H6726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 15, 2010 Backcountry airstrips serve as efficient ac- RECOGNIZING 90TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. COHEN. I yield myself such time cess points for tourists, who in turn contribute OF 19TH AMENDMENT as I may consume. to local economies and small businesses. Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I move to House Resolution 1375, introduced by More importantly, in the event of mechanical suspend the rules and agree to the reso- the Honorable JIM COOPER of Ten- problems or inclement weather, they serve as lution (H. Res. 1375) recognizing the nessee, recognizes the 90th anniversary emergency landing sites when larger airports 90th anniversary of the 19th Amend- of the 19th Amendment. The 19th are out of reach. ment, as amended. Amendment, of course, is the Amend- Many backcountry airstrips are privately The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ment that gave women the right to owned. In addition, several state aviation of- tion. vote in this United States, and it was fices own and operate backcountry airstrips, The text of the resolution is as fol- not until 1920 that women got that and many airstrips are owned by public agen- lows: right to vote. cies involved in land management, such as H. RES. 1375 We didn’t start off as a perfect Union. the Forest Service, National Park Service, Bu- Whereas full participatory rights by It’s taken a lot of time, and we’re still reau of Land Management, and the Bureau of women are vital to democracy in the United working toward becoming that perfect Reclamation. States; Union. H. Res. 1473 recognizes the value of rec- Whereas the right to vote of all women in The 19th Amendment was ratified reational aviation and backcountry airstrips lo- the United States was not guaranteed for 144 with the perfect 36th State, which hap- cated on the nation’s public lands and com- years after the Declaration of Independence pened to be Tennessee, the last State mends aviators and the various organizations was signed; that could make it by three-quarters of that maintain these airstrips for public use. Whereas the Women’s Rights Convention the States needed. There were 48 at the I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- was held in Seneca Falls, New York, in July time. Thirty-five had done it. The rest 1848, sparking a decades-long struggle by porting this resolution. women’s rights pioneers to gain the right to had said they wouldn’t. Tennessee was Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be vote; on the spot, and it became the perfect an original cosponsor of H. Res. 1473, a reso- Whereas a constitutional amendment 36th and gave women the right to vote. lution supporting recreational aviation and granting women’s suffrage nationwide was It was an historic vote that took backcountry airstrips on America’s public first introduced in the United States Con- place in the Tennessee State capitol. lands. gress in January 1878; Probably the most historic vote that’s Backcountry airstrips are a part of life for Whereas in 1919, the 66th Congress of the ever occurred in that capitol. One of many Americans, especially in the West. They United States passed a resolution proposing which, a bas-relief on the wall, which I an amendment to the Constitution extending provide countless benefits to the general pub- worked on getting placed there, com- lic, including search and rescue, fire manage- the right of suffrage to women; Whereas the aforesaid amendment was memorates that event when that vote ment, research, disaster relief and wildlife then ratified by the Legislatures of the took place. management. They also allow public access to States of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kan- One of my relatives, Mr. Joe Han- some of the most beautiful, remote federal sas, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massa- over, managed the bill in the House. lands in America regardless of one’s physical chusetts, Texas, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, And the Senate, of which I was a mem- ability to otherwise enjoy the backcountry. Montana, Nebraska, Minnesota, New Hamp- ber, and Lady BLACKBURN, the Con- Backcountry airstrips serve as efficient ac- shire, Utah, California, Maine, North Da- gresswoman on the other side, was also cess points for tourists, who in turn contribute kota, South Dakota, Colorado, Kentucky, a member of that esteemed body, the to local economies and small businesses. Rhode Island, Oregon, Indiana, Wyoming, Nevada, New Jersey, Idaho, Arizona, New State Senate in Tennessee voted with More importantly, in the event of mechanical Mexico, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Wash- overwhelming numbers to approve the problems or inclement weather, they serve as ington, and Tennessee; and resolution. It was in the House where emergency landing sites when larger airports Whereas, on August 18, 1920, the Tennessee sometimes they have problems—unlike are out of reach. Too often, however, these General Assembly voted for ratification by a what we experience here in Wash- airstrips are targeted for closure by the federal one-vote margin, passing the amendment in ington—where they had difficulty get- government or well-funded special interest Nashville, Tennessee, becoming the 36th and ting the votes together. groups, or simply ignored by bureaucrats in final of the three-fourths of States needed to And it was about an even vote until ratify the aforesaid amendment, entering it Washington, DC. the last minute. And a Republican During a time when our lands are under into the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representa- from upper east Tennessee named threat from drought, insect infestation and tives— Harry Burn got a missive from his wildfire, and when our economy continues to (1) recognizes the 90th anniversary of the mother that said, ‘‘Harry, do the right struggle, backcountry airstrips serve a valu- ratification of the 19th Amendment to the thing.’’ And Harry did the right thing, able role for land managers and visitors alike. United States Constitution; and he cast that vote and it passed by Please join me in recognizing the value of rec- (2) honors the contributions and achieve- one vote. So women have the right to reational aviation and backcountry airstrips, in ments of women in United States politics; and vote because of the perfect 36th, the addition to commending aviators and the var- State of Tennessee in 1920, August of ious private organizations that maintain these (3) reaffirms its commitment to pursuing policies that achieve true political and social that year. And it was by one vote. airstrips for public use. equality for women, commensurate with So it’s an important story not only of b 1610 their role in life in the United States and so- how far this country has come, because ciety. Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I have no our Constitution, as great as it was, further requests for time, and I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- didn’t give women the right to vote. It back the balance of my time. ant to the rule, the gentleman from permitted slavery, didn’t give women Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, for all of Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) and the gentle- the right to vote, and a lot of other the reasons articulated, I again encour- woman from Tennessee (Mrs. problems. And it took a lot of efforts age my colleagues to support this reso- BLACKBURN) each will control 20 min- and civil rights and women’s rights and lution. utes. human rights and all to bring us to I yield back the balance of my time. The Chair recognizes the gentleman where we’re getting today. We still The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from Tennessee. have a ways to go. But it also says how question is on the motion offered by GENERAL LEAVE important one vote is, because one vote the gentlewoman from Hawaii (Ms. Mr. COHEN. I ask unanimous consent made that difference. HIRONO) that the House suspend the that all Members have 5 legislative Prior to the ratification of the 19th rules and agree to the resolution, H. days within which to revise and extend Amendment, only a handful of States Res. 1473, as amended. their remarks and to add extraneous allowed women to vote at all, and that The question was taken; and (two- material on the resolution under con- was in certain elections. But even thirds being in the affirmative) the sideration. those modest gains were the product of rules were suspended and the resolu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there decades of struggle by women’s suf- tion, as amended, was agreed to. objection to the request of the gen- frage supporters. There were early A motion to reconsider was laid on tleman from Tennessee? events, such as the Women’s Rights the table. There was no objection. Convention convened in Seneca Falls, VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:57 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H15SE0.REC H15SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6727 New York, in 1848, and it helped en- Tennessee Representative Harry Burn Well, needless to say I am very proud courage women’s suffrage supporters to and how he received that message, how of Thetus Sims’ vote that day. I am organize for full participatory rights he changed the rose on his lapel to a grateful for how he represented Ten- throughout the State. And during the yellow rose, and then how he changed nessee. And I am so pleased that he lis- late 19th century, thousands of wom- his vote. And that was a swing vote tened to his iron-jawed angel daughter, en’s suffrage supporters nationwide that did indeed change history.
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