Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Ber!., Dtsch. entomol. Z. 47 (2000) 2, 181-201 30. 11. 2000 The European species of the Chrysis ignfta group: Revision of the Chrysis angustula aggregate (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Oliver Niehuis 1 With 12 fi gures, 3 maps and 2 tables Abstract Th is paper revi ses the taxonomy of th e E uropean species of the Chrysis angustula aggregate and di scusses it in a historical review. An illustrated key to the species is presented. For all species and their synonyms I provide the complete reference, type locality, state of type, type depository, and th e derivation of th e name. The records of the species are depicted on maps anel discusseel zoogeographica ll y. The phenology of the females is presented. I designate lectotypes of Chrysis brevidens Tour­ ni er, ] 879, Chrysis ignita ss p. excavata Haupt, 1956, Chrysis ignita ssp. solida Haupt, 1956, and Chrysis ignita ssp. sparsepuncta­ ta Zimmermann, 1944. Chrysis (mediata) fenniensis Linsenmaier, 1959, is a junior subjective synonym of Chrysis (ignita) solida Haupt, 1956, anel Chrysis (ignita) excavata is a junior subjective synonym of C. longula Abeill e, 1879. I regard th e syntypes of Chrysis gracilis Schenck, 1856, as lost and classify Chrysis breviden.tata Schenck, ] 856, and Chrysis gracilis as nomina dubia. Chrysis angustula alpina ssp. n. (H'a nce) anel Chrysis leptomandibularis sp. n. (Germany) are described new to science. Key words: Chrysis angustula alpina ssp. n. , Chrysis leptomanclibularis sp. n., Jectotype designations, nomina dubia, synonymy, taxonomy, zoogeography. Introduction reviewed the German species of the C. ignita group in a more comprehensive manner by in­ With more than 100 known species, the Chrysis cluding biological data and examining the mor­ ignita group is the largest species group within phology of the internal segments. In this work, the genus Chrysis (Kimsey & Bohart 1991). A he dropped many of the taxa mentioned by Lin­ modern diagnosis as weil as a key to the groups senmaier (1959a) into synonymy. of Chrysis are given by Kimsey & Bohart (1991) While studying Palaearctic species of the Chry­ in their world catalog of chrysidid wasps. No sis ignita group, I reached conclusions incongru­ overall treatment far this group exists so far, ent with commonly held opinions concerning tax­ however; th ere are only few regional works with onomy, nomenclature and type interpretation of keys to species of the C. ignita grou p (e.g. Bo­ certain species. In this paper, I present my re­ hart & Kimsey 1982, Linsenmaier 1959a, 1994, suits concerning the C. angustula aggregate. The 1997a, Tsuneki 1957). structural variation was studied to obtain strict Linsenmaier (1959a) published the most irn­ characteristics for distinguishing the different portant contribution to the knowledge of the taxa, and a11 existing type material were revised European species of the Chrysis ignita group. It to re ach nomenclatural stability. includes descriptions of new taxa and a key to the European species and was supplemented in several postscripts (Linsenmaier 1959b, 1968, Methods, terminology, and collections 1987, 1997b). Unfortunately, Linsenmaier's work does not include a critieal review of a11 previous For a1l measurements, I useel a calibrated ocular micrometer descriptiöns. Other authors contributed shart pa­ attached to a Zeiss Stemi 11 microscope alJowing a maxi­ pers with few descriptions and only some taxo­ mum accuracy oE 0.015 mm at a magnification of 66 x . While measuring, T mael e sure that both ends of the di stance were nomie notes (M6czar 1965, Valkeila 1971). Com­ situateel in the same pl ane. T11 e drawings were made with a pa red to th ese authors, Kunz (1989, 1994) e1rawin g tube (camera Ju cida). To study th e internal segments I Im Vorelere n G roßthai 5, 76857 Albersweiler, Germany. Received Janu ary 2000, accepteel July 2000 182 Niehuis, 0., Revision of the Chrysis angustula aggregate and the genital capsule, I softened dry specimens in a wet Historical review chamber before dissecting. Preparation was done by using a blunt insect pin (size 1) and a pair of Dumont tweezers while the internal segments were covered with water. In 1856, Adülf Sehenek deseribed five new spe­ For the description of the external morphological features, eies üf the Chrysis ignita grüup früm the former I adopted the terminology of Goulet & Huber (1993) and Duehy üf Nassau, Germany. Aecording tü the Kimsey & Bohart (1991) (autapomorphies of Chrysididae). The following abbreviations are used: F = flagellomere, LID authür, twü üf the speeies (c. angustula and C. = least interocular distance, MOD = midocellus diameter, P gracilis) differ from üther species üf the C. ignita = pedicellus, PD = puncture diameter, S = gastral sternum, grüup in terms üf their slender habitus. Five T = gastral tergum. The 4th edition of the