Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org N PATRO E ' 1 ROU XTtmee L Vol. 50 No. 31 URA PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. August 11,1994 48 Pages Price 65 cents Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Grant Money to Provide Watertown Fire Department 100th Anniversary Necessary Renovations Special Supplement Section 2 by Susan Faber said there is a great deal of de- Good news arrived from Han- mand for the money. The funds ford last week when town offi- arc intended to maintain or im- cials received word from Gov. prove existing struclurcs,he said. Lowell P. Wcickcr Jr. that the Work on handicapped acces- town would receive $495,000 sibility will concentrate on the through the Community Devel- first floors of the town municipal opment Block Grant Program. buildings. At the Annex, the front Partof the money—$300,000 door will be upgraded for acces- — will be used to provide home sibility and a ramp will be built improvement loans for low- to from the parking lot, Mr. Salo- moderate-income residents, monc said. while $195,000 is earmarked for The first floor bathroom also making the first floors of the wil 1 be expanded and redesigned. Town Hall and Town Hall An- At the Town Hall similar nex handicapped accessible. renovations on the front door and "We're very pleased," said bathroom will be made, although Town Manager John Salomone construction of the ramp will be on Monday. "It's good to be more complicated and expensive getting money back to the town because the building is much from federal uix dollars." higher than the Annex, Mr. Salo- The housing rehabilitation mone said. funds are "very significant," according to Mr. Salomone, who (Continued on page 7) Norwood Named Principal at Swift Janice Pond Appointed at Heminway Park School by Susan Faber THE LAST HURRAH: Jennifer Laws from the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport lets children at The Inarcshuffiingproccsswhich Learning Circle Children's Center pet a dove during her visit to the facility last Thursday. The started last April with the resig- youngsters also examined a goose egg, a snake skin from an indigo snake, a red-fooled tortoise and a nation of Watertown High School gopher snake. "Do snakes eat kids?" one child asked. Ms. Laws dispelled myths about reptiles and Principal William P. Williams, other animals during the last program held at the Learning Circle at 680 Main Street. On August 3, the the Board of Education has filled town's Planning andZoning Commission ruledagainst allowing day care centers into general business the top positions at three schools zones. The ruling may force the Learning Circle to close down. — Times Photo, Faber in town. Last week,the board approved the transfer of William Norwood, Day Care Director Slams Zoning Decision who will leave Heminway Park School and move to Swift Junior High School as its new principal. Commission Had ness zone. Her current landlord, firs t thing on our minds," accord- The transfer included a token Safety Concerns Marine Midland Bank, says she ing to Mrs. Anderson, who said raise, according to Superinten- must leave her current location at in her present location there are dent of Schools Dinoo Dastur, 680 Main Street this month. always two staff members in the by Susan Faber Now, she may have to close playground with the children. who said that Mr.Norwood brings The Planning and Zoning a background in junior high her facility. Commission decision not to al- "They were unfair," Mrs. (Continued on page 8) school education to his new posi- low day care centers in general tion. Anderson declared following last business zones in town has met Wednesday's (August 3) vole. William Norwood, principal at He taught junior high school with sharp criticism by Peg in two slates before coming to "Thcirconcems about safely were Heminway ParkSchool, has been Anderson, director of The Learn- hysterical. They don't work in named the new principal at Swift Watcrtown, where he served as ing Circle Children's Center. assistant principal at Swift under day care. They have no clue Junior High School in Oakville, The action was defended, Principal Joseph Mcrcicr, Dr. what's involved." where he once was vice princi- however, by the commission's Daslur said. Commission members argued pal. — Times Photo, Valuckas chairwoman, who stressed safety (Continued on page 7) that the Watertown Commons issues. location at 1044 Main and the Mrs. Anderson had hoped to plan to install a playground in the Morris Bluegrass Festival Sunday move her day care center into the parking lot area would leave MORRIS—The fiddles will sing and the banjos pling-a-ding on Watcrtown Commons on Main children easy prey for abductors. Sunday, August 