GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA N$8.36 WINDHOEK- 13 March 1998 No. 1815 0 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES No. 45 Merchandise Marks Act, 1941: Proposed prohibition of the use of certain State flags, emblems, coats of arms and marks: Hungary ................................. No. 46 Merchandise Marks Act, 1941: Proposed prohibition of the use of certain State flags, emblems, coats of arms and marks: Singapore................................. 15 No. 4 7 Merchandise Marks Act, 1941: Proposed prohibition of the use of certain State flags, emblems, coats of arms and marks: Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Romania and various international organizations and institutions ....................................................... 33 () Government Notices MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY No.45 1998 MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT, 1941: PROPOSED PROHIBITION - OF THE USE OF CERTAIN STATE FLAGS, EMBLEMS, COATS OF ARMS AND MARKS: HUNGARY In terms of section 13 of the Merchandise Marks Act, 1941 (Act 17 of 1941), I hereby give notice that the World Intellectual Property Organization has by virtue of Article 6 ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883, as amended, conveyed a request on behalf of the country mentioned below for the prohibition in terms of section 15(1) of the said Act on the use of the State flags, State emblems, coats of arms and other marks set out and depicted in respect of that 2 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 country in the relevant Schedule hereto as indicated below opposite to such country's name, in connection with any trade, business, profession or occupation or in connection with a trademark, mark or trade description applied to goods, except the use thereof by that country or its mandatories: Name of country Schedule applicable Hungary 1 and 2 The State flags, State emblems, coats of arms and other marks in question shall be open to inspection at the office of the Permanent Secretary: Trade and Industry, Second Floor, Block B, Brendan Simbwaye Square, Corner of Goethe and Uhland Street, Windhoek. I hereby invite persons interested in the matter to submit, in wntmg, any representations which they wish to make in connection with the matter to the Permanent Secretary: Trade and Industry, PO Box 21214, Windhoek, within a period of 14 days from the date of publication of this notice. 0 H. HAMUTENYA MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Windhoek, 11 February 1998 - ..-.~._~~-~-w·-. .... -. .. ~~·~r•·•;l;!tM?I'I:!•·•t~ ...... _ No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 3 ~I SCHEDULE 1 MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG - 4 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 A MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG CIME RE, ZAS ZLAJ A ES FOVAROSANAK JELKEPE L'EMBLEME, LE DRAPEAU ET L' EMBLEM E DE LA CAP IT ALE DE LA REPU BLIQU E POPU LAI RE HONGROIS E () \ -~ - ORSZAGOS TALALMANYI HIVATAL Budapest 1967 - No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 5 Nyilvanossagra hozva az ipari tulajdon oltalmara letesiilt Parizsi Uni6s .Egyezmeny 1934. evi junius ho 2-an Londonban feliilvizsgalt szovegenek 6 ter cikke alapjan. Notifies par application d( l'artid( 6 ter de Ia Con­ veil/ion de Paris, revisee d Lo11ders en 1934, visaur zme union pour Ia protecrio11 de Ia propriere indust- rielle. G - 6 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 A Magyar Nepkozdrsasag L'embleme, le drapeau et Ia cimere, zaszlaja capitale de Ia RJpublique es f6varosa Populaire Hongroise 67. A Magyar Nepkoztarsasag cimere: ketoldalt . 67. L 'embleme de Ia Republique Populaire H ongroise buzakoszoruval egybefogott, vihigoskek me­ se composenl d'un ecu rouge blanc vert d cotes zoben all6, ivelt oldalu piros-feher-zold szinu arques sur un champ bleu clair, encadre d'une pajzs. A btizakoszonil bair6l piros-feher-zold, couronne de b!e. La couromze de ble m enlacee, d jobbr61 voros szinu szalag fonja at. A pajzs gauche, d'une bande rouge . .Au milieu, foiott kozepen elhelyezett otagu voros csiilag se trouve u11e etoile rouge d cinq branches d'ou aranyszinu sugarakat bocsat a mezore, jaillisent des rayo11s d'or sur le champ. 68. A Magyar Nepkowirsasag zaszlaja piros­ . 68. Le drapeu de Ia Republiquc Populaire Hon­ feher-zo!d szinu. groise est rouge blanc vert. 69. A Magyar Nepkowirsasag fovarosa: Buda­ . 69. La capiraie de Ia Republique Populaire Hon­ pest. groise m Budapest. (A Magyar Nepkiiwirsasag Alkotmanya) (La Constitution de Ia Rlpublique Populaire Hongroise.) - No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 7 A MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG C1MERE 0 ~· - 8 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 A MAGYAR NI:PKOZTARSASAG ZASZLAJA Le cb·apeau de Ia Rdpublique Papulaire Hou.?rnise ~,. ~/ - - No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 9 BUDr\PESl' JELKF:PE L' /·:111/J/~m<' J,• Uuiafi!'SI 0 l .._..