0ud /uxouk4d02vmn Star Trek Adventures: Command Division u$er$cl0ud /2bxd12t1h7bx Star Trek Adventures: Command Division (updated) u$er$cl0ud /w94v0bimbd0w CoC 6e & 7e: Secrets of Tibet u$er$cl0ud /5fhpf0rv3nQx RuneQuest - Roleolaying in Glorantha u$er$cl0ud
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