V thinking I was thinking nboiitj MemphlSj New Orleans J Clnclnnaltf V V i PacificRailway f atVa At c noino and the riicnnthings I had done Missouri uompany Facnet VV K 1 A tA J Y Klnllj Tilloy reached out nnd plaretl The OtMt Thri - ills Hand onj mine I thought I Line Kuin i heard Mini sobj then ho snldt Jack To KANA T I UK dont you thick wo havo struck this SI Louis liUllli ttl UK NVHIl Ami HA hit ViuVUulJiKl Severn days ns In districts in somo Instances were d n river cml ways Illinois since stated Coal ti I Washed this coin n wnrtU Rev W K r bbed of 50 nnd 7fi which they ohuroh 1ml Bavcd as a result of hard work I ini inc run iaoi inm lcnrod of liu first Haptlst That llttlo wild west story 1 told ln- - denlnl months to hit ma t Iti lrtMTKr Mmphli I roclnlincd from Ills pulpit Hint and self for many you tho othorj day continued Mil- ¬ KANSAS AND NEBIASKA LIMITED ry Vrln an i fiiiirTYlt l K I pro- spend for Christmas Others had t- was the worst plnco for ler the reminds in WMttitf IjiJiksIiir v awl - duenh snuff drummer me you want the bost coal m fcity you iv Tiilay -- If the can jet it of nrnajr Mruiii r ri niiunuTMjr ntiitv tlmt lie cvor saw nnd this was money of their own and in addition of nnothcr I heard Two friends i iit Miajr a no I rlilny - n ft Iaiii ah rvrrr who asked Illinois Coal Company wl o hiirwi bb1 HtfT i i inrmntu enyingn great doal I he matter was money of neighbors had were out west somo years ago with a handles the celebrated tr- rxr Orhwox jvrrylhurwlny mlntf Itdu- innitlniiwl at the ministers meeting them to make purchases for them big hunting party two wan Iron Mouhtaih Route ran r ti tf snnnai These J II Atm itar i H W WIBK nt tho Y M C A hnll Monday and So SauU Clnus may miss a great dered away from crop one day and Agsw laduran Kjr Sup InrlBDAII Tho most dlrcctyyio via Memphis to Itcv M K Chopjwll of the Cum ¬ many houses this year when ho makes tlie first thing they knew they heard said his rounds In almost all oasco where blood - - ANO - - nil in berland lrosbytorlan church the curdling yi yi yl yap yl ST LOUIS BIG MUDDY - GOAL twits the same thing Ho sin tod that ho thoso unsophisticated young men of the Cotnanches And here they ARKANSAS ANpTEXAS had heanl more profanity In laduoah woro touched It was a result of came probably a dozen but the yells ov hands of WEST AND OUTHWEST BIG FOUR than ho cer hoard liofore and wnen whiskey falling into the sounded like n thousand Those two TIIRK1gREAT TRAINS tho othor mlnistors wore ashed for dlsretmtablo rotrcn If youths from ducks do tiling No V didnt a but break clinkers no dirt but pureclean coal Our Egg v their opinions not one controverted tho country could steer clear of these camp Frte Reclining Chairs ok All Trains for about a mile off Here Coal far excels all coal for grates or f toves 1 the statement Mlnistors of the gos ¬ they would bo nil right thiycnmel yl yi aud other Our e 3 Knlck boclui Sped The the Tnhbncm CoAciiify Mkmpiiis to Hulnccii St mollis Indlg iipolt pel nro leH likolj to hear profanity oraok of a WJpohcstcr Is yory Inspir- ¬ Washed Pea Coal beats the world foriurnace or cooking h tlmn any one else uuloss It be a dead ing and you can place your money 5 Dallas and I oiitAVohtii Clcvelnnd nrk nnd Huston Edourd Ittmenji the Hungarian We only charge one price the year around The poor man or a doaf mute and if those violinist who was recently r Iadu- - that theso two young nimrods woro get of as i SoiltllWtStVll Llllllltd gentlemen are correct iu their sur gave doing thoir best to beat the combinn their load coal cheap per bushel as the rich For ral fro books on Ttxa Ar cah subsequently a concert at hi mat llohvcon CTnciniinnrtiQUunlnis Now iiiteg there must be good material for lion to camp Jack who was a few ui kansas and all Wsslrrn Hlalw utt1 tHrlhr Mndlsonville A wrUcr on the their thousands of bushels Try our cbal and you will information call on jour local tkkst aarnl TorkCloolnnd nntTfroston them to work on Hustler didnt like the music jumps ahead looked back and yelled use no other Lump Egg or writs Come on Hill tho Indians will kill 10c 9c Washed Pea 6c WliiltjCIIySncciiil a Like a creat many people of Pa If It T O MATTHEWS STA The trains arc daily crowded with ducah he went to hear Jtctnenyl play youl And Hill who was using his loi isvillk KV Hutwcon Cliitinniiti liulintittpolls nnd quoit ct every jump yelled Great peoplo going homo to spend the holi- ¬ to bo cntctaincd and to enjoy tho HCtQVS8iSI0liVTA Cliiengo Scott Jack do you think 1 am V ST LOUIS MO days The olty is thronged with music Hut ho was disappointed BARNES ELLIOTT eole throwing off on you Proprietors Illinois Coal Company K OMi Coumu k 1 II Martin shoipora among whom are many He found that Mr Itemcnyia neigh- ¬ aim seemed to bo to dis ¬ laaf Trafflr MKr Oen Taiw A TKkrl