FEB. 26,1976 Newsletter for The University of Newcastle . THE NEW NEWS ". This is the first issue of our be sent .to the Editor, UNIVERSITY 2.30 p.m., Women's Films, wnew-look" UNIVERSITY NEWS for NEWS, C/o Secretary's Division. Contraception and Sexuality 1976, with which it is hoped to (different), in Common Room; broaden and extend the flow of D.W. GEORGE, Vice-Chancellor. 6.30 p.m., Film, Blazing ormation about events and Saddles; ?airs of the University to all 8 p.m., Union 'At.HomeS night ~.smembers. Effective communi- . cost 80Q including free supper cation is a primary'need of any ORIENTATION 1976 Harlequin playing. organization, particularly when Friday, March 5, a.m., Taped that organization is growing in Orientation week lasts until March 5. and Recorded Music; size and complexity. The regular 1 p.m.. Lunchtime concert in Huing of a news sheet such as The official programme has inclu- ded advice to new students on Courtyard Kevin Borich's La- s can contribute invaluably to De-Das ; .. .2 free flow of fact and opinion subjects and courses by members of the academic staff and enrol- p.m., Taped Music; and stimulate discussions on 8 p.m., Grand Ball, La-De- matters of importance to the Uni- ment in the Great Hall. versity. Integrated with this programme Das , Richard Claptons Band , In an introduction to the first are a number of activities organ- Crossfire and Keys . Bar issue of the NEWS in September, ised by Mr J. Burne, of The till 1 a.m., Supper included, 1970, Emeritus Professor Newton- Union, and students themselves. Light Show, Tickets $5 at John described it as "not an At the time of going to Press Union Shop. organ of opinion but a dissemin- this programme was almost com- The Library is a vital part of a ator of information". This it plete. Details of the Orient- student's introduction to the has been in its 109 issues spread ation activities: university. The Library Adminis- over the past five and a half Thursday, February 26, a.m., tration has offered to provide years and there is no intention Taped Rock; tours to students who assemble in to reduce the coverage given in 2.30 p.m., Films on Jazz and the foyer .on Monday, March 1, at the new NEWS to decisions of Rock ; 10 and 11 a.m., 2, 3, 7 and 8 p.m Fncil and Senate, reports from 8 p.m., Free 'At Home' night The groups will leave promptly at these times escorted by members I dent and staff associations, cabaret Easy Street playing news of appointments and resig- Bar open till 11.30 p.m. of staff. nations, of coming events and so Friday, February 27, a.m., Services such as Counselling, on. However, in its new format Taped Music; Health, Careers and Amenities contributions are also sought in 2.30 p.m., Film, Barberella, will be open, and a special fea- the forms of letters to the in Common Room; ture will be an information and r.;.tor, comment on research or p.m., Taped Music. referral service, Contact. ier work in progress (restric- Monday, March 1, a.m., Taped - and Recorded Music; ted at present to the less fre- quently published Gazette) and 1 p.m., Lunchtime concert in generally more feature articles Courtyard A1 Head ; than have appeared in the past. 2.30 p.m., Film, Reggae plus Inevitably space will be a limit- Come Back Africa in Common WHITE PAPER ON UNIVERSITY ing factor and the editorial Room. GOVERNMENT staff will face the problems of Tuesday, March 2, a.m., Taped selecting and cutting material to and Recorded Music; A Committee on University Govern. accommodate it to the new format. 1 p.m., Lunchtime concert in ment was created by the Univers- One news sheet I receive regular- Courtyard Beramiada ; ity Council last July to review prints alongside its column 2.30 p.m. Film, Reefer Madness all four levels of University "Renders' Views1* the salutary plus Marihuana, the Devil's Government - Council, Senate, advice, "Brevity is the soul of Weed from Hell, in Common Faculties and Departments. wtt and the sole way into print". Room; The Deputy Chairman of Senate Since the responsibility for 6.30 p.m., Christian Film, reported to Senate on February 4 producing the NEWS fortnightly Time to Run; that following a number of meet- sad within a restricted budget 8 p.m., Union Night Debate, ings the Committee proposed to rcsts within the Secretary's That Education has gone to Pot. publish a "White Paper" recomm- Dlvlsion and no new staff have Wednesday, March 3, a.m., Taped ending certain changes in the bee7 made available for the pur- and Recorded Music; present system of University Gov- pose, the new NEWS may not 1 p.m., Lunchtime concert in ernment. As a