Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-23-1969 The BG News April 23, 1969 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 23, 1969" (1969). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2323. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2323 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Suez in 'state of war' --U. Thant By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dar network. Amman radio labeled An Israeli spokesman told a news Thant did not ask for a council Israelis battled Arab neighbors It the heaviest Israeli air attack conference In Jerusalem that the meeting. on two fronts yesterday amid warn- In more than a year. radar sites were Egypt's sole watch Thant said that observance of ings from U.N. Secretary-Gener- - A claim by Cairo that an points In Jordan for Israeli air- the U.N. cease-fire has been stead- al U Thant that a "virtual state of Egyptian patrol thrust across the craft and had compensated In part ily degenerating since April 8 and active war" exists along the Suez Suez Canal, killed five Israeli def- for the loss of the Slnal Dessert. that as of Monday there had been Canal. enses along the entire length of Another spokesman said the sites major breaches dally for 12 straight The embattled Jewish state the 103 - mile waterway. monitored Israeli air activity from days. marked Its 21st anniversary In A senior member of the Israeli Tel Aviv south to the Suez Canal. The United States quickly as- an atmosphere of tension and un- general staff said the attack on the The Israelis said one of their sociated Itself with Thant's dec- der a tighter security lid than Egyptian radar sites was a partial planes was shot down in the strike, laration and urged the Arabs and at anytime since It was born 21 reply to Egyptian artillery bom- and Jordan claimed two more were Israelis to put an end to viola- years ago. bardments over the Suez Canal dur- damaged. tions of the cease - fire In the The celebration was oversha- ing the past month. The artillery duels along the ca- Suez Canal area and "to avoid all dowed by: "There are still a lot of op- nal moved Thant to warm mem- actions which aggravate the tense -An air strike against Jordan tions open to us, and I think we bers of the U.N. Security Coun- situation." that Israel aid knocked out a key will make use of them In due time," cil that a virtual state of active Jordan also sent as urgent note part of Egypt's early warning ra- he warned. war exists in the area. However, to the council declaring that Is- e raeli jets killed 10 persons and wounded 30 others In raids Tues- day on two Jordanian villages and a metropolitan area. It made no Police investigating rape rumors; mention of the radar sites. For the first time since Israel became a state In 1948, no full- scale military parade was sched- say students here are 'panicking' uled for Its anniversary. Fearful of possible Arab terror- By DAVID OTTNEY " ist moves during the traditional and JIM MARINO street dancing and singing, police Campus police are Investigating asked Tel Aviv's 400,000 citizens rumors that several University "to show alertness for suspicious 1 ^^ ^ persons, objects and vehicles." coeds have been attacked and sex- ually molested here within the past Similar precautions were taken in N two weeks. Balfa and Jerusalem. Security officers and adminis- trators emphasized none of these ^m/L W^^^ ^^^H ^^^. rumors were confirmed, but all t [finer-city expressed concern that such ru- ;* e mors were so wide-spread. Spencer T. Calcamugglo, secu- j :%: 'targets' rity chief, explained the rumors 8 and detailed what Investigative i • steps his department has taken. adopted "It's been said a coed was chlo- w roformed and raped on the sixth By STEVE BRASH floor of the Library, and was found Staff Reporter there the following morning by a <^\!' f£r-* -i^n^nB The assistant superintendent for custodial employee," the chief ^^fl lntenulttii.il education of the Co- said. r^ii lumbus City Schools presented his s "We have checked with the cus- school system's plans for pro- todial crews and can find no one viding better education in lnner- who discovered any such thing. clty schools .yesterday. | April 23, 1969 Vol. 83, No. 90 "A check of the University WARNING--Compus Security officer Spencer T. Calcamuggio sur- veys this warning, which wos posted in a women's dormitory. Dr. James Wade explained the Health Center for persons treated "target schools" plan for Improve- for assault or rape also uncovered ment of lnner-clty schools. He Money solutions nothing," he said. The chief could not explain, how- beaten, stabbed and strangled, the defined target schools as those with The chief said he doubted such ever, who put up signs throughout detective said. a large concentration of Aid to De- an Incident actually occurred. He women's dormitories which read, The rumor of chloroform having pendent Children recipients. rapped by Hill said he had heard as many as four "If You Must Go Out Late At been used to subdue rape victims These schools are located within coeds had been assaulted. Night, Don't Go Alone." stimulated the News to check on a two and one-half mile radius of "No one has filed a complaint No administrator could answer the availability of that chemical COLUMBUS (AP) - A Negro leg- the center of Columbus. Most or a charge with this office or that question, either. in campus supply. have been set up with a free food islator told a joint House - Sen- the city police," Calcamugglo said. "I think people are Just panick- ate Welfare Study Committee today Both the biology and chemistry program to provide students with "You'd think If such actswere hap- ing," said Dr. James Bond, Uni- departments have quantities of hot breakfasts and lunches. he Isn't sure additional money will pening so frequently at least one versity vice president of student chloroform In stock, according to solve problems of welfare. The target schools are also pro- would have filed a complaint with affairs. "The tenseness could be members of both departments. viding pre-kindergarten training Rep. Thomas E. Hill D-41, Cleve- us." associated with Ypsllantl occur- Dr. David Newman, chemistry land, member of the 12-man study for children In the inner-city. Four The chief said last month an rances." professor, said his department health centers have been set up to group, said he had seen various assault did occur on campus, and A News check with police offi- used about 50 gallons of the anes- attempts to alleviate welfare by give free medical and dental ser- the assailant was later linked with cers from Ypsllantl appeared to thetic a year, and said It was ex- vices to students who might not allocating more money for the pro- the rape of another coed In the city discount the likelihood that the tremely easy to acquire by anyone grams. be able to obtain such care outside The man charged has been In custo- killer of five high school and col- who wanted It. the school system. "It hasn't resolved the problem," dy since he was arrested last lege students from the Ypsllanti- he told Ohio Welfare Director Den- "I suppose a student could Just Dr. Wade emphasized the Impor- month, and Chief Calcamugglo said A mi Arbor area could be tied to come into the lab and pick It off tance of community exploration ver White, who was testifying be- that Incident was entirely unrelated any occurrances In Bowling Green. fore the committee at Its first the shelf," Dr. Newman said. tours for the school children. from present rumors. •■Our man Is purely a local opera- He said department members meeting. "People might be over-reacting tor," said Detective Harold Kerr Various church groups are helping White admitted Hill had a point simply order more chloroform to acquaint the student with his to the Ann Arbor-Ypsllantl, Michi- of the Washtenaw County (Michi- when their on-hand supply gets low. and said much more must be done gan murders of college coeds, and gan) Sheriffs Department. "We environment by taking him on trips In the training of the young for are Just getting tensed up here. "I don't think there's an accurate to Industrial plants, historical believe we are looking for a psy- way to measure whether any chlo- sites, and other places of Interest. useful employment to cut welfare I doubt the University rumors, and chotic murderer who does not rape programs. He said a simplified ap- do not think there Is cause for con- his victims," Kerr said. roform Is missing from supply, or "The problem Is that not enough proach Is needed. cern here. not," he said. people In the lnner-clty are Inter- The Michigan persons slain were The biology department stock- ested In helping students after room keeps all Its chemicals under school," he pointed out. lock and key. Chemicals must be Twin theateropening announced, checked out with a professor's College students from Ohio Wes- signature, the News was told.
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