АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК АВИАЦИИ И ВОЗДУХОПЛАВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ КОСМОНАВТИКИ ИМ. К.Э.ЦИОЛКОВСКОГО RUSSIAN ASTRONAUTICS ACADEMY OF K.E.TSIOLKOVSKY'S NAME ACADEMY OF AVIATION AND AERONAUTICS SCIENCES СССР 7 195 ISSN 1727-6853 12.04.1961 АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ АВИАЦИОННЫХ И АЭРОКОСМИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ процессы, модели, эксперимент 1(42), т.21, 2016 RUSSIAN-AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS processes, models, experiment УРНАЛ 1(42), v.21, 2016 УЧНЫЙ Ж О-АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ НА ОССИЙСК Р Казань Daytona Beach А К Т УА Л Ь Н Ы Е П Р О Б Л Е М Ы А В И А Ц И О Н Н Ы Х И А Э Р О К О С М И Ч Е С К И Х С И С Т Е М Казань, Дайтона Бич Вып. 1 (42), том 21, 1-210, 2016 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ CONTENTS С.К.Крикалёв, О.А.Сапрыкин 1 S.K.Krikalev, O.A.Saprykin Пилотируемые Лунные миссии: Manned Moon missions: problems and задачи и перспективы prospects В.Е.Бугров 28 V.E.Bugrov О государственном управлении About government management of программами пилотируемых manned space flights programs космических полетов (критический (critical analysis of problems in анализ проблем отечественной Russian astronautics of the past and космонавтики прошлого и present) настоящего) А.В.Даниленко, К.С.Ёлкин, 90 A.V.Danilenko, K.S.Elkin, С.Ц.Лягушина S.C.Lyagushina Проект программы развития в Project of Russian program on России перспективной космической technology development of prospective технологии – космических тросовых space tethers applications систем Г.Р.Успенский 102 G.R.Uspenskii Прогнозирование космической Forecasting of space activity on деятельности по пилотируемой manned astronautics космонавтике А.В.Шевяков 114 A.V.Shevyakov Математические методы обработки Mathematical methods of images изображений в аэрокосмических processing in aerospace information информационных системах systems Р.С.Зарипов 140 R.S.Zaripov Роль и место военно-транспортных Russian native military transport самолетов в истории авиации aircrafts: history and experience of life России, опыт их боевого применения (part II) (ч. II) В.И.Бабкин, А.И.Ланшин 169 V.Babkin, A.Lanshin ЦИАМ и российское CIAM and Russian engine building двигателестроение (краткий обзор) (brief survey) НАУЧНО-ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ РАЗДЕЛ SCIENTIFIC-INFORMATION SECTION 20 лет тому назад 20 years ago А.Г.Братухин, В.И.Бабкин 189 А.G.Bratukhin, V.I.Babkin Перспективы развития гражданской Prospects for development of Russian авиационной техники России в civil aviation in market conditions рыночных условиях А.Д.Урсул 200 А.D.Ursul Освоение космоса в стратегии Space exploration in sustainable устойчивого развития development strategy A C T U A L P R O B L E M S O F A V I A T I O N A N D A E R O S P A C E S Y S T E M S Kazan, Daytona Beach No.1 (42), volume 21, 1-210, 2016 A C T U A L P R O B L E M S O F AV I A T I O N A N D A E R O S P A C E S Y S T E M S Kazan-Daytona Beach HONORARY EDITORS EDITORIAL BOARD V.M.Matrosov, RAS Academician I.F.Obraztsov, RAS Academician G.L.Degtyarev, HONORARY EDITOR;Ex-President of KNRTU-KAI, RUSSIA S.M.Sliwa, HONORARY EDITOR;Ex-President of ERAU, USA M.D.Ardema, Santa Clara University, California, USA V.Canuto, NASA, GISS, New York, USA Yu.F.Gortyshov, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA A.N.Kirilin, «CSDB - Progress», Samara, RUSSIA V.V.Kovalyonok, USSR Pilot-Cosmonaut, Cosmonautics Federation of Russia, RUSSIA V.A.Menshikov, RAATs, Moscow, RUSSIA A.Miele, Rice University, Houston, USA S.V.Mikheyev, Kamov Company, Moscow, RUSSIA D.T.Mook, VPISU, Blacksburg, USA G.V.Novozhilov, Ilyshin Aviation Complex, Moscow, RUSSIA J.Olivero, ERAU, Daytona Beach, USA M.Ostoja-Starzewski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA V.F.Pavlenko, Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics Sciences, Moscow, RUSSIA V.I.Panchenko, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA V.G.Peshekhonov, Concern “CSRI Electropribor”, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA G.G.Raikunov, URSC, Moscow, RUSSIA V.A.Samsonov, Lomonosov MSU, Institute of Mechanics, Moscow, RUSSIA Chr.Sharp, FAA, Washington, USA S.Sivasundaram, ERAU, Daytona Beach, USA A.N.Tikhonov, State Inst.of Inform.Technol. and Telecomm., Moscow, RUSSIA P.J.Werbos, National Science Foundation, Arlington, USA R.M.Yusupov, SPII RAS, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA O.A.Dushina (Assistant of Editor, translation), KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA EDITORS-EXPERTS I.M.Blankson, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA A.S.Boreisho, ILTT, BSTU, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA I.B.Fedorov, Bauman MSTU, Moscow, RUSSIA A.N.Geraschenko, MAI (NRU), Moscow, RUSSIA V.M.Khailov, CIAM, Moscow, RUSSIA R.Mankbadi, ERAU, Daytona Beach, USA A.M.Matveenko, MAI (NRU), Moscow, RUSSIA B.G.Mingazov, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA R.E.Skelton, AMES, California, USA Ye.I. Somov, IFAC