cmeviumoN CIRCULATION 477s 3*T THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION 49f468 VbL XLVILL —No. ' 57. ATTANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, AIJGUST 11. 1915. —TWELVE PAGEa Dally mm* Smmtm?. nrrter d*ltT*rr. 1* rtntm Women and\ Children ALLIES STRIKING Two U. S. Battleships Killed by Zeppelins AT DARDANELLES PASSED BY HOUSE Hurrying to Vera Cruz •Billie" McCoy, Age 18 i DV A PIP Mjl](]P|TV TOfRUSSIANS Months, to Witness Trial^"1 " UIU ""UU™• ' In Raid Over England Today of W. P. McCoy, on To Protect Foreigners Greater Efforts Are Being Charge ofE.Crae .Cruelt; y to Wife. All Substitutes and Amend- Nine Women, Four Chil- Made to Force the Straits ments to Persons Anti- The Louisiana and the New HE'S NAMED CAPTAIN. and Substantial Progress Is "Billie" McCoyoy, ageafed 18 months, son dren and One Man Dead. SOUTH WINS FIGHT of Mr and Mrs. W, P. McCoy, of 1083 Paralleling Measure Voted Hampshire ^ a i 1 From Seven Women, Two Chil- Claimed by London. • Highland avenue, In the hospital Down by Representatives. Newport News — Wilson ward on the fifth floor of the Fulton dren and Five Men Are county Jail. At 10:3(f o'clock this morn- Himself Ordered Ships to v FOR"SJTOET" ing. the youngest prisoner who has FRESH LANDING MADE ever spent a. night In the barracks, , Wounded. will be taken befor* the judge of the MOTION TO TABLE Mexican Port. municipal court and witness the trial Railroad Commission Abro- AND TURKS SURPRISED of his father, who Is charged with cruel GETS BUT FEW VOTES and Inhuman treatn ent of his wife in ONE OF THE ZEPPELINS gates Rules Limiting Priv- a warrant sworn ot b, by the latter. PAN-AMERICA TO MAKE "Billie" has been the bone of con- Action on Teachers Prompt REPORTED DESTROYED ileges on Combination While Details Are Not tention in the McC ty family for the LAST MEXICAN APPEAL past several weel s, finally ~bemg Payment Bill This Morn- Given Out, the Public Is spirited away by h own father and Tickets—Eliminates Many later forced to spen two nights and a Airship Was Disabled by day In jail. ing May Be Followed by Possible Inconveniences. Told That Hope for Suc- The youngster, w en seen by a rep- To Quit Fighting and Re- Gunfire and Fell Into Sea, resentative of The ;onstltutionv Tues- Renewal of Filibuster. cessful Outcome Is Bright. day night, was lo< Ittng through store Order — Diplomats Where ^Destruction Was The action Vof the Interstate com- bars of the big Iron gate leading Into merce commission on yesterday In abro- his ward. He hac been having the The general assembly enters this Reassemble in New York Aircraft gating the orders of the Pennsylvania London. August 10.—Greater efforts time of his life romping through the morning upon the last day of the pres- Completed by railroad and the Baltimore and Ohio are being made by the allies to force corridors and swinging on the iron bars ent regular fifty-day session ^and with v the Dardanelles—and thus succor the and steel cots in the cells Today to Resume Consid- railroad which would prohibit through Russians, hard pressed by the Austro- prospects of doing- more general and From Dunkirk. checking of baggage and purchase of Late Monday night Jailers at "Sher- effective legislation in one day than Geimans, and at the same time influ- iff Man gum's "hotel" state that "Bil- eration of Mexican Ques- through Pullman transportation on ence the Balkans. lie" and his father entered the front in all the other forty-nine days of the London, August 10.—An attack by mileage books between points In the For some time news from the Darda- door and astonished the men present session put together tion. German airships which flew over the south and points In the east mar,ks a nelles has been more cheerful for the by asking that they fee locked uj> as The prospects of action started Fii- EnglUh coast laat night was an- complete victory for the railroad pa- British. While" no details of operations a warrant was just a few hours be- day with the failure to table the anti- there hare been given out, the public nounced today by the official press trons of this section in their "split- hind them for Mr. McCoy. \_ parallel Western and Atlantic 'bill to has been told that the hope for a. suc- WILSON HAS DECIDED bureau. The statement says one of ticket" fight In which they were strong- "I wanted to. get 'Billie' safe behind force an extra session. ly supported by The Constitution. cessful Issue la brighter. these bars so my wife and her rela- the airships was damaged DT British Although It Is likely