WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION REGIONAL ASSOCIATION V (SOUTH-WEST PACIFIC) ABRIDGED FINAL REPORT OF THE SECOND SESSION Manila, 7th -18th April 1958 PRICE: Sw. fro 5.- 1 WMO ~ No. 78. RP. 31 I Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization • Geneva • Switzerland 1958 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION Supplement to WMO Publication N° 78.RP.31 Decisions of the Executive Committee on the Abridged Final Report of the Second Session of Regional Association V. This document is a supplement to WMO Publication N° 78.RP.31 Abridged Final Report of the Second Session of Regional Associ­ ation V and should be considered as a guide to the status of the decisions adopted at that session. * * * - 2 - Resolution 30 (EC-X) REPORT OF THE SECOND SESSION OF REGIONAL ASSOCIATION V THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, HAVING CONSIDERED the report of the second session of Regional Association V; DECIDES, (1) To note the report; (2) To note without comment the resolutions adopted during the session; (3) To take action as follows on the recommendations .• Recommendation 3 Refers this recommendation to the president of the Commission for Maritime Meteorology for urgent consideration of the Regional Association V conclusion that 3 No change be made in the existing plan for the collection areas ·for ship's observations, as applicable to Region V, with the exception that the western boundary of the area allocated to Malaya be extended to Longitude 90 oE. ~e!e~r£l~g~c~l_r~q~iEe~e~ts in_r~g~r~ !o_r~u!i~e ~iE EeRoEt~n~ Adopts the recommendation and instructs the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps with the International Civil Aviation Organization and to transmit the recommendation to the presidents of other regional associations for information. Recommendation B.l - TR~solution 18) -- With the concurrence of the president of Regional Association V, on behalf of his association, it was agreed to change this recommend­ ation into a resolution by replacing the existing phraseg "RECOlVJllJI.ENDS that Australia be requested to establish ••• " by "DECIDES to invite Australia to establish ~ •• ". 1 - 3 - Recommendation 1 Refers this recommendation totlie president of the Commission for . SYJ;loptio Metevrology for consideration of the request to amend the international analysis code FM 45 with the object of providing for the encoding of centres of action, neutral points and their characteristics in streamline analysis messages. Recommendation 2 Reception of meteorological information from ~e~i~n~l=A~s~cIa!i~n=Il ------- ~ Refers this recommendation to the president of Regional Associa­ tion II for urgent action on the following points g (a) The grouping of reports from the Republic of Viet-Nam, Laos and Cambodia into a single territorial broadcast and inclusion ofr~ports fr'omEast Pakistan in the territorial broadcas.ts. from Mingalador; (b) The improvement of the quality of the transmissions by the sub-continental broadcasts from New Delhi; (c) . The conversion of the sub-continental broadcasts from New Delhi from C/'I;.J Morse to radioteleprin ter transmission as early as possible, DIRECTS the Secretary-General to inform all concerned. NOTE This resolution replaces Resolution 11 (EC-V) which is no longer in force (see Resolution 39 (EC-X)). ORGANISATION METEOR010GIQUE M01IDIALE Supplement a la Publioation 0211M lifo 78oRPo31 Decisions du Comite executif sur Ie Rapport final abrege de la deuxieme session de l'Assooiation ~Ggionale v. Ce document oonstitue un supplement a la Publication OMM·N° 78.RP.31, Rapport final abrege de la deuxieme session de l'Association reglo­ nale V et doit etre considere comme un guide quant au statut des decisions adoptees au cours de cette session. * * * - - '2 - Resolution 30 (Ee-x) RAPPORT DE LA DEUXIElVIE SESSlON DE L' ASSOCIATION REGIONALEl Y LE COMITE' EXECUTIF,. AYlUiTT EXAl.lJIINE Ie rapport de la .deuxieme !'lession de 1 'Af?sociati9n regionale V; DECIDE, 1) De prendre acte du rapport; 2) De. prendre acte, sans commentaires, des resolutions adoptees au cours de la session, 3) De prendre, au sujet des recommandations, les mesures suivantesg . ~e~o~~n9:a!i~n_3_- ~o~e~ 9:e_c£n~e~tEa!i£n_d~~_~~s~r!a!i£h~ 9:e_n~y!r~s Transmet cette recommandation au president de la Commission de meteorologie maritime pour qu'il examine d1urgence la conclusion de l'Association regionale V selon laquelle g Aucune modification ne doit etre apportee au plan existant pour les zones de concentration des observations de navires dans la Region V, a l'exception de l'extension au 90° de longitude E de la limite ouest de la zone attribuee a la Malaisie. Recommandation 4 - Besoins meteorologiques concernant les comptes rendus ~e!e~r~l~g~q~e~ Ee~u~i~r~ ~n=v~l- ---- - ----- Adopte la recommandation et charge Ie Secretaire general de faire Ie necessaire aupres de l'Organisation de l'aviation civilE;linter­ nationale et de transmettre la recommandation, a titre.d'information, aux presidents des autres associations regionales. Recommandation B.l -Creation dans la Region V d'un centre d'etude d'analyse ~R~solutIon 18") - - -~;~p~c-~f~ ~ ----- - --- - ------------ Avec l'assentiment du president de l'Association regionale V, agis­ sant au nom de son association, il a ete decide de transformer cette recommandation en resolution en rempla9ant les mots "RECOMM.ANDE que l'Australie soit priee d'etablir ••• " par la phrase suivante g " DEC IDE (1-' invi ter I' Australie a etablir ••• ". 