AN ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE LAMIACEAE OF ALBERTA Compiled and writen by Linda Kershaw & Lorna Allen April 2019 © Linda J. Kershaw & Lorna Allen This key was compiled using informaton primarily from Moss (1983), Douglas et. al. (1999) and the Flora North America Associaton (2008). Taxonomy follows VASCAN (Brouillet, 2018). The main references are listed at the end of the key. Please let us know if there are ways in which the keys can be improved. The 2015 S-ranks of rare species (S1; S1S2; S2; S2S3; SH; SU, according to ACIMS, 2015) are noted in superscript (S1;S2;SU) afer the species names. For more details go to the ACIMS web site. Similarly, exotc species are followed by a superscript X, XX if noxious and XXX if prohibited noxious (X; XX; XXX) according to the Alberta Weed Control Act (2016). LAMIACEAE [Labiatae] Mint Family Key to Genera 01a Flowers single in opposite leaf axils, mostly appearing as pairs along the stem, 12-20 mm long; calyxes 2-lobed, with a raised, hood-like bump on the upper side ................. 3a ................Scutellaria galericulata 01b Flowers not arranged as above, usually much more numerous, 2-40 mm long; calyxes 1a 5-lobed, without a bump on the upper side 02 02a Flowers ± radially symmetric (regular) ....03 02b Flowers strongly bilaterally symmetric, 2-lipped ............................04 03a Plants aromatic, with resin dots (glands) 3b producing fragrant, mint-scented oils; stamens 4 ............................. Mentha 03b Plants odorless, without oil-producing glands; stamens 2 ....................Lycopus 04a Stamens 2. .05 04b Stamens 4. .07 05a Flowers 2-4 cm long, mauve to pink, in round, 5a head-like clusters at stem tips ............ ....................Monarda fstulosa 05b Flowers <1 cm long, blue to purple, in elongated spikes from leaf axils or stem tips ........06 6a 06a Leaves 5-10 cm long, edged with rounded teeth; fower clusters at stem tips; fowers with a hood-like upper lip arched over the stamens; weedy, on roadsides and waste ground ..... .................... Salvia nemorosa X 06b Leaves 1-2 cm long, smooth-edged; fower clusters in leaf axils; upper lip of the fowers not hood-like over the stamens; native, on dry prairie sites ............Hedeoma hispida 6b 07a Flower clusters mainly in leaf/branch axils or above large, leaf-like bracts ............08 07b Flower clusters mainly at stem/branch tips; bracts, when present, small, not leaf-like . .11 08a Calyx lobes with sharp, spine-like tips ....09 08b Calyx lobes slender-pointed but not sharp- 9a tipped .............................10 09a Main leaves toothed to ± smooth-edged; fowers 15-35 mm long with 2 small, inward- pointing projections near the base of lower lip ...........................Galeopsis 9b 09b Main leaves with fnger-like (digitate) lobes; fowers 8-12 mm long, without small yellow projections on the lip ..Leonurus cardiaca X 3 10a Plants mostly erect, without stolons; fowers 10b stalkless, upper lip hairy, lower lip with a middle lobe abruptly narrowed to a slender base (→); → calyx 5-nerved ... Lamium amplexicaule X 10b Plants sprawling, with with spreading stolons; fowers short-stalked, the upper lip hairless, the lower lip with a broad middle lobe; calyx 15-nerved ........Glechoma hederacea X 11a Calyxes strongly asymmetrical, 1 large upper lobe and 4 small lower lobes . Dracocephalum 10a 11b Calyxes symmetrical, with ± equal lobes . .12 12a Flowers in vertical rows in elongating clusters at stem tips, 1 fower in the axil of each bract; leaves ± hairless . .Physostegia ledinghamii ........... [Dracocephalum nuttallii and ........ Physostegia parvifora, revised] 11b 12a 12b Flowers in dense heads or spikes, several together; leaves hairy .................13 11a 13a Calyxes 15-veined; upper pair of stamens 14a longer than the lower pair ..............14 13b Calyxes 5- to 10-veined; upper pair of stamens 14b shorter than the lower pair .............15 14a Plants with a strong, minty aroma, attractive to cats (catnip); stamens included within the corolla; corollas white with purple-dots, the upper lip hood-like and arched over the stamens; stems hairy ..... Nepeta cataria X 14b Plants with a relatively mild, licorice-like 15a fragrance; stamens projecting beyond the petals; corollas blue, the upper lip not arched over the stamens; stems ± hairless ........ ................ Agastache foeniculum 15a Plants hairless to short-hairy; leaves smooth- edged, slender-stalked; fowers dark purplish blue; calyxes 2-lipped, with 3 small teeth on the upper lip and 2 strong teeth below ...... .....................Prunella vulgaris 15b Plants hairy throughout, with long, stiff hairs on the stem angles; leaves toothed, short- stalked; fowers white to pink or reddish; 15b calyxes radially symmetric (regular) with 5 ± equal teeth ..............Stachys pilosa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ............