1912. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 6253 War Department plan as embodied in House Document No. 81; ing passage of House bill 16214, ·to withdraw from interstate-­ to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. commerce protection liquors imported into dry territory fot Also, declaration and affidavit of Herschel W. Howland, of illegal use; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Yreka, Cal, to accompany House bill 23656; to the Committee merce. on Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of Providence Lodge, No. 214, and Sons of Also, resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Greenville, Jacob Lodge, No. 175, Independent Order B'rith Abraham, Cal., to accompany House resolution 522, relatiye to Japanese Providence, R. I., protesting against the literacy test for immi­ activities against United States Government; to the Committee grants; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. on Rules. By Mr. WILSON of New York : Petition of the Sons of Revo­ Also, petition of citizens of the United States, relative to the lution in the State of New York, favoring an appropriation American flag on American steam vessels ; to the Committee on relative to printing and ublishing of records and archives Interstate and Foreign Commerce. • of the Revolutionary War; to the Committee on Military By Mr. REILLY: Petition of citizens of Connecticut, relative Affairs. to land now occupied by the New York general post office; to the Also, petition of the National Association of Talking Ma­ Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. chine Jobbers, Pittsburgh, Pa., protesting against any change in Also, petition of citizens of Philadelphia, in opposition to the the patent laws that may affect price maintenance; to the Com­ literacy test for immigrants; to the Committee on Immigration mittee on Patents. and Naturalization. Also, petition of citizens of Philadelphia, protesting against By Mr. SCULLY: Petitions of allied committee of the Polit­ the passage of the literacy test for immigrants; to the Com­ ical Refugee Defense League of America, New York, and the mittee on Immigration ;ind Naturalization. · Grand Lodge, Independent Order of King Solomon, of New Jer­ sey, protesting against the Dillingham bill ( S. 3175) relative to restriction of immigration; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. SEN.ATE. Also, petition of John J. Morrison, mayor of New Brunswick, SATURDAY, May 11, 191'2. N. J., favoring passage of Senate bill 6496, for the protection of passengers on ocean vessels; to the Committee on the Merchant Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D .. D. Marine and Fisheries. The VICE PRESIDENT resumed the chair. Also, petition of the American Thread Co., New York, favor­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. ing passage of House bill 309, relative to appropriation for the FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG ( S. DOC. raising of the levees of the Mississippi River; to the Committee NO. 663) . • on River.s and Harbors. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of New York The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ State, protesting against passage of a bill prohibiting the use of tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to the Panama Canal by steamship companies in which a railroad Senate concurrent resolution 19, certain information relative · has an interest; to the Committee on Interstate' and Foreign to the observance of the fiftieth anniversary of tlle Rattle of Commerce. Gettysburg and the proper representation of the Government By Mr. SMITH of Michigan: Petition of citizens of l\Iicbigan, thereat, which, with the accompanying papers and illustrations, favoring legis_lation that will give the Interstate Commerce was referred to the Special Committee on the Fiftieth Anni­ Commission further power toward regulating express rates; to versary of the Battle of Gettysburg and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. LAWRENCE (MASS. ) STRIKE (S. DOC. NO. 662). Also, petition of citizens of Michigan, protesting against pas­ The VICE PHESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ sage of parcel-post bill; to the Committee on the Post Office and tion from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, transmitting, Post Roads. By Mr. SULZER: Petition of Aaron Weiss Lodge, NQ. 244; in response to a resolution of the 7th instant, certain informa­ Wanderer Lodge, No. 278, Order B'rith Abraham, of New York tion relative to the wages and conditions of living of the mill City, N. Y.; and Coza Makers' Progressive Salem Alliance, No. operatives in Lawrence, Mass., which was ordered to lie on the 90, of New York, against passage of Senate bill 3175, containing table and to be printed. literacy test for immigrants; to the Committee on Immigration FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. and Naturalization. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica­ Also, petition of W. 0. Hart, of New Orleans, La., favoring tions from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans­ pa sage of Burton-Littleton bill creating a national commission mitting certified copies of the findings of fact and conclusions for the purpose of arranging for the celebration of 1914 and of law filed by the court in the following causes: 1915; to the Committee on Industrial Arts and Expositions. Henrietta B. Hawes, administratrix of the estate of David C. Also, petition of Sorens T. Johnston, of New York City, N. Y., Houston, deceased, v. United States (S. Doc. No. 661); favoring passage of House bill 4667, known as the Stevens­ Francis H. Hardie, Joseph C. Hardie, Caroline H. Neal, Gould net-weight bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Catherine M. Hardie, and Isabelle H. Hardie, children and sole Foreign Commerce. heirs at law of James Allen Hardie, deceased, v. United States Also, petition of the International Association of Machinists, (S. Doc. No. 664); West Side Lodge, No. 320, favoring passage of House bill No. Seneca H. Norton v. United States (S. Doc. No. 660) ; 22339, against use of stop watch in Government shops; to the Isabella H. Adams, administratrix of the estate of Arthur Committee on the Judiciary. Hubert Burnham, deceased, v. United States (S. Doc. No. 659); Also, petition of the Silverton Commercial Club, of Silverton, l\1ary O. H. Stoneman, adminish·a trix of George Stoneman, Colo., favoring passage of House bill 22081, to establish a min­ deceased, v. United States (S. Doc. No. 658); and ing experiment station at Silverton, Colo.; to the Committee D. l\I. Carman v. United States ( S. Doc. No. 657) . on Mines and Mining. The foregoing findings were, with accompanying papers, re­ Also, petition of the Sons of the Revolution of New York ferred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. City, N. Y., favoring passage of Senate bill 271, an appropria­ tion to cover expense of collecting· and printing, etc., unpub­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. lished archives of United States Government relating to War A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, of the Revolution; to the Committee on Military Affairs. its Chief Clerk. announced that the House had disagreed to the Also, •petition of Herbert L. Griggs, of New York City., ·N. Y., amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 21477) making ap­ favoring passage of a bill appropriating $200,000 for the effici­ propriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of ency bureau in connection with the bureau of municipal re­ certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other pur­ search; to the Committee on Appropriations. poses. It asks a conference with the Senate on the disagreeing By Mr. TALCOTT of New Yor)r: Petition of the Sons of the votes of the two Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. SPARK­ Revolution in the State of New York, favoring appropriation MAN, Mr. RANSDELL of Louisiana, and Mr. LAWRENCE managers for publisbment of all records and archives relative to the at the conference on the part of the House. Revolutionary War; to the Committee on Military Affairs. '.rhe message also announced that the House had agreed to Also, petition of the allied committees, Political Refugee De­ the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing fense League of America, New York, protesting against passage votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to of the Dillingham bill ( S. 3175) for literacy test for immigrants; the bill (H. R. 1) granting a service pension to certain defined to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. veterans of the Civil War and the War with Mexico. By Mr. UTTER: Petition of the Walchemohet Woman's The message further requested the Senate tq furnish the Christian Temperance Union, of East Providence, R. I ., favor- House with a duplicate engrossed copy of the bill (S. 600D) to XLVIII-393 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE. increase the limit of cost of the United States post-office build­ if I could be convinced the adoption of the Owen bill would· relieve this ing at Huron, S. Dak., the original having been lost or mislaid. distress even ~ a small degree I would welcome it gladly, despite the sinister purpose I see lurking behind it. It is deplorable, if true, that J ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. 600,000 of our people come to an untimely end each year through dis­ ease, but in the distribution of these fatalities it is found that the The message also announced that the Speaker of the House States maintaining the most elaborate health departments quite. uni­ had signed the bill (H. R. 1) granting pensions to certain en­ formly bear a larger share of the number than do the States that main­ tain sm 11 and incon equential on~. In the light o! such an anomoly, listed men, soldiers and officers, who served in the Civil War therefore, it require.
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