Index A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z A Abbeyhorn Co., 54:3 112–113 Abel, William H., 55:1 8 "Abe L. Adams Art Auger, The" (Price), 45:1 3–4 Abel and Byvanck, 46:1 27 "Abel Sampson: Maine Privateer Turned Planemaker" (Butterworth and Blumenberg), 45:2 35–37 Aber, James (Jim), 45:2 45, 56:4 173 Aber, Jim, 37:4 68 "Abercrombie & Fitch Axe" (Klenman), 52:1 38 Abercrombie & Fitch promotional axe, 52:1 38 Aberdeen, Scotland granite industry, 60:1 16, 60:1 23 immigrants from, 60:1 23 Aberdeen Gin Factory and Machine Shop, 52:1 16 Abishai Way & Co., 43:3 80 "About Our Back Cover." See "Our Back Cover" "About Our Front Cover." See "Our Front Cover" "About the Picture Puzzle," 39:2 31 Abraham, Peter, 49:3 74 Abrams, George screwdriver patent, 45:4 109 Abrasive Products Co., 53:1 32 abrasives for granite, 59:4 130, 59:4 135, 59:4 147 ground flint, 48:1 33 abrasive sheets inventory lists, 39:3 44 abutments for covered bridges, 46:4 114 Académie Royale des Sciences, 58:1 37 Academy of Armory, The, or A Storehouse of Armory and Blazon (Holme), 37:4 61, 52:3 110–111, 53:3 96 "Accident on Lombard Street" (Peale), 61:3 94, 61:3 96 account books blacksmiths, 42:2 47–49, 44:1 26–27, 44:4 122–123, 45:2 52 Blake, Josiah, 55:1 27–30 boat equipment, 43:4 101–102 Burton, Silas, 56:1 11 chairmaking, 44:4 114–115 Columbia (bark), 42:1 22–24, 42:4 101–102 coopers, 42:1 19–21 Danner, Daniel, 47:1 15–26 distribution of raw materials and manufactured goods, 46:2 49–50 Doggett, Simeon, 48:3 40–41 Fitch, Jabez, 45:2 48–50 Hewitt, Daniel Tyler, 46:1 29–30 Honeyman, Robert, 43:2 43 house construction, 43:1 19–20, 46:1 29–30 Maine, Jonas C., 45:4 110–111 Metcalf, Isaac, 43:1 19–20 planemakers, 45:1 8–10, 45:2 42–43, 45:3 80–83 Plant, Solomon, 56:1 9–15 Reed, Elbridge Gerry, 45:2 61–62 Rice, Alfred, 46:2 49–50 Rider, Nathaniel, 41:3 78 scrapers, 44:2 57–58 screw manufacture, 44:3 77–78 Shaker fulling mills, 52:4 127, 52:4 128, 52:4 133n7 Stevens, John, Shop, stonecutters, 58:4 141–144, 58:4 153n.1 tinsmith, 43:4 101 Tracy, Terence T., 42:1 19–21 Washington, George, Fort Loudoun inventory, 43:2 44–45 Wells, Chester R., 45:1 8–10 Winterthur Library collection, 58:1 39 Woodward, W. W., 45:1 9 accounting interlocking ledger system, 61:4 135 Account of the Newly Invented Fireplaces, 61:2 45, 61:2 46 "Account of Whiskey Barrel Making Before the Civil War" (Kosmerl), 40:4 71–72 acetone, 39:1 12 Achard, M. M. d'Aspine, 59:4 137 Acheson, Edward G., 60:1 41 Ackerman, Cornelius J., 41:1 6, 41:1 7 Ackermann, Emma Elizabeth, 61:1 20 Ackley, Anthony, 44:1 31 Acme Button-Hole Attachment Co., 42:2 36 Acme screw thread, 55:3 113 Acorn frame press, 53:3 108–113 Act to Incorporate the Carpenters' Company of the City and County of Philadelphia, An, 41:3 49–50 