UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Causal Calculus in the Presence of Cycles, Latent Confounders and Selection Bias Forré, P.; Mooij, J.M. Publication date 2019 Document Version Author accepted manuscript Published in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Forré, P., & Mooij, J. M. (2019). Causal Calculus in the Presence of Cycles, Latent Confounders and Selection Bias. In A. Globerson, & R. Silva (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: UAI 2019, Tel Aviv, Israel, July 22-25, 2019 [15] AUAI Press. http://auai.org/uai2019/proceedings/papers/15.pdf General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). 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Mooij Informatics Institute Informatics Institute University of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam The Netherlands The Netherlands [email protected] [email protected] Abstract tinuous, singular or mixtures, etc.) the respective endeav- our is not immediate. We prove the main rules of causal calcu- Such a framework of causal calculus contains rules about lus (also called do-calculus) for i/o structural when one can 1.) insert/delete observations, 2.) ex- causal models (ioSCMs), a generalization of a change action/observation, 3.) insert/delete actions; and recently proposed general class of non-/linear about when and how to recover from interventions and/or structural causal models that allow for cycles, selection bias (backdoor and selection-backdoor crite- latent confounders and arbitrary probability rion), etc. (see [1, 4, 5, 14, 21–24, 26, 27, 32–35]). While distributions. We also generalize adjustment these rules have been extensively studied for acyclic criteria and formulas from the acyclic setting causal models, e.g. (semi-)Markovian models, which are to the general one (i.e. ioSCMs). Such crite- attached to directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) or acyclic di- ria then allow to estimate (conditional) causal rected mixed graphs (ADMGs) (see [1,4,5,14,21–24,26, effects from observational data that was (par- 27,32–35]), the case of causal models with cycles stayed tially) gathered under selection bias and cy- in the dark. cles. This generalizes the backdoor crite- To deal with cycles and latent confounders at the same rion, the selection-backdoor criterion and ex- time in this paper we will introduce the class of in- tensions of these to arbitrary ioSCMs. To- put/output structural causal models (ioSCMs), a “condi- gether, our results thus enable causal reasoning tional” version of the recently proposed class of modular in the presence of cycles, latent confounders structural causal models (mSCMs) (see [10, 11]) to also and selection bias. Finally, we extend the ID include “input” nodes that can play the role of parame- algorithm for the identification of causal ef- ter/context/action/intervention nodes. ioSCMs have sev- fects to ioSCMs. eral desirable properties: They allow for arbitrary prob- ability distributions, non-/linear functional relations, la- tent confounders and cycles. They can also model non- 1 INTRODUCTION /probabilistic external and probabilistic internal nodes in one framework. The cycles are modelled in a least Statistical models are governed by the rules of proba- restrictive way such that the class of ioSCMs still be- bility (e.g. sum and product rule), which link joint dis- comes closed under arbitrary marginalizations and inter- tributions with the corresponding (conditional) marginal ventions. All causal models that are based on acyclic ones. Causal models follow additonal rules, which relate graphs like DAGs, ADMGs or mDAGs (see [9, 28]) can the observational distributions with the interventional be interpreted as special acyclic ioSCMs. Besides feed- ones. In contrast to the rules of probability theory, which back over time ioSCMs can also express instantaneous directly follow from their axioms, the rules of causal cal- and equilibrated feedback under the made model as- culus need to be proven, when based on the definition of sumptions (e.g. the ODEs in [2, 18]). All models where structural causal models (SCMs). As SCMs will among the non-trivial cycles are “contractive” (negative feed- other things depend on the underlying graphical structure back loops, see [11]) are ioSCMs without further as- (e.g. with or without cycles or bidirected edges, etc.), the