Technical Committee on Aerospace, Samara, RUSSIA R.F.Walter, Schafer Corporation, Albuquerque, USA V.Ph.Zhuravlev, IPM, RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA EDITORS O.N.Favorskiy, CIAM, Moscow, RUSSIA L.K.Kuzmina, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA FIRST EDITOR of JOURNAL - Vladimir Anatolyevich Kuzmin Main goals of this Journal - to inform the specialists of appropriate fields about recent state in theory and applications; about global problems, and actual directions; to promote close working contacts between scientists of various Universities and Schools; between theorists and application oriented scientists; to mathematize the methods in solving of problems, generated by engineering practice; to unite the efforts, to synthesize the methods in different areas of science and education... In Journal the articles and reviews; the discussions communications; engineering notices, the statements and solutions of problems in all areas of aviation and aerospace systems are published (including new results, methods, approaches, hypothesizes, experimental researches,...). Authors of theoretical works have to show the possible areas of applications in engineering practice. The languages of publications are RUSSIAN, ENGLISH. Edition is carried out in the co-operation with MAI - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), with Moscow State Technical University of N.E.Bauman’s name, with Cosmonautics Federation of Russia 2016 Kazan National Research Technical University of A.N.Tupolev’s name (KAI) 2016 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) 2016 Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics Sciences 2016 Russian Astronautics Academy of K.E.Tsiolkovsky's name ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Kazan Daytona Beach “…we value cooperation with Russia… If to be, it is necessary to be the First since in Russia it is World Sharpest Engineers,…”, V.P.Chkalov Josef Byden, Vice President, USA, (2011). From International Editorial Board Jubilee thematic issue To the 55-th Anniversary of Yu.A.Gagarin space flight To the 55-th AnniversaryК 55-летию of полета S.P.Korolev Ю.А.Гагарина Interplanetary program and his Martian project К 55-летию межпланетной программы С.П.Королева International scientific Journalи его “ActualМарсианского problems ofпроекта aviation and aerospace systems” (“APAAS”) celebrates 20-Anniversary. New thematic issue of the “APAAS”, no.1(42), vol.21, 2016, is another special issue devoted to the greatest events of the history of Mankind associated with Aviation and Cosmonautics, with the beginning of Space exploration Era. This Era is associated with distinguishing achievements in space exploration, implemented on the basis of fundamental science and thought-out engineering practice: from the first, Soviet, Earth satellite (4 October 1957) – to the first Man on space orbit (Yu.A.Gagarin, 12 April 1961), to the first-- ever Spacewalk of Man ( A.A.Leonov, March 1965), to the satellite constellations and International space stations, to the space flights and lunar landing, to the interplanetary missions… Great Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was the founder of the Epoch of Space exploration, with profound development of all the areas of basic and applied astronautics. Scientific theories and approaches that became a basis for the first space calculations, theoretical and applied researches, including the problems of dynamics of ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Kazan Daytona Beach celestial bodies and artificial satellites and engineering problems of space flights, are associated with the names of outstanding specialists in mechanics and mathematics, with Russian scientific and design Schools, which have been recognized all over the world. They are the Academicians: Leonard Euler; Alexander Mikhailovich Lyapunov, founder of the motion stability theory; Nikolay Guryevich Chetaev, who interpreted A.M.Lyapunov’s concepts and theory to the whole scientific and engineering world, who founded Kazan Chetaev’s School of stability and Kazan Aviation Institute (A.N.Tupolev KAI-KNRTU); Sergey Pavlovich Korolev, Chief Designer of rocketry; Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh, scientific supervisor of the USSR Space Program, theorist in astronautics – a brilliant specialist in mechanics and mathematics… This was an Event of paramount importance for the history of Mankind that logically resulted from the efforts of the USSR people, who had managed to join the achievements of basic and applied science, engineering, socio-political system. Contribution to that notable breakthrough, the projects and creativity of the outstanding scientists and designers of that time – M.K.Tikhonravov, V.P.Barmin, M.S.Ryazansky, G.Ye.Lozino-Lozinsky, V.P.Glushko, V.N.Chelomey, M.K.Yangel, V.F.Utkin, G.N.Babakin,V.P.Makeev, M.P.Simonov,.… … – are the subject of special scientific research. It was the fundamental higher Engineering Education, powerful scientific Schools, lofty ideas, boundless
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