INIS-mf—12692 Paul Scherrer Institut DEPARTMENT F3 Condensend Matter Research and Materials Sciences Progress Report 1989 Paul Scherrer Institut Telefon 056 / 99 2111 WQrenllngen und Vllllgen Telex 82 7414 psi ch CH-5232 Vllllgen PSI Telefax 056 / 98 23 27 FOREWORD Looking back on the activities of one year, one 1989 was also a year of intense activities in view of the most obvious questions is always: "have of exploring new directions of research for F3. we reached our goals that we set out in the be- The defect physics group was involved in eval- ginning?" For the period of 1989 and the De- uating the possibilities for installing an intense partment F3 (condensed matter physics and ma- e+-source at PSI. Apart from the challenge of terials sciences) the answer in most cases is yes. developing a new kind of scientific tool, appli- + + We aimed at enforcing the general concept of cations like e -microscopy and e -spectroscopy applying nuclear methods in condensed mat- at a yet unknown level seem attractive. Another ter physics and materials science research. As new installation, namely an electron cyclotron planned, a new PSI group for /iSR was created, resonance (ECR) source for heavy ions at one and its main first task is the planning of //SR ar- of the injector cyclotrons was mainly pushed by eas at the muon beam lines for the time after the our chemists, who foresee new possibilities in accelerator shut down and the construction of the field of chemistry with very small quantities new and up-to-date general-purpose /JSR spec- of matter. trometers that will be available to the growing While these new projects are supported by inter- /iSR community. Construction of the neutron ested groups at Swiss Universities (Geneva and spallation source SINQ is proceeding as planned, Fribourg), our laboratory for technical physics and various crucial new positions in particular sought an industrial collaboration in view of de- areas of this project were filled. Activities rely- veloping and constructing a superconducting en- ing on application of the heavy-ion Tandem van ergy storage system . Progress in these endeav- de Graaff accelerator in materials science have ours is less fast than we hoped for. Another been initiated and are supported by additional ambitious project of some international prestige new positions and doctoral-theses projects. was brought up by the PIREX group, namely the Within the SINQ project a new program for installation of an intense 14 MeV neutron source the development and construction of improved for defect studies in relation with fusion reactor neutron mirrors has been started with the final containers. Although we believe that PSI could goal of providing enhanced neutron fluxes at the deliver an original solution to the problem, we spectrometers. Another surface-science related had to abandon the idea at an early stage, mainly program was initiated in relation with the de- because of obvious lack of manpower and fi- velopment of superconducting detector systems. nances. Anticipating future activities in applications of These remarks and the following scientific re- these detectors, we joined a number of inter- ports demonstrate clearly that F3 is sailing with national collaborations involved in space-based full strength although the