3 ~e~o~~n~a~i~n_l_- ~o~i!i~a~i~n~ ~u_c~d~ !n~e~n~t~o~a~ ~'~n~lls~ Transmet cette recommandation au president de la Commission de meteorologie synoptiQue pour Qu'ilexamine la suggestion tendant a modifier Ie .Gode international d'analyseFM 45 en vue de permettre Ie chiffrage de centres d'action, de points neutres, et de leurs caracteristiQues dans les messages d'analyse des lignes de courant. Recommandation 2 - Reception de renseignements meteorologiQues en provenance - - - - ----- ~e=l~A~s~c~a!i~n=r~g~o~a~e=I! - --- - --------- Transmet cette recommandation au president de l'Association regionale II pour Qu'il prenne d'urgence les dEpositions necessaires au sujet des points suivants g a) "Le groupement des donnees provenant de la RepubliQue du Viet-Nam, du Laos et du Cambodge en une seule emission territoriale et 1 'inclusion 'des donnees du Pakistan oriental dans l'emission territoriale de Mingalador; :b) L'amelioration de la Qualite des emissions Bous-continentales de la Nouvelle-Delhi; c) La conversion aussi rapide Que possible en transmissions par radioteleimprimeurs des emissions sous-continentales de la Nouvelle-Delhi assurees en morse C/W, aussitot Que possible. CHARGE Ie Secretaire general de porter cette resolution a la connaissance de tous les interesses • :NOTE . ·Cette resolution remplace la resolution 11 (EC-V) Qui cesse d'etre en vigueur (voir resolution 39 (EO-X)). TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa\ije List of .r~presentatives attending the session .................................. VI Agenda· ............................................................................................................... VIII General summary of the work of the session ................................................. 1 List of resolutions adopted by the session .... : ............................................. 24 Final Session ]2. .- No. 1 A.2 Basic network of surface and upper-air observing stations for the South-West Pacific Region ............ .. 24 2 A.8 Replacement of pilot-balloon observations by radiowind observations and requirements for high- level upper-air data .................................. :·.. :· .. :·;;·.: ........ ,25·· 3 A.l Ground radar: weather observations ............................ .. 26 4 A.3 Statistics ~n air reports ......................................... .. 26 '·'5 B.lO Regional coding practices in Region V..................... .. 27 . '6 A.4 :.. Use of the synoptic codes in the tropics ............... .. 28 7 E.l . Area contents of territorial broadcast messages of Regional Association V .......................................... 29 8 B.2 Area contents of subcontinental broadcast mes- sages of Regional Association V................................ .. 29 . ". 9 B.3 . Review of the regional plan for the exchange of analyses and prognoses ................................................ 31 10 B.4 Standard hours (after the hour of observation) for the transmission of synoptic observations ......... 35 11 B.5 Conversion of :territorial and 'subcontinental broadcast messages {oradio-teleprinter form of transmission.: .....: .......................................................... .. 36 12 B.6 Tim~ co~ordinati6n of radia~teleprinter broad­ .casts from Hegion V subcontinental broadcast centres .............. : ... : ..... , ... '.',','" ., ......................................... 38 13 B.7 Use of point-to-pdirit ~ircuits for transmission of synoptic meteorological messages in Region V ..... 39 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS ~~~ (continued) 14 B.B Transmission procedures for meteorological broadcasts by radio-teleprinter...... ................ 41 15 B.9 Exchanges of meteorological information with neighbouring Regions....................................................... 42 16 B.ll Working Group on meteorological telecommunications .. : 44 17 A.7 The development of forecasting techniques for high-level flights ......................................................... 45 lB Rec. B.l Establishment of a tropical analysis development centre in Region. V............................................................ 45 19 A.6 Working Group on radiation ............................................
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