San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1968 Special Libraries, 1960s 1-1-1968 Special Libraries, January 1968 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1968 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, January 1968" (1968). Special Libraries, 1968. 1. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1968/1 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1968 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cvpecial! libraries A HANDBOOK OF LATTICE SPACINGS AND BIOMETEOROLOGY, Volume 2, Parts 1 and 2 STRUCTURES OF METALS AND ALLOYS, Edited by S. W. Tromp and W. H. Weihe Volume 2 LC No. 63-6247; 1,178 pp.; 309 line illustrations; By W.B. Pearson 23 plates; 7 114" x 9 314" $35.00 LC No. 57-14965; 1,456 pp.; 196 line illustrations; "...many short (about five-pages) papers on nearly 6 118'' x 9 314" $75.00 every aspect of the relation of climate to life... useful "...a rtzagnificetzr reference work on X-ray structure bibliographies to guide the reader ... " data, which will be greatly valued by research -American Scientist tnetallurgists and physicists. " Nature ADVANCES IN MACHINE TOOL ADVANCES IN VACUUM SCIENCE DESIGN AND RESEARCH 1966 AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2 (in 3 Parts) Edited by S. A. Tobias and F. Koeningsberger Edited by H. Adams LC No. 66-17931; 708 pp.; 483 line and 143 half- LC No. 59-6851; 8 1/2" x 11" tone illustrations; 7 114" x 9 314" $34.00 Part I: 304 pp.; 30 line and 66 halftone illustrations $21.50 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE THEORY, Part ll: 264 pp.; 245 line and 53 halftone Parts 1 and 2 illustrations $21.50 Edited by J. Brown Part l l I; 236 pp.; 209 line and 55 halftone LC No. 66-17928; 6" x 9" 2 volume set illustrations $18.50 Part 1: 562 pp.; 199 line and 7 halftone TEXTBOOK OF THE SPECIAL PATHOLOGICAL illustrations $21.50 ANATOMY OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS Part 2: 558 pp.; 247 line and 7 halftone By Karl Nieberle and Paul Cohrs illustrations $21.50 Revised by Paul Cohrs PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS AND THEIR LC No. 66-16365; 1,034 pp.; 595 black and white SYNONYMS, Third Revised and Enlarged Edition and 129 color plates. 6" x 9" $32.00 "...provides a ~jealth of infortnation not hitherto (Orgatzisch-chetnische easily available to English-speaking veterinarians ... Arztzeitnittel und ihre Syt2onynza) highly useful to the serious student both before and By Martin Negwer after graduatiot~." -Modern Veterinary Practice LC No. 67-80609; 1.232 pp.; 6 112" x 9 112" $35.00 CRYSTAL GROWTH "...recommended for those institutions keeping Edited by H. Steffen Peiser abreast of progress in pharmacy, in phartnacolog?~, LC No. 66-29611,874 pp.; 297 line and 387 halftone and in tnedicitzal chemistry. " illustrations; 7 114" x 9 314" $45.00 -American Journal of Pharmaccutical Education STEREOREGULAR POLYMERS AND OLFACTION AND TASTE, Volume 2 STEREOSPECIFIC POLYMERIZATIONS, Edited by Takashi Hayashi 2 Volumes LC No. 63-1222; 846 pp.; 370 line and 59 halftone Edired by Giullio Natta and Ferdinand0 Danusso illustrations; 6" x 9" $30.00 LC No. 63-10026;922 pp.; 617 line and 36 halftone "The organizers of the first conference on olfaction illustrations; 6" x 9" 2 volumes $50.00 and taste in 1962 thought that these topics were being neglected somewhat by physiologists. The RADIOECOLOGICAL number of contributors to the second conference CONCENTRATION PROCESSES attested to the fact that a lively interest and con- Edited by Benil Aberg and Frank P. Hungate siderable activity indeed existed. Over fifty papers ... are presented in these proceedings and review work LC No. 66-27643; 1,042 pp.; 339 line illustrations; being done on the chetnoreceptors in various 7 114" x 9 314" $45.00 "...there are a sizeable number of excellently written animals. " and interesting papers ...a useful reference to studies -Journal of the American Osteopathic Association in this field cam'ed out in many parts of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE Vllth INTERNATIONAL world ... " -Science CONGRESS OF NUTRITION, HAMBURG, ANTIBIOTICS. Origin, Nature and Properties GERMANY, AUGUST, 1966 Volumes 1 and 2 Edited by Joachim Kuhnau and By T. Korzybski, 2. Kowsryk-Gindifer and Hans-Dietrich Cremer W. Kurylowicz LC No. 65-2550; 3,072 pp.; numerous illustrations; LC NO. 64-21220; 1,608 pp.; 6 9/16" x 9 7/16" extensive references; 6 15116" x 9 1 1/16" $45.00 5 volume set $109.00 Available at your bookseller or direct from PERGAMON PRESS, INC., 44-01 21st street, Long Island City, N. Y. 11101 SPECIAL LIBRARIES is published by S ecial Libraries Association, mo,nthly September to April, bimonthly May to August, at 73 Mam Street, ~rattTeboro, Vermont 05301. Editorla1 Offices: 235 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003. Second class postage pad at Brattleboro, Vermont. POSTMASTER: Send Fonn 3579 to Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003 