winds are not always missions for astrophysical investigations. This favourable. We certainly have more ideas for an- may develop into a program related to space chor places than we can cope with and we need technology and parts of astrophysics, an enter- to make some decisions about our routing in the prise which does not exist in Switzerland in this future. We are grateful to all external users and form and would contribute to fulfilling the task partners for their interest, support and help in of PSI as being a national laboratory. These setting the pace. plans seem to find support among interested groups at Swiss Universities. i H.R^Ott He Department F3 Paul Schener Institut WUrenUngen and Villigen CH-S232VilligenPSI Switzerland Telephone (Exchange) 056/ 99 21 Ilor056/993111 Telefax and Telex: Telefax: Telex: 3000 Head of Department 0567993294 827419 3101 Myon Spectioscopy 056V99 3294 827419 3102 Neutron Scattering 0567992327 82 7417 3800 Spallation Neutron Source 0567993294 827419 3104 Cryogenic Detectors 0567993294 827419 3110 Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy 01/3712665 - 3200 to Chemistry Division 05679823 27 82 74 17 3216 3301 Defect Physics 056/982327 827417 3302 PIREX 05679823 27 827417 3400 to Technical Physics Division 056799 3294 827419 3432 Editing: H.W. Gaggeler, R. Lorenzen 4.90 2000 51245/4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Condensed Matter Research (3100) Myon Spectroscopy /iSR (3101) MAGNETIC FLUX DISTRIBUTION IN THE HIGH-T,. SUPERCONDUCTOR YBasClfeO, STUD- IED BY /iSR (RA-72-05) STRUCTURES OF MUONATED FREE RADICALS (RA-74-04) MAGNETIC CORRELATIONS IN SUPERCONDUCTING YBa2Cu30r (RA-76-03) FIELD DEPENDENT MUON KNIGHT SHIFT AND RELAXATION IN A Bi SINGLE CRYSTAL (RA-76-05) STUDY OF THE SYSTEM U2_rSrrCuO4 BY STROBOSCOPIC pSR (RA-76-05) LOW-TEMPERATURE p+SR EXPERIMENTS ON a-IRON SINGLE CRYSTALS (RA-78-02, RA- 85-06) 7T+ / p+ CHANNELLING STUDIES ON GOLD (RA-79-02) TEMPERATURE-DEPENDENCE OF POSITIVE MUON-DECAY CHANNELLING IN SEMICON- DUCTORS (RA-79-10) A /iSR STUDY OF THE 1K PHASE TRANSITION IN THE HEAVY ELECTRON COMPOUND UCus (RA-85-12) MAGNETIC ORDERING INDUCED BY HYDROGEN DOPING OF YBa2Cu3O7 (RA-85-17) jiSR INVESTIGATION OF LOCALIZED AND ITINERANT MAGNETS (RA-8S-18(A)) /ISR STUDIES OF RARE EARTH MAGNETS (RA-85-18(B)) RADICAL REORIENTATION IN SOLIDS AND ON SURFACES (RA-86-07(A)) /i+SR IN CHEVREL PHASE SUPERCONDUCTORS CRA-«7-O2) /i-SR IN SEMICONDUCTORS (RA-88-04) Neutron Scattering (3102) THE CRYSTALLINE ELECTRIC FIELD OF Pr2CuO4 (ETHZ - PSI - U.K. - USA) HIGH-TC POWDER SAMPLE PRODUCTION (ETHZ - PSI) PHONON DISPERSION IN Li2S (ETHZ - GENF - OAK RIDGE) SEARCH FOR LIGHT-INDUCED STRUCTURE CHANGES IN SODIUM- NITROPRUSSIDE ON POLYCRYSTALLINE SAMPLES (ETHZ - PSI - BERN) SEARCH FOR LIGHT-INDUCED STRUCTURE CHANGES IN SODIUM-NTTROPRUSSIDE ON SINGLE CRYSTALS (ETHZ - PSI - LLB - ILL - KOLN - BERN) MAGNETIC PROPERTIES AND ANTIFERROMAGNETIC Cu ORDERING IN Pr2Cu04 (ETHZ - USA - ETH - PSI) OSCILLATING RADIAL COLLIMATOR OF DMC DIFFRACTOMETER (ETHZ • PSI) LONG-RANGE F.C.C. ANTIFERROMAGNETIC ORDERING OF TYPE ID IN YbAs (ETHZ - GRENOBLE) MAGNETIC ORDERING OF REPd3 (RE = Nd, Er, Tm, Yb) (ETHZ - MUNSTER) NUCLEAR AND MAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF THE PERMANENT MAGNET MATERIAL Lu3Fei4C (ETHZ - PSI - Philips) NUCLEAR STRUCTURE OF Na8(AlSiO4)6(OH)2- 2(H2O) (8:2:2-SODALITHE) AT 175 AND 10 K (PSI - Universitflt Konsianz - ETHZ) CRITICAL DYNAMICS IN NICKEL NEAR Tc (PSI - GRENOBLE - BERLIN - Gif sur Yveue) LONGITUDINAL SPIN FLUCTUATIONS IN Ni BELOW Tc (PSI - GRENOBLE - NEW YORK) LONGITUDINAL SPIN FLUCTUATIONS IN THE DIPOLAR FERROMAGNET EuS ABOVE Tc (PSI - HAMBURG - GRENOBLE) LOW TEMPERATURE STATE OF UCu5 (PSI - ETHZ) Cryogenic Detectors (3104) PHONON DETECTION IN SINGLE CRYSTALLINE SILICON WITH SUPERCONDUCTING TUN- SS NEUNO JUNCTIONS (Paul Schorcr Institut) HIGH-Tc? SUPERCONDUCTING FILMS FOR PARTICLE DETECTORS (PSI - Liechtenstein - 59 ETHZ) Accelerator Mass Spectrcmetry AMS (3110) THE ACCELERATOR MASS SPECTROMBTRY FACfcrTY PSI -ETH (PSI -ETHZ) 61 DETERMINATION OP CROSS SECTIONS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF "Be BY HIGH-ENERGY 63 PROTONS (KOLN - HANNOVER - ETHZ) ATMOSPHERIC TRANSPORT OF BOMB-PRODUCED MC1 (PSI -ETHZ -BERN) 65 DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE PARTICLE-SETTLING VELOCITIES USING THE 10Be/7Be 67 RATIO (EAWAG - ETHZ - PSI) ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF ATMOSPHERIC METHANE (Heidelberg - ETHZ - PSI) 68 THIN LAYER ACTIVATION OF HIP JOINT PROSTHESES FOR TRIBOLOOICM. TESTS 70 (SULZBR - ETHZ) AMS MC MEASUREMENT OF SMALL VOLUME OCEANIC WATER SAMPLES: BXPERIMBN- 72 TAL PROCEDURE AND COMPARISON WITH LOW-LEVEL COUNTING TECHNIQUE (Heidel- berg-ETHZ) Chemistry (3200) Geochemistry (3211) DATING GROUND WATER WITH RADON-222: LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS (PSI - BERN - 75 ETHZ) SORPTION OF BARIUM ON A <32-pm GRAIN SKB FRACTION OF GLACIOFLUVIAL DE- 77 POSITS (Paul Schemr Institut) Trace Elements (3212) DEPENDENCE OF SOME ELEMENT CONTENTS IN NEEDLES OF NORWAY SPRUCE ON 79 SOIL PARAMETERS (Paul Scherrcr Institut) Aerosol Chemistry (3213) MASS TRANSFER TO DIFFUSION GROWN AGGLOMERATES AND THEIR FRACTAL DIMEN- 81 SION (PSI - ETHZ - DUISBURG) CONTINUOUS BACKGROUND AEROSOL MONITORING WITH THE EPIPHANIOMETER (PSI 83 - PASADENA) FOG CHEMISTRY AT LAEGEREN (WSL • BERN - PSI) 86 ATMOSPHERIC STUDIES AT JUNGFRAUJOCH (PSI - BERN) 88 Heavy Elements (3214) COLD FUSION REACTIONS WITH «Ca (PSI - BERN - GSI - MAINZ - HELSINKI) 91 GASPHASE CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS WITH ELEMENT 105 (PSI - BERN - LBL - GSI - 93 MAINZ) GASCHEMICAL SEPARATIONS BY SELECTIVE DESORPTION FROM SMALL KC1 PARTI- 95 CUES (LBL-PSI-GSI-MAINZ) Cement Products (3216) ACTIVITIES OF THE CEMENT CHEMISTRY GROUP (Paul Schener Institut) 97 DETERMINATION OF 36C1 IN COOLING WATER AND IN RESINS FROM KKG USING AMS 98 AND LSC (PSI - NAGRA • ETHZ) Materials Sciences (3300) Defect Physics (3301) POSITRON PHYSICS AT PSI 99 HIGH EFFICIENCY POSITRON MODERATION (Paul Schentr Iiuttait) 101 EVIDENCE FOR OFF-SYMMETRY POSITION OF INTERSTITIAL MUONS IMPLANTED IN 103 CRYSTALLINE BISMUTH (PSI • ZURICH) COHESIVE PROPERTIES OF SMALL CLUSTERS WITH IRON AND COPPER FOR A STUDY 105 OF PHASE SEPARATION IN ALLOYS IRRADIATION FACILITY WITH VARIABLE TEMPERATURE, NEUTRON ENVIRONMENT 107 AND IN-SITU STRAINING (Paul Schener Institut) MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF GRAIN BOUNDARY MISORIENTATION (PSI - GRENOBLE 109 - ORSAY - NEW HAVEN) THE ROLE OF
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