- ' - 10 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 SCHEDULE 2 MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG - - No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 11 NEMESFEMTARGYAK HIVATALOS FEMJELEI A MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAGBAN a:: 1965 evi 14 S%. tvr. es a 11/1965 P.M. S%. rmdtdet alapjdn POI NCON S OFFICI ELS DE GARANT! E ' DE LA REP U BLIQU E POP ULAI RE HONGROISE POURLES OUVRAGES EN METAUX prescrits par le decret de loi fVO 14 de /' annee 1965 et par /e dem:t 11/1965 du ministre des finances 0 R S Z A G 0 S T A LA L M A N Y I H I VAT A L - Budap~t 1967 ----------------....... -------~------ ---------- ~--- 12 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 Nyilvanossagra hozva az ipari tulajdon oltalmira letesiilt Parizsi Uni6s Egyezmeny 1958. evi okt6ber h6 31-en Lisszabonban feliilvizsgalt szovegenek 6 ter cikke alapjan. Notzfiis par application df /'article 6 ter de Ia Coll­ vention de Paris, revisee dernierement a Lisbomre le 31 october 1958, visant une union pour Ia protection de Ia propriere industrielle. - - No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 13 A BELFOLDON Kt:SZOLT NEMESF:f:MTARGYAK Ft:MJELEI Poinfons dt garanrit pour les our•ragts dt fabrication 1. P LA T I N AT A R G Y A K R A 0 U V RAG E S D E P L:A TIN E 950 0 2. A RAN YT A R G YAK R A OUVRAGES D'OR 585 916 750 3. NAGYOBB EZDSTTARGYAKRA GROS OUVRAGES D'ARGENT c 835 800 925 900 - 4. K I S E B B E Z US TT AR G Y A K R A P E 11 T S 0 U V RAG E S D 'A R G E N T - ~<®>~~925 900 835 800 14 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 A KULF0LDR0L BEHOZOTT NEMESFEMTARGYAK FEMJELEI PoillfOns de gara11rie pour ll's our•rages imporrees 1. PLATINATARGYAKRA 0 U V R A G E S D E P LATIN E 950 2. ARAN YTAR G,YA K RA QUVRAGES D'OR 916 750 585 3. E Z 0 STTARG YAKRA 0 U V R A G E S D' A R G E NT 925 900 835 800 AZONOSSAGI JEL POIN<;ONS D'IDENTITE - A NEMESFf:MVIZSG~LO f:S HITELES1T6 INTf:ZET JELE POINCONS DE BUREAU No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 15 MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY No.46 1998 MERCHANDISE MARKS ACT, 1941: PROPOSED PROHIBITION OF THE USE OF CERTAIN STATE FLAGS, EMBLEMS, COATS OF ARMS AND MARKS: SINGAPORE In terms of section 13 of the Merchandise Marks Act, (Act 17 of 1941 ), I hereby give notice that the World Intellectual Property Organization has by virtue of Article 6 ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883, as amended, conveyed a request on behalf of the country mentioned below for the prohibition in terms of section 15(1) of the said Act on the usc of the State flags, State emblems, coats of arms and other marks set out and depicted in respect of that country in the relevant Schedule hereto as indicated below opposite to such country's name, in connection with any trade, business, profession or occupation or in connection with a trademark, mark or trade description applied to goods, except the use thereof by 0 that country or its mandatories: Name of country Schedule applicable Singapore 1 and 2 The State flags, State emblems, coats of arms and other marks in question shall be open to inspection at the office of the Permanent Secretary: Trade and Industry, Second Floor, Block B, Brendan Simbwaye Square, Corner of Goethe and Uhland Street, Windhoek. I hereby invite persons interested in the matter to submit, in writing, any representations which they wish to make in connection with the matter to the Permanent Secretary: Trade and Industry, PO Box 21214, Windhoek, within a period of 14 days from the date of publication of this notice. c H. HAMUTENYA MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Windhoek, 11 February 1998 - 16 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 No. 1815 SCHEDULE 1 FLAG AND STATE EMBLEMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE NOTIFIED ~TIER ARTICLE 6TER (3) OFTHEPARISCO~~ENTION DRAPEAU ET EMBLEMES D'ETAT DE LA REPUBLIQlJE DE SINGAPOUR NOTIFIES EN VERTU DEL' ARTICLE 6TER (3) DE LA CONVENTION DE PARIS - No. 1815 Government Gazette 13 March 1998 17 National Flag of the Republic of.Singapore Le drapeau national de Singapour 0 The flag is red in the upper portion and white in the lower portion. The red upper portion contains a crescent and five stars. La partie superieure du drapeau est en rouge et contient un croissant et cinq etoiles. La partie inferieure du drapeau est en blanc. National Crest of the Republic of Singapore Les Annoiries d'Etat de Ia Republique Singapour c - - National crest with supporters surmounting a scroll with the words "Majulah Singapura". Un rouleau portant les mots "Majulah Singapura" est surmonte par les armoiries nationales.
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