.♦V , -* •v-* ^ JP>*' i ^ V. -t *!■ ■v^4ij»i«*sfcfe >» Ä ' i l ^ '■ l'< î^ '*> >^ 3k ^ ► * % ^ ß * " Volumes. Issue 15 Next Deadline: Aug 19 — Next Issue: Aug 26 August 12,1987 TheGavFamll^lewspaperoftheGreaterSant^la^ Hung Jury in Skinhead confronts black victim at S.J. Rally Against Racism Truss Trial ByTedSahl 3rd Rally Against Racism. Three hundred outraged San On the same day that down- Jose citizens held a Rally Against I town San Jose residents, local of- Ewing claimed that Truss had Racism on Aug. 3 at the Olinder Hcials, and the assistant police pulled a steak knife out and tried Neighborhood Center to show chief mobilized to protest the to rob him and that he acted in support for a 54-year-old black verbal harassment of a black self-defense in slaying the 115- woman following a racist attack woman, a federal judge declared pound youth. Ewing, 6 '-1 *, by white thugs who believe in a mistrial in the civil rights suit reportedly weighs 220 lbs. Aryan supremacy. brought against 'an undercover Ewing inaccurately described The youths, with their heads officer who shot a 17-year-old Truss in the police report as shaved, had attacked the woman black youth five times at point- ‘‘dressed in women’s clothes” — as she walked across the bridge blank range. a ploy which Truss’ family from William St. Park to the As last-minute details of a charged was an attempt to por­ Center. Rally Against Racism were being tray the youth as a ‘‘despicable The victim, who asked not to carried out. Judge William character” in an attempt to be identified by name, was placed I Ingram declared in the Melvin justify the shooting. in fear for her safety. Truss case, ‘‘We are hung. What Other inconsistencies were In a poem she had written, she next?” disputed during (he week-long described for the crowd how she The six-member jury told civil rights trial. saw the youths walking toward Ingram after one day’s Judge Ingram announced that her, thinking they were also deliberation that they could not a new trial would be scheduled jn enjoying the beautiful day. reach the unanimous verdict • the next few months — although Suddenly they were screaming, required by federal law, accor­ he still has the authority to issue a “ Niggers pay!” and they alle­ ding to a report in the San Jose “directed verdict,” presumably gedly grabbed her and threatened Mercury News. in favor of Ewing. to hang her from a tree. ,4 V » , Melvin Truss, an alleged gay Ewing’s attorney has claimed As she spoke of the moment, tranvestite hustler, was shot to that Hve of the six jurors suppor­ tears welled in her eyes. Her voice death on May 4, 1985 with a .357 ted his defense, but the San Jose broke, but she continued to read ■s ■■ magnum by Officer Paul Ewing Mercury reported that it was her poem to Juan Gonzalez, a at 19th and William St., a block unable to reach the jurors for young man who rescued her by away from the site of the Aug. comment. □ stepping in and chasing off the victim o f rada attadt. Photo by Ted Sahl I attackers. Horton praised the actions of about the past racial attacks] “ As they marched toward me, Gonzalez and everyone at the against the Japanese Americans] ghosts of the Gestapo marched rally, reminding them the police who were placed in internment] Aros Quilt Week toward me, and ghosts of the Ku did their job because ‘‘we were camps during World War II. August 17-24 Klux Klan marched toward me, called on the scene” — adding, Another told of his personal] experiences with Nazis while ] for the display at the Capitol, but and doors of Auschwitz opened “ we are always ready to help all Organizers of the NAMES up before me, and the doors of citizens.” attending a university in Ger-] Project are requesting the we must receive them in San many as a young man. Francisco by September 15,” tomorrow closed before me,” she Vice Mayor Susan Hammer assistance of local organizations stated she was appalled, having National Organization for Wo-| stressed managing director Mjke read. in building the national “AIDS “ Thank God for Tuan Gonza­ just «turned from West Ger- prg«ident Quilt” memorial. Smith. many where she visited Nazi spoke out as well, and added] For more information, please lez!” Fabric panels bearing the Mark Tipton, 19, has been concentration camps, and was gay-bashing to the list of wrongs] contact the NAMES Project at names of people lost to the AIDS arrested as alleged leader of the shocked to hear of a terrible committed against minorities. epidemic are being sewn into a 415/863-0767 or 415/626-5725. attack against a black woman. Although invited, a BAYMEC] Tax-deductible contributions gang. Assistant Police Chief Stan massive quih for display in Horton, speaking at the rally, Two dozen speakers