AkI residents of the county and of nnd effort RAIIillOAD TIME TAHLES boring Iltlin and there is n land play of his ability to execute dlfllcult COLORED olllet mull iu tho jug trade Every ¬ music no matter how it eoundedand Nashville Chattnmga St Louis thing shows that Christmas is here very little of the masters attention DEPARTMENT J W Railroad G RDAVIS and the small Iwy has already put was turned to pleating his audience Moore I I PallOOAII iMlMOHMM MVtMOl the match to the llro ernckor Ero The Hustler mnn observes CIIUHCIILS ¬ PKALFn IN W HAS bEMOVED TO lOtTM tlOUWD- - long there will bo a demand for doc- Thtt nudieuco ought to have HnblDj Street Church IMothodlt Sua - on pn tors for witli n combination of jugs heard Milt Doom play Way Down day achooltl a m rri arhln if II a ra and liTriaoah VWara ON lira m Iter C M Ialmer jeitor Staple Groceries Ar Parts 7 i f his anlhFaricy oiinwimijun It tu gnu Minder nuu Uio tuitigestiiiie n the Suwanco ltiver iu best llurlt ChawlTth Ohio Mftbotllit Sun NO 132 S THIRD II Ma m 9 ID 11 STREET tho mu-i- - day school a m a m and lilnUUM 11 a viands of yule title to say nothing of He knew how to get lraeblHR ip Lv Islington Mi in Wain in r o nurKu jMiior Whcro you can find a dompfctc lino of t II 1 HI 617 am will havo all of would make the iter Canned Goods ofcAII Kinds Ar Jaetson m other tliiiitfH the doctor out it thnt Washington Street baptist Church Sunday Ar MrmiM in lu at a in was Nasbvlll I they can attend to Christmas seems listener be sorry when the end rchoolVara- - Preaching 8 pm Iter Geo Free tim VV delivery to all partof the city tbaltauooRa to wnne more ami more each year iu touched Milt was an old negro uue pantor WALL PAPRR KmTII BOUND Front Seventh ntreet Ilantltt Church Sunday 5W1I1 Itopulnrity ami ostentatious displa man who lived iu Lyon county lie nehool 9 a u reaching 11 am and ti m Cor 7th and Adams fT rhltBOO Iter VV H NkithTllht at leant to overyiwdy but the rising was a slave but was n fiddler who Uakr ttor WINDOW SHADES II ik m Rank St Paul A M K church Sunday i hnois a MrmptiM WM i SatiUt Claim was known nnd wide fiddle p JkCkHin J ltHI generation As lung ns far His m preur MR II a mand 73U in lle J u Ar l xInKtoB FURNACES Ntn- - with us it will ro was not an Amati or Strndivairus Stanford lKutmr and lxlitfWn Sm1 m hooer SlJimwA M K church 10th and 1 rlmM Removal Picture Frames fvloulclings t HttlloW lliwk JuMl IKM iiitiiu thegrwtost of holidays to thoni mmle centuries ngo and valued at ntrvet Sunday diooi 2 p m preaching i p a H ti m t am in O J Manford pnitor I removed shoe shop m 10 J 4111 thousands of dollars but it was a iter ive COME AND SEE ME lraJiicaU 8 It ROOFER frflm 22C 214 TIN SLATE AND IRON cheap affur that cost only a few COLORED LODGES Court Court TrnmjH to be contented fol ¬ 1 11 seiu dollars Oil but what music that Street buy a 120 South Third Street lows dissolute linbita dtvpitc thuir old darkey could bring out of that MASONIC WHirl IW IV an4 b ii ml dextilute condition If thev Manontellalt 4 llroadwar third Moor Second Hand Shoeslothing Tria aad all lrt ft cheap piece of wood and his horse- ¬ llaTiUlVmt lo with their lot they Mt Lodge No J9 every flrnt ftHrr ULormalK rail were not atlttlwl hair bow When he began to tuuo MKirecor Met8 JS2hl would evidently make some effort to Thurday ervnlBK lu each month Itepainng Shoes a special tT JaeAo henryXgreif that old fiddle and thump its strings Mt Zton Oilce No 6 MwW every Brut Glaubers V Kr be and to live by honost VVednmday In VE Mat rwpoctnble then you would see the boys anil the evrnlcR each month JW toil InMead of charity HiMjnnnh Ooiirt No 2 Ladle Meets every Livery Feed and Boarding stables giris and oven the older onos begin to fourth Monday in month Ohas Nor ood K eeb Iaitucafc two ago several of the v R agrDt EXPEUT SIIOKK A night or open their cyos sit up tone Sfluare UidKe No lleeti every se IIltI night olllcers wout out near the rail- ¬ cond Monday in eaaa month UAILHOAI J0 SOUTH KnllUTH sT erect and get ready for the ILLINOIS CKNTUAL road rani a bife gang of INIlCilXDKNT OltUKlt 01 000 KKLIOVVS For An Easy crossing to melody that woid follow And Shave vaga They found abott ftftcon Odd Fellows Hall cor 7th and Adam ELEGANTOABRIAGES Kxpert Iwl klioeiiig when old Milt got ready to play 4 af oilorotw inttudii aiiU suugly HouThold of Hath No Meeta Hrt and Sttiidlo nnd IiVruoiM of ktln Way Down on tho Suwntieo Itivor third r rlday eveaiBK la each mouth at Colored uut which Odd Hall rMyiish Hair IlurauH it Siieiiitlty euecincod iu a shanty of tin Krlluri FIRST CLASS tbeu it wae that a hush would fall Iadunil Lodge No lRlt Meets every firm DRIVERS they hd probably put and tl Monday uioflth at Colored ¬ upon all and a stillnoss like unto rl lt ecb i CARRIAGE
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