THE SUN, THURSDAY, OCTOlifcR ' 18, 1917. r In I 'l?yl-JL.,......,..- . room and tho dining room are fea- 'Tlomanee and Arabella" that kept It New Amsterdam Theatre next Monday, but Tail" reaches Its fiftieth performance with AMCSItStENTS. j - JIM'S ART tures of note. NEW as a whole from 4he success some (II Mill remain true to "l,eavo It to Jan ln Claire still ona of Mr. Ilela.co'. chief DIAMOND RITER PLAY that J effects- - The play haa been o The banquet InWe In the dining room of Its frankly deserved. In gen-- , deeeratlt howa fecnei .a t Lona.n aucceeatul that even editors have been the tablo ncrvlco of silver and the eral way tho play was not unlike tho nt"TR,1the end of Its run at Itaytnond Hitch. unable to get .eat.. ;:f tmprensivc candelabra and centrepiece HtUo girl with tho curl about tho mid-- 1 cock's Korlv fourth street Theatre next A kind hearted Lady Bountiful on Fifth ALSO DAZZLES EYE of diver. There are numcrouH other OPENS AT HARRIS die of her forehead. When Its quality April, Mr. Hitchcock not being afraid ef aenue. noticing the careworn expression is likely to he. hna lately en Hippodrome elephants, who hate "Eve's Daughter table service, In Iturelan Kilt. In rock was goou was very gomi. When on , Herman bomb., even though the crystal it ,,,, ,j gnllni, references to th Kalaer In been sacrificing their lel.ure the past week and porcelain, Tho tnblo laces the other hand. It was not good It went pui,nr. to boo.tlng the ale of Liberty bond., yes- Delight. are a In of be an Adam's collection lheineclve!. quite as far In the other direction as Though ye.terday nag not a national terday offered to blow them to a bushel -- Mel oW. Crystals, Faieucc, Bich Although the pprnunal Jewelry was that tittle girl's behavior. Then Mr. holiday, It was .Ignsllied by the arrjal peanuts. George Power., their careful jlrail.v's privately gold, ex- "Jlomanco and Arabella" Dis- - trainer, who had read a recent magazine there remain In the Hurlbut In what he called his "whim- 5a;;VeBV'.tn'he by Hbout an elephant hibition a fromldable and Intereotlng hnu,'t T&7SVul: atory Irvln Cobb Dnmnsks nnu Carvings plays Fein- - slcal comedy" too often borrowed the .lart a progrsmmo of playlet, hn ate too many peanut., had a tummy Kroup of valuable Jewel.", which Includes Amours of a expedients of farce In Its most undiluted .lumlng what Wisconsin lis. dons to help achn and went on the rampage, suggested necklace of pearl, brooches, cravat form. Ho after nil. In snlte of the nov- -i the drums nhereter It la going. another kind of breakfa.t rood, and now RovpI In Splendor. Hippodrome busy refrigerating ten pin, cuff links and gold mc.sh banc The inine Anatol. eltv of the theme, which was ncrhntis . at tho llfla.co Theatre the the I. canny I hoy sent Reneroui Mrady, It Is recorded, nccr Its most striking merit, tho new play lald's production of "Polly with tons of them allowed any suet to depart from hi was not distinctly different from so houe without gift qual- IVOKIKS FROM ORIENT a of auustantlal LOVE IS HER many of the shallow nnd Immature ity, ThesM objects of price wcro nouxc-nlr- a HOBBY pieces which so Inexplicably find their Intended for hla frtend.. way to the stage In these busy days. Mr. llrady' devotion to the theatre In nnrt Jewels Artd to well known, and nmonK the many evi- Comqtly Scene Work of Kxccllrnt Contpsnj. Bronzes dences of It In In am- Laid In West- the collection an way one bitious portraits-o- f Mr. Tiller had In more than Display at American Art rerlci of famous ac- chester, oppor- tresses painted In miniature on Ivory. Where Sentiment given the play a distinguished Association. Among tho sitters were Lillian Ituraell. tunity to succeed. The Harris Theatre Kleanor Kobn.ni. Ethel narrymore. Runs Its Course. had been provided with an excellent Maude Adams, Lillian Lnratnc and the orchestra and Mlllott Schcnck conducted Tiffany Co. Dolly Sister?. n delightful sprograinmo of music, which & even opened overture to Hf must be callous Indeed ho will There Is nlao a Bold theatre pass, with tho "The struck dumb, nt, least for a few which permitted Mr. llrady Ms "Ilomance and Arabella" At Marriage of Figaro." The three not b" and the were uncommonly appropriate and In tr.lnutes. by the "Diamond Jim" llrady friends to enter all of the Klaw & er llsrris Theatre. gal-kri- the two possible cases tasteful. Tho act- ,rt collection now on view In the theatres. Geoffrey .Tones .....Harry Ashford of the American Art Association Arabella ing was Just as much to be admired. Carienhouse.Laura Hope Cres Laura Hope never looked