CE~TSUS OF INDIA, 1901. - VOLUJHE XIX=B. --- CEI~TRAL INDIA. PART III. PR.Ol7JNCIAL TABLES. BY CAPTAIN c. ECKFORD LUARD, M.A. (Oxon.), SUPERI:\TEl>DEXT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS4 LUCKNOW: NAVI/AL KISHORE Sl'EAM PRIC'-:TING PRESS. ll}O~. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART Ill· (VOI1U!DB XIX-13.) Notes on States, Provincial Tables &c.,-Central India Agency. ll\T HODUCTIO!I. I SEOTION I-Notes and Tables on Selected States. --:o:- Map of the INDORE State Frontispiac. P.t.liE. Note on the Census of INDORE State 1-5 Sub•idiary Tables 6-12 TABLES I-VI.-Shewing Area, Houses and Popalation; Variation Since 1820: Towns and Villages ; Religion of the people by sexes by Districts City and Perganas 14-:?t; Do, VII-VIII.-Shewing Age, Sex and Civil Condition and Edncotion by Religions and Age for State and City 27-31 Dn, X-XI.-Shewing the Language and Dialect and Birth-places of the people by Di•tricts 32-37 Note on the Censne of RIW A State Subsidiary Tables i TAnLES I-Vf.-Shewing Area, Honses, and PoPtlation; Variation since 1881; Towns and Villages and Religions of the .people by sexes and Perganas 42-45 Do- VII-VIJI.-Shewing Age, Sex and ,Civil Condition and Education by 1 Religion and Age •• 44-46 1 Do, X-'-XI-Shewing the Language and Dialect' and Birth-places of the people by Perganas 47-50 Note on the Census of BHOPAL State 51-52 Snbsidiary Tables fi2-56 'f.... UL£3 1-VI-ShE~win~ Area, Honses and Pop~lation,ctc.; Voriation:=ince 1881 Towns and Y illagcs ; and Religion of the people by sexes and Pcrganas ond City 57-tiO Do. VII-VIII- as in Indore 61-66 Do. X-XI-As in Riwa 67-71 Note on the Ceusns of DHAR Shte 72 Subsidiary Tablee TABLES 1-VI.-SlJewing Area Bouse~, n.nd Population; Variation since 1820~ Tuwns Y ill ':l.ges ; nnd Religions of the people by Sexeg aud Par~onas 75-77 TA&LES VII, VI![, X, aud :X f.-Shewing Age, Sex and Ci<il Condition; Education; Language and Diale;:t and Birth-places of the people 78-81 N ole on the Census of BAR W ANI State 82 Subsidiary Tnblfs 83-84 TAnLES I-VI.-As in Riwa 8J-8f; Do, VII-VIII, X anu XI.-As in Dhnr­ 87-90 Nole on the Census o[ the DATIA St.!!. to 91 Snbsidiary Tables 02-9~ TAnLE3 I-VIII, X and XI-As in Bnrwani 9{-99 N"tcon the Censns of CH.\R8:H<\Rl State } ••• 100-108 Snbaidiary 3Dd other Tables as above ii Note on the Cenens of the CliHATARPUR State }·.. 109·!17 Sub>idiary and other Tables b.i above Note on the Cen.ma of the DEW AS State Subsidiary and other Tables as above l··· !18-120 --.--r- Note on the Cenana of the JAORA State, Subsidiary and o!fcr Tables, as in Dhar }·· 130-139 ---- Note on the Census of the R~ TLAM Stal<!, Subsidiary and other Tables as in other i' · States . u• 110-152 RAT LAM City 6gares shewn seperately in Tables I, VIII SECTION II.-Remaining States and Estates by Political Charges. (CANTONMENT-S, STATIONS AJ~ RAILWAYS SHEWN IN THE BND). T•nLBB I, III, and VI.-For Gwalior Minor States .... 1~-:1-157 Do. I-VI.-For Bagbelkband other States 158-162 Do. , Bhopal other States and Estates 163-169 Do. n :Bhopawar do. 170-173 Do. I-VI.-For Bondelkhand Oth"" States 174-181 Do. I-III and VI.-For Indore Agency Petty Estat.o 182 Do. 1-V 1-For llhlwn otbet States and Estat<s 183-187' Do. l-II O!ld VI.-For Canton111ents, BIJ>tions, and Britisb.District 188-190 Do. I ond VI.-For Railways 191-192 SECTION II!.-M!scellaneollll. Noto on the effect of Fnmine 1~4-196 Sample Form for use on F11mine Works, ete. 1n SuLsidiary Tables l9~-2C2 --- Note on Overe<owding in tbe A. G. G.'s Camp 203 Snbsidinry Tables 201-110 Provincial Table C.