286 GENERAL INDEX Desborough, V

286 GENERAL INDEX Desborough, V

Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 70 1956 GENERAL INDEX Acknowledgments and Thanks for aid Brass in memory of Sir Arnald at Holborough, 84, 126 ; Whitstable, Savage of Bobbing, and wife, 83. 142 ; Upchurch, 166, Burham, 171, Brewer, Rev. J. S. Introduction to Otford, 177, Nehalennia, 200, Bee Vol. I Arch. Cant., 12, 34, 41. Boles, 240. Brimstone. Wages of Makers, c. 1580, Allen, A. F. Chalk, Gravesend. 146, 147. Roman Remains. Shorne, The Lost British Archaeological Association, 2. Village of Merston, 252, 253. British Cyclopedia, The, 1835, 142. Allnatt, Mr. J. 0., 270. Burham. Roman Chamber, 168-171. Amherst of Montreal, Riverhead, Lord. Butcher, Miss S. A. Excavations at Second President, 20. Seasalter, 50-67. Ancient Monuments, Inspectorate of. Ministry of Works, 84, 249. Caiger, J. E. L. Roman site at Bats- Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Holborough, ham, 261, 262. Kent, An. By Vera I. Evison. 4 Camden of Wildernesse, Lord. Presi- Plates, 22 figures, 84-141. Con- dent, 2, 20. clusions, 107-112. Key to Sites, Canterbury Cathedral War Memorial 111-112. Human Remains, 112-113. Garden, 239 ; St. Augustine's, 26, Dental Report, 113-117. Notes, 126- 27 ; Bell Harry Tower Appeal Fund, 131. 26 ; Monastic Register in Library, Anglo-Saxon Grave near Dartford, 26. Kent, An. By David M. Wilson. 1 Carson, R. A. G. Analysis of Coins, Plate, 2 figures, 187-191. 265. Annual General Meeting, First, 1858, 9. Cement Manufacturing Co., The Asso- Antiquaries, Society of, 29. ciated Portland, Co-operation of Antiquities preserved, 18, 32. Managers and Surveyor, 84, 168. Archaeological Institute, 2. Centenary of K.A.S., 1957, 1-43. Archaeological Societies, formation, 2, Churchill, Miss Irene J. Hon. Editor 3. of Kent Records, 27, 38. Archives, see Kent Archives. Claringbull, Dr. G. F. Mineralogist, 165. Clarke, R. D., M.A. Otford, 177. Bacon. Advancement of Learning, 12. Cobham, Lord, 75. Badge. Design for K.A.S., 13, 14. Coffin, leaden, of Roman lady, 23, 24. Balfour-Browne, Mrs. F. L. on Char- Coles, Mr. C. A. G. Obituary, 285. coal, 162. Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas. Hon. Beale Poste, Rev., of Bydews, Maid- Treasurer, 1903-1904, 42, 43. stone, 1857, 2. Constant, Miss Joan. Bee Bole, 238. Bee Boles, 237-240. Conyngham, Lord. A.-S. Cemetery at Beresford Hope, on Archaeology, Bifrons, 16. Kent, 1858, 8. Cook, Mr. N. C., B.A., F.S.A. Guildhall Bishop, Mr. W. M., L.R.I.B.A., 142. Museum, 177. Bish Webb, George. Surrey Archaeolo- Copperas or Green Vitriol, Sulphate of gical Society, 1857, suggested amal- Iron, 142, 1"43. gamation with Kent, 1, 2, 7. Cornwall, I. W., 87, 89 ; Bones for the Black Prince, The Household of the, ArohcKologist, 282, 283. Princess Joan and Richard II, 69-71. " Coterells ", 44, 63. Blumstein, M. Roman Pottery from Country Home, The, 1913, 238. Hoo, 273-277. The A.-S. Cemetery Crane, Dr. Eva. Bee Boles, 240. at Polhill, 278-280. Crosby, James, F.S.A., 6. Bosworth, Rev. J. Note on Badge, 13. Cumont, Professor, 169. Bradbourne Hall now E. Mailing Research Station, 30. Dale, Mr. Anthony, 240. Brailsford, J. W. A Hoard of Roman Denston, R. B. The Human Remains Folles from Bromley, 264, 266. at Holborough, 112, 113. 