PAGE 10 r THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES SEPT. 3, 1927 | S s Named; in Line- Up Monday < PLAYINGAFIELD Tribe New Business Staff Warstler -With Billy Evans- IJ. Perry President, N. Perry Speed Regatta ORE ball frames are lost Semi-Finals Dempsey Seeks Speed in Punches Gene Rests around second basee, between Vice President, Rich- \ t | the shortstop and the secmd- Started Today sacker than in any other spot on a atLongwood ardson Treasurer. Up as Jack ball club.” • The speaker was Heinle Wagner, By United Press in his day a great shortstop, now on CLAUER AS SECRETARY DETROIT, Mich., Sept. 3.—Com- acting as assistant Schedule petition in the eleventh annual in- Also Loafs to Manager Bill ternational speed-boat regatta was Carrigan, of the ! Shortstop open Boston Red Sox. Hennessey and Williams in Return of Star scheduled to on the Detroit Champion to Start Work We were discus- Monday Popular River this afternoon with represent- sing the difficulty Brilliant Form—lVteet Move. atives of America, England, Ger- Monday—Dempsey Goes many and of getting together With the reappearance of the In- Canada entered. a winning team. Tilden and Hunter. at Washington Park Despite tipping over in his Baby a-Golfing. dians todsjy, America 111 at Algonac Friday, Gar “We have lost under the ownership of James A. By United Press Wood, holder of the world record, By United Press so many games Perry of Indianapolis, announce- CHESTNUT HILL, Mass., Sept. 3. was ready to compete in the twelve- CHICAGO, Sept. 3.—Gene Tun- this year It is ment was made regarding the offi- hard to keep —An all-American semi-final round litre class, three heats of thirty ney, heavyweight champion, today cers who will direct the business miles each. track of the rea- was to be played today in the na- policies of the Tribesmen now that He has entered his started light workouts for his “box- sons, but I do Baby Gar VII and Baby Gar VIII. tional doubles tournament at Long- the W. C. Smith regime has ended. The ing match” with Jack Dempsey on Evans know this much, Perry, who purchased the only other event on this aft- wood following the surprising elimi- James ernoon’s program was a 151 cubic- Sept. 22, while some eighty-five more of them franchise from W. C. Smith Sr., last have been lost around second base nation of both Frencu teams In inch hydroplane race in two heats miles away, Dempsey prepared for Tuesday, will be president; his of five miles than In any other way. Friday’s quarter-finals. Perry, vice each. his “fight” with Tunney. In match that to five sets, brother, Norman A. in a blast of “Failure to make double plays, a went president, and W. C. Richardson, Tunney, who arrived John Doeg, the left-handed Cali- pomp and ceremony, Friday, an- when two-ply killings would get the treasurer. William E. Clauer re- pitcher out of trouble, slowness in fornian, and George M. Lott, Jr., an- nounced to Chicago it was not mains as club secretary, as liad covering the bag, lack of precision of Chicago, defeated Henri Cochet, nounced previously. New Bowling “fighting,” but “boxing” he between the and second Wimbledon champion, and Jacques chosen as a profession. Dempsey shortstop Power and Light Officials baseman, are just a few ol the Brugnon, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, 2-6, 9-7. replied by saying he would make his many ways enough runs can daily Friday’s second upset was provid- Norman A. Perry is president of match with Tunney a real “fight.” be tossed away to make the dif* ed by John Hennessey of Indian- the Indianapolis Power and Light Plant Ready , At Country Club ference between victory and defeat. apolis and Lucien E. Williams of Company and also president of the Club, and W. C. Richard- Safely In his country- “We have tried a half dozen com- | Chicago, who won In straight sets Columbia ensconced binations, but as yet are still in the from Rene La Coste and Jean Bo- son is treasurer of the power and for Pin Fans club training camp, Tunney decided light company. Perrys experimental stage.” rotra, 6-3, 6-2, 6-4. The two he would rest up from his train and Richardson, all substantial journey before donning the.boxing There Is no denying Wagner’s Local Star Flashes business men, form the board of di- gloves for workouts. |J| One thing Jack Dempsey effort at Lincoln Jess Pritchett’s Twelve logic. There have been few great Hennessey and Williams proved rectors. needs every his Fields He looks fit, doesn’t he? Well, he “Probabjf not/until Monday,” ball clubs without stars at short themselves as strong on the turf as