
Shelf Order for Holdings Code Kawameeh Non-Fiction (KMSNF) Call Call Call Call Sorted Author Title Item Barcode Number Number Number Number Call Type Prefix Class Cutter Number D 001.9 Cou 001.9 Cou Koss, Larry Could UFO's be real? 39548100136947 D 001.9 Gaf 001.9 Gaf Gaffron, Norma, The Bermuda Triangle : opposing viewpoints 39548100033565 1931- D 001.9 Lan 001.9 Lan Landau, Elaine Yeti, abominable snowman of the Himalayas 39548100083271 D 001.9 Net 001.9 Net Netzley, Patricia Alien abductions : opposing viewpoints 39548100093593 D. D 001.9 Wal 001.9 Wal Wallace, Holly, The mystery of the Loch Ness monster 39548100194854 1961- D 001.942 Her 001.942 Herbst, Judith. Aliens 39548200200395 Her D 001.942 Her 001.942 Herbst, Judith. UFOs 39548200200403 Her D 001.942 Ifu 001.942 Ifu If UFOS are real 39548100159469 D 001.942 Mas 001.942 Mason, Paul, Investigating UFOs 39548200201898 Mas 1967- D 001.942 Net 001.942 Netzley, Patricia Alien abductions 39548100182222 Net D. D 001.942 Sil 001.942 Sil Silverstein, Close encounters with aliens 39548100150112 Janna D 001.942 Sti 001.942 Sti Stirling, Janet UFOs 39548100150104 D 001.944 Her 001.944 Herbst, Judith. Monsters 39548200200353 Her D 004.67 Gra 004.67 Gra Graham, Ian, The Internet revolution 39548100194763 1953- D 004.67 Law 004.67 Law Lawler, Jennifer, Cyberdanger and Internet safety 39548100174971 1965- D 004.67 Van 004.67 Van Vander Hook, Internet 39548100171480 Sue, 1949- D 005.13 Sev 005.13 Sev Severance, Raspberry Pi 39548200253600 Charles R. D 006 Wei 006 Wei Weiss, Ann E., Virtual reality : a door to cyberspace 39548100145930 1943- D 006 Wyb 006 Wyb Wyborny, Virtual reality 39548100194797 Sheila, 1950- D 006.7 Wil 006.7 Wil Wilkinson, Colin Twitter and microblogging : instant 39548200247735 communication with 140 characters or less D 006.76 Sou 006.76 Sou Souter, Gerry Bringing photos, music, and video into your 39548100196636 Web page D 025.042 Wol 025.042 Wolny, Philip Google and you : maximizing your Google 39548200247701 Wol experience D 027.62 Del 027.62 Del De las Casas, Handmade tales : stories to make and take 39548200230053 Dianne D 030 Has 030 Has Hasan, Heather Wikipedia, 3.5 million articles & counting : 39548200247719 using and assessing the people's May 22, 2015 - 1 - 10:11:14 AM Shelf Order for Holdings Code Kawameeh Non-Fiction (KMSNF) Call Call Call Call Sorted Author Title Item Barcode Number Number Number Number Call Type Prefix Class Cutter Number encyclopedia D 031 Sch 031 Sch Scholastic book of world records. 39548200221730 D 031.02 Buc 031.02 Buc Buckley, James. Scholastic book of lists 39548100197311 D 031.02 Gra 031.02 Gra Grant, Neil. People and places 39548100147274 D 031.02 Gui 031.02 Gui Guinness World Guiness World Records 2009 : Gamer's 39548200244245 Records 2009 Edition Gamer's Edition. D 031.02 Gui 031.02 Gui Guinness World Guiness World Records 2009 : Gamer's 39548200244252 Records 2009 Edition Gamer's Edition. D 031.02 Gui 031.02 Gui Guinness World Records, 2009 39548200228743 D 031.02 Gui 031.02 Gui Guinness world records 2010 39548200235573 D R 031.02 Gui R 031.02 Guinness world records 2014. 