result, people athieve all its objectives immed- Courtyard Declan Affley ; would have an opportunity to com- iately. However, I hope it is an 2.30 p.m., Women's Films, plus ment on the proposals. To assist experiment which will receive Contraception and Sexuality. them in doing this a Seminar will strong backing from everyone and in Common Room. be held in the Drama Theatre on that it will make a major impr- Thursday, March 4, a.m., Taped Wednesday, April 7, 1976 and fur- ovement to our communications. and Recorded Music; ther written submissions will be Material for publication should 1 p.m., Lunchtime concert in received up until April 13, 1976. Courtyard Lee Williams ; ided to close the Southern Cross Lounge, Bistro and Sea Horse Bar and restrict normal catering NORMAN MELVILLE MILLION services to one level of the Union. Mr N.M. Million, Senior Lecturer in French, died When the Board opened the Southern Cross Lounge on February 6, at the age of 43. early last year it hoped that the added operating Professor K.R. Dutton, Professor of French writes: costs would be offset by an increase in customers "Norman Melville Million took his Bachelor of Arts and sales but this situation was not realised. degree from Oxford University in 1953, and his The Lounge has been withdrawn from general use and Master's degree in 1957. An Honours graduate in made available during the week to students, mem- French and a specialist in the diplomatic inter- bers of staff, the University and departments for pretation of mediaeval writings, he became Assist- dinners, cabarets, farewells, seminars, conven- ant Keeper in the Department of Palaeography and tions, receptions, cocktail parties and other Diplomatic in the University of Durham. In 1962, functions. The Department of Community Programmes he took up a position as Lecturer in Frenqh at has been requested to use the Lounge. Newcastle University College, and was promoted to The Lounge will continue to be the venue for Union a Senior Lectureship at the University of Newcas- "at home" nights, together with weddings and other tle in 1968. commercial functions at weekends and at other "For many years a diabetic, he discovered in 1970 times during the week. Work on alterations and that the disease was beginning to affect his eye- conversions necessary to achieve the reorganis- sight. After some months of gradual deterioration ation started in January. in his vision, he became totally blind in 1971. The main aspect of the reorganisation in the Union: He nonetheless continued to teach, transcribing a *The Southern Cross Lounge, Bistro and Sea Horse great deal of background material onto tape and Bar closed for normal daily use. reading his lecture notes in Braille. He was a *The present Lounge Coffee Bar becomes the lic- familiar sight in and around the Arts Building, ensed area operating according to the require- being led to and from classes by his guide-dog. ments of the Licensing Court. T Despite his handicap, he willingly took on the *The Fast Food Bar becomes a Bistro and Fast duties of Acting Head of the French Department Food Bar between 11.45 a.m. and 2 p.m. and from May 1972 to May 1973. 4.45 and 7.30 p.m. and a Coffee Bar between "In late 1973, there was a marked decline in 6 and 9 p.m. Norman Million's general health; after nearly a .The Common Room Servery operates between year of continual illness, his condition was 9.15 a.m. and 6 p.m. with equipment and eventually diagnosed as almost total kidney fail- staffing greatly increased. q ure. From that time on, he required renal dial- =Menus in the Cafeteria are reduced in choice ysis three times a week, and occasional longer but varied daily. '- periods of hospitalisation. His sister travelled ~Thesandwich preparation area relocated. from England in late 1974 to donate a kidney, only Services in the Union on Monday and Friday even- to discover that there had been an error in the ings will be curtailed when customer counts and initial compatibility tests and that the trans- takings indicate that areas are operating at an plant would be impossible. In spite of this set- excessive loss. back and the psychological blow it brought him, he The Lounge Coffee Bar and the adjoining Camellia continued his work uncomplainingly and in 1975 Courtyard and Wistaria Courtyard, which are cov- hardly missed a class. Only those close to him ered by the Union's liquor licence, has become the realised how much effort this cost him, and indeed Bar. The Board states that there is considerably how ill he really was.
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