President Perry said Bruno Betzel to beat Gene Tunney when they training camp to acquire speed to expects to be more than that Alleys to Open Today said today, when asked when he and would remain in charge of the In- his punches. Here is the ex- start his sparring again. and second. Most of the import- on the clay, courts. They drove meet in Chicago for the world’s when he steps into the ring at would volleyed with exceptional steadiness dians on the field for the rest of the champion working on the bounc- Tunney has been given a huge ant plays revolve around that spot heavyweight championship this Soldiers’ Field to make the —Leaguers Gather. in the infield. and showed good generalship in season. ing dummy and the punching bag, su- room on the second floor of Cedar Land has been recom- month is speed. Jack knows it another view of him he preme effort to regain the title he Crest placing shots in unguarded terri- Grover sand as Today at noon the Jess C. Country Club for his living tory. the mended among others for the job only too well and he’s bending starts off his workouts each day. lost to Tunffey last year at quarters. The club itself is perched HOW DOPE CRACKS Hennessey was outstand- Pritchett Recreation Company, Inc., ing star of the match, but received of piloting the Tribesmen next sea- on a hill between two lakes. Half a TRANGE how the dope of formally opened its doors to the able support from Williams, whose son, but Owner Perry is nbt ready, bowlers of Indianapolis. mile away is Tunney’s training April is often scattered to the he said, to give serious thought to ground, with ring, game, while somewhat less spectacu- The ever-popular twelve punching bags S' winds, completely turned lar, this important post. Land, a for- 400 PENNSY ATHLETES HERE Jess has was consistent and effective. Touring Golf alleys with every modem and other paraphernalia. over, by the results of September. Game game went to the clay mer big league catcher, is coach facility, after also one billiard and three pocket Pleased With Camp A perusal of the averages of the court champions with monotonous with the Cincy Reds. FOR OUTDOOR MEET SEPT. 10 major leagues reveals these facts: billiard tables. regularity until the middle of the Pleases Rooters The new “It certainly is a peach,” Tunney Heinie Manush, batting champion Cracks Show tenpin and billiard estab- said, third set. At that point, France Aside from naming his executive lishment is located at after viewing the camp. “It’s of the American League last year, is Track, Baseball, Golf, Tennis and Other Sport Events on Pennsylvania training stiffened and for a few games pro- staff and directors, President Perry and Maryland Sts., the most marvelous site struggling to keep from dropping be- second floor. I’ve ever seen.” vided real opposition. made another announcement that One of the outstanding features low the .300 mark. The outcome of the match was Tribe rooters. He has at Top Form Mammoth Railroad Program. About eighty-five miles south of will appeal to of these drives is the view of Charley Gehringer, rated substi- any all Tunney’s camp, Dempsey plan- never in doubt, however, at arranged for the return of Shortstop Elaborate preparations are under The track and field events will alleys that can be from was tute for Marty McManus at second time during the youth- obtained ning to rest over the The play. The Harold Warstler from the Quincy way for tbe Pennsylvania Railroad be staged at Pennsy Park. The trials any angle of the house. Another is week-end. base for Detroit, has won the job at ful radiated con- and the ex-champion-challenger has come that Hennessey‘fairly team of the Three-I League Farrell and Armour, Here outdoor athletic meet to be held at begin 9 a. m. and the finals the small support posts which give position, leading the regulars in fidence neither he Williams young pastimer will at to a point In his where batting and nor sensational will be Pennsy Park this city Saturday, at 1 p. m. Golf will be played at the bowlers plenty of room on any conditioning with a mark better than appeared to be suffering from line-up Monday, he fears he may over-train if an in the Indian at short in the Give Muncie Sept. 10. South Grove beginning at 8 alley. he .300. inferiority complex in the face of the course, exerts himself too much. Johnny double-header with Louisville will will Two more leagues, the Neun, who for several what had promised to be hopelessly Colonels here Monday, Labor day. Fans Treat. More than 400 athletes com- a. m.
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