NPS Form 10-900 IOU. 19901 United States Department of the Interior - \ / 7/ 9 ?- National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form is for wa in nominating or raquracing daeninntlom for individual pmpmles and dlawce. Sw inatfudiom in Mav m i2m#m the N.00n.I Regmbr 04 nlstano Placrr Regmmm Fom (National Regiatr Bulletin la).Complem each i(m by muking "x" In ihe matebox or by entering the infonnsdon m~UEatd.If an itam dmna appty to the pmDsny baing documenred. ems "NIA" for "noI rpp(icrble." For funcuonr. architectural claaaiflcalion, mated&, and am8 of aigniflcance, enter only categormr and s- tmm the insruniom. PkosdMLonal mnua and nlvntlve item on COnIinuatiM shena (NPS Form 14800.). Uw a lypemi(N. word p-, or computer, lo com- all I@m. 1. Name of Property . histonc name . Burrland Farm Historic District other nameslsite number DHR File No. 30-1017 . Burrland Lane smet & number Q not for publication N/A crty or town Middleburg vidnily Fauquier 22117 state Virginia code -V A county code 061 zip code 3. State/Fedeml Agency Certnicstlon As VM d~agnateda~oW unda tlle Nabonal Hism Prwnmon Ad 6s amended. I hemby wRHy Vut thla normnabon mquoal for drtennt~atKlnof ellgibifity mW(r the docu- armduds for qbmnng pmpcmnr n tho Natwmal RegiaIr od Hiatonc Plama and imeta the pmxdural and prof.gwnaI nquimmam sm torm in 311 CFR PM BQ. In my opmmn. the pmpeml a mo o dDw na nmel the NabOnaI Ragiamr CnMria I recommend that th!d properly be amaidered sylnlflcam I ruooculiy a Narmdo locluv. (0% conhnuancn ahem for addntmal comnmnm.) c/u(1= ~A 9//t/?7 Slwmof cewdox%hkTue sate Virginia Department of Historic Resources Slme of Federal o(mcv and bureau In mv opinnn. ttm P~WW a dma not msa the ~ationalAegktrr miteria (a~w mminuscion shea for additiod mmmtmtk) - I ~OCumtyine~~UI om0 SMorhd.mlspancyandb~ 4. National Park Senrice CeMtication ~h~sby~mtyuutttwpm~la: Siomura- d the Ke~ler 0are of man ennnd in the Natlond Rwaker. il sea comtnuabn shes. a daermlned clligrble for the NUlonal R0gIal.I 3 Sea mminmon sheel. 0 dammtnsd not e!lgbk for the Nlhonal Rwmtu. nmovrd-. fmm the NatiOflal " omer. (.xp(un:) ~ ~-~ Fauquier County, VA Bur~land~ Farm Historic District N%S .of Propem County and State Ownership of proparty Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (Check as many boxes as apply) (Check only one box) (Do nor include prenously ltsted resources in the count.) a private building@) Contributing Noncontributing C public-local mdistrict 22 8 buildings E public-State site ~ublic-Federal structure 2 2 sites object 14 0 structures 1 0 objects 39 10 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Enter "NIA" if pmpeny IS nor pan of a multlple property listing.) in the National Register N/ A un 6. Function or Use Historic Functions Current Functions (Enter categones from instructtonsl (Enter categories from instructtons) AGRICULTURE: Animal Facility AGRICULTURE: Animal Facilitv AGRICULTURE: Agricultural Outbuilding -: Agricultural Outbuildine AGRICULTURE: Storage RECREATION: Sports Facility 'I.Description Architectural Classification Matewhls (Enter categories fmm instructions) (Enter categories fmm instructions) COLONIAL REVIVAL foundation CONCRETE walls VINYL mof SLATE other WOOD I Narrative Description (oascntm the hlstonc ana cumt mwllon of the prowmy on on. or more mmtnuahon sheow.) The historic Burrland section of Hickory Tree Farm is a 458-acre thoroughbred horse breeding and training farm located one mile south of Middleburg in Virginia's hunt country. The property includes twenty-two contributing buildings, fourteen contributing structures, one contributing object and two contributing sites, including a rural landscape of pastures and groomed paddocks. There are also several buildings and structures constructed outside of th period of significance and thus considered noncontributing. The contributing buildings were built between 1927 and 1932 and include a training barn, a polo barn, a stallion barn, two broodmare barns, a yearling barn, a field shed, an equipment shed, a farm manager's housMce, a trainer's cottage, a mess hall quarters, a foreman's dwelling, three mash houses, five garages, a pumphouse, and a feed and storage warehouse. AU of the stables in this group are white with green trim frame buildings with slate-covered roofs crowned with cupolas. The thoroughbred horse training barn is a particularly stunning Georgian Revival building Burrland Farm Historic District Fauquier County, VA Name of Property Countv and State 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria Areas of Significance (Mark x" m one or mom rmxes for the cntena qual~tylngthe propeny (Enter categories lrom inssucnans) for Natmnal Regtoter tlstmg.) ACRTf'TlT TIIRl? A Property is associated with events that have made ARCHITECTURE a significant contribution to the broad patterns of RECREATION our history. Ci B property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. a C Properly embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type. period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack Period of Significance individual distinction. 