Collins Mixer Collins Bay Yacht Club Newsletter Upcoming Events 178 COMMODORE’S CORNER APRIL 2013 Apr 27th Coffee House Your outgoing Commodore Your incoming Commodore May 2nd Spring Practice Race May 4th Wine and Cheese May 9th Spring Series Race In This Issue Since Crystal and I retired to the area Commodore’s Corner 1-2 Over the past two and a half years it has been work, reward and even a lit- five years ago, we have had the pleas- CBYC Website 3 tle bit of fun to serve on the CBYC ure to meet many new friends thanks to Marina News 4 Executive Committee. Both in my the activities associated with the Social 5 role as Commodore and Vice Commo- Collins Bay Yacht Club. We have al- Pat Your Boat 6 dore and as the unofficial support ways found it rewarding to volunteer Winter Classic Curling 7 team to the Social Chair, I have had for various activities and club executive positions. My last three years on the Calling All Cruisers 8 the chance to meet and work with a lot of really great people. Racing, cruis- executive as House Chair and Vice- Winter Cruise 9-10 ing and just hanging out in the boat Commodore will hopefully enable me 2012 AGM 11 yard have been great too but it’s time to contribute more to the Club in the Racing News 12 to alter course. role of Commodore. I have inherited a Croatia Cruise 13-19 very knowledgeable and enthusiastic Carissa and I are thrilled to report that Sailing School 20 executive with whom I am looking for- we will be having a baby this summer ward to working. I am honoured to be Executive 22 so we’re hanging up our racing gloves Continued on next page Continued on next page PAGE 2 COMMODORE’S CORNER APRIL 2013 and preparing a nursery, building a crib and getting able to take over the role of Commodore. ready for exciting family time ahead. I write this On behalf of all the executive and club members I’d commodore’s report as my last as I will be stepping like to thank Owen and Carissa for their club ser- down in April and have asked Lee Baker to take over my post for the remainder of 2013. Lionel has also vice and wish them well in their new adventure. agreed to stay on as your Past Commodore so be ready The executive is here to serve Club members. To for more propaganda about the Douglas! keep the executive fresh we call on club members We’ve sold the C&C 29 - Candy Cane II – before ever to step into positions every couple of years to pro- getting around to officially renaming it – and the J will vide new ideas and leadership. Our Past Commo- remain in storage this season. Sailing is very close to dore (Lionel) may be seeking your help to fill up- our hearts and we’re committed to getting back to it coming roles over this season. soon. In the meantime, I’m sure we’ll find lots to keep Similarly; Social, Race, Cruising, House, and Sail- us busy as our family grows. ing School chairs need help from time to time to Thanks to everyone who has stepped up and volun- ensure successful events. Many hands make light teered their time to help make a CBYC event a suc- work. cess. Having seen races, coffee houses, regattas, skip- Tired of Winter? Hopefully everyone has weath- pers meetings, pancake breakfasts and Sailpasts from ered this long, cold, and snowy winter. Spring is both sides of the organizing committee, I can truly say nearly here and we can start to get together again. that the people make the difference. This club has Hopefully we’ll see you at Pat Your Boat or the some great volunteers – you know who you are and I’d Wine and Cheese. like to thank you. Lee Baker I wish Lee and the rest of the Executive the best of luck for the rest of 2013 and beyond. CBYC Commodore Until we meet again, all the best, Owen Bird RENEWAL FORMS WERE MAILED OUT OR YOU CAN GO TO http://collinsbaymarina.com/cbyc/about/membership/ TO PRINT ANOTHER FORM. PAGE 3 CBYC WEBSITE APRIL 2013 Club events for the 2013 season have been posted on the calendar at the CBYC website: www.collinsbayyachtclub.ca. Clicking on the title of any event will bring you to a second page where you will find additional details. The Executive encourages club members to regularly check the website and explore what we have ahead this sailing season. We know that some club members would like to be kept informed about boating events in the Kingston area and also provided with links to information that could be valuable to those sailing in local waters. The