THE VOICE OF SIXTH FORM EDUCATION ANNUAL REPORT 2019 – 2020 WELCOME A year when the sector came together to celebrate success and face up to significant challenges. The year started, hot on the heels of another summer increase its reserves, ensuring that it is even more of examination success, with young people in sixth well-placed to provide robust support for the sector form colleges outperforming their counterparts in in the future. almost every other sector in most key indicators, with very good news emerging from the government’s When Covid-19 introduced its new set of particular spending round. An uplift in the base rate, albeit challenges, the sector and the association responded less than had been called for, was the first for with their accustomed energy, creativity, resilience almost a decade and reflected the tremendous and unity. Colleges migrated successfully to a digital impact of the Raise the Rate campaign, in which curriculum; they looked after countless vulnerable SFCA had brought together schools and colleges young people, and all their staff; they adapted in an unprecedented coalition of partners sharing a to the fast-changing landscape and made every common determination to address post 16 funding effort to ensure as many as possible could return to levels. Further, SFCA successfully pressed for a broad college at the earliest opportunity. SFCA delivered interpretation of high value / high cost courses that a digital summer, continuing with almost all its would deliver important additional funding streams scheduled activities, including the Art Exhibition and for the sector. the Summer Festival, and supporting all regional, network and council meetings so that the SFCA With a Secretary of State who had first-hand family remained in touch, united, and supporting experience of a sixth form college education, and each other. The digital summer was a great success, who showed his support for the sector by appearing with more colleges and more staff participating in at both its Winter and Summer Conferences, with a more activities than ever before. sector united in its active participation in pressuring the government, and with a carefully crafted SFCA developed a dedicated Covid-19 resource presence in the media, sixth form education enjoyed hub and support centre on its website, and engaged an unusually high profile and this augured well for in almost daily meetings with Ofsted, Ofqual, exam the spending review scheduled for later in the year. boards, ministers and civil servants to ensure that policy decisions and directions would take into account the The Sixth Form Colleges Association welcomed a qualities, circumstances and needs of colleges. number of new members and the family of colleges was made up of a growing number of academies, The association has been overwhelmed at times by free schools, tertiary colleges and GFE colleges. all the messages of appreciation and support that The increase in numbers and diversity had the it has received and is pleased to have been able to benefits of enriching the conversation and building make some contribution to the exceptional work the strength, reach and influence of the Association done by colleges, as they continue to provide a high so that it could act ever more effectively on behalf of quality education to young people from all walks of all of its members. The continued good news about life as they strive to secure the best opportunities in SFCA’s robust financial position meant that there was the next stage of their lives. no increase at all in membership subscription fees, CONTENTS even though more services than ever were made The coming year is not going to be easy. Making available to colleges. These included the sense of 2020 examination results, securing the well-received Established Principals’ Symposium right enrolment profile, preparing for exams this ABOUT SFCA .................................................................. 2 and the Middle Leadership Team Programme. Autumn and next summer, blending onsite and offsite learning, and keeping everybody safe are SFCA COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE STRUCTURE ........... 3 Through the National Joint Council, SFCA going to preoccupy colleges. SFCA will continue successfully concluded a difficult set of pay to provide the services that colleges need and in negotiations, reaching agreement on a one-year pay OUR MEMBERS ................................................................ 4 a medium that works for members, not just in the deal for teachers and two-year pay deal for support context of the immediate landscape, but also with staff. And of course, we continued to provide the need to develop specialist 16-19 expertise – 2019/2020 - AN OVERVIEW ............................................. 6 bespoke advice and support to members on issues through research, collaboration and professional ranging from inspection to funding and governance learning – and to build further the quality of sixth CHAMPIONING MEMBERS ............................................. 8 to curriculum, while working hard to influence policy form education for thousands of young people who in all of these areas, and many more. deserve nothing less than the best. 10 STRENGTHENING MEMBERS ....................................... In addition, SFCA negotiated significant cost savings, such as the hugely reduced Adobe license fees, SUPPORTING MEMBERS .............................................. 11 refinements to the Apple purchasing portal and a range of discounted legal services for all members. FINANCIAL REPORT ...................................................... 14 The financial outturn for 2019 – 2020 saw an improvement on budget and the result is that the association has once again been able to further Bill Watkin Nick Burnham Chief Executive Chair of Council 1 ABOUT SFCA WHAT WE DO The Sixth Form Colleges Association is the established voice of Networks dedicated sixth form education and the hub of a national network of sixth form providers. Advice MEMBERS Events SFCA represents all designated Sixth Form 3. provide the right services of the right quality, Colleges and 16 to 19 academies in England, and meet all the expectations that a college CPD as well as a growing number of FE colleges and might have of its association SFCA 16-19 free schools. Our members are responsible Employment for over a fifth of the A levels delivered in • clear and open communication channels Law SUPPORTS with members England each year and help their students to INDUSTRIAL CHAMPIONS achieve better exam results than all other • coherent relationships between the Human RELATIONS STRENGTHENS non-selective providers. association’s centre and regional Resources networks sixth form colleges • responsive, flexible, creative and Collective Our Vision fleet-footed Bargaining All sixth form students deserve the very best 4. support workforce development in sixth form Media educational experience that inspires them and colleges through sets them up for life. A flourishing network of STAKEHOLDERS Policy dedicated sixth form colleges will make • comprehensive and data-driven research this a reality. • collective bargaining that is fair and Partners responsive to the needs of the sector Our Purpose • specialist expert advice and guidance in HR and employment law Our role is to strengthen sixth form education by being a powerful advocate of dedicated sixth 5. champion the sixth form college model, form colleges, and by supporting our members with its SFCA to deliver a first-class education to their students. The work of the SFCA Executive is also supported • specialist 16-19 focus by three policy committees: Funding, Curriculum • financial efficiencies COUNCIL AND and Quality, and Governance. The Chairs of these Our Strategic aims policy committees are members of the Council • exceptional governance 1. extend the association’s reach and influence and membership is drawn representatively from • breadth of curriculum, both in and out of COMMITTEE each region. • grow our membership the classroom • develop our partnerships • excellent outcomes for students STRUCTURE Two negotiating committees of principals and • work closely with our stakeholders 6. inform and influence stakeholders’ perception governors support the SFCA Executive in taking and understanding of sixth form colleges forward the vital work of negotiating national 2. strengthen performance in sixth form colleges pay and conditions with the trade unions that • work closely with politicians and The work of the Association is represent teaching and support staff. • offer high quality CPD policy-makers supported and guided by the • build effective networks • maximise our impact in the media A list of SFCA Council members can be found on • contribute to thought leadership SFCA Council that meets on a • build key strategic and commercial the SFCA website: • respond to bespoke and partnerships in education and business termly basis. www.sixthformcolleges.org/387/council-committees contextual needs 7. shape policy thinking and decision-making, Governors and Principals from all seven SFCA Network groups keeping our members and sixth form regions and the Roman Catholic colleges are education at the heart of the debate and SFCA has a number of specialised network groups represented on the Council. A Finance and the agenda that meet on a regular basis to focus on specific General Purposes Committee of five Council issues. During 2019/2020 there were meetings 8. facilitate opportunities for sixth form colleges members monitors
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