286 GENERAL INDEX Desborough, V. F. Further Bee Boles Further Bee Boles in Kent. By V. F. in Kent. 4 Plates, 237-240. Desborough. 4 Plates, 237-240. de Seyssell, Mrs. B. Gift to Maidstone Museum, 273. Dover Castle. St. Mary-in-Castro pre- Gardner-Waterman, Rev. Waterman served, 9. rescued finances. K.A.S., 25. Duncan, Leland, 27. Gavelkind, 26, 69. Dunning, G. C., F.S.A. Report on Gibbs, Mr. Faversham. Saxon anti- Pottery from Seasalter. 2 figures, quities, 10. 59-63. Goodsall, Robert H., F.R.I.B.A. The Duruz, Mrs. Bee Boles, 239. Whitstable Copperas Industry. 1 map, 142-159. Group of Mounds on Seasalter Level, Editorial Committee formed, 1858, 12. near Whitstable and the Medieval Elgar, Hubert. Curator, 27. Imbanking in this area, A. By Elliot, R. W. Geological Museum. M. W. Thompson. 3 Plates. 7 Report on Rock specimen, 167. figures, 44-67 ; Excavation finds, Elliston-Erwood, F. C., F.S.A. Pottery, Addendum, Appendix. Further Excavations at Lesnes Green, I. W. History of All Saints' Abbey, Erith, Kent, 246-247, 270 ; Church, Whitstable, 283, 284. Excavations at Mailing, 28. Grove, Mr. L. R. A., B.A., F.S.A. 84, Elliston-Erwood, F. C., F.S.A. Mis- 171, 177. Notes on Abbey Wood, cellaneous Notes on Some Kent Herne Bay, Ightham and Maidstone Roads and Allied Matters. 5 figures, districts. On Jews'Harps, St. Mary - 201-220. in-the-Marsh and Wingham District, Eltham. Well Hall Bee Boles, 237. English Medieval spelling, 64, 66. 268-273. English Place-Names Society's Kent volume, 30. Evison, Vera I. An Anglo-Saxon Harrison, Benjamin, 1837-1921. Cemetery at Holborough, Kent. 4 World-famous archaeologist, Chief Plates. 22 figures, 84-141. Memorials, 186. Erle-Drax, Mr. As to Finds, 9. Harrison, Sir Edward. Old Stones, Excavation Branch. K.A.S., 29 ; Ightham. The History of an Ancient Earliest, 16. Home in Kent. Structure, occu- Exhibitions arranged for Annual Meet- pants, 178-186. Hon. Secretary, ings, 11. 1935-1950, 31. Gift to Museum, 269. Harrison Family in Ightham, 1704- 1956, 185, 186. Falmouth, Viscount and Viscountess, Haverfield, Prof. Francis, 169. of Mereworth, 19 September, 1857, 1. Headley Brothers, Ashford, Printers to Faussett, Rev. B., 107. K.A.S. since 1927, 34. Faussett, H. Godfrey-. Saxon Ceme- Hengist and Horsa, 1,500 anniversary, tery research, 16. 1949, 40. Hengist to Baldred, 229. Finances, 25 ; Finance Committee set Henry V. Expedition to Normandy, up, 1903 ; Rev. Waterman Gardner- 82. Waterman, 25. Henry VIII. Palace at Otford, 177. Finds: At Seasalter. Boot, 55; Wooden Hobday, S. R., O.B.E., F.S.A., Objects, 57-59 ; Pottery, 59-63. F.R.Hist.S. Obituary by F.W.J., At Holborough : Pottery Whet- 285. stone, buckles, shield bosses, spear- Holborough. Anglo-Saxon Cemetery. head, pothangers, swords, 89-107. At 4 Plates. 22 figures, 84-141. Upohuroh : Pottery ollae, 164, 165 ; Hooker, Richard, 1554-1600, 231. beaker, samian dish, puppy bones, Hope-Taylor, Mr. Brian. Pottery, 63. 166 ; in Otford Well, 174, 176. Hoskings, Mrs. Bee Boles, 239. Fiennes, Celia, 1685. Copperas, 143. Hull, Felix, B.A., Ph.D. Kentish ffolles, 264. Historiography, 221-230. Foss, Edward. Secretary of first Hume, I. Noel. Ritual Burials on the Local Committee, Canterbury, 9 ; Upehureh Marshes. 