CanadianCOPA Flight PlaneClassified Section Trade FEATURED LISTINGS FOR APRIL, 2017 1964 C336 SKYMASTER, 3400 TT, 1968 CESSNA 150H, 2823 TT, 593 1971 CESSNA 150, 7839 TT, nav/com, 1960 CESSNA 172. 0 – 300 CONT, engines 150 SMOH, props 50 SMOH, SMOH, 331 on 4 new cyls, BK nav/ ARC, ADF, xpdr Mode C, current C of 860 SMOH, 14 STOH, 2160 TTSN, annual to Jan 2018, paint & interior com, ADF, xpdr mode C, intake, prop, A, good condition, good compression. CofA done May 2016, Horton STOL, 8/10, IFR. $67,500 CDN 306-222- cowl covers, manual towbar, 9/10 in/out C/W: wing and cowl covers, winter-kit, EDO 2000 Floats. All reasonable offers 5634, [email protected] (2751.13668) $28,000 OBO, [email protected] extra- rebuilt cylinder, back seat(rare). considered – purchased 180 $60,000 (2754.13694) $16,000 OBO. 780 905-9601, Email: CDN. Email: littlecessna172@gmail. [email protected] (2695.13724) com (2545.13641) 2009 AEROCOUPE, HOMEBUILT CATEGORY. 335 TT 0-200 Crank, 1974 MOONEY M20F 1/2 or full share, C-90 Cam in C-85, spin on filter. CYSH near Ottawa. 350 SMOH, 6238 1973 PA28-140, 2500 TT, 550 SMOH, NEW HANGER FOR SALE EDMON- CHT/EGT, Icom Radio, intercom, TT, GTN 750, GNS 430w, S-Tec 60-2 good avionics plus STEC autopilot, TON COOKING LAKE (EZ3). 49 x Mode C. 1450 Gross. Retract AP, Aspen Pro 1000, GDL-88 dual link paint & interior 7/10, annual to July 66, 48 x 16.5 diamond door. Fits 4 shoulder harness. As featured in ADS-B, UBG-16 engine analyser, FS- 2017. $37,500.00 CDN More info and a/c. Heated. C/W rest room, coffee RAA mag. Always hangared. Sale 450 fuel computer, Gami injectors, and pictures 306-222-5634 or ewjordan@ room, wash bay. Call Henry 780 278- 1598. skylaneaircraftsales.com includes Cyclo polisher and material, much more. www.cysh.ca/gldk.html for yourlink.ca (2751.13670) (2712.13206) Bruce custom cover. $36,500 OBO. complete info. (2403.13272) email: [email protected] 519-941-7668 (2510.13736) 1967 PIPER CHEROKEE 180 – 1967 CESSNA 172H, 7095 TT, 1980 CESSNA 182Q SKYLANE - CALL FOR PRICE! 4,320 Hrs TT; 215 SMOH, 6.5 hrs since Aug/2017 $89,900 USD 2,262 Hrs TT; 418 Hrs 1,565 Hrs SMOH; 629 hrs Since annual, 720 Com/VOR, ADF, ModeC, 1964 CESSNA P. 206. 1751.3hrs. Black SMOH; 12 Hrs SPOH; 1116 lbs Useful Bottom OH; New McCauley Prop; ILS, Tanis heater, Int 6/10, Ext 7/10, Mac propeller like new 27hrs. Horton Load! Low Time Engine! Fresh Prop Garmin GTN-650 “touch screen” new windsheild and battery, always Stol. Equipped with a full panel. Moc (done in 2016)!!! Garmin Portable WAAS GPS, Garmin GTX-345 ADS-B maintained, $26,000, Andy (905)213- C transponder, adf, gps, navcom, front MFD GPSMAP 695, Dual Digital (Out), Century 1 A/P, Wheel Pants (not 2500, [email protected] (2761.13723) and side intercom, 4 year-old bubble Nav/Com with Glide Slope, Portable shown),Apex 1,014 lbs (Leggat) Useful Load! Annuallisting MA 16 windows, egt, atp, lrf, wheel kit, floats Collision Avoidance System, Engine Inspection-Oct. 2016, Excellent Mtce., like new 200hrs. Asking $160,000. Call Analyzer, Fuel Computer, NDH and No Damage History, Hangared. Canadian Plane Trade 450-681-8176 or email rejeanperron@ much more! Aviation Unlimited 905- Aviation Unlimited 905-477-0107 ext Classified Ad Deadline for yahoo.ca (2656.13728) 477-0107 ext 225 (2247.13692) 225 (2247.13693) May: April 4th Apex (Leggat) listing MA 16 CALL US ABOUT THE NEW CESSNA 182 SKYLANE! CALLApex US(Leggat) ABOUT listing MATHE 16 NEW CESSNA 182 SKYLANE! 