Execu- tive debated how we might provide this information to club members and decided against sending out general e-mail messages. Instead, information and links will be posted to pages listed in a Of Interest to Kingston Area Boaters menu found on the right hand side of the CBYC website mainpage. Geoff Roulet CBYC Webmaster PAGE 4 COLLINS BAY MARINA NEWS APRIL 2013 In order to provide ongoing fuel service to our customers, we had to do the necessary up- grades, as the old system did not meet the TSSA regulations. Over the winter we hired MA Barr to replace the underground fuel lines and purchased a new dual sided fuel dispenser. The old lines were dug up and new secondary containment piping was installed just before Christmas. The new electronic fuel dispenser is now ready for use! An upgrade to the mast crane will be com- pleted in time for spring launch also. We have a new electric winch for the boom. This will make the mast crane much more maneu- verable. We are happy to report that the application for weed control has been submitted and re- ceived. We are committed to doing all we can to combat the weeds! The marina office has undergone a little renovation, with the marina logo done in tile at the entrance to the office. Gerry and Paul did a great job! When you are around the marina, come in and take a look! It has been a snowy winter and we are looking forward to spring and all the hustle and bustle that launch brings! See you all soon! Gerry and Lori Buzzi. Helm, Colins Bay Marina PAGE 5 SOCIAL APRIL 2013 CBYC Upcoming Social Events Coffee House 10-2, April 27th, clubhouse Wine and Cheese, boat naming May 4th open to guests and non members Sailpast Fun Day/BBQ June 8th, tickets $5, door prizes Check out http://collinsbaymarina.com/cbyc/events-calendar/ for details Coffee at the Clubhouse April 27th 10 am - 2 pm PAGE 6 SOCIAL APRIL 2013 CBYC “PAT YOUR BOAT” EVENT was a huge success. Many, many thanks to the 32 club members who came out and enjoyed our first 2013 Club- house social. The food was good, and the company, great! The heaters certainly did their job and everyone was comfortable. Thank you to the Buzzis for the offer of their home facilities, al- though I think we were ok. Thanks to those who helped with the clean up. One of the high- lights of the evening was the im- promptu announcement of the change of command in the Com- modore role, as a result of Owen and Carissa’s delightful upcoming arrival (Congrats!). Lee, previ- ously our Vice-Commodore will be filling the position as Commo- dore. Congratulations Lee. A more formal hand-over will take place in the fu- ture. Some members even patted their boats. Having done that, Jack Frost can leave quickly now and let Mother Nature bring on Spring. See you all at the Coffee House April 27th! Sue Stevenson CBYC Social Chair PAGE 7 SOCIAL APRIL 2013 The First Annual Winter Classic Well sports fans it was a gala event at the Royal King- ston Curling Club on February 23rd as 23 curlers and several thousand spectators gathered to participate in the inaugural curling event for CBYC members and friends. For those new to the game instruction was provided by several experienced curlers with stick instruction for those who could not bend down ( Dave Sansom & Bill Worthy) and for those who could bend down (Garry Logan & Jean Harvey) and even those sinister people (left-handed Lionel Redford). After a moderate amount of instruction, being as though everyone there was a world-class athlete, games got un- derway with opponent changes after two ends to give everyone a chance to mix with their club mates. Some folks had a tough time sliding the rocks over the hog line at first but then “got their weight down” and made some particularly good shots. Experi- enced curler, Chuck Francis made a highlight-reel shot through a port to “hit and stick” whereupon Dave Sansom ruined that with a draw to the button. A certain person, who will remain nameless but she walks the docks incessantly trolling for new mem- bers, launched a shot that was a little too hard and when we retrieved the rock from the back parking lot play resumed in a more orderly fashion. The left-handed instructor failed to make a shot all night but looked real good doing it. The girls let Lori and Gerry Buzzi come to play and they had good time, especially when opposing one another, hummm.
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