-Shewing the number of Schools in the vorions States ~ll Alphabetical list of Castes. Tribes nnd Races, recorded in the Cen!'US with their usuRl Occupations aud main Pro'\'"incial distribution ·. 2f2-21 f, Variation inArea of Central India A:;ency since 1881 217 Statement Eb.cwing Area of Political ChargeR and St.J.tes in Central India by NlJtural llivi>ions in 1901 218 Snrr,lernC'nb.ry To.blc gh·ing Leading. Statistics for c~ntral India and difft'rent Politicnl Gbargcs ... 218 (a) to 218 (i) lndex {I\" Ilin.d.n CllStes &nd .Auiwists Tribes with their Sub.diviaions •. ~l~(j)to 249 IXTRODUCTION -:o:-- The peculiar way in which the States of the Central India Agency intermingle, so that one State often has possessions in several Political Charges, made the Statistics collected for the Imperial Tables useless for administrative purposes, as far as individual Darbars were concerned. This has perhaps made the Provincial Part somewhat bulky, but when the expenses borne by the States are taken into consideration, it will be seen to be only just that they should obtain Statistics in a form which could be of practical value to them. This Volume contains tables made out by States giving all the information that, I think, is likely to be required for ordinary administrative purposes. The States are so fur as possible arranged by Politicrtl Charges. Cantonments, ~Iilitary and Civil Stations, and Rail ways have been separated, as the land in these cases is ceded to British jurisdiction, and the administration bas passed out of the bands of State officials. To give all tables was impossible, and I can only hope that those which I Lave compiled will prove useful. Any special information, not contained in these tables but recorded, can always be obtained from the Tabulation Registers. State Reports.-A note on the Census of certain Selected St.~tes in ench Political Charge has been added to this Volume together with a few Subsidiary Tables. It would have been impossible w do tbis for all States, nor could I spare the time to do more than give a sketch of the State figures. I must leave it to those interested in any particubL· State to search the tables themselves for more detailed information. The States taken are Indore, Riwn, Bhopal, Dhar, Barwani, Datia, Charkhari, Chhatarpur, Senior and J11uior Dewas, .Jaora. and Ratlam. The arrangement of this Part falls into 3 Sections. Section I gives notes on the 12 Selected States of Central India. All important Tables are dealt with. Section II deals with the remaining States and Estates. Tables I to VI arc dealt with. A few Tables giving the main results for Cantonments, 1\Lilitary and Cil'il Stations, and for portions of different Railways in Central India, have also been added to this Section. It will be noticed that Section II gives details by pe?·ganas for the large States and by whole Estates in case of small holdings. Section III contains notes on Famine and Overcrowding, Provincial Table C., an Alphabetical list of Castes, Tribes, and Races, and Statements shewing Variation in A reo since 1881, and its distribution by Nutural Divisions. Supplementary Tables gi,·ing Leading Statistics, and a List of castes and sub.castes, with figures deuoting the Political Charges in which they were found, arc also added. The Supplementary Tables will shew Political Officers at a glance the area and population in their respecti Ye charges. The list of sub.castes is exactly us recorded nt the Cen•us and has been printed simply to assist the Ethnographic Survey work. It has not be<·n examined at all and is necessarily most incorrect. .
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