Nova Southeastern University NSUWorks The urC rent NSU Digital Collections 2-2003 The Knight Volume 13: Issue 5 Nova Southeastern University Follow this and additional works at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper NSUWorks Citation Nova Southeastern University, "The Knight Volume 13: Issue 5" (2003). The Current. 625. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper/625 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Digital Collections at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Current by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ NEWS t,, ENTERTAINMENT ~ SPORTS Volume 13 Issue 5 February 2003 NSUNEWS©@NOVA.EDU Famed Journalist Delivers Speech at Farquhar ., INSIDE College Renaming Ceremony LO O ~ ; by Todd Collins suing 12 pages of questions regard­ [email protected] ing the prospect of war in Iraq, and CAMPUS NEWS ,,_ was granted 4 hours of President ~----·-----·--·---···---···--.. -·----·--···-·. ,-,---------·- ---· 475 people turned out on Monday Bush's time in response. This is ates­ evening, February 10, at the. Rose and Alfred tament not only to Bush's candor, but Miniachi P~rfoI'Il).ingAits Center for the cer­ also to Woodward's standing as a jour­ emony.to inaug~ate the Farquhar College of ' nalist. .. Arts and Sciences' new name. Guest speaker Woodward wrapped up the cer­ was Bob Woodward. Having achieved fame New Physics Minor emony with a signing for his recently .. , for his part in exposing the Watergate scandal released book, Bush at War, which pages · during the Nixon era, Woodward is currently chronicles the activities of major U.S. w d d . d . r h' t t b k B h .., assistant managing editor of news for the . oo war s1gne copies o 1s 1a es oo , us at ,.ar, policy makers dunng the 3-month pe- at the end of the renaming ceremony. Washington Post. riod following September 11 . During his 40-minute speech, which cen­ A 15-minute film was shown which docu- pearance marks the fust in what is planned tered on the issue of and U.S. involvement mented the history of the undergraduate to be an annual series of distinguished speak­ and possible war in Iraq, Woodward employed school. Also speaking were Norma M. Goonen, ers at the Farquhar College of Arts and Sci­ the Socratic method, soliciting responses from Dean ofFarquhar College and University Vice- ences. the audience. Noteworthy was the fact that he President George Hanbury. ~Woodward's ap- Black History. M(Jfit~ recently had contacted the White House, is- -:- . :;_ ,· __,: ( i'*:,. ./ ~ .- . .,-.. pages · · · ·· NSU Gains National Honor Society Chapter by Todd Collins There are currently,,;~·- more than . ~ ,. ' c·· ...,,'\\. [email protected] 11 ··~'~''"'''- 422,000 m~mbers i1\J:he society, with. ~- , ·•·· . .. Ct ··. · ·, b . ·'\'II, . representat1onat.over 1,000 cam- a.:- -~ .ii' .· ·q ~ '\\~ On the afternoon or Wednesday, Febru-. pusesintheU.S.PsiChihasmore # ~ 1' ·• • • • • a·, 4 '1ft ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ~ ary 12, !he ~at~onal hon~r s?ciety _in psyc~ol- ~ .•c.ha?t~rs_ than any_ other ~on?r I S, ._ "'l! a: ~ - • • ""-i._ 1l CJ. ·-• - .. o~y, Ps1 Chi, kicked 01f 1ts mcept10n at NSU soc_1 ety m baccalaureate.mstI- jf ·· ---::.zlto . .~ .. _J'j -.~ w1~~barbequeheldonthep!azaof$.,.~P'.11'ker tutrons a~d has the largest 8 y : & 'i ··,lL.· '1' _, . f.J bmldmg. The _event was des1gn~d~ w:1 mau- mer.nbershrp ~f ~y p~ycho- !' Q • - · •, i -~ l ~~I celebrat10n, ~s ~ell as an _m.V1tat1on for log1cal orgamza_t10~ m the ·Z" = •,• •_·,_, .. i ehgr~le students to J?I~-Th~ entir~NSU com- world. The organ1zatron ben-, 1· (..I • ; hi a -1·, mumty was welcomed; and over 150 students efits psychology students by . ~... + #. ,. E *# ...... · ···. were served. offering 17 different scholar- r, :,p ·• . "1, ,. • '·.. ·. · To q~~ify as a member, stud~nts must ships and grants ~s we!! as 95 ,~,. ... • • -~- • • . • · . -- carry a mmunum 3 .5 g.p.a. and be m the top research awards, mcludmg the i.fd ·• •""' ~ = • · - .ii! 35%oftheirgraduatingclass.Membershipis highly esteemed Newman • · !',"',_,, ·•" • -t • i • JJ,;,.,f/:>+ _,1/1" open to undergraduates as well as graduate Award for graduate research. '-f..[-:J~· .1.1A',li . ...,. students. Interested students should contact . 'lll'#>fl0S a¥ ,;#' President of Psi Chi's NSU chapter, Mar- the Division of Social and Behavioral ~.. · ~ tin A. Oyarzun, cites many benefits of mem- Sciences at (954) 262-7941. Information is ''''~"'-....:=. bership, including higher pay for those choos- also available at www.psichi.org. Psi Chi is represented at over 1,00 campuses in ing employment the field of psychology, and the U.S. A Social and Behavioral Science Honor urges the approximately 70 eligible students Society, NSU b'egaii its chapter on· February 12. at NSU to join. page& Studen,ts Spe-ak Ont: 'I 1h·..: dir\."'