39548200251406 Gui D 082 Spi 082 Spi Spinelli, Eileen Today I will : a year of quotes, notes, and 39548200235250 promises to myself D 128 Gaf 128 Gaf Gaffron, Norma, Dealing with death 39548100033755 1931- D 133 Net 133 Net Netzley, Patricia Paranormal phenomena 39548100173759 D. D 133.1 Hol 133.1 Hol Holzer, Hans, Hans Holzer's haunted houses: a pictorial 39548100033805 1920- register of the world's most interesting ghost houses. D 133.1 Mas 133.1 Mas Mason, Paul, Investigating the supernatural 39548200201880 1967- D 133.1 Oxl 133.1 Oxl Oxlade, Chris The mystery of haunted houses 39548100179798 D 133.1 Rob 133.1 Rob Roberts, Bruce, America's most haunted places 39548100033821 1930- D 133.1 War 133.1 War Warren, William The headless ghost : true tales of the 39548100033854 E., 1941- unexplained D 133.1 Wat 133.1 Wat Watkins, Ghosts and poltergeists 39548100150484 Graham, 1944- D 133.1 Wet 133.1 Wet Wetzel, Charles Haunted U.S.A. 39548200232513 D 133.3 Lan 133.3 Lan Landau, Elaine Fortune telling 39548100131278 D 133.4 Saa 133.4 Saa Saari, Peggy Witchcraft in America 39548100150435 D 133.4 Sch 133.4 Sch Schanzer, Witches! : the absolutely true tale of disaster 39548200246026 Rosalyn in Salem D 133.4 Ste 133.4 Ste Stevens, Bryna Witches : opposing viewpoints 39548100033987 D 133.4 Wax 133.4 Wax Waxman, Laura Who were the accused witches of Salem? : 39548200250366 Hamilton and other questions about the witchcraft trials D 133.4 Woo 133.4 Woo Wood, Alix Witch trials 39548200251836 D 133.5 Ass 133.5 Ass Asselin, Kristine Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn : all about the earth 39548200239252 Carlson signs May 22, 2015 - 2 - 10:11:14 AM Shelf Order for Holdings Code Kawameeh Non-Fiction (KMSNF) Call Call Call Call Sorted Author Title Item Barcode Number Number Number Number Call Type Prefix Class Cutter Number D 133.5 Chr 133.5 Chr Christie-Murray, The practical astrologer : all you need to know 39548100010993 David. to construct birth charts, cast horoscopes and discover what the stars have to reveal D 133.5 Jon 133.5 Jon Jones, Jen Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces : all about the 39548200239286 water signs D 133.5 Jon 133.5 Jon Jones, Jen Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius : all about the air 39548200239260 signs D 133.5 Mar 133.5 Mar Marks, Jennifer, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius : all about the fire 39548200239278 1979- signs D 133.5 Tho 133.5 Tho Thompson, The secret language of birthdays 39548200239096 Alicia D 133.8 Her 133.8 Her Herbst, Judith. ESP 39548200200452 D 133.8 Oxl 133.8 Oxl Oxlade, Chris The mystery of ESP 39548200219395 D 152.1 Sim 152.1 Sim Simon, The optical illusion book 39548100034126 Seymour. D 153.6 Axt 153.6 Axt Axtell, Roger E. Gestures : the do's and taboos of body 39548200219460 language around the world D 155.3 Lan 155.3 Lan Langley, Andrew Are girls smarter than boys? 39548200228479 D 155.5 Owe 155.5 Owe Owens, L. L. Frenemies : dealing with friend drama 39548200238973 D 155.9 Bra 155.9 Bra Bratman, Fred Everything you need to know when a parent 39548100179467 dies. D 158 Chi 158 Chi Chicken soup for the soul : 101 stories to open 39548100085771 the heart & rekindle the spirit D 158.1 Chi 158.1 Chi Chicken soup for the teenage soul III : more 