Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe Studien des Georg-Eckert-Instituts zur internationalen Bildungsmedienforschung Band 147 Herausgegeben vonEckhardt Fuchs Redaktion WendyAnne Kopisch unter Mitarbeit vonNiamh Burns Die Reihe ist referiert. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Konrad Jarausch (Chapel Hill/Berlin) Heidemarie Kemnitz (Braunschweig) Frank-Olaf Radtke(Frankfurt) Manfred Rolfes (Potsdam) Peter Vorderer (Mannheim) Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 Claudia Lichnofsky /Enriketa Pandelejmoni / DarkoStojanov(eds.) Myths and Mythical Spaces Conditions and Challenges for HistoryTextbooks in Albania and South-EasternEurope With 11 figures V&Runipress Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 Funded by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet þber http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. ISSN 2198-6320 ISBN 978-3-7370-0811-2 Weitere Ausgaben und Online-Angebote sind erhÐltlich unter: www.v-r.de 2018, V&R unipress GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Breite 6, D-37079 Gçttingen / www.v-r.de Dieses Werk ist als Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der Creative-Commons-Lizenz BY International 4.0 (¹Namensnennungª) unter dem DOI 10.14220/9783737008112 abzurufen. Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu sehen, besuchen Sie https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Jede Verwertung in anderen als den durch diese Lizenz zugelassenen FÐllen bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Verlages. Titelbild: Ralf Kasper Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 Inhalt Foreword ................................... 7 Claudia Lichnofsky /Enriketa Pandelejmoni /DarkoStojanov Introduction:Textbooks and Teaching of Albania in South-Eastern Europe ..................................... 9 Part I: History,Myth and Ideological Spaces Durim Abdullahu Myths in Kosovar Textbooks:Historyinthe Service of Identity Construction ................................. 33 Denis Vuka Portrayals of the National Resistanceduring the Second World Warin HistoryTextbooks:ACritical Layout Analysis ............... 57 DarkoStojanov /Jovan Bliznakovski Between History and Politics:Understanding Antiquitas Myths in Macedonian History Textbooks ....................... 77 Fabio Bego The Vlora Conflict from aTrans-Adriatic Perspective:History, Myth and Ideology.................................... 97 Enriketa Pandelejmoni Myth of aLeader:Enver Hoxha’s Role during the Second World Warin ContemporaryAlbanian HistoryTextbooks ................137 Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 6 Inhalt Enis Sulstarova Examiningthe Meanings and Uses of ‘Civilization’ in Albanian History Textbooks ...................................151 Gentiana Kera The National Liberation MovementinAlbanian History Textbooks of the Socialist Era ..................................173 Part II:‘Othering’ in Textbooks from Albania and Macedonia Konstantinos Giakoumis /Ilir Kalemaj Fortifying the Nation:The Image of the Greeks in Albanian History Textbooks (1945–1990) ............................195 Aleksandar Pavlovic´ /AleksandraIlic´ Rajkovic´ ‘Fierce Warriors’ or ‘Bloodthirsty Savages’: Albanians in Serbian Textbooks (1882–1941) ............................225 Violeta Petroska-Beshka /Nikolina Kenig Ethnocentric HistoryTextbooks in aMultiethnic Society: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia ............................237 Irena Stefoska Constructing the Image of the ‘Threatening Neighbour’ in Macedonian HistoryTextbooks ..............................249 Petar Todorov Representations of Ethnic Albanians in Macedonian HistoryTextbooks from 1970 untilthe Present Day.......................257 About the Authors ..............................271 Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 Foreword This peer-reviewed edited volume focuses on textbookresearch pertaining specifically to the Albanian-speaking regions of South-Eastern Europe, asubject somewhat neglected by educational media research in the SEE region untilnow, which hastendedtofocus on the countries of former Yugoslavia. This book is the first to maketextbooks written in the Albanian languageits primaryfocus, and thus fills asignificantgap in textbook research in the SEE region. Itherefore congratulate the editors, Claudia Lichnofsky,Enriketa Pandelejmoni and Darko Stojanov, and thank them for their expertise and collaboration over the