Sl. Indian Overseas Bank BRANCH NAME / Name & Address of Property Details E-Auction / No. Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s) (A Government of India Undertaking) 28. JAJPUR ROAD BRANCH / Ph: 06726-220810, Mob.: 7978751584 Landed and house property situated at Mouza: Bajarapada in Khata No.: Regional Office, Bhubaneswar, B/2 West, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751007, Borrower: M/s. Sarmistha Industries, Prop.: Smt. 103, Plot No.: 22, Area: Ac. 0.08 dec. Corresponding to Mutation Khata Phone No.: 0674-2540032, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Sale Notice Sarmistha Manjari Khandai, W/o: Shri Maheswar No.: 250/13, Plot No.: 22/1744, P.S.: Panikoili, Dist.: Jajpur, recorded in PUBLIC NOTICE FOR E-AUCTION FOR SALE OF IMMOVABLE/MOVABLE PROPERTIES Mahapatra, At: Bajarapada (Sathipur), P.O: Rudhia, P.S: the name of Smt. Sarmistha Manjari Khandai, bounded by- East: Shri [(Under Proviso to Rule 8(6) for immovable & 6(2) for movable of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules] Panikoili, Dist.: Jajpur, PIN-755033 Maheswar Mohapatra, West/South: Shri Raju Barik, North: Gochara. E-auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable/Movable Assests under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and 29. JAJPUR ROAD BRANCH / (A) Land & Building situated at Mouza: Badapatuli in Khata No.: 161, Plot No.: 534, 535 measuring Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 read with proviso to Rule 8(6) & 9(1) of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. Ph: 06726-220810, Mob.: 7978751584 of Area: Ac. 0.12 dec., Dist.: Jajpur bounded by East: Nilei Mallick, West: Road, North/South: Shri Notice hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s) that the below described movable/ Borrower: Shri Dharanidhar Dharanidhar Mallick & Shri Karunakar Mallick. (B) Landed property situated at Mouza: Badapatuli immovable properties mortagaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the constructive possession of which were taken by the Authorised Mallick, S/o: Late Banchhu Mallick, in Khata No.: 26, Plot No.: 125 (P), measuring of Area: Ac. 0.19 dec., Khata No.: 286, Plot No.: Officer of Indian Overseas Bank (Secured Creditor) will be sold on “As is Where is”, “As What is” and “Whatever there is” on below Guarantors: 1) Shri Karunakar 492, 493, Area: Ac. 0.12dec., Khata No.: 426, Plot No.: 449, Area: Ac. 0.11dec., Khata No.: 104, mentioned dates, for recovery of outstanding dues from the below mentiond Borrowers and Guarantors. The reserve price & Earnest Mallick, S/o: Late Banchhu Mallick, Plot No.: 182 (P), Area: Ac. 0.37dec., Khata No.: 273, Plot No.: 469, 470, 471, Area: Ac. 0.79dec., Money Deposit, Property Details and other details is mentioned below. The properties is being sold on “AS IS WHERE IS, WHATEVER 2) Smt. Basanti Mallick, W/o: Shri Khata No.: 146, Plot No.: 622, Area: Ac. 0.31dec., Khata No.: 161, Plot No.: 1139, Plot No.: 564, THERE IS AND WITHOUT RECOURSE BASIS” as such sale without any kind of warranties and indemnities. Dharanidhar Mallick, all are of Vill: 533, 518/1176, Area: Ac. 0.62dec., Dist.: Jajpur recorded in the name of Shri Dharanidhar Mallick, Sl. Badapatuli, P.O: Patuli, Dist.: BRANCH NAME / Name & Address of Description of Movable / Immovable Properties Shri Karunakar Mallick and Smt. Basanti Mallick. * It is hereby informed to the general No. Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s) / Mortgagor(s) Jajpur, PIN-755019 public that the bid shall be accepted only from SC (Schedule Caste) only. 1. CUTTACK BRANCH / Ph.: 0671-2304469/4343, All that part & parcel of the property consisting of Land & Building situated 30. JOBRA BRANCH / Ph.: 0671-2548032/2548535, Mob.: 7008469464 Land with building situated at Mouza: Cuttack Sahar, Unit No.: 22, Mob.: 9861404220 at Mouza: Bhubaneswar Sahar, Unit No.-30, Laxmisagar No.: 1, P.S. Borrower: M/s Jeevdani Enterprises, Prop.: Satyajit Parida, Mirkamal Patna, Thana No.: 5, Khata No.: 1068/43, Plot No.: 1017, Borrowers/Mortgagors: 1) M/s. Right Choice, Prop.: Md. No.: 52, Tahasil No.: 251/484, Dist.: Khurda, DSR: Khurda, Over Plot S/o: Kshetra Mohan Parida, Guarantors: 1) Puspalata Kabi, Area: Ac.0.042dec., mortgaged joint property recorded in the name of Wakeel, S/o: Md. Musalim, 2) Md. Wakeel, S/o: Md. Musalim, No.: 2083, Hal Khata No.: 1127, Corresponding to Mutation Khata No.: 2) Sulochana Kabi/Parida, All are residing at Gopal Sahi, Sulochana Kabi & Puspalata Kabi, Bounded by- East: Road, West: 3) Shadatun Nisha (Guarantor), W/o: Md. Wakeel, At: 1593/1744, Mutation Plot No.: 2083, Area: Ac.0.133dec., Bounded by- Mangalabag, Cuttack Kailash Kabi (AC Street), North: Rajesh Kabi, South: Nursing Home. North: Plot No.: 2109 & 2110, South: Government Road, East: Plot No.: Pithapur, Buxi Bazar, Cuttack-753001, Residence Address: 31. JOBRA BRANCH / Ph.: 0671-2548032/2548535, Mob.: 7008469464 Land with building situated at Mouza: Bamburi, Thana: Choudwar, 2081 & 2082, West: Plot No.: 2084, Property recorded in the name of Plot No.: 2083, Unit No.-30, Laxmisagar No.: 1, Kalpana Borrower: M/s Mahaveer Polysacks, Prop.: Manoj Kumar Dist.: Cuttack, Khata No.: 499/174, Plot No.: 797, Area: Ac.0.28dec., Square, Bhubaneswar-751004 Md. Wakeel and Shadatun Nisha. Behera, Guarantors: Chumuki Behera, W/o: Manoj Kumar mortgaged joint property recorded in the name of Manoj Kumar 2. CUTTACK BRANCH / Ph.: 0671-2304469/4343, Mob.: 9861404220 All that part & parcel of the property consisting of Land & Building Behera, both are at Plot No.: 797, At: Bamburi, PO: Salgaon, Behera & Chumuki Behera, Bounded by- East: Road, West: Nata Borrower/Mortgagor: M/s. Geeta Agencies, Prop.: situated at Mouza: Badambadi (Unit-37), P.S.: Madhupatna, Tahasil: Tangi, Cuttack-753025. Pradhan, North: Biswanath Das, South: Gobinda Das. Cuttack Sadar, Dist.: Cuttack, Odisha, Over Plot No.: 315, Khata No.: Sri Dasarathi Jena, S/o: Sri Khali Jena, Ward No.: 18, House 32. NALCO NAGAR BRANCH / Landed and House property situated over Khata No.: 1653/2394, Plot 535/235, Mutation Khata No.: 199, Area: Ac.0.088dec., Bounded by- No.: 631/A, Dolamundai, Infront of Hotel Akbari, Haripur Road, Ph.: 06764-220269/223409, Mob.: 8446874938 No.: 728/13106, 728/13107, 728/13108, Area: Ac.0.120dec., Mouza: Cuttack, Residence Address: Badambadi, Unit-37, P.S: North: Road, South: Plot No.: 316, East: Plot No.: 314, West: Plot No.: Borrowers: (1) Sri Ashok Kumar Samal, (2) Smt. Pranati Balaram Prasad, PS: Nalco Nagar, Tahasil: Banarpal, Dist.: Angul, Madhupatna, Cuttack. 