![Cosmological Axino Problem Which Z Λ Λ I Is Similar to the Well-Known Gravitino Problem [17] but 3 Which Occurs in a Complementary Region of M3/2](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Cosmological Axino Problem Clifford Cheung,1, 2 Gilly Elor,1, 2 and Lawrence J. Hall1, 2, 3 1Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 2Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 3Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8568, Japan We revisit the cosmology of the supersymmetric QCD axion, highlighting the existence of a serious cosmological axino problem that is fully analogous to the gravitino problem of overclosure via thermal production. A general analysis implies that the QCD axino has a mass greater than or equal to that of the gravitino in the absence of unnatural fine-tuning or sequestering. As a consequence, bounds from thermal gravitino and QCD axino production are complementary in parameter space, and together provide a quite stringent limit on the reheating temperature after 3 6 9 12 inflation given by TR < 10 −10 GeV for an axion decay constant of fa = 10 −10 GeV. Motivated by this result, we explore the cosmology of gravitino LSP and axino NLSP at low TR and present three realistic scenarios for dark matter. I. INTRODUCTION “Planck slop” operators induced by unspecified ultra- violet physics, they also arise irreducibly from the cal- The QCD axion is an extraordinarily elegant solution culable dynamics of supergravity [3]. Since these oper- to the strong CP problem which is uniquely amenable to ators transfer supersymmetry breaking effects of order m F/m into the PQ sector, the axion and the a variety of astrophysical and laboratory probes. Like- 3/2 ∼ Pl wise, weak-scale supersymmetry offers a theoretically axino acquire a mass difference of this order. In turn, motivated resolution to the gauge hierarchy problem and because the axion is ensured to be massless by the non- a wealth of implications for the LHC. In this paper, we linearly realized PQ symmetry, the axino has a mass of embrace both of these theoretical proposals and explore order m3/2 due to Planck-scale corrections. the cosmology of the supersymmetric QCD axion. Concretely, this simple physical argument can be un- By construction, the QCD axion couples to the gluon derstood by the existence of a higher-dimensional opera- 1 with a strength inversely proportional to the axion de- tor in the effective field theory below fa , cay constant, fa. Supersymmetry then requires a corre- † 2 † sponding coupling of the QCD axino to the gluino. Ex- 4 (A + A ) (X + X ) 1 d θ m3/2a˜a˜ + ..., (4) pressed in superspace, this interaction takes the form Z mPl ∼ 2 which exactly preserves the full PQ symmetry,2 and is √2α3 = d2θAW aW a + h.c., (1) expected from Planck-scale dynamics. Hence, the axino L 8πf Z a mass has a lower bound of order where the superfield containing the saxion, axion, and axino is defined as ma˜ & m3/2, (5) 2 which provides a theoretical motivation for considering A = (s + ia)/√2+ √2θa˜ + θ FA. (2) theories of low-scale supersymmetry breaking with grav- In this basis A shifts by an arbitrary imaginary constant itino LSP and axino NLSP. Eq. (5) embodies a central arXiv:1104.0692v1 [hep-ph] 4 Apr 2011 under the nonlinearly realized Peccei-Quinn (PQ) sym- claim of this paper: barring fine-tuning, the axino mass metry. In this basis the axino is defined to be a PQ acquires an irreducible contribution of order the gravitino singlet. While Eq. (1) may be the only axino coupling mass which is allowed by all symmetries and is generated present, as in the case of the KSVZ [1] axion, there can by uncontrolled Planck-scale physics. be additional couplings between the axino and other su- A notable exception to this simple argument arises in perpartners, as in the case of the DFSZ [2] axion. certain scenarios in which extra dimensions are used to Since the cosmology of these theories depends crucially effectively sequester supersymmetric breaking from the on the size of the axino mass, it is of utmost importance PQ sector [12–15]. Nevertheless, even in these theories, to ascertain its typical value. On general grounds, one supersymmetry breaking is still mediated through super- expects supersymmetry breaking to seep into the PQ sec- gravity effects which typically yield the same result as tor by way of higher-dimensional operators that couple the axion directly to the supersymmetry breaking field, 1 X = x + √2θη + θ2F, (3) Recently a similar effective theory has been considered in [4]. 