2016 Cessna TTX, 50TT, FIKI, G2000 Avionics ...................................2012. Turbo$699,000 Skylane USD 182T,1977 G1000/GFC700 Mooney 201, 5616TT, AP, Active216 SMOH, Traffi Speed c/SVT! Mods! ........$262K/Half....................................... Share CYKZ!. 1977Call! Cessna 172N/Floatplane, 8986 TT, 373 SMOH, CAP 2000 Floats, Garmin 250XL! ...$69,500 US Leggat Aviation2012 Turbo Skylane 182T, G1000/GFC700Ltd.CALL AP, Active US Traffi ABOUT c/SVT! .........2009 THE$262K/Half T206H, NEW Share 599 CYKZ! TTSN, CESSNA 901977 STOH, Mooney Float182 201, 3854Kit, SKYLANE! TT,TKS, 487 G1000, SM, Garmin Flint 430W, Tips, Repainted VG’s ..............$499,900 2010!................. US$80,0001977 USD Turbo Aztec F, 2507 TT, 439 SM, Full DeIce! LRF! ........................................$109,900 US 2007 Cirrus2012 SR22 Turbo Turbo Skylane G3, 1240 182T, TT,G1000/GFC700 TKS DeIce, AP,Recent Active Import!Traffi c/SVT!................... ........$262K/Half2007 .Cirrus Share$260,000 CYKZ! SR22 Turbo USD1977 Cessna G3,1976 172N/Floatplane, 1240 Grumman TT, TKSTiger, 8986 DeIce,TT, 1471 373 TTAE, SMOH, Recent Original! CAP 2000 Import! Floats,Hangared! Garmin ..........................$260,000 Annual250XL! ...$69,500 12/16! ................ US US$42,0001976 USD Beech Duke, 7504 TT,1055/550 SMOH, Full DeIce, Garmin GMX200MFD ...$120,000 US 2009 T206H, 599 TTSN, 90 STOH, Float Kit, TKS, G1000, Flint Tips, VG’s ..............$499,900 US 1977 Turbo Aztec F, 2507 TT, 439 SM, Full DeIce! LRF! ........................................$109,900 US Leggat Aviation Ltd. 2006 Turbo 182T, 1468 TTAE, G1000, TAS600 Traffic, SVT!.........................2006 T206H$215,000 Amphib, USD 1000 TTSN, G1000 Avionics, Aerocet Amphibs, Copilot Door! ..........Call! 1976 Piper Lance, 2774 TT, 1743 SM, King w/HSI/ALTIII AP! .................................$99,900 US 2007 Cirrus SR22 Turbo G3, 1240 TT, TKS DeIce, Recent Import! ..........................$260,0002004 Cessna UST182T,1976 500 Beech TT,1976 Duke, G1000 Piper 7504 Lance, TT,1055/550 w/SVT! 2774 AllTT, SMOH, 1743 Logs, Full SM, DeIce, NDH! King Garmin w/HSI/ALTIII ...................................$249,900 GMX200MFD AP! ...$120,000......................... US US$89,9001975 USD Bonanza A36, 3753 TT, 773 SFRM, Dual KX155/HSI, club seating, hangared .. $130,000 US YOUR EASTERN CANADA2003 CirrusSR20, CESSNA2006 T206H 2670 Amphib, TT, 465 1000 SM, TTSN, DEALERDualGTN650 G1000 CALLAvionics, GPS! Aerocet............................ US Amphibs, ABOUT Copilot Door! ..........Call!$159,000 THE USD1976 NEW Piper1976 Lance, Duke, 2774 CESSNA 7504 TT, 1743 TT, 1050/550SM, King w/HSI/ALTIII SM,182 Garmin AP! SKYLANE! GMX, .................................$99,900 Excellent Maintenance! US ........... $120,000 USD YOUR EASTERNYOUR EASTERN CANADA CANADACESSNA DEALER 2004 Cessna2012 TurboT182T, Skylane500 TT, G1000 182T, w/SVT!G1000/GFC700 All Logs, NDH! AP, Active ...................................$249,900 Traffi c/SVT!2002 ........