F~ f ( · Vo.l. 22, No.. 15 TRENTON, N. J., FEBRUARY 2, 1951 FIVE CEN)"S ,/ 'Sadie Thompson' Bow Thirteen Will Vie F. T.A.Named Host, For Senior Posts Ready' for February 13 A list of nominees to fill offices Curtain time is rapidly approaching for the Dnamatic Club's fo.r the August graduating class At Eastern Confab has been released by the Dean's · production of SiJdie Thompson. Preparations have been speeded Student Advisory Board, who are up for the performances which will be held' at Stewart Hall supervising the election, Scheduled Local Chapt~r Is Selected o.n the- nights of February 13, 14 and fo.r February 7, the elections will , 15. Ticket sales so. far indicate a pro.b­ be held during the 3rd, 4th, 5th, To Serve at A.C. Me'eting able sell-o.ut before opening night. Tic­ and 6th periods. kets may be 0. btained at the ticket The candidates fo.r President are: The Rider chapter of the Future Teachers of America has booth lo.cated in the main hall, fo.r Matt Case, Kitty Dinkel, and Lou been named to serve as official host to the F.TA. leaders con­ 85 cents. Meyelrst fo.r Vice President,: Gerry ference to be held Sunday, February 18, ,at Atlantic City. The 'iA, capable group o.f suppo.rting play­ BfI,IlllS, Haro.ld Mastellar, Ken Hen· meeting will take place at 2 p. m. in ~ ers back up the main chaxacters," Dra­ derson, and Chester Zakreskie'; fo.r Ro.om 16 af that city's audito.rium, ,. matic Club producer Hank Ho.lth has Reco.rding Secretary: Judy Fox and Appoint Chladny The appointment to serve in this , anno.unced. Eugene Cozzolino; for Corresponding capacity was awarded 'because the. I, Taking the part of· Joe Ho.rn, the Secretary: Pat Byrne and Jackie Led· New Jargon Editor state president o.f the teacher gro.up, whiskey-drinking trader o.f Pago. Pa­ den; and for Treasurer: Marty, Ru· Andy Bo.urke, is from the Rider go's general sto.re, is Frank Ro.to.ndo.. benstein and Art Spiezle. Eugene Chladuy succeeds Joe Piotro­ chapter o.f the F.T.A. Their du­ · President o.f the Business Administra­ Campaigning will continue until the ski as edito.r-in-chief of Jargon, in a ties in this respect will be to main­ ·{io.n Club, ML Ro.to.ndo.'s dramatic time of electio.ns, (It which time o.nly new appointment to th,e publica tio.n's tain a registration desk,. tag delegates : ability has been previo.usly unto.uched August graduates are permitted to business -and editorial staffs. He was as they enter, meet the' members o.f · at Rider. His experience in Army sho.ws vote. chosen by the present staff o.f the mag- the panel and see that they are ac­ enables him. to. bring o.ut the neces­ Of the candidates, Kitty Dinkel and azine. quainted, arrange seating, usher dele­ sary_ humo.r and feeling for his part. Matt Case have submitted platfo.rms. Mr. Chladny has named as his as­ gates to. seats, assist the mo.derato.r Contingent upon her election Miss sociates: Ro.bert Bauer, managing edi­ with timing o.f speakers, count ·vo.tes, Female Performer Dinkel's platform provides that: 1) dito.r; Ralph Schritenthal, humor ~i­ and serve as info.rmatiOll1directors. Marian Dietz, who has played in we will not offer any promises which LOr; Lee Neuman, makeup edito.r; Ro­ At the same time, Dr. McKinney, ether Dramatic Club presentations, bert Allen, business manager; and Jer­ STAR BILLIE SALTER seem fantastic and cannot be fulfilled; chairman o.f the educatio.n department, . brings fo.rth her best effo.rt as the cold­ these pl'o.mises have been discussed" ry Delson, advertising manager. anno.unces th~ s~lectio.n of Francis ' blooded reformer, Mrs. D;lvidsoJl. and with the student coo.peration can The new staff has made construc­ Marks, teacher-training senier, fer, O'Hara, o.ffers ro.mantic, interest in , Axthur Bradley, president o.f the, F,u­ become a reality; 2) we intend to tive plans fo.r the improve~ent of the chairmanship o.f the Student Teacher' the fo.mi of Sadie's boyfriend. Mr. ture Teachers of America, has be!!n' get the complete cooperation of all magazine in this, the fifth year o.f pu b­ Gro.up of the Eastern Business Teach­ Kibrick is the directo.r o.f the Radio extremely active in Dramatic Club (Continued on Page Three) licatio.n. The first issue under the new ers' Association. Mr. Marks was chosen Playho.use. staff will appear in March. presentatio.ns. He plays the' part o.f t~d this gro-up of some thiny Ri­ MacPhail. the man who. believes The' Jargon, published by Pi Delta Frosh in Role der teacher-training students who will . the philoso.phy of "live and let live," Phi, professional jo.urnalism fraternity, attend the 54th annual convention-at Geraldine Mang, a freshman at Ri­ Tickets to Snowball who. is ferced into. a cenllct in specializes in presenting humo.r, spe­ the Bellevu!!