THE EVENING STAR t APTS. UNFURN.—MD. (Coat.) APTS. UNFURNISHED—MD. |APTS. UNFURN.—VA. <C««it.> (HOUSES UNFURNISHED (Cent.) HOUSES for SALE—N.W. (Cont. > HOUStS FOR SALE—N.W. Washington, D. C. A-16 SILVER SPRING—I and 2 bedrm,. HARBOR TERRACE APARTMENTS COLORED—TAYLOR NR. 3RD ST. OVERLOOK* ROCK CREEK PARK— Excellent Terms to MONDAY. MAY30. 13.. S j (4 and 5 large rooms). Newly If you are interested In an apt con- N.W’.—6 rooms, fas heat, finished Beautiful aulet street of magnifi- - decorated. SBS 50 to §98.50. incl. venient to National Airport, we bsmt.. built-in garage: conven. cent homes bordering the park and I utils. HE. 4-7014. —5 2-BEDROOM have newly redecorated. 1-bedroom; transp : public, parochial schools; iust a few minutes from downtown. Responsible Purchaser Am. (Cent.) apts. p*r Handsome white brk.. New Orleans N.W. location nr. Walter Reed. Det. UNFUHN—P.c. SILVER SPRING—NewIy dec.: conv from $70.75 to $75.75 SIOO. Call 10 to 4. V. D. JOHN- bathe, location; bedrm- liv. dinette, mo., incl. utils. For inspection, appiy Nwd 1 STON, HU. 3-4615. —3l Colonial superb Quality Year- brick. 4 bedrmg., 2 rec. rm.. 1 rm.. HOMES i of det. brick gar. TA. kit. and bath: $75.80 mo. JU. at Apt. 1, 1301 Abingdon drive. 'round air-conditioning, library and Eves.. 9-1699 9-3490; after 6. LO 5-4800. —2 Alexandria. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ HOUSES WANTED TO RENT lavatory on Ist floor: four twin- or TU. 2-6194. DE LI'XE 2 BEDROOM APIS . adja $68—573.50 l, I j size bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd cent to the University of Maryland Not Incl Utils FORT CRAIO GARDENS C.'l floor, paneled clubroom with fire- Jolles & Sennett Co. THE now available with private en- Also newly redecorated 1-bedroom 3-BEDRM. HOME IN CHEVERLY. by place: servant's room »nd bath: 2- Realtors DI. 7-4t44 many Beautiful Hillcrest Hts., Md , apt., adjacent Ft. Myt.: $70.75 responsible party on or before June car garage. Unbelievable value at , trances. full basement and to 10. Call WA. 7-7846 —3O 8. PHILLIPS. DI. COLORED —OFF COLORADO AVE- special Spacious 5 MINS IO DWNTN AIR FORCE i\ per mo. incl. utils. For inspection. §36.950. FRANK 14th BT. other features BASES. CENSUS. HYDROGRAPHIC Apt. 2. 118 S. Court House. i-fj [ 7- eves. EM. 2-9265. —3O ND. N.W.—Semidet. briek. CHALFONTE play area, ideal for children Con- apply WE HAVE NUMEROUS CLIENTS for RMS., oil full 3 bedrms.. 2 baths, modern kit., deep Arlington. I I open flrepl., heat, everything CENTER. Va $l5O 5 yard, garage: venient to for as tittle COMPL. SHOP BUB 3 houses in Va. in the price yard, det beautiful ¦sur- Argonne PI N.W (Columbia Rd * including all PLAV AREASU BARKLEY BROS., INC. range. bsmt.. porch; $1,500 handles. roundings: IJOI switchboard, i as $99 50 per month BERV.. CHURCHES. List with us for quick rental priced right. Mr. Smith. 24-hr attended elev., • utilities Call FREDERICK REAL SUNDRY FACILITIES NA 8-6221 —1 results. Call KI. 8-3106. VERNON OW'ENS REALTY. ME. 8-0486. RA. 6-3518 or call V. D. JOHNSTON. 'doorman; apts beautifully decorated UN Dir : Out Pa, to Branch —3 NR. COOLIDGE HIGH-NATIVITY—6 2-5630. ESTATE. RE 7-2461 or eve*. ave s e ave. REALTY. INC. baths, very HU. 3-4614: eves.. DE. —3O 4-3649 —3l right on Branch to Colebrook dr. j 10 MINS. DOWNTOWN D. C. - IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING the rms.. 2 semidet. brick in AND FINEY right to rental office. Rosslvn—Two bedrms.. SB6: 1 rental of home in the Falls good condition, full bsmt.; built-in I COLORED—RAMBLER—Upper N.W„ FLOWER BRANCH Arl., your garage: about 4 yrs. old. 3 bedrms. We AREA—In 6-unit building; OPEN 9 bedrm.. $76: effle. S6O Incl. gas. Church-Fairfax County i call less than $14,000 on terms. TA. D. JOHN-Mr. Are Not New But 2-bed- EVES. 7 rea. or Mr. Sweeney. JU. 9-8840. MAR- Whaley. 9-6886 or V roon. apartment, one terrace, one * SAT AND SUN.. 2-6 1 _JA. 5-7270. 1800 N. Oak St. —1 write for full information on our 1224 14th STON. Hu. 3-4614; eves DE. 2-5630. Charming and Dignified second floor S9O. 1-bedroom apart- ; 2506 Iverson 8t rental management render. ARFAX SHALL J. WAPLE C0... ments. S7O and up. utilities in- JO. 8-5140 REALTY. INC . JE 2-1450. —3O st. n.w . AD. 4-2005. 