14 when the Scholarship Foundation of Morris S trcet, which is in a general busi- "Safety has always been the prcscnls its 14th annual Morris Bluegrass Festival from noon to dusk at Morris Memorial Park, junction of Routes 109 and 61. Cemetery Dead Issue for Park Road Residents More than $2,500 in prize money will be awarded for contests in by Susan Faber guitar; traditional and trick 'n' fancy; bluegrass and "old limey" Plans to build a 65-acrc cemetery off Park Road in Watertown banjo; mandolin and dobro; as well as the "Best of the Bluegrass have been laid to rest due to a decision of the Planning and Zoning A FACE ONLY A MOTHER Bands" showdown. Commission August 3. After listening to concerns of residents over the past few months, COULD LOVE? A wide variety of refreshment booths wil 1 be open to complement Yes, indeedy! And there will be the bluegrass music. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted in the the group voted last Wednesday not to issue a special use permit to plenty more like 'em on Sunday park. Maple Grove Memorial Park, Inc. for building the cemetery. Admission is $6 for adults, S3 for senior citizens and youth; The most serious concerns centered around thepotential adverse when it's time to grab your baby Children ages 5 and under get in free. Proceeds from the festival effects to the deep well water supply, said Park Road resident Jack and bobbie socks and go be- become scholarship awards to graduating students from Wamogo Traver, as well as an increase in weekend traffic in the area. boppin' down to the '94 Sum- Regional High School. : . Residents also emphasized the inappropriateness of locating a mer Carooze classic car show. See story and photos page JO. For more information, call 567-5547,567-0270, or 567-4278. (Continued on page 8) 2 - Town TimesProperty, August 11,1994 of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgGreat Savings 5 Meat Center On Forty HEMINWAY PLACE Center Cut 485 Main Street, Watertown, Ct. • 274-2714 PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 10 - AUGUST 16 PORK WED THURS FRI SAT SUN MON TUES 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CHOPS 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 6:00 pill 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00" pm $ SUPER SPECIAL; 1 -99Ib Loin (4 Ib. avg.) $ Perdue Whole or Split PORK ROAST 1.29 CHICKEN Country $ BREAST SPARE RIBS 1.39 Ib USDA CHOICE STEAKS $ Top Round $ PORK STEAK 1.39 Ib LONDON BROIL1 2.49 "Great On The Grill" Boneless N.Y. ITALIAN 1Aa STRIP STEAK ! '4.99 Ib SAUSAGE Wm $ Boneless Hot or Sweet, Links or Patties 1.69 Ib SIRLOIN STEAK . *2.79 Ib Baby $ Thin Sliced SPARE RIBS 1.69 Ib SANDWICH STEAK From The Round $2.99 $ USDA CHOICE ROASTS PORK LOIN 1.59.b $ Cut Into Chops, Roasts & Ribs at No Extra Charge RUMP ROAST ! 1.89 Oscar Mayer EYE ROUND . $ BACON llb.pkg M.59 ROAST ! 2.79 Kahn's Natural Casing $ BOTTOM ROUND, $ HOT DOGS s ib box 5.99 ROAST ! 1.79 DELI DEPARTMENT Land O' Lakes AMERICAN CHEESE ONIONS California $ *2.29, 3 Ib. bag Danish CANTALOUPE. i IMPORTED HAM MUSHR00MS$4 $ '2.69, PEARS Ib Hudson 10 oz. pk I TURKEY BREAST '2.59, Fresh Iceburg § CARROTS $ Wunderbar LETTUCE .59. 3 Ib. pkg .99 BOLOGNA _ '.99, ,Tfigh! reserved" toTmi™uan?ities " Not responsiblefor typographicalerrors i • • • • • • ™^«^™ i Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow Societyn Times, August 11,199 4 - 3 Friendly Neighbors Index Name: Henry Wheclahan watertownhistoricalsociety.orgAARP 15 Residence: Oakvillc Births 14 Occupation: Teacher Up Hill Climb Brings Last weekend was the one Cable 5 Shows 16 Henry Wheclahan had been Calendar 9 Family Together waiting for all summer. Henry, Churches 13-14 page 8 an avid sailor, was finally able to Classifieds 30-35 sail under closc-to-pcrfect con- Crossword Puzzle 26 Cruisin' Machines Out ditions. in Force Sunday "This summer has been fair," %. Editorials 4 admits the lifelong resident of Fire Log 18 page 10 the area, who will be teaching Letters 5-6 plumbing and healing at Kaynor : Legal Notices 30 Junior Women Spruce Tech when school begins. "Last w Musical Notes 19 Up the Dog Pound year was THE summer." Obituaries 12-13 page 18 Henry also coaches, and has led the girls' basketball and soft- Personal Possibilities 31 ball programs at Eli Whitney Police Log 18 CatchingWco Brogna High School. He has been se- -.Real Estate 28-29 in the Act of Hitting lected by his peers as a "Teacher Restaurants 27 page 21 of the Year" while at Platt High Senior Scene 15 School in Mcriden. : Sports 21-25 Henry is a graduate of Mat- s*- tatuck Community College, and is taking graduate courses at W Central Connecticut State Uni- versity.
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