2 Explicit PQ breaking operators can very easily destabilize the axion solution to the strong CP problem, even if they are gen- where F is the supersymmetry breaking scale. While erated by Planck scale dynamics [5–7]. See [8–11] for possible these contributions may be present in the form of resolutions to this difficulty. 2 in Eq. (4) [16]. In this paper we will assume that these Next, let us consider the effect of higher-dimensional more complicated dynamics are not at play. operators of the form As we will see, the bound in Eq. (5) has an enormous † † effect on early universe cosmology. In particular, it im- 4 λiΦi Φi(X + X ) λifi † † d θ = (F F +F Fi)+..., (7) plies the existence of a cosmological axino problem which Z Λ Λ i is similar to the well-known gravitino problem [17] but 3 which occurs in a complementary region of m3/2. To- which couple supersymmetry breaking to the PQ sector. gether, the combined bounds from axino and gravitino Here λi is an order unity dimensionless coupling and X production completely exclude the possibility of a high is as defined in Eq. (3). The parameter Λ is the mass TR, as shown in Fig. 1. In turn, this rather unequivocally scale of the heavy particles which couple the PQ and nullifies the viability of high-scale leptogenesis [18] while supersymmetry breaking sectors and, as discussed in the still permitting low-scale models of soft leptogenesis [19] introduction, it is at most the Planck scale, Λ . mPl. and testable theories of asymmetric freeze-in [20, 21]. It is clear that the only fermion mass terms gener- Let us now briefly outline the remainder of this pa- ated by this operator are a mixing between ψi and η, per. In Section 2, we present the theoretical rationale for the fermionic component of X. Morally, this can be un- Eq. (5), both in general and for a canonical supersymmet- derstood as a rather surprising mixing term between the ric axion model. We then go on to explore the thermal axino and the goldstino. Such a mixing is strange, but production of axinos in the early universe in Section 3. by including a dynamical supersymmetry breaking sector Here we take note of a novel regime in which the domi- for X and diagonalizing the fermion mass matrix in the nant mode of axino production arises from the decays of presence of Eq. (7), one goes to mass eigenstate basis and superpartners still in thermal equilibrium, i.e. freeze-in expectedly finds a massless goldstino and a heavy axino [22]. Freeze-in of gravitinos and more generally of hid- with a mass of order den sector dark matter was considered in [23] and [24, 25]. F By combining the bounds on overclosure from gravitino ma˜ , (8) and axino production, we can then precisely quantify the ∼ Λ seriousness of the cosmological axino problem. We go on as shown explicitly for the very simple theory described in Section 4 to consider the mixed cosmology of graviti- in Appendix A. nos, axinos, and saxions. Applying bounds from overclo- One can reach the very same conclusion through a less sure, structure formation, and big bang nucleosynthesis technical, more physical argument. In particular, the (BBN), we determine the values of m , m and f for 3/2 a˜ a right-hand side of Eq. (7) manifestly induces a non-zero which the cosmological history is viable. Finally, we con- value for the auxiliary field F , clude in Section 5. i λ f F F = i i + ..., (9) i − Λ II. SUPERSYMMETRIC AXION THEORIES which mediates supersymmetry breaking effects propor- To begin, let us provide a more rigorous justification tional to Fi directly into the scalar potential of the PQ for the naturalness argument that implies Eq. (5). Ev- sector. Inserting appropriate powers of the characteristic ery supersymmetric axion theory can be described by an scale of the PQ sector, fi, we find that the mass scales ensemble of interacting fields and vacuum expectation values in the PQ sector shift by an amount which is of order F/Λ. Hence, one should 2 Φi = φi + √2θψi + θ Fi, (6) expect a mass splitting between the axion and the axino of order F/Λ which implies Eq. (5). whose dynamics induce vacuum expectation values, This argument can be restated in another way. In par- Φ = f . In the supersymmetric limit, the saxion, ax- ticular, apply a field redefinition h ii i ion and axino are linear combinations of Re φi, Im φi and ψ , respectively, and are massless as a consequence λiX i Φ Φ 1+ , (10) of the nonlinearly realized PQ symmetry. The entirety i → i Λ of our discussion will occur in the language of linear fields, Φi, so let us briefly note that the field A discussed which removes the connector interaction in Eq. (7) at in the introduction is a linear combination of the fields leading order in 1/Λ at the expense of introducing X 2 Ai/fi 4 Ai = si + iai + √2θa˜i + θ FAi where Φi = fie .
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