Resolutions adopted on reports of the Third Committee 43 D G 6. Calls u.ron the Economic and Social Council to 9. ( ·alls upun the Economic and Social Council to request the Commission on Human Rights tC? study request the Commission on Human Rights to report ways and means which would ensure the nght of to the Economic and Social Council at its thirteenth peoples and nations to self-determination, and to pre­ ~ession concerning the above matters; pare recommendations for consideration by the Gen­ eral Assembly at its sixth session; H 10. Requests the Secretary-General to invite Mem­ E ber States to submit, by 15 February 1951, their views concerning the draft Covenant as revised by Whereas the Covenant should be drawn up in the the Commission 011 Human Rights at its sixth ses­ spirit and based on the principles of the Universal sion, in order that the Commission may have such Declaration of Human Rights, views before it during its further consideration of the Whereas the Universal Declaration regards man draft Covenant at its seventh session. as a person, to whom civic and political freedoms as 317th plenary meeting, well as economic, social and cultural rights indu­ 4 December 1950. bitably belong, Whereas the enjoyment of civic and political free­ 422 (V). Territorial application of the Inter­ doms and of economic, social and cultural rights are national Covenant on Human Rights interconnected and interdependent, The General Assembly Whereas, when deprived of economic, social and Requests the Commission on Human Rights to in­ cultural rights, man does not represent the human clude the following article in the International Cove­ person whom the Universal Declaration regards as nant on Human Rights: the ideal of the free man, "Article ..... 7. (a) Decides to include in the Covenant on Hu­ man Rights economic, social and cultural rights and ''The provisions of the present Covenant shall an explicit recognition of equality of men and women extem1 to or be applicable equally to a signatory in related rights, as set forth in the Charter of the metropolitan State and to all the territories, be they United Nations; Non-Self-Governing, Trust or Colonial Territories, ( b) Calls upon the Economic and Social Council which are being administered or governed by such to request the Commission on Human Rights, in ac­ metropolitan State'". cordance with the spirit of the Universal Declaration, 317th plenary meeting, to include in the draft Covenant a clear expression 4 December 1950. of economic, social and cultural rights in a manner which relates them to the civic and political freedoms proclaimed by the draft Covenant ; 423 (V). Human Rights Day ( c) Calls upon the Economic and Social Council The (;eneral Assembly, to request the Commission on Human Rights to take Considering that on 10 December 1948 the General s~ch steps as are necessary to obtain the co-opera­ Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of t10n of other organs of the United Nations and of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement the specialized agencies in the consideration of such for all peoples and all nations, rights; Considering that the Declaration marks a distinct (d) Requests the Economic and Social Council to forward step in the march of human progress, consider,. at_ its twelft~ session, the methods by which Considering that the anniversary of this event should the s~ec!ahzed agencies might co-operate with the be appropriately celebrated in all countries as part of Comm1ss10~ on Human Rights with regard to eco­ nomic, soCial and cultural rights; a common effort to bring the Declaration to the attention of the peoples of the world, Expressing its appreciation to all those countries F Members or non-members of the United Nations which 8. Calls upon the Economic and Social Council to have already celebrated thi~ anniversary, re9uest the Co!11mis~ion on Human Rights to proceed 1. Invites all States and interested organizations to ~1th the cons1derat1on of provisions, to be inserted adopt 10 December of each year as Human Rights Day, m the ~raft Covenan~ or_ in separate protocols, for to observe this day to celebrate the proclamation of the t~e receipt and exammat10n of petitions from indi­ Universal Declar-ition of Human Rights by the General v~dua!s and organizations with respect to alleged Assembly on 10 .uecember 1948, and to exert increasing Vt?lati~:ms_ of the Covenant ; and to take into consider­ efforts in this field of human progress. at1tm. m its stud!es of questions relating to petitions 2. Invites all States to report annually through the and tmplementation the proposals presented by Chile Secretary-General concerning the observance of Human (A/C.3/L.81), Ethiopia and France (A/C.3/L.78), Rights Day. Israel (A/C.3/L.91/Rev.1) and Uruguay (A/C.3/ 317th plenary meeting, L.93); 4 December 1950. .
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