NEXT: The 1995 Pacific Citizen Holiday Issue National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Established 1m ($1.50 Postpaid U.s.) Newsstand: 25¢ #2789/VoI121, No. 10 ISSN: 0030-8579 2 Coral Circle, Suite 204, Monterey Park, CA 91755 (213) 725-0083 Nov. 17-30, 1995 EDC meeting, Nov. 4, 1995 Chinese American stabbed in alleged California hate crime Admitted white supremacist charged; Marin Chapter, JACL,monitors situation Staff reports said police believe that the at­ tacker espoused hatred for minor­ A Chinese American male is in ity groups but acted alone in the DISTRICT BUSINESS-From left, l.:illian Kimura, Ron Uba TAKING NOTE-Emily Murase, left, and serious condition after a Nov. 8 incident. and Tom Kometani discuss EDC agenda. Grayce Uyehara listen to proceedings. stabbing attack by an alleged Page allegedly approached the white supremacist in Novato, Ca­ victim, whose identity is being Seabrook deals with lif, a city just north of San Fran­ withheld, in the parking lot and MORE CHAPTER NEWSt cisco. without apparent provocation DISTRICT REPORTS According to local police, Robert stabbed him .repeatedly in the Antone Page, 23, was arrested and chest. Supermarket employees racial slur incident - page4 ~5 charged with a hate crime in the came to the victim's rescue and Stories and photos: GWEN MURANAKA attack which allegedly occurred apprehended the suspect. ata downtown supermarket park­ According to Novato Police Capt. Seabrook Chapter: ing lot. Gary Varner, Page is an admitted John Fuyuume reported that the chapter has received District reviews Dennis Sato, president of the white supremacist but has not media attention after a local school superintendent used a Mario Chapter of the Japanese been connected to any group ac­ racial slur. JACL budget American Citizens League tivity. "He acted alone, and this The Bri.dgeton, N .J ., Journal reported Donald D'Amico The Eastern District Council meet­ (JACL), has been involved in the was an isolated incident in our said Oct. 20 during a teachers meeting at the IndianAven ue ingin New York Nov. 4 discussed JACL case from the beginning, accord­ view," Varner said in the Hokubei School that the "Japs are taking over everything." fi nances and the upcoming 1996 bud­ ing to !{aryl Matsumoto, JACL Mainichi. "But we are continuing Ayako Loder, who attended the meeting and heard the get which is scheduled to be sent to interim national director. the investigation until all aspects slur, said that the remark was offensive. When she asked chapters for their approval. Sato. who is a member of the of the incident are resolved." for an apology, Fuyuume said that D'Amico brushed her off Tom Kometani, governor, Eastern Novato Police Advisory Board and Page has been charged with a and walked away. District. said, "The proposed 1996 bud­ the Marin County Human Rights hate crime. His bail has been set In response to the incident the Seabrook Chapter did not get is really bare. bones." Noting the Commission, has been in contact at $500,000. ask the Princeton School board to fire D'Amico. They sent line item in the '96 budget which makes with police officials conducting the Varner noted that eight hate See SLUR/page 4 individual National Board members investigation. crimes have occurred in Novato in responsible for "We, along with other minority the past two years_ "None were as raising $2,000, groups, are staying on top of this severe as this one," he said in the Kometani s aid, in order to ensure that the inci­ Hokubei. "There were physical at­ "There is a commit­ dent is fully investigated," Sato tacks and epithets written on cars. ment by e~ ch board said. This is the first one involving an member to be re­ At this point in the case, Sato AsIan.· " s ponsible for fi ­ nances. It.'s one-time only to show the Asian American groups oppose ne d to be respon­ sible, so th board cuts to family immigration can lat r pitch for a dues increase.~ he Asian Pacific American Labor number of visa available for explained Alliance (APALA) announced its spouse and minorchild.ren oflaw­ ALthe oppo ition to legi lalion intro­ ful permanent residents. EDC-MDC­ imp~on MPD tridistrict in duced Nov. 3 by Sen. Alan Albuquerque, EDe' (R-Wyo.l that would drastically Joining APALA in oppo log the had pae8 d a resolu­ lower the number of legal immi­ mea ure were JACL. Organiza­ tion snpporting the grants to the United tates. tion of hlnese Americans, and cone pt of rising Th bill, 1394 would reduce the National Asian Pacific Ameri­ JACL memborship the total number of legal immi­ can Legal on -ortium. grants by atleast 20 percent, limi­ ~\Ve urge all tho~e who believe Tribute du !; 1.0 h \p offset JACL PreSident Denny Yasuhara (left) and Tom Kometani, EDC governor, nsing costs. nate th preferenc s for iblings in family immigration to immed.i­ honorthe memory of Chiune Sugihara, known as the "Japanese Schindler." The district dis- and adult children of U . citi­ tely on tact their -enat{)rs and Seated is Sugihara's widow, Yukiko. •. ns, make it much mor difficult urgethemtoYoteagainst . 