CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1949 the Division of Tropical Diseases of the NIH. Atlanta, the beautiful ``capital'' of the South, Mr. Speaker, I am disappointed that politics In 1955, Congress renamed the Institute as is blessed with many benefits, but having the have replaced real leadership at the other end the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Braves as their home team is one of the best. of Pennsylvania Avenue. America needs to be Diseases, recognizing the need for a coordi- It is hard to beat Southern culture and great a strong leader out in the global market place. nated scientific research program on infec- baseball. We need to set the parameters of debates tious, allergic, and immunologic diseases. In light of this, I not only accept the distin- and make sure we are included in market ac- Research supported by the Institute has re- guished gentleman's challenge, I raise him: If cess agreements that would benefit our farm- sulted in numerous important advances, in- the San Diego Padres win, I will give 100 ers and businessmen and women. America cluding the development of vaccines that have pounds of fabulous southern BBQ to a home- needs fast track trade authority and a Presi- prevented the death of millions of Americans, less shelter in the gentleman's district. dent who truly wants it. new treatments to fight the human immuno- And of course, if the Braves win, I will en- f deficiency virus (HIV), and novel interventions sure that the gentleman from California's seat that have reduced the burden of childhood on the Appropriations Committee is secure de- TRIBUTE TO RICHARD K. BOYD, asthma. spite this direct challenge. Now if the Padres JR. Much remains to be done, however. Infec- win. tious diseases remain the world's leading f HON. ED WHITFIELD cause of death, and the third leading cause of U.S. NEEDS FAST TRACT AUTHOR- OF KENTUCKY death in the United States, and immune-medi- ITY TO REMAIN GLOBAL LEADER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ated diseases such as asthma are a leading Wednesday, October 7, 1998 cause of disability and lost productivity. NIAID continues to lead the way in developing new HON. JIM RAMSTAD Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay ways to reduce the toll of these diseases. OF MINNESOTA tribute to a friend and distinguished former I am introducing this resolution today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kentuckian, Mr. Richard K. Boyd, Jr., who is demonstrate the support of the United States Wednesday, October 7, 1998 retiring this month after 32 years of dedicated House of Representatives for the NIAID, the Mr. RAMSTAD. Mr. Speaker, two weeks service with Westvaco Corporation. NIH, and all of the dedicated professionals ago I spoke before this House in favor of re- As Manager of Government Relations and who have devoted their lives to improving the newing fast track trade authority for the Presi- various executive capacities during his career quality of the Nation's health. dent. I called for my colleagues to choose at Westvaco, Mr. Boyd diligently exercised his f statesmanship over politics and vote for this professional stake in civic affairs. As a private important legislation simply because it is the citizen of Kentucky for 24 years, he faithfully REMARKS ON THE ATLANTA demonstrated his deep sense of personal re- BRAVES right thing to do and they know it. I was deeply saddened that we did not have sponsibility for civic involvement. the support of the White House and many key For much of his career, Dick Boyd lived and HON. NEWT GINGRICH Democrats in that fightÐDemocrats who typi- worked in Wickliffe, Kentucky, where he and OF GEORGIA cally understand the importance of fast track his wife Malinda raised their three daughtersÐ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for opening new markets for U.S. farmers and Anne, Gretchen and Rebecca. His arrival in Wednesday, October 7, 1998 exporters. I was saddened they were too con- Wickliffe pre-dates the Westvaco Fine Papers Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, I gladly accept cerned about the timing of passing the legisla- mill, a major employer and contributor to the the challenge of my distinguished colleague, tion and not the fact that their constituents economic development of western Kentucky. The growth of the mill and the company's DUKE CUNNINGHAM. need it, America's farmers need it, small busi- While I respect his personal faith about the nesses need it and consumers need it. good relationship with the community and the San Diego Padres, I also know that some- Mr. Speaker, I am more than saddened Commonwealth of Kentucky are a part of the times faith is not enough. And this year that today. I am completely perplexed and frus- legacy of Dick Boyd's career and his life in our saying will have to comfort the gentleman from trated. Yesterday, President Clinton spoke be- state. California as he watches the Atlanta Braves fore International Monetary Fund and World In 1988, Dick served in Kentucky State Gov- win the National League Championship. Bank officials and called for expanded trade ernment as Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet My dear Colleague from San Diego offered for next year and strategies to spur economic for Economic Development, His dedication to three reasons for his faith in the San Diego growth. I am very glad to hear him say these family, friends and neighbors is worthy of rec- Padres. things, but his speech is a bit hypocritical. ognition. I would like to offer my reasons for knowing It moves me to ask why the President will Dick Boyd has performed his duties rep- the Atlanta Braves will win: promote fast track authority renewal in Janu- resenting Westvaco and its operations in the (1) Cy Young award winner John Smoltz is ary and wouldn't just two weeks ago? How is First Congressional District of Kentucky with 17 and 3 with a 2.90 era it the President can say it is ``inexcusable and honest and integrity. He is a valued friend and (2) Cy Young award winner Tom Glavine is reckless to hold up [IMF] money based on a good citizen whose national corporate re- 20 and 6 with a 4.47 era other issues at a time when the world needs sponsibilities have never diminished his con- (3) Four time Cy Young award winner Greg U.S. leadership? cern for and dedication to the economic and Maddux is 18 and 9 with a 2.22 era President Clinton's failure to be engaged in civic progress of the people of western Ken- (4) Danny Neagle is 16 and 11 with a 3.55 the recent fast track debate directly contrib- tucky. On their behalf, I take this opportunity era, and uted to its demise at a time when U.S. export- to congratulate Richard K. Boyd, Jr. on his (5) Rookie Kevin Millwood is 17 and 8 with ers needed his leadershipÐand the inter- successful and distinguished career and ex- a 4.08 era national economy needs U.S. leadership. I tend best wishes for his retirement. The Padres may have Greg Vaughn, but the want my constituents to know that I have con- f Atlanta Braves have Andres Galarraga with 44 cerns about IMF funding because of, in the home runs, Javier Lopez and Chipper Jones words of my colleague from Florida, Rep. TRIBUTE TO DR. MARY P. SMITH, with 34, and Andruw Jones with 31Ðnot to STEARNS, ``the countless evidence of the mal- AN ARDENT LEMONADE MAKER forget three other players with over 100 home feasance and mismanagement of IMF.'' runs. Mr. Speaker, my concerns have nothing to HON. DONALD M. PAYNE The Braves' team batting average against do with what time of the year it is or because OF NEW JERSEY the Padres was .259 vs. .209 for the Padres. certain advocacy groups have threatened po- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Braves outscored San Diego 34 to 29, litical ramifications. My concerns have to do Wednesday, October 7, 1998 had 17 more hits, five more home Runs, 3 with pure policy issues and a true desire to more stolen bases, and 8 more strikeouts. see U.S. taxpayer dollars used appropriately. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, if we are lucky we And while Tony Gwynn is indeed impres- And on the issue of taxes, I don't think I have come in contact with a person who in- sive, he only batted .321 this year, while the could say it better than Senator ROTH: ``Why stinctively makes lemonade out of the lemons Braves starters include Chipper Jones (.313), should we expect Japan to push through a of life. There is such a woman in my district Andres Galarraga (.305), and Gerald Williams KEMP-ROTH style tax reduction . when the who is being honored on Thursday, October 8. (.305). The Braves also out hit the Padres at White House opposes any domestic tax rate She is Dr. Mary Smith. Thirty years ago Dr. almost every position, including pitcher. cut that would spur growth?'' Smith saw a need for day care programs in.
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