February 20, 1996 Alberta Hansard 75 Legislative Assembly of Alberta Valley Elementary School ECS Parent Council urging for fully funded, mandated kindergarten in our province. Title: Tuesday, February 20, 1996 1:30 p.m. Thank you. Date: 96/02/20 [The Speaker in the Chair] THE SPEAKER: The hon. Opposition House Leader. head: Prayers MR. BRUSEKER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to table a THE SPEAKER: Would members please remain standing after the petition with an additional 16 signatures following up on the prayer. petition I tabled earlier with respect to concern about changing the Let us pray. regulations regarding licensed practical nurses in Alberta. Our Father, we confidently ask for Your strength and encour- agement in our service of You through our service of others. head: Notices of Motions We ask for Your gift of wisdom to guide us in making good MRS. BLACK: Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 34(2)(a) laws and good decisions for the present and the future of Alberta. I am giving notice that tomorrow I will move that written Amen. questions and motions for returns appearing on the Order Paper stand and retain their places. Hon. Ernest C. Manning September 20, 1908, to February 19, 1996 THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Fort McMurray. THE SPEAKER: Yesterday, February 19, 1996, the Hon. Ernest Charles Manning passed away. With our admiration and respect MR. GERMAIN: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I would there is gratitude to members of his family, who shared the like to give the Assembly oral notice that at the appropriate time burdens of public office and public service. They are not with us today in the agenda and proceedings I will ask for the unanimous this afternoon; however, our prayers are with them in this time of consent of the House under Standing Order 40 to allow us to sorrow. debate and hopefully pass a motion congratulating the Fort The hon. Mr. Manning was first elected as a Member of the McMurray hockey team on a most outstanding accomplishment. Legislative Assembly in the 1935 general election and served until 1968 representing the constituencies of Calgary, Edmonton, and head: Introduction of Bills Strathcona-East for the Social Credit Party. During his years of service he served as Provincial Secretary from 1935 to 1943 and Bill 6 as minister of trade and industry from 1935 to 1944. Gaming and Liquor Act On May 31, 1943, he was sworn in as Alberta's eighth DR. WEST: Mr. Speaker, I request leave to introduce Bill 6, Premier. During his term as Premier he also served as Provincial Gaming and Liquor Act. This being a money Bill, His Honour Treasurer from 1944 to '54, as minister of mines and minerals the Honourable the Lieutenant Governor, having been informed from 1952 to 1962, and as Attorney General from 1955 to 1968. of the contents of this Bill, recommends the same to the Assem- In 1970 he was summoned to the Senate and served until 1983. bly. In a moment of silent prayer I ask you to remember the Hon. Mr. Speaker, Bill 6 amalgamates the former functions of the Ernest Manning as you have known him. Alberta gaming control branch and the Alberta Liquor Control Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual Board into the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission and sets shine upon him. forth its status, powers, and duties as we go into a new mode Amen. surrounding both liquor distribution and privatization and new You may be seated. events that surround gaming in the province of Alberta. head: Presenting Petitions [Leave granted; Bill 6 read a first time] THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Calgary-Buffalo. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Community Development. MR. DICKSON: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have two petitions I'm pleased to present this afternoon. The first one is a petition Bill 4 signed by 71 Albertans who express their concern about the Glenbow-Alberta Institute Amendment Act, 1996 application fee of $25 under the freedom of information Act and who request that fees be brought “more in line with the other MR. MAR: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I beg leave to introduce provinces.” Bill 4, the Glenbow-Alberta Institute Amendment Act, 1996. This The second petition is one signed by 323 Calgarians. It urges being a money Bill, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor has been the government advised and recommends the same to this Assembly. to ensure that the Alberta Place District Office of Family and Mr. Speaker, Bill 4 will remove the Glenbow-Alberta Institute Social Services will not be closed as an SFI office until alternate from Crown control making it autonomous and thereby giving the service delivery points are established and accessible to all board of governors more freedom in its day-to-day decisions. The residents of downtown Calgary. institute will continue to manage and exhibit the important collections for the benefit of all Albertans, and this government THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Centre. will continue to financially assist with that task as we have done in the past. MR. HENRY: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I beg your leave to present a petition signed by members of the Simons [Leave granted; Bill 4 read a first time] 76 Alberta Hansard February 20, 1996 head: Tabling Returns and Reports MR. YANKOWSKY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is indeed a pleasure for me to introduce to you and through you 23 students THE SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Environmental Protection. from St. Bernadette school, which is located in my constituency. They are accompanied by their teacher Mr. L. Daubner and by MR. LUND: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to table with the parent and bus driver Mr. Al Sagert. They are seated in the Assembly this afternoon six copies of the answer to Question 206, members' gallery, and I would like to ask them to rise and receive six copies of answers to Motion 224, and six copies of answers to Motion 232. the traditional warm welcome of this House. THE SPEAKER: The hon. minister . The Member for head: Ministerial Statements Edmonton-Centre. THE SPEAKER: The hon. the Premier. MR. HENRY: Almost a Freudian slip there, Mr. Speaker. Hon. Ernest C. Manning I would beg your leave to table four copies of a letter authored by Mrs. Carol Vaage from Sherwood Park. Mrs. Vaage has been MR. KLEIN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is with sadness that we heavily involved in lobbying for fully funded, mandated kinder- mark the passing of an Alberta legend, Ernest C. Manning, at the garten, and in her letter she expresses concern about the reaction age of 87 years. Mr. Manning was far and away the dominant to my tabling of the petition last week. provincial leader of his time. He served as Premier of Alberta for Thank you. a quarter of a century, guiding our province from the last half of the Second World War to the late 1960s. His formidable strength THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Glenora. of character and commitment to effective and responsible govern- ment led our province through great change to the modern era. MR. SAPERS: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to table with Albertans knew a good thing when they saw one, because they the Assembly today several copies of a brochure prepared by the re-elected Mr. Manning seven consecutive times. Throughout his College of Family Physicians of Canada, Alberta chapter, called life he remained true to the basic family values which shaped both Let's Keep Talking. The brochure details the importance of him and his adopted province. He stood for honesty, thrift, and including general practice physicians in decision-making about good old-fashioned hard work and made sure that everyone around health care. him did too. He had an unwavering commitment to public service in its purest sense. He oversaw the expansion of our health, THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Sherwood Park. education, and transportation facilities in a fiscally responsible manner. He was a humble, patient, and pragmatic Premier, a MR. COLLINGWOOD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm tabling man whose successful policies helped create the energy industry with the Assembly this afternoon four copies of correspondence that continues to this day to be a world leader. from the Alberta Securities Commission indicating that they are When he retired as Premier, he chose to serve his country as a reviewing several securities transactions involving Multi-Corp in Senator for 13 years. He received scores of honours, including 1993 for compliance with the Securities Act including insider the Order of Canada, the National Humanitarian Award, and the trading between a director of Multi-Corp and members of the first ever Alberta Order of Excellence, and a major awards Premier's family. program has been set up in his name. Albertans will forever be proud of him and his legacy. Every head: Introduction of Guests day, Mr. Speaker, when I walk into my Legislature office, third 1:40 floor, southeast corner, I'm reminded of those who came before THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Calgary-Fish Creek. me, none more so than Ernest C. Manning. He was simply, quietly, and honourably one of the greatest leaders this province MRS. FORSYTH: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to introduce and this country ever had. We were blessed and fortunate to have through you and to you a young lady that I had the pleasure of lived in his time. meeting. Her name is Stephanie Hachy, and she's one of my adopted daughters.
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