!.·:,::r ..){ \:AS~\ \:t~ :~ ~- ,~t !-,\ 1i1,11k:{,-i!\"' m U:1~1~~~'.s! st'\:..:..'i;: }.h:1i1\i: :~i1~'i!i.)H "'"' t. ~ '. !.':."?<~··:i.,,.. ~nt.1,;~\ ~ ·)t ..:l.':Ui..' £.c m~ ,.:;~;\'<:.'i'/i-:1;· :1Jt1Ja-:tt. t'k, j,):.t '!j>·J "NASA has ~ en kllown io screw up: Just these \\'~Vii '!'~,i, Gt'!., .. ":'t,, ,t t<f 't1.t Sp~1 :1t 3':tut::11: ·~:u.l~t1:' last five yeaff, a:1Jtto$! t(!n sa~tlites y;ere, eitheto "'FhJ! 'ffig!it ,direct!y after :the;Columbia loiit &rfile:w JJP in space.'' Dining at Benihana disalt~rJs JiJii,ly ttl be s~irt ~ ause NASA 3s will ·d9liPl!'Hlh¢¢k everything On the next page7 · lil1~ie11." ~~-;. ;-:,-, ~ ,_,..~ ~ INDEX "I'm notjadV~I!&.} a(lm{re thifse -~ .. t who 1-- Editorial .....................................•. 2 are, espec):iafJy, ~en. it'¥lps our te¢hnolpgi1 . i,aj,aify~inllM". Arts and Entertainment.. ................ 10 ::! "''- ! i,.,,,_ .,,_~_J&trao·tt.se Classifieds ...........•..........•...........• 12 t_..., .. ~ N0te, from tae iditor-iri,.,£:lltfef' : Editorial Jason Fraser Wasting Time Activites Safe Zones or Walls? Over a hundred universities around the nation have. adapted a You ever waste a lot oftime? I'm not ·roo ~ \ ~;,,--:tx"" .. »~ ~. "<>"'! , Safe Zone for their gay, lesbian, and bisexual community, inlcuding - ;1;. -....i.. -1:.... ~,,.::,,l!\ talking about the "sit in front of a TV for «><l~llllilin.J..~~~nit ~v:: - -~:bll~~.;. FIU, FSU, UF, and USF. Signs like North Dakota State University's ~~~WW 5·~-ll«'i~~ -~-~..... hours" kind of time wasting, as this often flooN<@ , x «4.'«1,H<°*"'ll'l'l'll~l <>-;,o ii«$'. IK¥o»<«,0:«'>CM--4'oiJ::<-.!1Cr.<'IJ»yv>0> are posted around campus to identify sites on campus where gay, results in one enjoying one's self, or in Wk 11*s,,or-'ll>o(~¥1<•1<)-fl. ~------v~~.... -~-...-1~.1o,,:,...,..._ ... -­ lesbian, and bisexual students can turn. Yet, is this policy needed the best case scenario, actually learning rt ·1W(·'/~~··~:~ .. ~-::--· .. -··«: at NSU? something useful. The kind of hard-core Editor-In-Chief time wasting I'm talking about is much, university campus, should feel free to express Jason Fraser much more insidious than that. Unfortu­ By Dr. Gary Gershman, Ph.D. him or herself without recrimination. The idea nately, it is also the kind that I am most Humanities Division that one must start small and work to the Business Manager experienced with. That is why I have de­ larger environment is not acceptable to me. Distribution Manager A small debate is ensuing on the NSU To break down racial discrimination in this cided to bring you a list ofthe worst hard­ Carlos E. Vi/laran campus regarding whether a safe zone policy country it was not "let's just get Selma to core time wasting (to be referred to as should be instituted. The debate centers on desegregate and then we will go to Albany HCtw) activities ever undertaken by man­ Arts & Entertainment Editor the fact that diversity is not generally recog- or Anniston." The approach was instead that kind, so that you may either avoid these Dennis Heard nized on this campus. The argument is t~at the country as a whole must integrate, and activities and/or cut them off as they start members of the gay and lesbian co~uru~ the civil rights movement will use certain with a sharp blow to one's own head. Or do not feel comfortable openly e~pressmg ~err spots as flashpoints to attack the inequities Layout you could try them out at the office. sexuality and do not feel there 1s a supportive in the system. · Myriam Georges l) Attempt to swallow your own tongue. environment for their sexual onentat10n. The idea of a sign, sticker, etc. that des- First off, it's hard to make much progress. Let me preface my comme~ts by noting ignates a specific area is repugnant to me. · Copy Editor If you do, you get to play the game of that! have no issues with ANY lifestyle. How As one who would have had to wear the Ye l­ Todd Collins "What do I before I choke to death? Uh one chooses to pursue their personal life and low Star 60 years ago, I am repelled by the oh, too late." personal relationships is their business and idea of placing a badge on an area as being Advisor 2) Challenging yourself to an arm wres­ they should be free to do so without. fea~ of for or against a specific lifestyle or group of John Ribar PhD tling match. One of the many games in recrimination, discrimination or ost~ac1zat10n. people. The marking of individuals or areas which you are always the loser. Yes, I'm However, the recent suggestion of. the as particular to a specific race, religion or way Contributing Writers talking to you.
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