years. The idea for this volume emerged in the context of the project History Text- books and Teaching in AlbanianLanguage Areas,carried out at the Georg Eckert Institute for International TextbookResearch in Brunswick, Germany, between 2013 and 2015, and funded by the Federal ForeignOffice of Germany. The project soughttoexamine and advance the status of research on textbooks from Albania, Kosovo,Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Conferences on educational media research, seminars for textbookauthors and workshops for teacherswere held everyyear of the project, and fellowships for research stays at the institutewith its unique textbooklibrarywere awarded to several scholars and textbookau- thors in supportoftheir work on textbooks written in Albanian and neigh- bouringSouth-Slaviclanguages.1 The projectand its events brought together scholars, historyteachers and textbookauthors working in the region, partic- ularly three conferences convened in Prishtina (2013), Tirana (2014) and Skopje (2015), on the subjectofmyths in textbooks of South-Eastern Europe. Here, the visual representations, national histories, ethnic conflictsand historical termi- nologytobefound in historytextbooks of the region were analyzed and dis- cussed in avarietyofpresentations and panels. Manyindividuals and institutions contributed to the success of the project. 1For further information on this project, see https://albanianlanguagetextbooks.wordpress. com/ and http://www.gei.de/en/departments/textbooks-and-society/history-textbooks-and- teaching-in-albanian-language-areas.html. Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 8 Foreword First and foremost Ithank Claudia Lichnofsky for her coordination of the project at the GEI, and her assistants ChristineChiriac and Elvir Becirovic. We are grateful for the cooperation of manyinstitutions in the SEE region, particularly to Skender Asani from the Institute for the Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Albanians, Skopje, Bujar Dugolli from the UniversityofPrishtina, Valentina Duka from the University of Tirana, and DragiGjorgiev from the Institute of National HistoryinSkopje. Ialso extend my appreciation to our network of historyteachers, academicsand textbookauthors, which has grownand flour- ished thankstoJonathan Even-Zohar and Dieter Nehring. This edited volume hasalso come to life thanks to the hardwork of many. The sincere thanksofthe editors and myself go to all contributors for their unique perspectivesand insights. On behalf of the editors and contributors, Ialso thank the two anonymous reviewers for their invaluable advice and detailed, con- structivecriticism,and Marcus Otto for his supportand advice. Sincere thanks are duetoour proofreaders at the GEI, NicolaWatson and Kate Ebisch-Burton, for their patience and diligence, to Niamh Burnsfor her sensitiveand intelligent editing,and to Wendy Anne Kopisch for her editorial coordination. EckhardtFuchs Director,Georg EckertInstitute for International TextbookResearch, Brunswick, Germany, September 2017 Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY 4.0 © 2017, V&R unipress GmbH, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783847108115 – ISBN E-Lib: 9783737008112 Claudia Lichnofsky /Enriketa Pandelejmoni /DarkoStojanov Introduction:Textbooks and TeachingofAlbania in South-Eastern Europe Textbookresearch is no longer anew field of study and has made its mark in South-Eastern Europe particularly in the course of education reformsincethe breakup of Yugoslaviain1992. Untilnow,however,studies have tended to marginalise textbooks and educational media written in the Albanian language. While several volumes and articles have been published on textbooks in South- EasternEurope since the 1990s,1 Albanian textbooks hardly featureinthese writings. This volume therefore seeks to fill this research gap by focusing on textbooks written in the Albanian language and neighbouring South-Slavic languages and of significance for Albanians and Albanian speakers. Whattextbooks teach is always of political interest:‘they provide akey throughwhich national and citizenship identities are projected and constructed vis à visawider world’.2 When analysingtextbooks, we learnwhat generations of learners will read about their ownpasts and about the historyofothers. A textbookrepresents asociety’s intentions for its next generation. Twofactors are vital for understanding
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