NEW FOR 1968 The major Soviet journal deal- Ing with the closely related fields of linguistics, information Automatic retrieval, automatic documenta- tlon, and mechanical transla- Documentation tlon. While the emphasls is on theory, experimental results are frequently glven, along with de- and scrlptions of operational sys- tems. Focuses on the highly co- ordlnated and Imaginative effort belng made by Soviet spec~al- ists to arrlve at efficient and Linguistics comprehensive systems for an- The Faraday Press translaton of selected major artfcles alyzlng, translating, encodlng from Nauchno-Tekho~cheskayalnformals,ya search~ngand correlating scl- ent~f~cand technical inforrna- Contents Volume 1. Numbers 1'2 tion. Automatic Textual Analysis M. Koio Nauchno-Tekhniche~ka~a A Linguistic Description of the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry Informats~ya M. M. Langleben a pubhcation of the All-Unlon Institute of Sclentihc The Concepts " Information " and " Sign " and Technical Information M. K. Bocharov (VINITI) Analysis of Information Flow as a Means for Predicting the Future of Research Projects Editorial Board V. V. Kosolapov A I. M~khallov. Edltor Research on Qualifications for Information Specialists in Chemistry V. A. Polushkin, S. A. Dubinskaya Associate Editor Optimal Structures for Subject Indexes of Abstract Journals S. M. Bagdasar'yan N. M. Sagalovich G. E. Vleduts B N. Voitsikov Grammars for Description of Correspondences Between Natural D. I. Voskobo~nik L. A Gaukhman Languages R. S. Gilyarevskii M. I. Beletskii L. S. Korotkevich M. I. Levshtein The Problem of Translation and Modern Linguistics S. G. Malinin A. Lyudskanov 0.V. Mamontov Yu. V. Medvedkov Syntactical Homonymy in Russian (from the Viewpoint of Automatic V Yu. Steklov Analysis and Synthesis) N. I. Tyshkevich L. N. Iordanskaya A A. Fomin A. I. Chernyi A Distributive Theory of Sentences with Bound Regions A. D. Chernenko K. I. Babitskii An Approach to Definition of Certain Fundamental Notions in Annual subscr~ption Information-Retrieval Languages (4 issues): $1 45.m A. B. Antopol'skii and V.G. Boldov THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 84 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. N. Y. 10011 JANUARY 1968 1 "WHAT IS PANDEX ALL ABOUT?" Just this: We are indexing, and integrating into one comprehensive subject file, 2,100 sciltech journals per year (cover to cover/ manually edited), 6,000 sciltech books (manually indexed), 30,000 U. S. technical reports (manually indexed) and 5,000 selected sciltech patents (manually indexed). How is it available? 1. Quarterly on microfiche. 2. Quarterly in printed volumes. 3. Quarterty on cartridge loading 16mm film (3M coding). 4. Weekly airmail magnetic tape service (with SDI package program). 5. Weekly direct SDI service. 6. On-demand retrospective searching. For specific information about these bibliographic services, write or call: PANDEX American Management Association Building 135 West 50th Street -- New York, New York 10020 - (212) 581-5141 special libraries Business Records in the Company Archives Joseph M. Simmons The Application of Computers at the B. F. Goodrich Research Center Library Alice Yanosko Chamis Planning the New NIH Research Library Jess A. Martin The Information Center on Crime and Delinquency Barbara M. Preschel Mechanized Circulation Controls K. P. Nolan, F. S. Cardinelli, and W. A. Kozumplik National Library Week 50 Special Libraries Association Do We Need a Dues Increase ? 19 Jean Deuss Bienvenidos Amigos! 38 John M. Connor Features LTP Reports to SLA 52 Marjorie E. Weissman Have You Heard 53 Off the Press 55 Editor: GUYR. BELL Assi~tantEditor: ELAINEC. HARRIS Special Libraries Committee Chairnun: IRVINGM. KLEMPNER,State University of New York at Albany CHARLOTTEM. DEVERS,Curtiss-Wright Corporation MRS. ANNEJ. RICHTER,R. R. Bowker Company Papers published in SPECIAL LIBRARIES express the views of the azcttrors and do not represent the olinion or tlrr polzry of /he editorral staff or the publisher. Manuscripts submrtted for p~rblrration must be typed double space on only one side of fiaper and mailed to the editor. Authors may order reprints zmmedia/ely before or after publicatzon. SubscriPtions: U. S. $20.00; foreign, $21.50; single copie~,$2. 0 Annual author-title-subject index published umith December issue. @ 1968 by Special Libraries Association. INnFxFn in Business Periodicals Index, 1)orumentation Abstracts, Historical Abstracts, Hospital Literature Zn- dex. Lzbrary Literatur~,Library Scienre Abstracts, Management Index and Public Affairs Information Service. President MRS.ELIZABETH R. USHER Art Reference Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street, New York 10028 President-Elect HERBERTS. WHITE Leasco Systems and Research Corp., NASA Facility P. 0. Box 33, College Park, Maryland 20740 Advisory Council Chairman CHARLESH.
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