G4G13 Exchange Book Legacy, Puzzles, & Science Atlanta, Georgia APRIL 11 - APRIL 15, 2018 VOLUME 2 G4G13 Exchange Book VOLUME 2 The Gift Exchange is an integral part of the Gathering 4 Gardner biennial conferences. Gathering participants exchange gifts, papers, puzzles and other interesting artifacts. This book contains gift exchange papers from the conference held in Atlanta, Georgia from Wednesday, April 11th through Sunday, April 15th, 2018. It combines all of the papers offered as exchange gifts in two volumes. Copyright © 2018 by Gathering 4 Gardner, Inc. All rights reserved. This book is a compilation of original material and contributers retain their rights. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database system, without the prior written permission of the author. Table of Contents | VOLUME 2 LEGACY 13 Parallels between Martin Gardner and Stan Freberg | John Edward Miller 7 Martin Gardner: Annotator | Dana S. Richards 14 The Animal Hunter through My Life | Thomas Charles Smith 20 PUZZLES Shape Shikaku Puzzles | Walker Anderson 23 Development of the Loyd Polyominoes Puzzle | Donald Atkinson Bell 26 One Puzzle | Colin Beveridge 33 Martin Gardner Puzzles-Games | Stephen Bloom, Lacey Echols, Jeremiah Farrell & Shannon Lieb 37 New Old School (NOS) Burrs | Frans de Vreugd 50 2,664 Coin-Sliding Font Puzzles | Erik D. Demaine & Martin L. Demaine 58 Lucky 13 | Michael D. Dowle 64 Some Paper Puzzles | Yossi Elran 82 Euler Entertainments | Jeremiah & Karen Farrell 87 A Gathering for Gardner Puzzle-Game | Jeremiah Farrell & Chris Morgan 101 Balance Puzzles - You Either Love Them or Curse Them | Rik van Grol 103 Five Problems | Emrehan Halici 110 From Untouchable 11 to Hazmat Cargo | Carl N. Hoff 111 The Dezign-8 Puzzle | Lyman Porter Hurd 119 Four Logical Deduction Problems from Famous Motion Pictures | P. Justin Kalef 129 Crypto Word Search | Tanya Khovanova 134 Two Tiling Problems | Anany Levitin 135 Symmetrix Puzzles | Andy Liu 137 G4G13 Latin Square Puzzles | David Nacin 141 Knight Mazes | Michael Edward Naylor 148 Sudoku Ripeto and Custom Sudoku Sampler | Miguel Palomo 152 Table of Contents (cont.) The Ambidextrous Puzzle | Henri Picciotto 160 Alice in Wonderland | Emmanuelle Malte Salvatore, Todd Wilk Estroff, & Jeremiah Farrell 161 Edgy Puzzles | Karl Schaffer 164 Marjorie Rice’s “Versatile” | Doris Schattschneider 172 Packing Polyominoes into a 3-By-N Box is as Hard as It Gets | Tom van der Zanden 174 Puzzles that Solve Themselves | Peter Winkler 181 SCIENCE Sketching a Projectile On a Ramp | Antonick, Gary 186 The Dynamics of Spinning Polyominoes | George I. Bell 192 Introducing the PiTop | Kenneth Brecher 197 What the Liar Taught Achilles | Gary Mar 202 List of Authors 223 LEGACY LEGACY | 6 ! " !"# $ % # $ %& & ' ( '() *$ + ,-%+ $& ')(. / 0 11 , - & / &,% & $ . & ,- 2 $ %&,)*' + ), --(3-4- $5 & % '() -(3-4 /. 65 %. & .. $& , 22 ,4 &$ 7 # 2) ' 8& 9+ 8& 9 % $% " % + 8&# %$$ . 2 . $ & $ $ 5 $ 3 # . 6 5&, &$ $&2 &/ % .+ 8& -(3-4 # . 53 : # . 2 %&. 4&# . /000( !. 1,;, # . $ , 3 #++ ,2(<9 6$ 2$ $ .9 /$ , /$ / $ / /8 ==, 5 "2 $ $ ,+" -(3-47 # 5= & " LEGACY | 7 >$ ? @. 1 % # @2 %A /)/)/77')( !" 8.8"*- , 3 % % , ,+"3 ..$ &, 5 , 2 #$ % & '( + . % $ , %% % . & 2 > @1 33# 3 . %% $ '% +% ) 33# " $ . " $, %2 , 5, . , 5 + 5 & % , &%$ 5& )#*+*, 5 # < 5 # /B % C 1 $ !&.'&( 24&( 2.;& ,. D7)E1)) 2$ & &% . 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