[Stachys palustris, revised] DRACOCEPHALUM Dragonhead 01a Flowers in dense clusters, mostly at stem tips; bracts edged with spine-tipped teeth; calyxes 10-14 mm long, stiffy coarse-hairy, with teeth ± equal to the tube ..................... ............Dracocephalum parviforum 01b Flowers in rings (whorls) in leaf axils, forming long, loose, spikes; bracts smooth-edged or fringed with hairs; calyxes 6-8 mm long, minutely hairy, with teeth shorter than the X 1a 1b tube ....... Dracocephalum thymiforum 4 GALEOPSIS Hempnettle 01a Corolla 15-20 mm long, usually pink, purple or white (rarely yellowish with a violet spot), the tube ± equaling the calyx; a common, widespread weed on disturbed ground, often in marshy areas ...... Galeopsis tetrahit X 01b Corolla 20-30 mm long, pale yellow, usually 1a with a violet spot on the lower lip, the tube much longer than the calyx; rare escape, in X 1b cAB, near Edmonton Galeopsis speciosa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LYCOPUS Water-horehound 01a Calyx lobes triangular to broadly lance-shaped with soft, blunt to broadly pointed tips, <1 mm 2a long, ± as long as the mature nutlets ....... ....................Lycopus uniforus 1a 01b Calyx lobes narrowly lance-shaped with frm, slender-pointed tips, 1-2 mm long, surpassing the mature nutlets ....................02 02a Lower and middle leaves tapered to a slender base/stalk, pinnately lobed; rootstocks slender, 2b not tuberous; nutlets 1.0-1.4 x 0.8-1.2 mm, smoothly rounded at the tip .............. ..................Lycopus americanus 02b Lower and middle leaves broad and rounded at the base, mostly stalkless, sharp-toothed; rootstocks tuberous; nutlets 1.6-2.1 x 1.4-1.8 mm, squared and often wavy at the tip ...... ....................... Lycopus asper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MENTHA Mint 01a Flowers clustered in the axils of stem leaves . ...................Mentha canadensis .............[Mentha arvensis, revised] 01b Flowers in dense, spike-like clusters at stem/ branch tips ............Mentha spicata X 1b 1a 5 References Alberta Conservaton Informaton Management System (ACIMS). 2017. List of all Vascular Plant Taxa Confrmed for Alberta as recorded in the ACIMS database - July 2017.in A. Parks, editor. ACIMS, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Brouillet, L., F. Coursol, S.J. Meades, M. A. M. Favreau, P. Bélisle, and P. Desmet. 2010+. VASCAN, the Database of Vascular Plants of Canada. Ac- cessed 2016-2018. htp://data.canadensys.net/vascan/. Douglas, G. W., D. Meidinger, and J. Pojar. 1999. Illustrated fora of Britsh Columbia. Volume 3. Dicotyledons (Diapensiaceae through Onagraceae). Britsh Columbia Ministry of Forests, Victoria, Britsh Columbia. Hitchcock, C. L., A. Cronquist, M. Ownbey, and J. W. Thompson. 1955-69. Vascular plants of the Pacifc Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seatle, Washington. Lesica, P. 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. Botanical Research Inst- tute of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas. Moss, E. H. 1983. Flora of Alberta. 2nd editon. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario. Scoggan, H. J. 1978-1979. The fora of Canada. Natonal Museum of Natural Sciences, Natonal Museums of Canada, Otawa, Ontario. 6 List of Species and Illustration Sources Illus. Scientfc Name Source Agastache foeniculum JM Dracocephalum parviforum H&C Dracocephalum thymiforum BC Galeopsis speciosa LK Galeopsis tetrahit H&C Glechoma hederacea H&C Hedeoma hispida B&B Lamium amplexicaule H&C Leonurus cardiaca H&C Lycopus americanus H&C Lycopus asper H&C Lycopus uniforus H&C Mentha canadensis H&C Mentha spicata H&C Monarda fstulosa H&C Nepeta cataria H&C Physostegia ledinghamii LK Prunella vulgaris H&C Salvia nemorosa LK Scutellaria galericulata H&C Stachys pilosa H&C Key to Illustration Sources B&B = Britton, N. L. and A. Brown (1913) H&C = Hitchcock, C. L., A. Cronquist, M. Ownbey, and J. W. Thompson (1955-69) JM = John Maywood. LK = Linda Kershaw 7 Index Agastache foeniculum 4 Dracocephalum 4 nuttallii. See Physostegia ledinghamii parviforum 4 thymiforum 4 Galeopsis 3, 5 speciosa 5 tetrahit 5 Glechoma hederacea 4 Hedeoma hispida 3 Labiatae. See Lamiaceae Lamiaceae 3 Lamium amplexicaule 4 Leonurus cardiaca 3 Lycopus 3, 5 americanus 5 asper 5 uniforus 5 Mentha 3, 5 arvensis. See Mentha canadensis canadensis 5 spicata 5 Monarda fstulosa 3 Nepeta cataria 4 Physostegia ledinghamii 4 parvifora. See Physostegia ledinghamii Prunella vulgaris 4 Salvia nemorosa 3 Scutellaria galericulata 3 Stachys palustris. See Stachys pilosa pilosa 4 8.
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