sumptions. Thus ioSCMs generalize all these classes used function classes (e.g. linear or non-linear, etc.) and of causal models in one framework, which goes be- the allowed probability distributions (e.g. discrete, con- yond the acyclic setting and also allows for conditional versions of those (e.g. CADMGs), expressed via ex- loops (independent of v v E or not). ∈ ternal non-/probabilistic “input” nodes. Also the gen- 2. The set of loops of G is written as (G). L eralized directed global Markov property for mSCMs 3. The strongly connected component of v in G is de- (see [10, 11]) generalizes to ioSCMs, i.e. ioSCMs en- fined to be: ScG(v) := AncG(v) DescG(v). ∩ tail the conditional independence relations that follow 4. The set of strongly connected components is (G). S from the σ-separation criterion in the underlying graph, Remark 2.2. Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph. where σ-separation generalizes the usual d-separation 1. We always have v ScG(v) and ScG(v) (G). (also called m- or m∗-separation, see [9, 20, 24, 28, 38]) ∈ ∈ L 2. If G is acyclic then: (G) = v v V . from acyclic graphs to directed mixed graphs (DMGs) L {{ } | ∈ } (and even HEDGes [10] and σ-CGs [11]) with or with- out cycles in a non-naive way. In the following all spaces are meant to be equipped with σ-algebras and all maps to be measurable. Whenever This paper now aims at proving the mentioned main rules (regular) conditional distributions occur we implicitly as- of causal calculus for ioSCMs and derive adjustment cri- sume standard measurable spaces (to ensure existence). teria with corresponding adjustment formulas like gen- Definition 2.3 (Input/Output Structural Causal Model). eralized (selection-)backdoor adjustments. We also pro- An input/output (i/o) structural causal model (ioSCM) by vide an extension of the ID algorithm for the identifica- definition consists of: tion of causal effects to the ioSCM setting, which reduces to the usual one in the acyclic case. 1. a set of nodes V + = V ˙ U ˙ J, where elements of V ∪ ∪ correspond to output/observed variables, elements The paper is structured as follows: We will first give the of U to probabilistic latent variables and elements precise definition of ioSCMs closely mirroring mSCMs of J to input/intervention variables. from [10, 11]. We will then review σ-separation and 2. an observation/latent/action space v for every v generalize its criterion from mSCMs (see [10, 11]) to + X ∈ V , := v V + v, ioSCMs. As a preparation for the causal calculus, which X ∈ X 3. a product probability measure PU = Pu on relates observational and interventional distributions, we u U the latent spaceQ := , ∈ will then show how one can extend a given ioSCM to XU u U Xu 4. a directed graph structure ∈G+ = (VN+,E+) with one that also incorporates additional interventional vari- the properties: Q ables indicating the regime of interventions on the ob- + V = ChG (U J) served nodes. We will then show how the rules of causal (a) , G+ ∪ calculus directly follow from applying the σ-separation (b) Pa (U J) = , + ∪ +∅ criterion to such an extended ioSCM. We then derive the where ChG and PaG stand for children and par- mentioned general adjustment criteria with correspond- ents in G+, resp.,1 ing adjustment formulas. Finally, we introduce the right 5. a system of causal mechanisms g = (gS)S (G+): ∈LS V definitions for ioSCMs to extend the ID algorithm for the ⊆ identification of causal effects to the general setting. g : , 2 S Xv → Xv v PaG+ (S) S v S 2 INPUT/OUTPUT STRUCTURAL ∈ Y \ Y∈ CAUSAL MODELS that satisfy the following global compatibility con- ditions: For every nested pair of loops S0 + ⊆ In this section we will define input/output structural S V of G and every element xPaG+ (S) S ⊆ ∪ ∈ causal models (ioSCMs), which can be seen as a “con- + v PaG (S) S v we have the implication: ditional” version of modular structural causal models ∈ ∪ X Q (mSCMs) defined in [10, 11]. We will then construct + gS(xPaG (S) S) = xS \ marginalized ioSCMs and intervened ioSCMs. To allow + = gS0 (xPaG (S ) S ) = xS0 , for cycles we first need to introduce the notion of loop of ⇒ 0 \ 0 a graph and its strongly connected components. + where xPaG (S ) S and xS0 denote the correspond- 0 \ 0 Definition 2.1 (Loops). Let G = (V, E) be a directed ing components of xPaG+ (S) S.
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