prettier on Madleon Square South, and to be sold l.inma Wayne Crews "WEDDINGS. Alice Putnam and her variations on the perpetual obses- Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks there at auction, beginning October 21. Slles Effle Duecn..Allce Aurarde Butler wonders of the late Mr. Brady' William sion of her lovers were skilfully and Tr.e Pennington Felix Krembj charmingly Indicated. Frank Connor utraordlnary establishment have been A, Mld.. newspapers, KNOLHOFF SCHAEFER. Kthel Cameron gave an entertaining sketch of tho ac- - rjlfbratcd already In the Harry Altorldge Frank Connor Watches. China, Stationery the various Queens of Sheba and Mr.. O'Lnnnlgan presslve lover and among others Alfred t.i Jennie Lamont Lvnt as poet Greenwich Village And her Playhouse Company sosslblv Broadway, who wltl now visit Bride Wears Veil tier Mother Had .Mrs. Oreen. a neighbor, the of will feci that the half has was most laughable. William William1, the exhibition Worn When Marrleil. Virginia Chauvenet acted well the boyish aspirant nnd the in wt been told them. This, too, In spite C.aude Cits brook Alfred Miss 1 l.unt long list of parts Including Fritz Krembs f f me Anna A. Schacfer, daughter of i eter Harper If the net thai imous aiamona I -- . William William. Mr ..u,lrl trm ' , 1. as the successful suitor were admirably Mr! sluJs. diamond sleeve links, dla ... .ituiiiu was l.rnest M.aon Henry Warwick shoe and other persoml married to Arthur C. Knolhoff of Kabt played. mend buttons Orange, N. EVE'S DAUGHTER not Included In auct- J., yesterday afternoon In adornment are the St. Joseph ion, havlnc already been sold en bloc James's Lutheran Church bv the niter produced at the Harris NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. By Alicia Ramacy pastor, tho Jlev. Dr. rtcmcn-snyde- r. at private cale. Julius Theatre last night a new play by Will- - umazlng furnishings of The bride wore "a gown .of AMt'SF.MKNT". But all the white satin made mm Hurlbut which suggested in a wav Arrangements have been completed AMl'ftEMKNTD. The Verdict: the llrady home are on view rryatals, with a court train .... - t and her veil of point lace been Schnltzler's cycle of the amours .Ann- - for tho marriage ofMIss Cornelia Dcllte ni. had worn of AMERICA'S FOREMOST THEATRE ANH HITS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF "Interesting and amusing throughout actingde-fie- s S V d'oei in nnr d.rccUon In .y of a for. But' thero was a difference. It Woolley, daughter of Mrs. Cornell sai o. x i.r.t: siii hckt, ixc. Mere mortal mis a woman who Woolley, to Huyler Acheeon In delightful, for Miss .gjllcrle. is dallng. sn'!?"',. V lrc,1,er ' J!?hl enjoyed the pleasure John the Theatre. 3th n'way. Es.X:25. criticism Miss George as n ! humbled In the nresenco of euch V Miss WINTER GARDEN "pAYi'Sr"" IsHSlPIU 2.1. M"? of romanco In chapel St. (Jcorgc's Stuy-- 1 MatlnrnsWcd.APat.2 guerlle It. Schaefer, of tho the fullest senso of the of Church, s George's them." Alan Dak. rplrndor. Words to describe It are futile. sister bride. TO-NIG- HammeraUto Mmleti Fares gowns, go and see 1 erdlnaml W. Knolhoff was word In the American comedy was ' vcsanl Square, next Thursday at noon. AT 8 SHARP. Art"' Bat good art Ilk good wine needs no his brother's She beat man, and tho ushers were Jean C. oy name Miss Woolley will lutvo Miss Marguerite descriptive embellishment. Tho chances ylrabeflo, and the three acts ; FURS FRILLS George's role calculated to display Caldwell, Samuel D. Hollls, John C. 11. St-- George Smith as her only attendant DOING OUR BIT & "Miss was Mr. Hrady's collection will be devoted to the dlvulgcnce sejitl-ment- World. are that Orth, Daniel It. Robert, Christopher D. of her and Howard Archibald Acheson will be "A Beal Casino lilt." Kt. of : the chances altogether her abilities to advantage, from the assumption Itobert and Frederick K. Mohr. tergiversations were laid In his brother's best man. The ushers wltl W.of n'trav. Tct.M llryant. are It will be much talked about HU M raaihslil '"h . that A reception followed at the home of Westchester stage society has this year be William Plcken, Jr., C. Fay Mackcy, Ml IM Mil K.vs.S-20- Mla.Tnes. Hat. 2:20. sparkling and humorous girlishncss to the expres- and Inspected. HIM the bride's parents, 8 Kast Highly-secon- d Kd.on P. Pfohl and Acheson Smith, a MM. OF AM. HTAHH. SEASON'S COMEDY SUCCESS. deserted Long Island for that nearDy sion of deep and repressed feeling." -- Louii DcFet. World. street When they return from cousin of tho bridegroom.
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