Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1984 The Anchor: 1980-1989 10-10-1984 The Anchor, Volume 97.06: October 10, 1984 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1984 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 97.06: October 10, 1984" (1984). The Anchor: 1984. Paper 18. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1984/18 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 97, Issue 6, October 10, 1984. Copyright © 1984 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1980-1989 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1984 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume 97, Number 6 Hope College Anchor October 10, 1984 1 Edwards To Speak On Sports He "has done more than anyone legitimate root: he was a poor to expose and analyze what he black youth whose father pushed by Martha Vander Kolk calls 4the great American Myth' - him in the direction of sports so the media inspired illusion that that he could escape his present On Thursday, October 11, Phi pursuing a sports career can be a conditions. Epsilon Kappa and the Depart- way out of poverty for significant Edwards has had approx- ment of Physical Education, number of black youth," ac- imately 50 articles published in a Recreation, and Athletics are cording to Robert L. Allen in the wide range of journals and has sponsoring two talks by Dr. Washington Post Book World. lectured at more than 500 col- Harry Edwards, Professor of Edwards attended San Jose leges and universities in Sociology at the University of State University on an athletic America. Also in demand on California at Berkeley. scholarship, where he graduated many television programs and Dr. Edwards will be delivering with a B.A. in Sociology. He then for newspaper interviews, he has two lectures, one at 11:00 AM en- went on to receive his M.A. and become one of the leading titled "Sport, Politics, and the Ph.D. at Cornell University. spokesmen for human rights in Olympics - Where to From During his time at Cornell, Ed- our country. Here?" and another at 2:00 PM wards became greatly influenc- Edwards is an excellent on "Striving for Victory - A Sen- ed by Malcolm X which led him speaker with a great deal to say- sible Approach to Sport." Both to examine the state of black about the condition of sports in lectures will be given in Wichers athletes in sports. He was a chief America. Everyone is invited to Auditorium. organizer of the black athletes' attend both the 11:00 AM and Dr. Edwards is a prominent protest at the 1968 Olympic 2:00 PM lectures. He will also be figure in the study of sports and Games in Mexico City. His feel- speaking on similar topics Oc- Dr. Harry Edwards will be speaking on how it affects the black athlete. ings on this subject have a very tober 12 at Calvin College. sports this Thursday. T Mayor Proclaims Week Let it hereforth and forthwith students, prospective students, be known that Holland Mayor teachers, colleges and univer- William A. Sikkel road the sities. governmental bodies and following proclamation at the Oc- business and industry; and tober 3rd Holland City Council WHEREAS, the City of Meeting: Holland is most fortunate to be WHEREAS, Higher Education the home of Hope College and the Week will be observed in the contribution Hope has made United States for the third con- toward working together with the secutive year during the period City for the improvement of the October 13 through 20; and minds of our citizens. WHEREAS, the function of NOW, THEREFORE, I, Higher Education Week is to call William A. Sikkel, Mayor of the PPliii attention to America's colleges City of Holland, do hereby pro- " ;/• •' ' , and universities in order to pro- claim and designate October 13 vide increased private support through 20, 1984 to be Higher mmm and to improve public attitudes Education Week in Holland and about the value of college- urge all citizens to take note of educated Americans; and the special events that will take WHEREAS, National Higher place during this time to Education Week is a grassroots' highlight the advantages of effort involving alumni. higher education in our com- munity. Greek Week will be held Oc- tober 15-19. Greek Week is spon- Happenings sored by the Intra Fraternity Pianist Highlights GPS No. 2 Council and is intended to enable all Hope students to meet, laugh at, and better understand the Larry Malfrold, professor of social fraternities on campus. guitar at Hope, will celebrate 10 Monday at 5:00 in Phelps world, is one of this century's The record world in general years of teaching here by giving Cafeteria will be the Jello Suck. by John VanWarren titans of the keyboard. She made seems to agree, as Miss de Lar- a recital on October 16, at 8 PM in Tuesday at 6:00 in the Van here public debut early in 1929, rocha was recently awarded a Wichers Auditorium. Admission Raatle Commons will be the and embarked on a career which Grammy by the recording in- is free. The first half of the con- "Van Raalte Grand Prix." Internationally acclaimed has become in recent years one dustry for the second year in a cert will include works by Sor, Wednesday will see the Greased pianist Alicia do Larrocha will of fanatical devotion from con- row. Ponce, Schumann, Granados, Pig at 6:00 in the Pine Grove. join the Grand Rapids Symphony certgoers throughout the world. Having distinguished himself and Albeniz. The second half will Thursday, from 8:00-10:00, all in presenting a concert Thurs- Critics have lavished upon this as one of the most exciting young feature works for violin and the frats will have an open house day, October 11 at 8 PM in Dim- petite, smiling virtuosa the most conductors in America, Semyon in the DeWitt Lobby. And Friday, nent as the second event of the guitar and a Vivaldi concerto for extraordinary adjectives. "...Not Bychkov was named Music guitar and strings. from 9:00-1:00 the frats will host Hope Great Performance Series. so much an audience for the Director of the Buffalo Philhar- a dance at Lincoln School. -Tickets will be available at the Spanish pianist as a congrega- monic Orchestra beginning in World Food Day will be held Sunday, October 15, from 9:00- door for $3 for students. They tion. one that has grown steadily 1985. Filling in on a very short Tuesday, October 16. There will 10:00 PM, in the Otte Room in may also be purchased in ad- in devotion over the last 15 notice this past February for be a program held that night at Phelps, there will be a seminar vance in the College Relations years," wrote Donal Henahan of Bernard Haitink, he received Otfice, second floor of DeWitt. the First United Methodist put on by the Health Services. The New York Times. After standing ovations and Church (57 W. 10th). Dr. Uko The Grand Rapids Symphony, The topic to be covered will be another recent recital. The NY widespread acclaim in the Euro- Zylstra of Calvin College will under the direction of Semyon Dealing with Loss. Times said: "She is one of the pean press for his conducting of speak on "Our Daily Bread" at Bychkov, is returning to the most finished pianists before the an all French program at a con- 7:30 PM. From 8:15-8:30 there Spoon River Anthology, the Hope series for the second public. Prominent in her arsenal cert of Holland's famed Concer- will be refreshments and in- first production of the school season. They will return for other are the three T's of Pianism - tgebouw. formational displays by local year here, will begin Friday, Oc- concerts January 17 and April 11. Technique, Tone and Taste. Young and old perform hunger groups. From 8:30-9:00 tober .12. It will also be presented The Spanish pianist Alicia de Those little hands of hers gobble together this Thursday in the se- there will be an informational Saturday, October 13 and Thurs- Larrocha, whose fame has up the keyboard in any con- cond event of the Great Per- meeting on the African crisis run day thru Saturday, October 18-20. skyrocketed throughout the figurations.*" formance Series. by Bread for the World. Curtain each night will be 8 PM. Hope College Anchor October 10, 1984 Who's Who and What's What Bloom County father who is quite hopeful that can, and does, do anything and his son will grow up and become everything. Oliver is the one to Bill the Cat heads the Meadow "Mentioning her name by Jazz VanKlompen a real man. blame for the return of Bill the Party ticket as their nominee for in the same breath with Oliver is the little computer Cat. He cloned a new Bill out of One of the most noticable president. Bill has led an in- pirate and super-genius of the part of Bill's tongue. Oliver has Rubinstein and Horowitz changes in the Anchor this year teresting life, reaching the pin- strip. With his computer Oliver two quite normal parents. raises no eyebrows " is the addition of a nationally nacle of success, dying, and then Mewsweek syndicated cartoon strip, namely being brought back to life.
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