312 (Road), Property recorded in the name of Sri Dasarathi Jena. Samal, W/o: Sri Ashok Kumar Samal, both are residing At: recorded in the name of Smt. Pranati Samal, Bounded by- East/West/ 3. HARIPUR ROAD BRANCH / Ph.: 0671-2423809/3183, Mob.: 9439078390 Land & Building Property situated in Plot No.: 954, Khata No.: Gundurinali, PO: Jarada, Kaniha, Angul. South: Vacant Land, North: Road. 684 of Area: Ac.0.20dec., Plot No.: 922, Khata No.: 685 of Borrower: M/s Maa Andhari Transport, Prop.: Late Subarna Keshari 33. KOSALA BRANCH / Ph.: 06761-251610, Mob.: 9777686661 Land with Building situated at Mouza: Kunjabiharipur, Jena, S/o: Late Chaitanya Charan Jena, At: Near Andhari Thakurani Area: Ac.0.030dec., Plot No.: 920/923, Khata No.: 902 of Area: Borrower: Sri Dhirendra Pradhan, S/o: Sri Baishnab Charan Pradhan, At: PS: Chhendipada, Dist.: Angul, Khata No.: 110/44, Plot Temple, Jagatpur, Cuttack-754021, Legal Heirs of Late Subarna Keshari Ac.0.020+0.010dec. at Mouza: Nimpur, P.S.: Jagatpur, Tahasil: Kunjabiharipur, Phuljhari, Brahmanbil, P.S: Chhendipada, Angul-759130, No.: 767/1343, Area: Ac.0.361dec., recorded in the name Jena: 1) Sri Debi Prasad Jena, 2) Sri Durga Prasad Jena, 3) Smt. Tangi-Choudwar, Dist.: Cuttack, recorded in the name of Late Guarantors: (1) Jhasaketan Rout, S/o: Daitari Rout, At/PO: Kosala, P.S: of Sri Dhirendra Pradhan & Nabakishore Pradhan, Jharana Jena, All are at Plot No.: 954, 922 & 920/923, Nimpur, Jagatpur, Subarna Keshari Jena. Bounded by- East/North: Road, West: (2) Nabakishore Pradhan, Bounded by- East: Plot No. 1367, West: Road, North: Tangi-Choudwar, Dist.: Cuttack. Hadibandhu Sahoo, South: Rama Chandra Behera. Chhedipada, Angul-759127, S/o: Sri Baishnab Charan Pradhan, At: Talasahi, PO: Kosala, Angul-759130. Plot No. 745, South: Plot No. 767. 4. HARIPUR ROAD BRANCH / All the part and parcel of the property consisting of Land & Building situated 34. KOSALA BRANCH / Ph.: 06761-251610, Mob.: 9777686661 Land with Building situated at (1) Mouza: Kushkila, Ph.: 0671-2423809/3183, Mob.: 9439078390 at Plot No.: 356/3746 & 356/3404, Khata No.: 1205/883 & 1205/534, Borrower: Mrs. Subarna Bhutia, W/o: Mr. Jhasaketan Rout, Guarantor: Mr. Thana: Jarapada, Dist.: Angul, Khata No.: 184/ Mouza: Samanta Sahi (Unit-23), PS: Purighat, Tahasil: Cuttack Sadar, Borrower & Mortgagor: M/s Staylo Dresses, Shop No. 34, Jhasaketan Rout, S/o: Daitari Rout, Both are At/PO: Kushkila, P.S: Jarapada, Dist.: 383, Plot No.: 1645/2715, Area: Ac.0.055dec., Dist.: Cuttack, Odisha, Area of Plot No. 356/3746: Ac.0.007.5dec. & Area Aul Market Complex, Prop.: Sri Surendra Sen, S/o: Kailash Angul, PIN-759124. mortgaged property recorded in the name of Mr. of Plot No. 356/3404: Ac.0.015dec., Total Area: Ac.0.022.5dec., Bounded Sen, Guarantor: Smt. Basanti Sen, both are residence at Jhasaketan Rout, Bounded by- East: Pond, West: by- North: Road, East: Nagin Sen, West: Common gully road and South: 35. KOSALA BRANCH / Ph.: 06761-251610, Mob.: 9777686661 Plot No.: 356/3746 & 356/3404, Old Rausapatna, PO: Buxi Jhasaketan Rout, North: Natabara Sahoo, South: Bazar, P.S: Purighat, Dist.: Cuttack, Odisha. Upendra Sen. Property recorded in the name of Sri Surendra Sen. Borrower: Mrs. Sebati Rout, W/o: Mr. Daitari Rout, Guarantor: Mr. Jhasaketan Rout, Road. (2) Mouza: Kushkila, Thana: Jarapada, S/o: Daitari Rout, Both are At/PO: Kushkila, P.S: Jarapada, Dist.: Angul, PIN-759124.
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