International Code of Zoological years later, hüwever, Sehenek (1861) revised his Nomenclature (rCZN) - in effect since 1st January 2000 - fürmer üpiniün and regarded these fürms ünly as has been applied to the present work. variatiüns üf C. ignita (Linnaeus, 1758): The material studied in the present paper is deposited in the fo llowing public or private coll ections: "Chrysis vitripennis, impressa, gracilis, angustula unel brevi­ dentata sinel wohl nur Varietäten der ignita, so abweichend Public collections sie auch zum Theil in dem Habitus, der Farbe, eier Scu lptur BMNH The Natural History Museum, London (England) und der Gestalt eies Endsegments und seiner Zähne sind." ETHZ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, En­ (Schenck 1861: 174). tomologische Sammlung (Switzerland) HNHM Hungarian Natural History Museum, Zoological It is impürtant tü nüte that even thüugh Department, Budapest (Hungary) Sehenek's attempt tü differentiate these fürms MHNG Museum d'Histoire Naturell e, Geneve (Switzerland) MLUH Martin-Luther-Universität, Hall e-Wittenberg, Hallel seemed tü have failed, he was the first authür Saale (Germany) whü ever tried tü treat the slender specimens üf MNHN Museum National d 'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (France) C. ignita as distinet speeies. MZLS Musee de Zoologie, Lausanne (Switzerland) MZLU Department of Zoology, Division of Systematics, In 1879, Henri Tüurnier deseribed a third slen­ Lund University (Sweden) der species üf the Chrysis ignita group früm Pe­ MZSF Musee Zoologique de l'Universite Louis Pasteur & ney, Switzerland: C. brevidens. It was unclear, de la Ville de Strasbourg (France) NHME Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht (The Nether­ hüwever, in which way his speeies and thüse de­ lands) seribed by Sehenek differed, sinee Tüurnier did NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (Austria) nüt mentiün C. angustula and C. gracilis. NHRS Natur Historiska Riksmuseet, Stockholm (Sweden) NMBD Naturkunde-Museum Bamberg (Germany) Over the eüurse üf the next 20 years, many NMBS Naturhistorisches Museum Bern (Switzerland) hymenüpterists tried tü verify the separatiün üf OLML Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz (Austria) the highly pülymürphie Chrysis ignita intü dis­ RMNH Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden (The Netherlands) tinet species, but müst authürs (e.g. Buyssün SMFD Forschungsinstitut und Museum Senckenberg, 1891-1896, Frey-Gessner 1887, Müesary 1889) Frankfurt am Main (Germany) eame tü the eünclusiün that the slender speci­ SMNG Staatli ches Museum für Naturkunde, Görlitz (Ger­ many) mens were ünly a variatiün üf C. ignita. Never­ TLMF Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck theless, they used the speeifie epithet brevidens (Austria) tü name this eünspieuüus variatiün, whereas UMBB Übersee-Museum Bremen (Germany) ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Ale­ Sehenek's names fell intü übliviün ür were ineür• xander Koenig, Bonn (Gennany) reetly synünymised with üther variatiüns or spe­ ZMAN Institut voor Taxonomische Zoölogie, Zoölogisch eies. There were mainly twü reasons for this de­ Museum van Amsterdam (The Netherlands) ZMUH Zoologisches Museum der 1,Jniversität Hamburg velüpment: First, Tournier distributed identified (Germany) specimens üf C. brevidens among eüntempüraries and museums and, thus, this name beeame famil­ Private collections iar tü most of his eolleagues. Seeond, Sehenek's Ab Col!. Abenius (Nynäshamn/Sweden) syntypes had not been examined. Ar Coll . Arens (Bad Hersfeld/Germany) th Be ColJ. Berg (GjettumINorway) During the first half of the 20 eentury, the Fl Coll. Flügel (Knüllwald-Niederbeisheim/Germany) name brevidens was still in use für all specimens He Col!. Hembach (Köln/Germany) of the presumed species Chrysis ignita that had Hi Col\. Hinrichsen (Berlin/Germany) Ka Col!. Kaluza (Leipzig/Germany) two features in eommon: (a) asiender habitus Le Col!. Lefeber (MaastrichtlThe Netherlands) and (b) very short apieal teeth on gastral tergum Li Col!. Linsenmaier (Ebikon/Switzerland) III: Ne ColL Neumann (Freiburg/Germany) Ni Colt Niehuis (Albersweiler/Gennany) "var. brevidens Tournier. Schmale, zylindrische Rasse mit Ro Coll. Rosa (Bernareggio/ltaly) sehr kurzen Zähnen am 3. Tergit." (Trautmann 1927: 146). Sa ColL Saure (Berlin/Germany) Se ColL Schmiel-Egger (Berli.n/Germany) Ti Coll. Tischendorf (DarmstaeltiG ermany) Some authors, hüwever, did not regard these speei­ Wi Colt Wickl (Schnaittenbach/Germany) mens even as distinet variatiüns of Chrysis ignita: Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Ber!., Dtsch. entomol. Z. 47 (2000) 2 183 "c. (Telrachrysis) ignila L. [ ... ] Dents apicales presque tou­ gen (1959) compared a specimen of C. brevidens, jours aigues et bien nettes: les va rietes creees uniquement
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