that the prohibi- TO HURRY TO CAPITAL Had the commission failed to abro- The renewed attempt against the tives couldn't get him," stated Mr Mc- aeroplanes and wa« towed Into Ostend, gate the order it -would have meanl Turkish positions appears to be a con- Coy) tion wing of the house will yet use I Coini^li, N H \u-,u*a 10 —Presi- According to the official announce- that travelers using mileage In a trip certed one. Attacks at the tip of the Mr. McCoy told the reporter of going every means possible to bring abotttj dent \Vilsnn totla\ (UtuRd to ntuin ment eight women, four children and from Atlanta to Mew Tork for In- 'peninsula, along the Krlthla road, ha"ve to his home on Highland avenue and an extra sess.ion, it does not appear'- , to "V\ jshmprtoii \\ ltd in f >i t\ -«. ij^ht gained the British two hundred yards one man were killed and six women, stance could have had their baggage taking the boy much against his grand- that the possible defeat of anything j'j houis He will be h itk m Lime lor on a front of 300 yards, and at Sari four men and two children were checked on their mileage only as far mother's wishes. He carried, the boy that will come up today would brine 1't i 1 i> s < ibinel mi - tin as "Washington and could\ have pur- Balr an Important crest haa been oc- Tin pio<ml< nt v. i *. in < omnium wounded as the result of the explosion cupied, according to General Sir Ian to the woods in DeKalb county near about this effect. Moreover, such mat- chased Pullman transportation in their his home, where he waited until dark cation u ith V. .i^hin^ton uflV ia!fc of missiles dropped by the Zeppelins mileage only as far as Washington Hamilton, the British commander. ters as are likely to come up today are to bring the child to town repnrdinpr tin* i eqm sf fi v m <"om The text of "the statement follows: There they would have had to have "Elsewhere," General Hamilton re- Mr. McCoy is in tile brokerage busi- of great Importance and all are prac- mandei Mils im» e it \ <»r i d u/ thxt "A squadron of hostile airships their baggage recheoked and woulc ports, "a fresh landing haa been suc- ness at 4 1-2 South. Broad street. He tically 'without opposition. cessfully effected and considerable states that the differences between a battleship squulion ho vent there visited the east coast last night and have had to purchase new Pullman progress made " h mi self and his Wife were greatly After local matters, the house cal- It wafr bflit \ ed he *ln i_ct> <t that * this morning between th* hours of transportation. augmented by interference of one of The right to check baggage through TURKS SURPRISED end^.r will today be headed by the sen- In i thei informal ion be obt lined S >0 p. m. and 11:30 a. m. his wife's sisters. ate bill to provide for the prompt pay- and purchase Pullman transportation BY THE LANDING. Mrs. McCoy reported to police head- lepardnig tho situation at \ or i "flome flrwa were caused by the drop- through on mileage haa been recog- had been kid- ment of the school teachers by the use This landing evidently surprised the quarters that her sbti Cruz nized by all railroads for years and naped by her husband and furnished ping of incendiary bombs, but these Turks, a* 630 prisoners, guns and ma- of the governor's monthly warrant. Moinbei- of thi preM.k nt s fjnii- w*r». quickly extinguished and only the validity of the order would have _ "description of the two. She said Teachers* Bill Constitutional. t\ are to remain hi11 , meant a tremendous inconvenience to terial are declared to have been taken she thought Mr. McCoy had taken "Bil- Immaterial damage was done. by the British. A Turkish official re- lie" to Acworth, Ga,, where McCoy's This bill has been passed upon by travelers from and to the south. Th parents live. "Washington August lit —Two "The following casualties have been decision -was a clean-cut victory for the port supplies the localities of two the present attorney generaJ, his im- landings. According to thla. forces It's all the same to Billle, whether he American 'battleship*', tlu L,OUIM in i report* fl: Killed, one man, eight business men and organisations of the be In his little bed at home or with mediate predecessor, the state tax com- women and four children. 'Wounded, south who so vigorously f ought the were put ashore in the environs his father In Jail. 'He has laughingly missioner and & number of other au- :ind the New Hampshire ^aile<l innij^ht COOT men, six wo men and two ch 11 - move.
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