-Stratford Hotel in Phila- " der, plays the part o.f the wife o.f the he must decide to. be fo.r Dr cial features, and outstanding fictio.n delphia fro.m March 21-24. A program trader, Joe Hem. Go on Sadie. Sale Monday to members of the .student body. Staff fer the affair has no.t yet been de- - Herb Roes and Arthur Traeger play newcomer to Rider stage pro­ positio.ns o.n 'Jargon axe o.pen to stu­ cided o.n. up the to.medy angle as marines sta­ ' ,auctio.ns is Mildred Girman who takes At Booth in Hallway dents in alL departments of the COllege. In ano.ther appointment, Di-, Jay tio.ned at the naval base an Pago. " the role o.f Mrs. MacPhail, the worried Ticket sale fo.r the annual semi-for­ W. Miller, president o.f the organiza-:. wife o.f the do.ctor. Tam from her shel- . Pago.. mal Sno.wball Dance to be held en tio.n, announced the appointment of. • tered life, she must hide her fee1ings Quartermaster Bates is played by February 23, win begin on Monday, Dr. McKinney as Distri<:t Chaimian .,f -and find a way to. smo.o.th o.ut the anx­ Peter Budak,ian. Bates is known as February 5,. it was announoed by Dave the Member.;hip Cc.mmittee far the· ieties and repercussions which are con­ Vechesky, vice president of the Junior FINAl EXAM the little husband o.f the wo.rld and Newark area. stantly appearing. class. Dr. McKinney is a graduate of Kan­ Edward Kibrick, as Sergeant Tim (Continued On Page Five) As a heavy advance sale has been SCHEDULE sas State Teachers College, U~ver· indicated, tickets may no.w be pur­ sity ef Nebraska, Harvard University, chased from any Sophomo.re Dr Junior PAGES 4-5 and Temple University and is past itzgerald is Cited for Talents officer. Admissio.n price is $3.00 per . presiden t o.f the Lio.ns Club, past se<:­ co.uple, which is a 25 per cent reduc­ (Continued o.n J>~ge Four) tio.n on last year's price fo.r the affair. As Actor, Tragedian, Speaker The event, to. be held at the' Ho.tel Stacy-Trent main ballIo.o.m, will fea-­ ! By StaD Correspondent ture . the music of Bob Shebley, with Newmanites Feel Unnerved, Nomination! Nomination! An OSC«lr for Fitzl dancing from 9 p. m. to. 1 a. m .. That's'the :cry that is current in classes taught by Professor Faculty members named as chap­ Bombing Threat · John A. Fitzgerald, English instructor at Rider. And the cry ero.nes are Mr. and Mrs. Willi-am L. Anxious at seems to us to merit seI)le sort ef tnlth. Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. POY- By Felix Ricco Blrocrklyn-.;th'at's right, ~.o.oklyn­ Have YOUl eva: taken cIo.se-<>r in this one o.f tho.se unforgetable characters , da, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Cober, Mr. The group of fifty Newman Club members who journeyed to case 'even casual-no.tice of the Prof in yo.u· might read abo.ut Dr hoo on a lind Mrs. Ralph F. Go.mmer, and Mr. York City for the New York Province communion breakfast front o.f his class? The manner in radio. soap opera. and Mrs. Thomas A. Leyden, and Mr. will probably never forget' the anxious moments prior to which he gesticulates and carries o.n Students have depicted him as be­ and Mrs. Peter Albanese. and during the mass at St. Patrick's before his students is awesome a'nd ing a Ro.bertBurns with an accent, . The dance committee is led by Alex Cathedral last Sunday; The 9 a. m. mass, which the' New­ terrifying to. the new student. (Even cynical and to. a degree amusing. The Chiemingo. Dave Vechesky and Jack A threat which rea@!, "Your barbaric man Federatio.n attended, was filled to. 'veteran students who have trans-. exact degree has nat yet been deter-' Ziegler are handling publicity, with church will be bombed at o.ne of the capacity. Except for detectives sprin­ ferred to. o.ther institutions of higher mined. Mo.re than o.ne student has George Malmos and Bob Brown in masses, Sunday," was received by kled throughout the congregatio.n, tbe learning find him thrilling and dra­ co.mmented o.n the manner in which charge of the.
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