$262K/Half Piper Super US ShareCub1975 BonanzaReplica,CYKZ! A36, 1871977 3753 CessnaTTAE,TT, 773 172N/Floatplane,SFRM, Amphibs/Wh Dual KX155/HSI, 8986 Gear! club TT, seating,373 ..............................$129,900 SMOH, hangared CAP 2000.. $130,000 Floats, US Garmin 250XL! US ...$69,500 1975US Grumman Tiger, 2016 TT, 139 SM, 81 STOH (2006), King/Narco Avionics .....$39,900 US 2002 Piper 2002Super Piper2009 Cub Super T206H,Replica, Cub 599Replica, 187 TTSN, TTAE, 187 90 Amphibs/WhTTAE, STOH, Amphibs/Wh Float Kit, Gear! Gear!TKS, ..................... ..............................$129,900G1000, Flint Tips,. VG’s ..............$499,900$99,900 US USD1975 Grumman US1975 Beech Tiger,1977 2016 Sierra, Turbo TT, 1392166Aztec SM, TT, F, 81 2507694 STOH SM TT, (2006),.............................................. 439 SM, King/Narco Full DeIce! Avionics LRF! .....$39,900 ........................................$109,900 US $44,900 US USD LeggatThe NewThe C-172s Aviation New • C-182s C-172s • C-206sLtd. • C-182s1999 C182S, 1815 • TT, C-206s’0’ SFOH, GSN430, HSI, WX1000+, Skywatch Traffi1999 c! ........$214,900 C182S, US1815 1974TT, ’0’C421B, SFOH, Recent GSN430,Import (2013)! HSI, NDH! WX1000+, All Logs!.............................................. Skywatch Traffi $189,500c! ........$214,900 US US 1974 C421B, Recent Import (2013)! NDH! All Logs!.............................................. $189,500 US CESSNA DEALER 2002 Mirage1997 800TT, Zlin2007 Z242L, 20SMOH, Cirrus 454 SR22 TTAE,Dual Turbo Garmin530's, G3, Traffic,430 1240 GPS, TT,KnownIce! Low TKS Time! DeIce, ....................................$102,500..................... Recent Import!1997 ..........................$260,000. Zlin Z242L,$530,000 US 454 USD1973 T310Q,TTAE, US1975 2805 Garmin Bonanza 1976TT, Garmin Beech 430A36, GTN Duke,3753GPS, 650! TT, 7504 ................................................................Low 773 TT,1055/550 SFRM,Time! Dual ....................................$102,500 SMOH,KX155/HSI, Full DeIce,club seating, Garmin $69,500 hangaredUSGMX200MFD ..... ...$120,000 US$130,000 US1973 USD T310Q, 2805 TT, Garmin GTN 650! ................................................................ $69,500 US 2001 DA40,1997 1/7th Zlin 2006Share, Z242L, T206H Based 1105 Amphib, TT, St 20. SMOHHubert, 1000 - Lowest TTSN,530W/430W, time G1000 Zlin around! Avionics, 1300SM Garmin Aerocet................... 430! Hangared!1997 Amphibs, Zlin ....$99,900 Copilot Z242L,$25,000 US Door! 1105 CAD 1973..........Call! TT, 182P, 201974 Peterson SMOH Cessna1976 Perf - 172,LowestPiper Plus! 23393TT, Canard,Lance, time 2602774 2013SM, Zlin HP, TT, FuelInj, around! 1743King Many SM,& Garmin! Garmin KingExtras w/HSI/ALTIII .................. Trainer! 430! Hangared! ........................ $175,000 AP! .................................$99,900 US ....$99,900 US$30,900 US1973 CAD 182P, Peterson Perf Plus! Canard, 260 HP, FuelInj, Many Extras .................. $175,000 US YOUR EASTERN CANADA CESSNA DEALER 1992 Bonanza2004 Cessna F33A, 1169T182T, TTAE, 500 King TT, Silver G1000 Crown w/SVT! w/KLN90B All Logs, GPS, NDH! KFC 150 ...................................$249,900
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