1 COLORED l2B JEFFERSON BT. 5 PRIVATE ENTRANCE' 1811 KILROI'RNE ST. N.W. (near 18-ft. cluded. P. D. FORD. JU. 8-5106. ' To your own charming apt. in Presi- tazjrri ADDITIONAL HCF4ES NEEDED- We N.W.—Very substantial row rd.)—Spacious Bpring 4-7453. —1 dential Gardens. Call TE. 3-4400 j hove fine tenants for homes in 18th and P*rk 4- brk. home with three bet*rooms and 1 Bedroom S9O up (home D C. nearbv Md D C.; free ap- bedrra . newly decor brk home; side two full tile baths on *Jt»d floor- plua CORAL HILLS at line—Garden for directions or n.w. full Large Rooms, Din Area apts.; 3 bedrms., $95; 2 bedrms., _ p aisal: no delay. For complete hall. Dowuer '¦uom. det garage, a den on Ist floor; paneled recrea- I school, -1 transp. <room, garage: ga- one with Porch ,; SBS includinr utilities. Nr. The MOVE IN NOW I rental service phone us todav bsmt . 3 porches conv to tion h.-wh.: 2 (1) > bus. shops JO 8-7088. —1 PEER'' LAYCO .JU 5-6242. —3l and >hoDDing. ST. 3-9433. TA. 9- block to tb« fine Rudolph School and Bedrooms $135 PARK, We have a few vacanJei* in our 1- —8 center; $16,950; very easy TAKOMA 8415 Flower ave avail, I-BEDROOM. 2-bath house. Bethe-^a. 1750. recreation Apt. Mr Hulbert AD. 2-bedrm., terrace apt.; very bedrm. apt. units, for immedi- Chase, lease yearly. 1 AM MY HOME at tert s. FRANK J. DI. 7- 4-8700 . 1 Lee., BRADLEY ate Low rent of $72 50 ; Chevy $l5O mo. SELLING an ab- PHILLIPS. conv.; utils.; JU. occupancy I Call 2-1562 after —1 solute sacrifice located at <135 7th 1411. AD. 4-0871. -30 CAPITOL HILL V* SBO. mo. includes utils C lose-in Arling-1 OL. noon. heat;i. j walk st. n.w Detached. 3 apts.. oi’ C OLORED—6O7 G ST. —6 Ist ST. S.E. 5-1^747for ton. Conven'ent to Pentagon, 11,e a real bargain, ; 4LLATIN _ 413 HYATTSVILLE l-bedrm apt', Print SURPRISE ANSTO r lot is 50x224; only rms., full 2 **ry spacious Apts to Fort Myer. 1* mins to D C. Call I , bi*th. auto. hea*. bsmt . desirable and apt*-, 2 adult couple Princess Ann appt. TT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $14.500. TA. 9-6727. inch parches: fxcel. cond. Open I BOULEVARD JE. for Draper, 4-9,83 teTH" II r®*- Wt.. bath and porch. $69.50 > available June i: com to transp. Mr. Sun. and Mon., 1 4 —3O newly to inspect. —3O 6322 7th N.W. 1 to 5*4.50 mo.: remodeled i shopping ana churches; $72.50 mo., j GOLF DRIVING RANG! Fullv corner dwelling—6 rms.,!, bldg Free parking space for tenant. AP. 7-1111. —Bl APARTMENTS eouipped goL' range Front Royal. Attractive porches, COLORED—FAIRMONT ST. nr i4th incl all utils. Unscramble the 4 sets ot letters making a word of each »n bath, oil h.-w.h ' : Premises or phone ROCKVILLE—I and 2 bedrooms, liv- AN Va Good lease, good lighting, ex- June Ist. inc’osed: it.v home with *ncome. or in- s ing dinette, kitchen, yard: vacant vestment. Has 4 complete aDts. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP room, bath sna ALBERT W. WALKER MASON jumble Pnnt each word, a letter to a square, beneath cellent location Real opportunity OEOROE F. HANE. INC. with 4 4 baths. Owner says, _NA. 8-4818. __3i rear screened porch, near schools for someone interested in golf. In- F N.W. NA. 8-3964 kits.. center; per jumble letters you have printed circled 514 St. rross income per month more thsn and shopping $65 to sbo COMMUNITY each The on the come for 7 mos. a year $5,000- j ! S3OO. Gas heat. inch COURTS month PO. 2-3003. $7,500 Call write JACK CON- 919.500 BRIGHTWOOD kit and HALL may then be arranged speii the or "park j In rented apts. Fo. itppt. 6320 Bth BT. N.W. —1 bedrm., liv. TAKOMA PARK—I rm.. squares to surprise NELL. Phone 4561. Marshall, Va. americanuniversity urn HU. 3-4614; • call V. D. JOHNSTON. rm„ lge. entrance foyer, k... and I bath- utils, furn ; $55 mo. JU. 8- 1 BEDRM. ...-SBO.OO up 3 1420 ABINGDON DR. answer suggested by the cartoon clue What is tt? 31 OPEN TODAY eve-.. DE. 2-5630. —3O bath; completely redec.; *7O u«k. 9028. —3O RESTAURANT AND BAR. 235 G st PL. lncl, 2-8Q63. TAKOMAPARK. MD.—2nd floor ap» , 94.50 Page 4940 BUTTER WORTH N-W - # _ EM. —3O 2 BEDRMS up (Answer appears on A-17, Col. 8.) n.w. Reason for selling to go into ready June, handsomely, i 11 COLORED 2 bedrms. liv. dm. New home in coking tor something Here it rm.. rm- kit. A modern elevator bldg, with _ another business. Call or see in and by Letitia; I nice? bath, garage; adults; SBS.
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