ALAN CRANSTON The Shadow In The Senate Gary Allen, a graduate of Stanford Uni­ paigning, for personal or ideological pur­ versity, is the author of several best­ poses, with little chance of winning. Then selling books, including Communist Revo­ State Superintendent of Education Max lution In The Streets; Nixon's Palace Rafferty defeated Senator Thomas A. Guard; None Dare Call It Conspiracy; Kuchel in the Republican primary. It was and, Richard Nixon: The Man Behind a contest in which more blood was spilled The Mask, the defin itive study of the than at the Battle of the Marne, with the ambition and conspiratorial activities of result being that the Kuchel supporters our current President. Mr. Allen, a former defecte d to Cranston . That year the instructor ofhistory and English, is active Republican Presidential candidate swept in numerous humanitarian, anti-Commu­ the state and the Republican candidate nist, and business enterprises. A film writ­ for Senate took the political gaspipe. By er, author, and [ournalist, he is a Contrib­ the time the smog cleared, Max Rafferty uting Edito r to AMERICAN O PIN IO N. was on his way to political oblivion and the man derisively nicknamed "The Mor­ • THE United States Senate is often said tician" had become the "accidental Sena­ to be "the world's most exclusive club." tor." It was one for Ripley . It has welcomed the membership of great statesmen, profound thinkers, and mag­ The Legislative Record nificent leaders. It has also served as a Alan Cranston has been a very ener­ base for demagogues, rogues, and rascals. getic Senator. A study financed by the Occasionally the fates have even amused National Taxpayers Union has found that themselves by sending to the Senate a only six other Senators have voted to bona fide screwball, a man whose skills as spend more of the taxpayers' money than a leader qualify him for little more than has Cranston in his freshman term .The haranguing the indifferent pigeons in problem is that our government has been Pershing Square. It is a tribute to the running enormous deficits which are be­ sagacity of the Founding Fathers, and to ing financed by the printing presses, the system of checks and balances they reducing the value of our money to such wrote into our Constitution, that the an extent as to produce a suffocati ng American Republic has survived not only inflation . As a chief architect of deficit its election of rogues and rascals but also spending, the California Senator has con­ its occasional embrace of demagogues and trib uted mightily to the rising cost of screwballs. living, or "the inflation tax" as it has Consider the case of the man his been called. In the six years of his term, colleagues call "the accidental Senator." deficit programs that he has supported He is Alan Cranston, senior Senator from have been responsible for twenty-five California, the most populous state in the percent of our entire National Debt ­ Union. In 1968, Cranston was considered every nickel of it bidding up the prices we by professional politicians to be a must pay for everything we buy . "throwaway candidate" - a man cam- Rather than vote to bring runaway JUNE. 1974 49 government spending under control - the been very difficult to find any area of only way to stop this inflation - Senator human activity where Alan.Cranston has Cranston became a vocal advocate of not voted to expand government by wage and price controls. He cheered when spending ever more of our taxes. ' The President Nixon fastened dictatorial con­ single exception is national defense, the trols on the economy, producing wide­ main legitimate expense of government. spread shortages. And he has gone right Here he is thoroughly duplicitous. Speak­ on voting away the buying-power of our ing at California defense plants, Senator dollars by supporting one deficit program Cranston tells workers that the United after another. States must be kept "militarily and tech­ Fortunately for consumers and tax­ nologically strong." That is campaign payers, many of the big spending bills talk. When not campaigning, Alan Cran­ Senator Cranston has supported have not ston is a member of the board of trustees passed, otherwise the Budget would have of the United World Federalists, which been doubled - doubling inflation or openly advocates our complete disarma­ taxes. Cranston was a sponsor of literally ment and surrender of American sover­ scores of big-spending bills which merci­ eignty to a World Government. fully did not get out of Committee. If all Just to list those aspects of our lives in of the money he has sought to spend which Senator Cranston has actively were actually appropriated, Joe Taxpayer urged that the government interfere would be working fulltime for Big Broth­ would require a book the size of the Los er from January to September (instead of Angeles telephone directory. Here are a merely to May) just to pay taxes. few typical examples: . Some "Liberals" believe that the move Alan Cranston wants to spend $400 in only four years from the nation's first million to put the federal government in $200 billion Budget to our first $300 the population-control business. He fa­ billion Budget is worth the cost in infla­ vors spending millions to permit the tion, taxes, and controls. Honest, if de­ federal government to involve itself in the luded, they say so openly. But, in Current activities of our local police departments. Biography, Senator Cranston actually de­ He has sought substantially to raise your scribes himself as "a conservative in fiscal taxes to provide a "guaranteed college matters." If Alan Cranston is a fiscal education" for all. Cranston also wants to conservative, then Billy Jean King is a tax you to provide federal "underwriting male chauvinist and Tiny Tim a baritone. of local property taxes," assuring federal That the seventh biggest spender in a control ofall town and city expenditures, spendthrift Senate would describe himself including the schools. He wants more as "a conservative in fiscal matters" federal money to force racial balance in befogs the mind. It also casts doubt on schools. He wants to eliminate the prac­ the man's credibility about anything. tice of offsetting earnings against Welfare Cranston's problem is that Californians payments. Alan Cranston says he wants are weary of being had by the Big Brother the federal taxpayer to guarantee a job programs he has consistently supported. for everyone. He supports legislation He has therefore adjusted his rhetoric if which would virtually do away with the not his commitment. "You know, I just constitutionally guaranteed right to keep don't believe government has to be in and bear arms. Cranston even wants every aspect of your life," Senator Cran­ federal money to construct and control ston told an interviewer for Nation's local sewer systems. He has introduced a Business. "It needs to help where help is bill which would put the federal govern­ needed, but it doesn't have to be in ment in the business of establishing na­ everything." In practice, however, it has tional adoption laws, claiming control of 50 AMERICAN OPINION Senate Internal Security Subcommitte Report, 1954 At another point, he discussed the part he pl ayed in the production of Army T alks, whi ch have been shown above as the fountainhead of pro-Communist indoctrination in I. and E. Dr. Schreiber not only ap proved of the pro-Communist indoctrina­ tion of American troops during Wo rld "Val' II but he still approves of it. The record shows that as late as Apri l 1949, Dr. Schreiber was a ~lliillkQ."_,,.Lth<Ll1L:ltnria~; ~ h- , . , D - -. ~ " Senator Alan Cranston denies that he played schoolboy Lenin in Mexico as early as 1935 , but the photostat below indicates otherwise. He next toured the revolutionary fronts of Europe, later explaining he was an LN.S. correspondent, but LN.S. denied it. Back in the U.S., Cranston became the protege of identified Soviet spy Louis Adamic , by whom he was employed. Named to head a section of O.W.I., he employed a known Soviet agent as chief of his Italian desk and chose as his own top assistant one David Karr, an important Communist editor for the Daily Worker and Party Organizer. David Karr still contributes to Cranston (below right) . Under fire by Congress and the F.B.L, Cranston joined the Army and worked for confessed Communist Julius Schreiber (see above) writing Red propaganda for the troops which was reprinted in the Daily Worker and distributed by Communist Fronts. Special Committee on Un-American Activities. 1943 Mr. ~lATI'lIEw8 . " 'ho sponsored you in YOUI' position with the Office of F acts and F igures I . .. Mr. KARR. Alan Cranston, Clnef of the F oreign Langu age Division of the Office of Facts and F igures. Mr. ?>IATrHEws. Did he personally invite you to ta ke th e position, 01' did you apply for th e P?siti on I .. , Mr. KARB. I never appl ied for any positron 111 th e Fed eral Govern- ment. Soviet spy Adamic Mr. MATrHEws. Did he pers onally invite ~' O\l to lake the posttron I .Mr. l{ARR. Yes, sir. Sacramento Bee February 13, 1974 WASHINGTON - Sen. Alan Cranston, a congres­ sional champion of public financing for federal elec­ tions campaigns, is relying heavily on big contribu­ tions from wealthy support­ ers in his own bid for re­ election this year... Bankers Give John J. Peters, chairman of the California Financial Corp. in San Jose, has given $3,000. Officers of United California Bank donated $750. M.
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