Adair, James B. M., 58:2 56, 58:2 57, 58:2 61 Adam, Josiah, 61:2 51 Adam Bede (Elliot), 52:2 66 Adamczyk, Alois, 61:1 33 "Adam Kersh, A Virginia Cabinetmaker" (Lott), 42:3 66 Adamowicz, Laurent, 60:1 facing p. 1 Adams (pilot schooner), 53:1 3, 53:1 8n11 Adams, A., 43:2 46, 61:3 128 Adams, Abe L., 45:1 3–4 Adams, Benjamin, 57:3 88 Adams, Daniel, 46:1 24 Adams, E. G., 52:1 15 Adams, Ezekiel, 46:1 27 Adams, John, 61:4 146 Adams, John Quincy, 52:4 151, 52:4 154, 61:4 146 Adams, Josiah, 61:2 52 Adams, Sanford, 41:3 83, 42:1 26, 42:2 55 Adams, Seth, 53:3 113 Adams, William, 58:2 56, 58:2 64n.20 Adams Art Auger Bit, 45:1 3–4 Adamson, Jeremy, 58:3 94 additional improvements (AI) patents, 55:4 160–161 Adell Brothers Manufacturing Co., 49:3 70 Adelphi Terrace and Coal Wharf, The, 54:2 56 adjustable planes iron block planes, 52:2 60–61 sash fillisters, 54:1 5 adjustable tools bevels, whatsits, 39:2 32 cabinetmakers' rabbet planes, 59:1 25–31 carpenters' bevels, 42:2 35 hollow augers, 45:2 60 shaves, 52:3 109 Adventures in Contentment, N.Y. (Grayson), 39:3 48 "Advertisements of Edwin Walker's Tools" (Bopp), 40:4 73A advertising circulars, 61:2 57 citrus fruit-crate labels, 42:2 33–35 Four-Square line, Stanley Works, 59:3 114–119, 59:4 155 fruit-crate labels, 42:4 111, 42:4 back cover gauging rods, 61:1 24 ink blotters, 61:1 25 miniature anvils, 41:3 84 piano tuner's bellows, 42:4 109–110 pre-1900, 44:4 127, 44:4 back cover scythe stones, 42:2 30, 42:3 58 Stanley Christmas promotions, 57:4 140–147 Stetson Hat Co. posters, 54:1 40 timber auction broadside, 38:2 36, 38:2 back cover tool catalogs and, 61:1 2 toys, 61:1 2 watches, 37:4 67 wood screws, 41:3 50 advertising rules imprinted tape, 57:3 105–110 zig-zag, 57:2 73–78 advertising signs baked enamel on tin, 59:2 36, 59:2 70 poster board, 59:2 70, 59:2 71 Stanley Rule and Level Co., 59:2 70–74 "Advertising Signs of the Stanley Rule & Level Co. -- Script Logo Period (1910-1920)" (Jacob), 59:2 70–74 adze-eye mounted axes, 50:1 36 adzes, 43:4 99, 46:4 103 coopers', 44:2 47, 54:2 64 Dutch, 46:1 9 French-type, 41:3 58–59 Horton, 44:1 22 Mangbetu, 43:4 103–104 rossing, 44:1 19 AEG (German company), 43:1 11–12 aerial cranes, 59:3 88 Aesthetic movement fashion colors, 53:4 159–160 Aetna Iron and Nail Works, 41:3 82 Affleck, Diane L., 53:4 162n53 Afghan saddle axe, 57:2 48 Africa wooden pillows or neck rests, whatsits, 43:2 49, 43:3 78 African Americans. See also slavery American Revolution and, 46:4 94–95 Blandford, Massachusetts, 43:2 42 in building trades, 54:2 59n.39 Crescent Machine Co. and, 60:4 144 drug store products for, 44:3 71–72 employed by Southern Railway, 50:3 86 employed in brownstone quarries, 56:3 100 freed slaves in saw gin manufacturing, 52:1 18–19 inventions and innovations