from vari­ representative declined to speak,] Washington, DC on Sunday, Oc­ may be sent to: The NAMES ous organizations followed to but a dozen gay activists joined] Project, P.O. Box 14573, San stated that Tipton “ is in jail tober 11, 1987. where he belongs.” voice their protest. They spoke the rally. Creators of the fabric tribute Francisco, CA 94114. □ Oddly enough, throughout the] are asking local organizations to evening, a dozen “ skinheads” ] sponsor panel-making workshops milled around the edges of the] or quilting bees during the week rally, occasionally holding their] of August 17-24. own press meetings, having their ] Calling their effort “ AIDS pictures taken, mostly ignored by] Quilt Week,” organizers hope to the crowd. encourage participation in the After everyone had spoken and ] NAMES Project throughout the the TV cameras had left, a] United States in time for the Oct. ‘skinhead’ approached the victim J 11 display on teh Capitol Mall, where she was standing next to] part of the National March on her son. Washington for Lesbian/Gay A guard and others quickly] Rights. rushed to her side. “ We hope that political clubs, “ I am not a violent person,’ AIDS agencies, sports teams, the ‘skinhead’ said, but he was! professional associations, chur­ quickly interrupted by the victim, f ches, synagogues, and other “ You were there,” she said,] groups will set aside time during “ and you yelled, ‘Get that dirty] I Quilt Week to create memorial nigger’.” I panels for their members and He denied he said that. “ 1 was] friends who have died,” says yelling to my girlfriend, ‘Let’s get] I executive director Cleve Jones. out of here’.” The three-feet by six-feet A bitter argument ensued bet-] panels may be made of any ween the victim’s son and the] I durable, light-v>eight fabric. ‘skinhead.’ Complete panels will be sewn Family and friends whisked the] I together by the NAMES Project black woman away. i in San Francisco, then shipped to Three large groups formed to] Washington, DC for the National shouting matches by the crowd] I March. “Skinhead’' engages son of victim In bitter argument at Rally Photo by Ted Sahl who wished to taunt the ‘skin-| ‘We hope to include panels Agabia Racism, while the black woman who was terrified by heads’ — who never left the] from every part of the country th e A ry m youth group looks on In sOence. scene. □ [ P a ge 3 P a ge 2 OUR PAPER OUR PAPER Gay Statisticians & Scientists The National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Saentists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP) and the Gay/Lesb|an Statisticians Caucus will co-host a meeting and reception during the Joint Sutistkal Meetings (of the American Statistical Association, the Biometric Society, and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics) in San Francisco. The hospitality reception will be held from 6;(K) to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 19 in Continental Ballroom » of the San Fran­ cisco Hilton Hotel, 333 O’Farrdl Street. Dr. Warren Winkelstein of the U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health will speak on “Observations from the San Francisco Men’s Health Study.” Dr. Winkelstein is the principal investigator of the S.F. Men’s Health Study, a longitudinal study of the consequences of infec­ tion with HIV. Joseph Schreiner will discuss recent NOGLSTP activities, in­ HOT PROPERTY cluding efforts regarding security clearances. □ New Publication in East Bay The first issue of the East Bay Alternative came off the press in July in a 12-page newsletter format containing news and adver­ tising of interest to gay men and lesbian women in Contra Costa County. To contact the monthly publication, call 415/686-9280 Hot Property or write to; East Bay Alternative, P.O. Box 8027, Ste. 113, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. □ For use: 54 rms, Ish grdns. w/gazebo, cent a/c, indr. aviary, iviy iounge Photo by Ted Sah! Richard KmdaU (2nd from right), chair o f the Gay Pride Cekbra- w/pooi tbi. fuliy equipt gym, stm rm.. movie iounge, cozy firepics., tion Committee, was among a dozen or so gay activists who at­ closed circuit TV. real tru-tru Int., and morel! Conveninetly located nr tended the Aug. 3rd Ratty Against Racism in San Jose. buses and mass transit. For further info, call The Wotergarden at 408/ 275-1216 or inquire at 1010 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126 For Sw ap A National AIDS Memorial You like Italia? 1 like America! Lrg. lush house w/extensive art collection. Aonr pqpnr So many b'rms. 1 can't count 'em. While 1 am in the USA 1 am willing to your paper swap my Italian home for your American homes.
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