1 Plate. 1 Criticism of publication, 35. figure, 160-167. Frere, Mr. Sheppard. Pottery, 60-63. Hussey, Mr., of Scotney, 2. 287 GENERAL INDEX Ightham. " Old Stones " Structure of Knocker, H. W. Sevenoaks Collector Cottage in 1460 and house in 1560. of documents ; Began National Occupants, 179-183. Register of Archives, 26 ; Records Ightham. Parochial Records, 242. Branch of K.A.S., 29. Inskip, Mr. and Mrs. Bee Boles, 239. Inventory of Richard Hooker, 1601. Lambarde, Major. Joint Editor, 27. Edited by Rosemary Keen, B.A., Lambarde. Perambulation, 172. 231-236. Larking, Rev. Lambert B., Vicar of Ryarsh. First Hon. Sec. of K.A.S. Journals at Maidstone Museum, 1, Jell, Mr. Bee Boles, 237, 238. 32, 34. Publications, 35. Jenkins, Mr. Frank, on Agrarian Rituals, Landseer. Trafalgar Square lions, 14. 164, 171; Canterbury and District, Leeds, E. T. Types of square-headed Belgic, Roman, Medieval excava- A.-S. brooches, masks, nielloed swas- tions, 247-249. tikas, etc., 187-191. Jenkins, Frank, F.S.A. Nameless or Lewis, Mrs. Bee Boles, 238. Nehalennia, 192-200. Leverhulme Trustees thanked, 200, Jessup, Frank W., F.S.A. The Origin 201. and First Hundred Years of the Luck, Mr. Bee Boles, 238. Society, 1-43. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A. The " Temple of McCrerie, Alan. " Smythe's Mega- Mithras " at Burham, 168-171. lith ". The General's Tombstone, Jessup, Mr. Ronald, thanked, 200. 251 252 Joan, The Princess. Widow of The McDowall, Mr. E. D., M.I.Struct.E. Black Prince, Mother of Richard II, Mrs. McDowall. Thanked by 69-72. Otford, 177. Maidstone Journal, 2. Maidstone Museum, formerly Charles Museum, opened 1858, offered accom- Keen, Rosemary, B.A. Inventory of modation to K.A.S., 7. Richard Hooker, 1601. Edited by, Mailing Research Station, East, 30. 231-236. May, T. Catalogues of the Roman Kent Archaeological Society, Birth at Pottery in Colchester and Essex Mereworth Castle, 19th September, Museum, 164. 1857. Frontispiece. 1-43 ; List of Meates, Lt.-Col. G. W., F.S.A. The Officers for 100 years, 42, 43 ; Kit's Lullingstone Roman Villa Excava- Coty House, 5. tions, 249, 250. Thanked, 172, 177. Kent Archives Office Accessions, 1955- Medway Navigation Co. Records, Coal 56, 241-245. Borough, Sewers, and Freight, 241. Parochial, Turnpike Records; Estate Members of K.A.S., To. Exhortation and Family Archives; Conyngham in Report to First Annual Meeting, MSS., etc. 42. Kent, J. P. C. Analysis of Coins, 265. Mendel, Mr. Sam. Bee Boles, 240. Kentish Gazette, The, 8th February, Menu at Dartford, 1867, 15. 1788, 159. Mereworth Castle. State Bed Room, Kentish Historiography. By Felix Hull, B.A., Ph.D. William Lam- Merlen, R. Appendix 1. Dog-bones' barde, 1536-1601 ; Richard Kil- Ritual Burials, 166, 167. burne, 1605-1678 ; Thomas Phili- Merrifleld, Mr. R., F.S.A., 260. pot, d. 1682 ; Dr. John Harris, Merry Guide to Margate, Ramsgate and 1667-1719 ; Edward Hasted, 1732- Broadstairs, The. By Bernard 1812 ; Charles Seymour, 1776 ; Blackmantle, 1825, 142. William Henry Ireland, 1830 ; John Milestone, o. 1700, 202, 203. Furley, 1871 ; J. E. A. Jolliffe, 1930. Ministry of Works, Ancient Monu- 221-230. ments Department, 84, 249. Kenyon, Miss K.

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