exhibit, 44:1 17 Jefferson's moldboard of least resistance and, 58:1 10 Monticello artisans, 58:1 16 "Negro's wear," 52:4 132, 52:4 133n23 planemakers, 37:3 49–50, 46:2 39–42, 46:4 93–97, 53:1 41 plank-kilns and, 58:1 28 Shakers and, 52:4 132 slave laborers as apprentice planemakers, 52:2 77 in saw gin manufacturing, 52:1 18–19 timber preparation work by, 54:2 57–58 African marking camwood, 59:4 144 Agar, J. S., 50:2 59 Agawam Woolen Co., 53:4 150 Ager, C. H., 56:1 24 aggregate granite, 59:2 42 agricultural chemistry, 61:2 52 agricultural equipment. See also farm mechanization; farm tools and implements farm machinery, 45:4 121 harrows, 58:4 153 seventeenth-century, 43:2 38–40 threshing machines, 58:2 54–65 for wire grass harvesting, 58:3 92–94 agricultural tools. See also farm tools and implements corn tools, 50:3 101–104 Dominy family, 58:2 49–51 early tools, 46:1 5–6 hand farming implements, 39:3 51, 45:4 121 whatsits, 43:2 51, 60:3 128 agriculture. See also garden tools; livestock buttermaking trade, 50:4 110 clearing land for, 44:3 93 England, history, 51:1 27–29 farm buildings, 55:3 85–94 farmer's diary, 38:2 22 farm family photograph, 40:3 52 horses and, 44:3 93, 44:3 95 mechanization of, 44:1 19, 44:1 20, 44:2 53–54, 44:3 80–81 minimal-cash, 55:3 86–94 publications on, 61:2 52–53 tool displays, 40:4 64 wheat farming, 41:2 34–35 women's work, 45:4 117 Agrirama, Georgia, 60:4 137 "Ah Yes, It's a Sprague" (Boardman), 46:3 73–75 Aiken, E. L., 49:2 57 Aiken, Herrick, 37:1 8, 37:1 9, 43:2 52–53, 46:2 50, 53:4 147 Aiken, Jonas knitting machines, 53:4 146–147, 53:4 150, 53:4 153 Aiken, Robert, 61:2 48 Aiken, Walter, 55:1 8, 57:3 117 knitting machines, 53:4 146–147 Aiken Knitting Machine Co., 53:4 146–147, 53:4 150, 53:4 153 Aikin, Cyrus S., 52:1 16 Ainslie, Albert, 56:4 171 air compressors for granite quarrying, 59:3 95, 59:3 96 aircraft gas gauge Stanley, 56:3 118–119 airlines ice crushers, 61:1 32 air pumps, 41:1 16 Aitken, Robert, 44:1 23 Akin, Bartholomew, 58:1 39 Akin, James, 61:1 8 A.K. Nartov, an Outstanding Machine Builder of the 18th C. (Britkin and Vidonov), 42:2 44, 42:2 45 Alaska axes, 37:1 20A gold rush, 61:1 19–20 make-do tools in, 44:3 86 "Alaskan Make-Do's" (Underwood), 44:3 86 Albemarle Agricultural Society, 58:2 62 Alberghini, Jon, 38:1 9 Albert, Harry, 61:1 22 Albert, Mark, 44:3 93 Albert, Robert, 51:4 117n5 Alberti, 61:3 92 Albert Skira (publisher), 53:2 83 Albion Press, 48:4 100 alcohol sawyers' use of, 54:2 58 alcohol burners, 42:2 31 Alcott, Bronson, 43:1 7 Alcott, Louisa May, 43:4 91, 55:4 134 aldehyde green, 53:4 157, 53:4 159 Alden, Lilla, 58:4 171n.8 Alden Emery Co., 53:1 28 Aldinger, Henry, 51:3 94 Aldinger, Henry P., 44:4 110, 51:3 94 Aldrich, E.
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