1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1599 By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis-. By Mr. REED of nlin6ls! to dwell in peace upon the face of the lature of the State of Idaho, memorializing . H. R. 3678. A bill for the relief of George the President and the Congress of the United· Prokofieff de Seversky and Isabelle Prokofieff earth. In the name of Christ. Amen. States, requesting the recognition and im- de Seversky; to the Committee on the Judi· portance of the spruce-timber resources in• cia:ry. THE JOURNAL the State of Idaho, and to initiate an ade- · ' By Mr. RODINO: quate emergency program to control the H. R. 3679. A bill for the relief of Nicola On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani.. spruce-bark-beetle epidemic; to the Commit- Mastto:tllippo; to the Committee on the Judi- mous consent, the reading of the Jour­ tee on Agriculture. ciary. · nal of the proceedings of Monday, Also, memorial of the Legislature of the By Mr. ROGERS of Colorado: March 2, 1953, was dispensed with. State of Montana, memoralizing the Presi- H. R. 3680. A bill for the relief of Dora dent and the Congress of the United States, Camallch; to the Committee on the Judi­ requesting the enactment of legislation pro-. ciary.' MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT viding for the donation of lands formerly By Mr. THOMAS: . Messages in writing from the Presi­ within the Fort Missoula Military Reservation· H. R. 3681. A bill for the relief of Nathan to Missoula County, Mont.; to the Commit- L. Laufman; to the Committee on the Juq.i- dent of the United States submitting tee on Armed Services. ciary. nominations were communicated to the Also, memorial of the Legislature of the By Mr. THOMPSON of Louisiana: Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre.. State of South Dakota, memorializing the· H. R. 3682. A bill for the relief of Tate taries. · President and tbe Congre&s of the United Gu Lee; to the Committee on the Judiciary. States, to make provision for payment of the . By Mr. WATTS: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE exact equivalent of taxes to the States and_ H. R. 3683. A bill for the relief of Edmon other lesser political subdivisions whenever Burgher; to the Committee on Post Office A message from the House of Repre .. the tax base of such taxing units is depleted and Civil Service. sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, its reading by withdrawals of lands for the use of Fed-· clerl~. announced that the House had dis .. eral agencies; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. agreed to the amendments of the Senate PETITIONS, ETC. to the bill <H. R. 3053) making supple.. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions mental appropriations for the ·fiscal year PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ending June 30, 1953, and for other and referred as follows: purposes; agreed to the conference Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private. · 75. By Mr. BUSH: Petition of Disabled asked by the Senate on the disagreeing bills and resolutions were introduced and American Veterans, Department of Pennsyl­ votes of the two Houses thereon, and severally referred as follows: vania, approving resolution by the national that Mr. TABER, Mr. WIGGLESWORTH, Mr. By Mr. BENTLEY: convention urging the Congress of the United CLEVENGER, Mr. BUSBEY, Mr. CANNON, Mr. H. R. 3662. A bill for the relief of Eva· States to grant a sufficient overall annual ROONEY, and Mr. FOGARTY had been ap­ Ruttkay; to the Committee on the Judiciary. appropriation so as to guarantee sufficient pointed managers on the part of the H. R. 3663. A bill for the relief of Hajna funds to operate the Veterans' Administra­ Sepsi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tion throughout each fiscal year; to the Com­ House at the conference. · H. R. 36664. A bill for the relief of Anis Mo­ mittee on Appropriations. The message also announced that the vafagh; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 76. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Miami House had passed the following bills, in. By Mr. COLE of Missouri: ·. Townsend Club, No. 22, Miami, Fla., request­ which it requested the concurrence of H. R. 3665. A bill for the relief of Marko ing passage of H. R. 2446 and H. R. 2447, Fed­ the Senate: Ribic; to the Committee on the Judiciary. eral social security for all; to the Committee on Ways and Means. H. R. 662. An act for the relief of Mr. and By Mr. DEMPSEY: ~s. Joseph W. Furstenberg; H. R. 3666. A bill for the relief of Rev. Pe­ 77. Also, petition of American Medical As­ sociation, Washington, D. C., relative to reso­ H. R. 720. An act for the relief of Mrs. tros Constantine Remoundos; to the Com­ Muriel J. Shingler, doing business as Shing­ mittee on the Judiciary. lutions on international treaties and cove­ nants acted upon by the American Medical ier's Hatchery; By Mr. EVINS: Association in session December 1952 at Den­ H. R. 724. An act for the relief of Chester H. R. 3667. A bill for the relief of Harry B. ver, Colo.; to the Committee on Foreign M­ H. Tuck, Mary Elizabeth Fisher, James_ Girdley; to -the Committee on the Judiciary. fairs. Thomas Harper, and Mrs. T. W. Bennett; By Mr~ HELLER: ..._ 78. Also, petition of the Chairman, the H. R. 726. An act for the relief of Mr. and H. R. 3668. A bill for the relief of Samuel National Assembly, Republic of Korea, rela­ Mrs. Thomas J. Campion; · Zimmerman; to the Committee on the Judi­ tive to a message requesting economic and H. R. 739. An act for the relief of Alexander ciary.' military aid; to the Committee on Foreign A. Senibaldi; H. R. 3669. A bill for the relief of Paula Affaira. H. R. 759. An act for the relief of Hisaml Yoshida;. Bernstein; to the Co!"lmittee on the Judi· II ciary. H. R. 834. An act for the relief of Arthur By Mr. HULL: J. Boucher; H. R. 3670. A bill for the relief of Mrs. SENATE H. R. 861. An act for the relief of Edith Julia Gamroth; to the Committee on the Marie Paulsen; Judiciary. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1953 H. R. 873. An act for the relief of Mrs. By Mr. JACKSON: . Agnes Turkett; H. R. 3671. A bill for the relief of Walter Bishop W. Earl Ledden, resident in H. R. 883. An act for the relief of Leila E. Durham; to the Committee on the Judi­ the Syracuse area of the Methodist Park; , . ciary. Church, offered the following prayer: H. R. 886. An act for the relief of Aspasia H. R. 3672. A bill for the relief of Clyde Vezertzi; H. R. 887. An act for the relief of Mr. and M. Litton; to the Co~mittee on the Judi· Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, for ciary. yet another day of life we bless Thy holy Mrs. Edward Levandoski; H. R. 951. An act for the relief of the Trust By Mr. MACHROWICZ: name. Without Thy sustaining grace H. H. R. 3673. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Association of Kempner; we could not stand; with Thy help we H. R. 960. An act for the relief of Charles Araxin Jerian; to the Committee on the dare confront the·massive duties of this H. Lin (also known as Lin Chao Hsi) ; Judiciary. day. Give us, we pray, stFength equal H. R. 969. An act for the relief of Thomas By Mr. MILLER of New York: to our tasks, integrity equal to all test .. J. Morris; H . R . 3674. A bill for the relief of Ger­ H. R. 973. An act for the relief of Margaret hardt Fassl; to the Committee on the Judi­ ings. And grant, 0 God, that our minds may Celikcan; . · ciary. H. R. 1133. An act for the relief of the By Mr. MORANO: be so open to Thy truth, our wills so Dason Equipment Corp.; . H. R. 3675. A bill for the relief of Herre van gratefully dedicated to the Power that H. R. 1193. An act for the relief of Mrs. der Veen, Mrs. Marie van der Veen, Helen both made and· preserved us a · nation, Helga Josefa Wiley; Winifred van der Veen, and Jan Herre van that we, servants of Thine and of the H. R. 1194. An act for the relief of the der Veen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. people, may be privileged this day to A. C. Israel Commodit~ Co., Inc.; By Mr. MULTER: strengthen the forces of righteousness · H. R. 1331. An act for the relief of Mrs. H. R. 3676. A bill for the relief of Juanita and justice and good will. Katherine L. Sewell; • Kloeden McCormick-Goodhart; to the Com~ H. R. 1334. An act for the relief of Helmuth mittee -on the Judiciary. · Move Thou upon the hearts of leader~:! Wolf Gruhl; By Mr. O'BRIEN of New York: of all lands, to the end that men may H. R. 1362. An act for the relief of Rose H. R. 3677. A bill for the relief of Sister yet recognize each other, across all Martin; Paolina (Angela Di Franco) ; to the Com­ frontiersj as members· of one great hu .. H. R. 1451. An act for the relief of Mrs. mittee on the Judiciary. man family destined by their Creator James M:. Tuten, Jr.; XCIX--101 1600: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE March 4 - H. R. 1452. An act for the relief of Joe cused from attendance on the sessions "Whereas in Idaho a total of 250 million Bargas; of the Senate for the remainder of the board feet of Engelmann spruce timber has H.
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