Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Sforrs Since 1896 VOL. LXIX, NO. 11 I STORRS, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1965 New BOG Executives And Liberals - Conservatives Clash Chairmen Are Selected Laila Fairls will succeed Tom mester Sociology major and a As Senate Debates Voting Bill Janeska as President of the newly sister and Political Chairman of by Howard Walter ammendments proposed by the Committee and has been an active appointed Board of Governors of Alpha Epsllon Phi sorority. She US Senate Judiciary Committee. participant In various demon- the Student Union. has served on the Publicity Com- One of the most exciting and Barblerl's bill also calls for strations on behalf of the Negro The Executive Officers for the mittee of the Board and as Cul- constructive debates In recent opposition to the Dlrksen Am- Civil Rights movement. He spoke coming year were elected Wed- tural Committee Chairman. years took place at the Student mendment which would allow for nearly fifteen minutes on the nesday afternoon. Miss Farls said, of her plans Senate meeting Wednesday night. some southern states to escape necessity of recognizing the fact Other officers will be: Mike for next year, "Next year's Board Debate over the Voting Rights the range of the law. that the Bill from Congress Is Cassldy, Executive vlce-Presi- looks forward to presenting high Bill was submitted by USA Min- Essentials of the US Senate needed to bring the Negro to a dent; Cheryl Nathan, Co-ordina- caliber programs with a stronger Voting Rights Bill, the U.S. Sen- position of meaningful participa- ority leader Jon Barbleri. The tion in politics In general, and ting vIce-Presldent; Steve El- stress on Student Union policy." Bill, the twelfth to be submitted ate Judiciary Committee Am- lerln, Treasurer. Wednesday night the Executive before the increasingly active mendment, and the Dlrksen Am- elections in particular. Miss Farls Is a sixth semester Board met with Thomas Ahem, mendment, are presented on Page As Barbleri ended his speech, body In less than a month, calls ISO Majority leader John Wells, History major from Beirut, Le- Manager of the Student Union, for support of the Voting Bill 3. banon. She has served on the Cul- to appoint the chairmen of next Barbleri Is presently Chairman who has served for almost a presently before Congress, and year as Chairman and member tural Committee of the Board and year's BOG Committees. Ap- support for three liberal of the Community Involvement Its Co-ordinating vlce-Presl- pointments were as follows: of the Constitution Committee, dent. She Is a sister of Kappa David Page, Committee at Large; and Is a prominent figure In the KaDDa Gamma sorority. Betty Blrge, Personnel; Barbara UConn Young Conservatives, Mike Cassldy Is a sixth semes- Rescher, Publicity; Leonard Ma- rose to present the opposition ter Economics major and a thlason, Social; Elmlma Johnson, to the bill. Wells spoke on brother and former house vlce- Research and Evaluation; Edward . the unconstitutionally of the Bill Presldent of Delta Chi fraternity. Bednar, Recreation; Dennis before the Congress, citing He has served as Chair man of the Rellly, Cultural; Vlckl Gustlnl, various aspects of the bill which BOG Recreation Committee. Special Events; and Carollta Un- he argued had violated the tenth Cheryl Nathan Is a fifth se- man, Public Relations. Ammendemnt to the Constitution, the "state's rights clause" in particular. Sharp exchanges fol- lowed as Senators Nichols and Aronovltz entered on the con- servative and liberal sides, res- pectively. Both are ISO Sena- tors. The Bill was tabled until next week so that student body opin- ion could be considered. In other Senate business, the controversy concerning the Sen- ate seat held by Senate Chair- man Tab Tremblay. was resol- ved as Tremblay gave up his seat to allow runnerup Malcolm Sunday Afternoon Starts Mills to be sworn In. Mills Is a USA Senator. To settle the matter in a permanent Mammouth Hour Marathon manner, the Senate unanimously passed a constitutional ammend- WHUS will conduct Its eleventh awarded a trophy. During the ment stating that "no individual annual Campus Community Car- Marathon dedications may be may serve concurrently as Vice- nival Marathon live from the called In to 380 or 9-4726. Last president of the ASG and as a Student Union Lobby beginning year WHUS raised over three Student Senator." NEWLY ELECTED BOARD OF GOVERNORS EXECUTIVES are this Sunday at 2:00 p.m. and thousand dollars, which was con- Senator Bill Byxbee, Chairman (from left to right) Lalla Farls, president; Mike Cassldy, Execu- continuing for eighty one and one tributed to twenty two different of the Public Relations Commit- tive vIce-Presldent; Cheryl Nathan, Co-ordinating vice-President; half consecutive hours. charity organizations. tee announced a new program to and Steve