1394,p See BUOGET/page4 for p rents of U .. citizens to en­ aid Matthew Pinu ane, execu­ t r th country and reduce the ti e director, APALA. JACL National Board meeting, Oct. 21·22, 1995 Board seeks further study on placing JACL on World Wide Web system JACL to pattern cjvil ."",,,,,..oeI .'." Staff reports network after explained that PC's main purpose communicate with merob rs and The JACL National Board voted is communication and that staff potentialm mbersworldwide. Th unanimously Oct. 21 to further had researched on-line on its own assistant editor said that an on­ study the concept of placing JACL time to present its findings to the line servic would allow Pacific on the World Wide Web and other National Board. Takahashi said Citizen to provid on-line ace ss options oftne Internet. The board that PC wants to create an on-lino to news and its historical archives voted on a motion made by Randy system for the benefit of JACL which have been mainLained by Shibata, national vice president and that PC intends to fund-raise PC Editor EmerituBHun-y Hondu. for planning and development, and seek grants rather than ask MuranakR ulso pr B nwd a 1Oock­ after Gwen Muranw, aesistant for money from the N ationo.1 Board upofwhataJA 'UPacifirCiti"'l'fI editor, Pacific Citizen (PC), ex­ to fund the project. Web page might look Iik . plained the various options avail­ Muranaka explained the difli r­ Some National Board 10 lOb ra able to JACL and Pacifu: Citizen ences between electronic mail, raised cone rna over cosLa nd th for going on-line. Bulletin Board System and th impaoLsuch a program would hav The Pacific Citizen Editorial World Wide Web. Of the throe on st.uLl' tim . In Lh motion pass d Board (PCEB) had already unani­ options, she said that electronic by Lh Nutiona] Board, it sLipu­ mously voted to support the con­ mail (e-mail) nnd the World Wid lated that no mon y it-! to b ex­ cept of placing JACL and Pacific Web-because it. is a part of t.h pended on tho proje t until f\ r - Citizen on-line. worldwide computer n twork, port is presontod to tJh Ntltionul Mae Takahaehi, PCEB chair, Internetr-would allow JACL to See WEB/page 4 2--Pacific Citizen, November 17-30,1995 JACL calendar No. 2,789 Eastern JAPAN-TOKYO WASHINGTON D.C. IMPORTANT Chapter Board on the 1st Tuesday (j) i111J 11 Ib rR :g,. (j) 1jJ1P Sun. Dec. 1O--Mochltsukl, 2-5 p.m., All JACL and Community calen­ every month (unless it falls on the 1st or J dar Items must Include the follow­ Bradley Hills Presbyterian Churoh, 6601 the 2nd day), Union Church, info: Ted Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, Md.; Info: Lily Ing Information: what, where, Shigeno, 0468-76-2431. Subscribe to Pacific .Citizen Okura 301/530-0945. when (date, time), phone Tue. Nov. 28--Election meeting, Union Sat. Jan. 20-50th anniversary number(s) and contact person. Church,lnfo: Ted Shigeno. Get aD the news and features from (Jcross the country celebration; NOTE-Pat Okura, LODI-STOCKTON " you wish to suhscribe or have moved planning committee, 301/530-0945. by potluck dinner; open to any visitor; Fri. Jan. 19-Joint installation dinner, 6 SOUTHEAST info Joanne Kumagai, chapter president, p.m., Stockton Inn; into to come. (Allow 6 weeks for address ehanges and new subscriptions to begin.) Sun. Dec. 3-Hollday dinner, Kamon 6121537-8076. SAN FRANCISCO Effective date Restaurant, 5 p.m. All you can eatsushi, Sun. Dec. 3-Annual Holiday Party for Chapter Board on first Tuesdays, 7 '--~-- entree, cash bar, $20, including tax and Kids, 2·4 p.m., Como Lakeside Pavilion, p.m., National JACL HQ, 1765 Sutter Please send the Pacific Citizen for: tip. Reservations strongly 1360 N. Lexington Pkwy, Sl Paul; RSVP St., open to all members and public, info: Jeff Adachi 41 5/922·1534. ___ 1 yr/$30 _2 yrs/$55 _3 yrs/$80 recommended. Call Glenn Nomura, 4041 Nov. 27, Chris Murakami Noonan 6121 Name: __________________________________ ___ 378·6642. 486·9150. NOTE-A juggling magician, Sat., Dec. 2-Annual JACL crab & Address: _______________ refreshments, visit from Santa and spaghetti fe ed , Chfis1 United donate a new, unwrapped toy for local Presbyterian Church, info: Jeff Adachi City, State, Zip:. ______________ I\Idwest nonprofit organization. 415/553-9318. CLEVELAND WISCONSIN SAN JOSE All subscriptions poyoble in advance.
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