1927-1947 5 D Property has yielded. or is likely to yield. information important In prehistory or histoly. Criteria Considerations Significant Dates (Mark "x" in all the boxes tnat apply.) 1927-1932 Property is: 13A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. Significant Person 13 B temoved from its original location. (Complete if Criterion B is marked above) Cl C a birthplace or grave. Cultural Atfillation D a cemetery. E a reconstructed building. object. or structure. C F a commemorative property. G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance AmhltecffBuilder within the past 50 years. Bottomley, William Lawrence , NdeStatement of Slgnnicance fEdain tha simificance of the orum~Ivon one or more continuation sheets.) Blbilography (Cite the books, aniclea, and sources wed in prepanno this form on one or more continuation she-.) Pmvious documentation on file (NPS): Plimary location of additional data: [I preliminary determination of individual listing (38 a State Historic Preservation Ofice CFR 67) has been requested Other State agency [I previously listed in the National Register Cl Federal agency [I previously determined eligible by the National Local government Register University [I designated a National Historic Landmark Other [I recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey Name of repository: # Virginia Department of His-urces 17 recorded by Historic American Engineering 221 Governor St., Richmond, VA 23219 EIaMrd Y Burrland Farm Historic District Fauquier County.. - VA Name oi Pmpeny County and State 10. Geographical Data 458 Acreage of Property UTM References (Place additional UTM references on a continuation sheet.) 3LLB/ I~/~II!~~II~/47/1414~5 Q Zone East~ng Nonhlng Zone N nhln fj ? 3,9, 2, ,11181 12 16 ,2 p ,2 ,o ) 14 ,3 11 ,5 13 ,1 ,o 1 4/18) prl , See contlnuatlon sheet Verbal Boundary Description * (Describe the boundaries of the property on a cantlnuatlon sheet.) Boundary Justification (Explan why the boundanes were selened on a conllnuatlon sheet.) 11. Fom Prepared By nameltitle Janet G. Murphy, Principal organization Janet G. Murphy & Associates, Inc. date January 1997 2823 East Braod Street street & number telephone (804) 648-8507 city or town Richmond. -'' state V A zip code 23223 Addltional Documentation Submlt. the iollomng rtem wlth the completed form: Continuation Sheeta A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. I Additional items (Check whh the SHPO or FPO lor MY edWnnl item) Property Owner (Complete this item at the quasf 01 SHPO or FPO.) name Mrs. James P. Mills, Sr. street & number Hickory Tree Farm, P. -0. Box 125 telephone (540) 681- h7nq city or town Middleburp state VA zip code 37117 P.p- R.ductlon *el This information is Mng colMfor applications to the ~ationnlRegister of ~idoricPlaces to nominate pmpmn br llsling or damin elWUi~for listing, to Ila prapmb. Md to amend existing listings, ~espanseto thia request is required to omin a in .ccordum *im the N~UOIUI Hiamtic Pmarwbn M. u mended (16 V.S.C. 470 et q). EdhUW Burdn ShtmNnt F%bllc npodng burden for lhb thir ia issdlmarsd to awmge 18.1 hwn per rsapo~.including tlme for reviswing inmnimr.~ud~daOand~ng.ndnvi.wingth.fonn.Dlmo~mnmtl~mbwd.n~aany~ Of lhb thir I0 th. chkf. MlnhWWW SWVIWa Mvbion. Ndiaul Puk &Wh. P.O. Bm 37127, WuMngmn. DC 20013-712Z and Ih8 Omca of M- M- md Bud* Pg.nvak ReduQions P@MS(lM*0018), WUhlWUl, DC 20503. NPS Form 10-900-3 OM0 No. 1024-0018 18-86] United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 1 Page 1 Burrland Farm Historic District Fauquier County, Virginia -------............................................................................... with 28 stalls, a one-eighth-mile indoor training track, a Tuscan-columned central entrance with a gabled portico, an octagonal cupola, and Venetian windows on the gable ends. Its imposing size and location on a knoll overlooking the, racetrack makes it especially impressive. The contributing structures include a silo, a springhouse, three loading chutes, two teasing chutes, two rings, three run-in sheds, one sun hut and an entrance gate. The handsome springhouse stands next to the site of a water tower that has since been removed. Internal water systems were important features of fann complexes and Burrland was renowned for its 75-gallon-a-minute well and exceptional fire fighting capacity. The one contributing object is a decorative, cast-iron water pump by R.
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