MUSIC HALL, . BALTIMORE. BOSTON SIMP RCHESTR1 Mr. EMIL PAUR, Conductor. Fourteenth Season, 1894-95. PROGRAMME OF THE FIRST CONC r- w -^ dnesday Evening, October 31, With Historical and Descriptive Notes by William F. Apthorp. PUBLISHED BY C. A. ELLIS, MANAGER. A REMARKABLE PIANO. The Mason & Hamlin Piano is constructed in one particular dif- ferently from any other. The strings are held by screws, not by pins. As a result, the Mason & Hamlin Piano does not require one-quarter as much tuning as any other piano made. This fact has been demonstrated by actual test, and verified by me- chanics, tuners, and private individuals. Piano tuning costs money. It costs only one-fourth as much to keep a Mason & Hamlin Piano in tune as it does to keep any other in tune. Consequently the expense of keeping a Mason & Hamlin Piano is reduced to one-fourth that of any other. Catalogue and full particulars mailed on application. & HAMLIN, BOSTON. NEW YORK, CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. *s to the Public, Beg to invite attention to their new stock (personally selected by Mr. Otto Sutro) of Y PIANOS The immeasurable superiority of these peerless instruments over all others in America and Europe in Tone, Quality, Sonority, and Duration, together with their indisputable Durability, commends them to the In- telligent Musical Public as the Most Satisfactory and Most Economical Pianos Made. JACOT'S SWISS MUSIC BOXES. (Otto Sutro & Co., Sole Agents.) Finest selection ever offered in Baltimore. Very latest improvements,— safety check, tune-indicator, and tune-skipper. Mechanism the finest and nickel-plated. Cylinders extra large, prolonging tune. Boxes with six to ten tunes, $10.50 to $50; with interchangeable cylinders, up to $250. The soft, smooth melody and brilliant effects of the Jacot Boxes give them a standing of unapproachable beauty and excellence. Sole agents for" REG1NA" MUSIC BOXES, changeable tune sheets, and MASON & HAMLIN'S WORLD-FAMOUS ORGANS. 119 & 121 East Baltimore Street. (2) : INAUGURATION OF NEW MUSIC HALL. Boston US1C Mount Royal and Symphony Maryland Avenues, II BALTIMORE. 1% Season of 1894-95. Mr. EMIL PAUR, Conductor. First Concert, Wednesday Evening, October 31. At Eight. PROGRAMME. " Richard Wagne - Prelude to " Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg Ambroise Thomas Romanze, " Mignon " Mons. MAUGIERE. " Verdi Aria, "Do a Carlos Mons. PLANCON. Haendel " Sweet Bird " (Air de Rossignol de " L' Allegro et il Penseroso") Mmo. MELBA. Flute Obligato toy Mr. CHARLES MOLE. " Chabrier Prelude to Act II. of " Gwendoline " Gluck - - - - " Che faro," from " Orpheus Mme. SOALCHI. " Schumann Song, " The Two Grenadiers Mons. PLANCON. " Arditi - Waltz, " Se Saran Rose Mme. MELBA. Mendelssohn Notturno, Soherzo, and Wedding March irom " Mid- summer-Night's Dream " music " Verdi - Quartette, " Rigoletto Mesdames MELBA and SCALCHI. Messrs. MAUGIERE and PLANCON. Brahms ------ Academic Overture " SOLO ARTISTS: Mme. MELBA. Mons. MAUGIERE. Mme. SCALCHI. Mons. PLANCON. THE PIANO IS A KNABE. (3) MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT EUGEN D'ALBERT : From fullest conviction, I declare them to be the best In- . struments of America. DR. HANS VON BULOW: Their sound and touch are more sympathetic to my ears and hands than all others of the country. I declare them the absolutely best in America. ....... ALFRED GRUNFELD: I consider them the best instruments of our times. P. TSCHAIKOVSKY: Combines with great volume of tone rare sympathetic and noble tone color and perfect action. ....... WAREROOMS: BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, 22 and 24 E Baltimore Street. 817 Pennsylvania Avenue. NEW YORK, 148 Fifth Avenue. (4) Prelude to "The Master Singers of Nuremberg," in C major. Wagner's only comic music-drama, or musical comedy, Die Meister- singer von Numberg, was first given at the Hofoper in Munich under Hans von Billow's direction on June 21, 1868. The work was meant as a sort of comic counterpart, or satire-play, to Tantihauser. The prelude begins broadly with the first theme of the Master Singers' March, treated contrapuntally in allusion to the old school of art which the simpler master singers represent in the comedy ; this is followed by the and more march-like second theme of the same march, known also as the " King David Motive " (David was the tutelary patron of the master singers' guild). Then the first theme returns one more, and is worked up at considerable length by the full orchestra, rising up to a climax, after which comes some dainty play with phrases taken from Walther's Preislied and Werbelied, which after a while leads to a burlesque parody on the first theme of the march, played staccato by the wood-wind, and worked up con- trapuntally in conjunction with a queer, skipping, little figure with which " the crowd jeer at Beckmesser to the words " Scheint mir nicht der Rechte (He doesn't seem to me to be the right one), as he steps up to take part in the singing contest in the third act. This contrapuntal work goes on more and more boisterously and grotesquely until it at last becomes mere comic " \Katzenmusik" or " cats' music," which suddenly debouches into one of the most beautiful and ingeniously constructed passages in all Wagner. FOR BRAIN-WORKERS, THE WEAK AND DEBILITATED. si- Is, without exception, the Best Remedy for relieving Mental and Nervous Exhaustion ; and, where the system has become debilitated by disease, it acts as a general tonic and vitalizer, affording sustenance to both brain and body. Dr. E. Cornell Easten, Philadelphia, Pa., says, "I have met with the greatest and most satisfactory results in dyspepsia and general derangement of the cerebral and nervous systems, causing debility and exhaustion." Descriptive pamphlet free. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R.I. Beware of Substitutes and Imitations. (5) have THE BEST INSTRUMENTS. have THE FINEST STOCK. sell AT LOWEST PRICES. can have THE BEST INSTRUMENTS at lowest prices and upon easy terms. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ESTEY ORGANS AND PHONORIUNS. CHICAGO CHURCH ORGANS. THE WONDERFUL JEOLIAN. WEBER, DECKER BROS., ESTEY, FISCHER, AND IVERS & POND PIANOS. BAY STATE GUITARS AND MANDOLINS. PAILLARD'S SWISS MUSIC BOXES. STEWART'S BANJOS, Etc. Sheet Music and Music Books of all kinds, and Musical Merchandise of every description. TAYMAN, 934 F Street, N.W., 13 North Charles Street, WASHINGTON, D.C. BALTIMORE, MD. ESTABLISHED 1853. Dry Cleansing and Dyeing Establishment, 216 "W. FAYETTE STREET. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Cleaned and Dyed without ripping. Household Goods of every description Cleaned. Blankets, Curtain, and Furniture Cleansing a specialty. Shine removed and Garments made to look equal to new. Goods sent by Mail or Express, and full information and price list furnished upon application. The Boston Symphony Orchestra Programme, For the 24 Boston Concerts, With Historical and Descriptive Notes by William F. Apthorp, Will be sent by mail each week to any address upon the payment of two dollars. Bound copies of the Programme for the entire season can be had at the same price by applying before the last concert. Address all communications to F. R. COMEE, Music Hall, Boston. (6) The first violins, 'celli, and some of the wind instruments play the melody of Walther's Preislied ; as a bass to this the double-basses and bass-tuba play, note for note, the first theme of the march, while most of the wood- wind play the second theme of the march in diminution ; against these three combined themes the second violins play running counterpoint in sixteenth-notes. Notwithstanding the complexity of the scheme, the pas- sage is perfectly clear, each theme standing out with absolute distinctness. The working-out continues, growing stronger, phrases from the first march- theme gradually asserting their supremacy, until at last the second march- theme bursts forth on all the wind fortissimo, against a surging, billowing accompaniment on the strings, and a glowing coda brings the movement to a brilliant close. Almost the whole prelude is contrapuntal in treatment. It is scored for the usual modern grand orchestra. Prelude to the Second Act of "Gwendoline." Emmanuel Chabrier. Alexis-Emmanuel Chabrier was born at Ambert (Puy-de-D6me), France, on January 18, 1841, and died in Paris on September 15, 1894. He at first took up music as an amateur, while he was studying law in Paris, and was an employee at the Ministere de PInterieur. He had taken pianoforte lessons of Edouard Wolfl while at the Lycee Saint-Louis, and (FOUNDED IN 1853 BY DR. EBEN TOURJEE.) RICHARD H. DANA,- President. CARL FAELTEN, Director. The Leading Conservatory of America. Complete in aii its departments. You are respectfully invited to visit the institution and examine its methods and facilities. Send or call for Illustrated Prospectus and Calendar. F. W. HALE, General Manager, . Franklin Square, BOSTON, MASS. The department of English and American Literature wiU be under Mr. Eben Charlton Black, late of Edinburgh University. Public lectures every alternate Tuesday evening:, beginning September n. (7) H is JL 1 BETWEEN OST f*% THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE FROM EITHER CITY. 10.00 a.m. "BAY STATE LIMITED." Parlor Cars only. Special Tick. ets required. Buffet Cars through.. Due at 3.00 p.m. 10.03 a.m. "DAY EXPEESS." Buffet Parlor Cars and Day Coachee. Due 4.30 p.m. 1.00 p.m. "AFTERNOON EXPRESS." Buffet Parlor Cars and Day Coaches. Arrives at 7.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. " SHORE LINE EXPRESS." Parlor Cars, Parlor Smoking Car, and Through Coaches. Dining Car het. Boston and New London. Due 9 p.m. 5.00 p.m. " GILT EDGE " EXPRESS. Due at 11.00 p.m. Daily. Parlor Cars, Parlor Smoking Car, and Through Coaches. Dining Car between Boston and Hew London. I 2.00 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. Due at 7.00 a.m. Daily. Com- partment Sleeping Gars and Day Coaches. Open for occupation at 9.15 p.m.
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