Ellerln, Treasurer. (Photo by Soudin) The program will run through Disc-jockeying for the eighty arouse Interest in student govern- eleven thirty, Wednesday night one hours will be all the WHUS ment throughout campus. Be- at which the regular time regulars. ginning next week, all Senators Miss University Of Connecticut schedule will be resumed. The entire facilities of the sta- will be required to present them- The purpose of the Marathon Is tion will be used and all the re- selves at dormitories throughout to raise money for charity, In cords In the station will be avail- campus, to discuss the various keeping with the objectives of the able to fulfill requests. measures before the legislature, whole Carnival. The goal set by Monday night the broadcasting and the general operation of the WHUS for this year Is two thou- booth will be moved to the Mid- ASG. sand dollars. Money will be way but it will be returned to Also, the Senate announced that raised through dedications taken the HUB Lobby for the rest of Budgets for ASG member organ- by telephone. Dedications will be the week. izations covering next semester priced at twenty five cents and allocations would be received by up. The dormitory contributing Court To Hear Finance Committee beginning the most per person will be May 3. Appeal Today "Andy" Reminders EDITOR'S NOTE: A turtle named "Andy" broke Following Is an appeal to be the tension of last Wednesday's presented to the Student Court Senate debate over civil rights. Piano Recital Today at 3 p.m. by John Bablna A motion was made and money Thomas Doran, assistant pro- WHUS Staff member. appropriated, to procure a turtle APPEAL TO THE STUDENT fessor of music at Albion Col- on behalf of the ASG, to be lege In Michigan, will give a COURT entered in the Turtle Contest. public piano recital Sunday (Ap- CONSTITUTION OF WHUS, THE After the motion had safely ril 25) at 4 p.m. In the Von HUSKY NETWORK passed, Senator Malcolm Mills dej Mehden Recital Hall. Article vn, Section 4 (first sen- (Lord Alfred) mockingly changed tence) his vote to oppose the alloca- WHUS Marathon "ANY FULL TIME UNDER- tion; Mills explained that since GRADUATE WHO WILL BE RE- he has entered his own turtle, Starts Sunday at 2:00 p.m. GISTERED AT STORRS DURING he did not feel he could allow Call requests In at TENURE AND WHO HAS SERVED himself to aid the opposition. FOR THREE SEMESTERS ON Immediately after the motion THE HUSKY NETWORK MAYBE was passed, ISO Senator John Senior Hoot ELECTED TO THE POSITION OF Dolan moved to name the turtle begins tonight at STATION MANAGER." "Andy" In honor of ASG Pres- 7:30 Dow Field In I wish to appeal the fact that ident Andy Dlnnlman. case of Inclement the present Station Manager is Unfortunately, the USA appar- weather, It will be not a full time student and that ently viewed this as a political held In Ballroom he is holding this office and the maneuver, since Dlnnlman Is an seat of Senator Ex-Office In vio- ISO member. Campus Curfew lation of the above article. The Several USA Senators jokingly WITH A CROWNING SMILE. Glnny Llonettl, a 5'4" senior from reason for this appeal is to avoid called for a strict party vote, Stamford, has been named Miss University of Connecticut, 1965. precedent, and the continuation but with several Senators Glnny, who was Winter Weekend Queen, Is an English major resi- In support of our annual Con- of this unconstitutional practice. "bolting the party" and with ding in French B. She has brown eyes and brown hair, and is con- necticut Campus Carnival, I desire the decision that the the ISO standing their ground, sidering participating In the Miss Connecticut pageant. Glr.ny, who Women's Student Government present Station Manager relin- the motion was quickly passed. will also reign over the CCC, was selected from among seven final- Council extends curfew hour to quish his present offices Im- Andy (the President) could not ists. (Photo by John Albino) midnight this Monday evening. mediately. be reached for comment. PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS FRIDAY. APRIL 23, 1965 Daily Campus the editor Sign On The Dotted Line I can agree at least that there is For several weeks the members of the Voting Rights BUI an argument against federal cen- sophomore class have been circulating a peti- tralized authority. But voting To the Editor: power is the primary basis of tion which they Intend to present to the Con- our democratic government stop bombing North Viet Nam to necticut State Legislators. The purpose of the which supet cedes states can not, start negotiation. President Wednesday night In the Student Johnson said he was willing for petition is to demonstrate that the students Senate a very extensive debate have not, and most likely will not assure us of protecting it them- an "unconditional negotiation".
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