39548100179673 stories of life, love, and learning D 158.1 Chi 158.1 Chi Chicken soup for the teenage soul on tough 39548200207960 stuff : stories of tough times and lessons learned D 158.25 Sch 158.25 Sch Schneider, Meg Popularity has its ups and downs 39548100126583 F. D 158.3 Tru 158.3 Tru Truesdell, Ann Fire away : asking great interview questions 39548200253709 D 170 Bar 170 Bar Barron, T. A. The hero's trail : a guide for a heroic life 39548100151474 D 170 Eth 170 Eth Ethics 39548100173403 D 174 Goo 174 Goo Goodnough, The debate over human cloning 39548100194730 David D 174 Med 174 Med Medical ethics 39548100173486 D 174 Ste 174 Ste Stearman, Kaye The debate about cosmetic surgery 39548200244054 D 174.2 Mar 174.2 Mar Marzilli, Alan Stem cell research and cloning 39548200214800 D 174.25 Org 174.25 Org Organ transplants 39548100196164 D 174.957 Mea 174.957 Meany, John Is genetic research a threat? 39548200228438 Mea D 176 Eth 176 Eth The ethics of human cloning 39548200205907 May 22, 2015 - 3 - 10:11:14 AM Shelf Order for Holdings Code Kawameeh Non-Fiction (KMSNF) Call Call Call Call Sorted Author Title Item Barcode Number Number Number Number Call Type Prefix Class Cutter Number D 179 Day 179 Day Day, Nancy Animal experimentation : cruelty or science? 39548100174989 D 179 Eut 179 Eut Euthanasia : opposing viewpoints 39548100093866 D 179 Jus 179 Jus Jussim, Daniel. Euthanasia : the "Right to die" issue 39548100085805 D 179 Pat 179 Pat Patterson, Animal rights 39548100085813 Charles D 179 Woo 179 Woo Woodward, Kay Animal rights 39548200204553 D 179.4 Cos 179.4 Cos Coster, Patience The debate about animal testing 39548200242983 D 179.7 Dea 179.7 Dea The death penalty : an opposing viewpoints 39548200214842 guide D 179.7 Ste 179.7 Ste Stearman, Kaye The debate about euthanasia 39548200244096 D 200.9 Jam 200.9 Jam James, Otto Religious extremism 39548200219403 D 201.3 Phi 201.3 Phi Philip, Neil Mythology of the world 39548200200122 D 203 Woo 203 Woo Wood, Alix Human sacrifice 39548200251877 D 220 Abb 220 Abb Bible. English. The Bible reader; an interfaith interpretation. 39548100034373 Selections. 1969. D 220.5 Bib 220.5 Bib Bible Holy Bible. 39548100034399 D 220.5 Bib 220.5 Bib Bible Holy Bible. 39548100034407 D 220.7 Bow 220.7 Bow Bowie, Walter The story of the Bible, retold from Genesis to 39548100034423 Russell, 1882- Revelation in the light of present knowledge for both the young and the mature D 221.4 Rap 221.4 Rap Rappaport, The story of the Dead Sea scrolls. 39548100034498 Uriel, 1935- D 222 Tor 222 Tor The Torah: the first five books of Moses. 39548100034514 D 230 Sel 230 Sel Self, David Christianity 39548200219312 D 232.9 Sca 232.9 Sca Scavone, Daniel The shroud of Turin : opposing viewpoints 39548100034555 C., 1934- D 232.9 Wil 232.9 Wil Wilson, Ian, The mysterious shroud 39548100034563 1941- D 271 She 271 She Sherrow, Life in a medieval monastery 39548100150443 Victoria D 274.06 Fla 274.06 Fla Flatt, Lizann Religion in the Renaissance 39548200254129 D 289.3 Elg 289.3 Elg Elgin, Kathleen, The Mormons: the Church of Jesus Christ of 39548100034696 1923- Latter-Day Saints, D 289.7 Isr 289.7 Isr Israel, Fred L.
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