EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher Tom Poberezny Vice-President, Marketing and Communications Dick Matt April 1994 Vol. 22, No.4 Editor-in-Chief Jack Cox Editor Henry G. Frautschy CONTENTS Managing Editor Golda Cox 1 Straight & Levell Art Director Mike Drucks Espie "Butch" Joyce Computer Graphic Specialists Sara Hansen 2 AC News/ Olivia L. Phillip Jennifer Larsen Compiled by H.G. Frautschy Advertising Mary Jones 4 From The EAA Archives/ Associate Editor H.G. Frautschy Norm Petersen Feature Writers George Hardie. Jr. Dennis Parks 6 Aeromail Page 4 Staff Photographers Jim Koepnick Mike Steineke 7 What Our Members are Restoring/ Carl Schuppel Donna Bushman Norm Petersen Editorial Assistant Isabelle Wiske 9 Judging Guidelines/ EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INC, H.G. Frautschy OFFICERS 13 Four Generations/ Norm Petersen President Vice·President Espie 'Butch' Joyce Arthur Morgan 604 Highway S!. 3744 North 51st Blvd. Madison, NC 27025 Milwaukee. WI 53216 17 A New Pitch- 919/427·0216 414/442·3631 Kelly Mason's Travel Air/ Secretary Treasurer H.G. Frautschy and Kelly Mason Page 13 Steve Nesse E.E. 'Buck' Hilbert 2009 Highland Ave. P.O. Box 424 Albert Leo. MN 56007 Union, IL 60180 21 A Piece Of CakeIWallace Peterson 507/373· 1674 815/923·4591 DIRECTORS 24 Pass it to Buckl John Berend! Rober! C. 'Bob' Brouer E.E. "Buck" Hilbert 7645 Echo Point Rd . 9345 S. Hoyne Cannon Falls. MN 55009 ChiCO~O . IL 60620 507/263·2414 312/ 79·2105 26 Mystery Plane/George Hardie Gene Chase John S. Copelond 2159 Carlton Rd. 28·3 Williomsbur8 Ct. Oshkosh. WI 54904 Shrewsbury. MA 1545 28 Welcome New Members 414/231·5002 506/842·7867 Phil Coulson George Daubner 28415 Springbrook Dr. 2448 Lough Lone 29 AlC Calendar Lawton. MI 49065 Hortford, WI 53027 616/624-6490 414/673·5885 Page 17 Charles Hanris SIan Gomoll 30 Vintage Trader 7215 East 46th St. 1042 90th Lone. NE Tulsa. OK 74145 Minneopolis. MN 55434 918/622·8400 612/784·1172 FRONT COVER ...Hale Andrews cruises on his way home in his Dole A. Gustafson Jeonnie Hill Ryan Navion Super 260. an airplane that has been in his family 7724 Shady Hill Dr. P.O. Box 328 since it was delivered new from the factory in San Diego. CA. Indianapolis. IN 46278 HOlVard, IL 6CIJ33 317/293·4430 815/943·7205 EAA photo by Jim Koepnick. Shot with a Canon EOS-l Rober! liCkteig Rober! D. 'Bob' Lumley equipped with an 80-200mm lens. 1/250 sec. at f8 on Kodak 1708 Bay Ooks r. 1265 South 124th St. Albert Leo. MN 56007 Brookfeld. WI 53005 Ektachrome Lumiere 100. Cessna 210 photo plane piloted by 507/373·2922 414/782·2633 Bruce Moore. Gene Monris George York 115C Steve Court. R.R. 2 181 Sloboda Av. BACK COVER ...The stunning Travel Air B4000 restored by Kelly Roanoke. TJ( 76262 Monsfield. OH 44906 Mason of Arlington. Washington makes a beautiful still life in 817/491·9110 419/529·4378 this photo by Bill Louf Custom Photography of Everett. WA. S.H. ' Wes- Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Copyright © 1994 by the EM Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. Wauwatosa. WI 53213 VINTAGE AIRPlANE OSSN 0091·6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc. of the Experimental 414/771-1545 Ain;raft Association and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd .• P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WISConsin 54903·3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. The mernbelShip rate for EAA Antique/Classic DIRECTOR EMERITUS Division, Inc. is $20.00 for current EAA mernbelS for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. MembelShip S.J. Wrltman is open to all who are interested in aviation. 7200 S.E. 85th Lane POSTMASTBI: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. FOREIGN AND APO Ocala. FL 32672 ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPlANE to foreign and APO addresses via sulface mail. 904/245-7768 ADVERTlSING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorne any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. ADVISORS EDITORIAL POUCY: Readers are encouraged to subm~ stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the Joe Dickey Jimmy Rollison 5500key Av. 640 Alamo Dr. authors. Responsibil~ for accuracy in reporting rests entirely ~ the contributor. No renumeration is made. Lowrenceburg. IN 47025 Vacaville. CA 95688 Malerial should be sent to: Ed~or , VINTAGE AIRPlANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. Phone 414/426·4800. 812/53 7·9354 707/45H)411 The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EAA. EAA INTERNATIONAL Dean Richardson Geoff Robison CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/ClASSIC DMSlON. INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered 6701 Colony Dr. 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks Madison. WI 53717 New Haven. IN 46774 of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited. 608/833·1291 219/493·4724 STRAIGHT &LEVEL you've been able to come up with. license in that airplane and then went On another note we have had a on to obtain my commercial in member write to us concerning Con­ "Windy." Later, I obtained my Instru­ temporary class aircraft. His letter is ment rating using the coffee grinder published in the mail section, along VHT-3 and the low frequency A & N with H.G.'s response, which he coor­ stations. In the years that followed, I dinated with a number EAA Head­ flew this airplane some 1,000 hours. quarters and A/C Board members. I'd With its looks and old radios, this Tri­ also like to respond to this letter. As Pacer certainly would not be consid­ long as we can keep our communica­ ered a sleek modern airplane - does it tion between Officers, Headquarters strike you as one? and membership, we can only grow I suppose that I cannot help but stronger. have a soft spot in my heart for Con­ temporary aircraft as well as the an­ by Espie "Butch" Joyce tiques and classics. Thanks for your Dear Ken, input. - Butch Joyce I can understand your love ofour Many of you will be reading this ar­ great antiques and we will continue to I feel strongly that we as aviation ticle while at EAA Sun 'n Fun at promote this aircraft to the member­ enthusiasts need to help preserve all Lakeland, Florida is underway. I gen­ ship in the future. of aviation. By working toward this erally come away from this fly-in with I would also like to relate a personal goal, we a lso help preserve the one a mild Florida sunburn and a very re­ story for thought. Between the time area that we each have a special inter­ laxed mental attitude. Antique/Clas­ that I was 12 to 15 years old, I was tak­ est in. sic Chapter 1, located in Florida, has ing flying lessons in a Piper J-5. As I Please ask a friend to join your An­ been the host at the Antique/Classic was turning 16 years old in 1956, my tique/Classic Division of the EAA. area for years. I feel this outstanding father bought a brand new TriPacer, Let's all pull in the same direction for effort by Chapter 1 shows that leader­ N7006B manufactured in 1956. the good of aviation. Remember, we ship is available on the local level. My I soloed this airplane, which we are better together. Join us and have hat is certainly off to these individuals nicknamed "Windy. " I got my Private it all. *' who have the leadership ability and will devote the time necessary to keep these local activities going. I also do not want anyone to forget the impor­ tance of our grass roots volunteers. Without these people our activities would not be able to function. You'll find A/C Chapter l's ongo­ ing work all over the relocated A/C headquarters. If by chance you hap­ pened to miss last year's event, you'll see the new A/C area on the east end of the showplane parking. If you've received this copy at Sun 'n Fun after you signed up to join the Division, welcome aboard! We hope you enjoy your time while at Sun ' n Fun, and please feel free to take an active part in your organization. Step up and volunteer a few moments of your time at EAA OSHKOSH, Sun 'n Fun or your local fly-in. Also, if you have done something recently that + you think might be of interest to your c E ..c'" fellow members, feel free to submit it rJ) :::> to VINTAGE AIRPLANE. We're CD always on the lookout for a good tech­ c '"c o nical article, and we'd love to see what o VINTAGE AIRPLANE 1 (3I'WJ compiled by H.G. Frautschy GENERAL AVIATION the bill will be passed, it currently has over ager, and Management Information Ser­ PRODUCT LlABILlTY REFORM 280 co-sponsors in the House. Some of vices departments, as well as the offices the co-sponsors may be unwilling to politi­ for EAA programs including Chapters/ Just as this issue of Vintage Airplane is cally "step on the toes" of the committee Insurance, Information Services and Gov­ going to the printer, we learned that the leadership, but it is hoped that the remain­ ernment Affairs.
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