ER 018 248 11.8. DEMMER OE IDUCAILON "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE NATIONAL INSTIEUROF EDUCATION MATERIAL INMICROFICHE ONLYTHTS N Training Manualt EDUCATIONALRESOURCES INfORMATION CENTEO {OKI HAS BEEN GRANTED BY The docunieni hos One ieprodocod os d EdUtationi SaCramento. received Nen the penon or orgeneon eeprOlmo Moroi changes have teen mode le reprove lopicdotOonciogeO Ise (055) I PcrngcfvnwcspeonsnroieOrnihcdccv TO THE ERICATpol. RESOURCES menldo not necen,oId1 reOresent Oa ME INFORMATION CENTER outoorooicl Rvailable_from EDRS._ valuation; "'Educational Improvemelt; *Educational ttion; *Evuluation Methods; Evaluators; Information punt; *Program Evaluation; ff Development; State School Improvement PrOgrit Si-As of twoimajor sections: Program Review" and the cument The_handbook is in (1) judging the effect'of and effectiveness stratigiia of planned assistance; and elf-study process, to review process as well as Wparticipantsi Chapter 1 of program reviewi the _Means for developing L_Chapter_2 describes the a_process of :developing a ontains the quality criteria, hools in conducting a the training manual contain " documenti with sections on traationra guide for report findings and needs; and extensive cs and_handbooks, an rogram development and ilifornia School Improvement 1***************************** le best that can be made * loc ent, ****************************** CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Bill lionigSuperiloondoni of Public BatikSicrinthio, 1985 BEST COPY AVAILABLE . SCHOOL'S SELF:STUDY THE PROGRAM # synipa kI ---rr Air REVIEW t, School reviews program using the quality PROCESS criteria and reaches conclusions about program effectiveness. REVIEW PREPARATION MEETING KNOWLEDGE of: About Our Program: REVIEW OF SCHOOL PROGRAM Quality criteria, school plan, how it's working school data summary, curriculum where we're going The TEAM KEY SCHOOL PLANNERS COMPARE WITH: FIND OUT BY: QUALITY CRITERIA ObServing what's happening Team PREPARES: Talking to school community Summary ,r findings Reviewing records and document§ Recognition of program strengths $ig Talking to key planners Suggestions for increasing school effectiveness What comprises the program and how it is impacting the stucitnts and adults. DEVELOPMENT OF REPORT OF FINDINGS: The TEAM KEY SCHOOL PLANNERS REPORT OF FINDINGS TO SCHOOL COMMUNITY Findings and_suggestions of the team presentecL Selected suggestions developed into assistance plans Report on quality of program using quality criteria and suggestions for increasing or maintaining program quality. The Program Review Process for Elementary Schools The Nate Review Reviewing Reporthig vw.v./orq YAY 7'11WSTPMV, f<1. ReViewerLi LlthOolStaff Reviewers jchool staff Reviewers School staff Sdiall stiff 1. Receive 1: Identify key planets Otisrie 1. 1. c,O#iii their dic- 1, Implems ark, Reeurricilum and others who have _&mom ness as usual. tive knowledge tau **level- special respoftsibdi- out: 2. Conduct interviews, 2. he prepare(' 10 share about the school opt with the ties durig the both ford and a KA mum their knowledge of program and its review team. leigudy. informal, Odd the program and its imptict on tht stu- 2. Review other sugges- 2. Receive orientation 3. Review irtinent %not ind impact on the dents to each quality tions by tht to program review documents: students, k._sdbooks criterion. team. Arid stlf-ittidy. 4. Med together rein- a Other Mirriculum Describe the current 3. Pk LOW kit* 3: Conduct the sill- kly to analyze and materials as (01'4 of the Pro- gestions an be imple- itiidY, using Ole synthesize what stu- necesstuy gram in RIMIllary mented, by whom gilitte in the Ha- denti ire leirnmg statements of find- they can bt imple- S tW y thoti book tor Conking and ID detenfine ings for each mented; what_ materials: an Eknientaty Pro- what other_ inform- criterion, reihewill gra Ripley/. lion is needed. Schei0 plan 3. identify program needett when imple- 4. Summarize the find- School dm strengths and areas of mentation will he his of the-selktidy signiff cant dite,iiid to forth. and prepare to share summaryOther iiiteriiiE improvement. 4. Monitor carefully all With reViewers on LReviewers and key plan- from the school as 4: litentify areas of sag- protrithi *Cies, ners meet regularly to their arrival. necessary gestions for increas- modyingthemis dicass the progrefs of 5. Send copies of the iitschod access* for maxi- the review. sch-Ool Mita sum- effectiveness. mum effectiVend aluY; school Plc, Reviewets and key plan- and selected other nets met to review and mattrials, if approp- discuss _the findings and rite, to the to deVelop together se- reviewes. lected s if: ..estions for in- creasing school effective- ns ifit0. asiana . Reviewers and key plan- plan for implementing nesrieet dying the the suggestions, wetk prior to the The reviewers conduct review to discs self- The entite scliiiattiff, the report of findings stujelland matenah along with interests:0i stu- sharing their findings receivad by them dents, Ants, and com- to ,resolve lastIninute recognizing-strengths; triunity membem ate in- and -misting quesaom-, and to vited to share the report the deli* and pro. improvements, Key of finding. Oiallflefs.may share the 4 cohns Of review. pratniation of sugsestions. THE THREE GOALS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROGRAM REVIEWTRAINING There are three goals for_program review trainingthAt_efiable the participants to effect change. _The goals fall into three areaa_lnciiidingimprovement_In the process_of program review4 improvement in thequality of_the_instructionel program; and improvement in the schoolwide strategies thatsupport the delivery Of the instructionalprogram. GOAL 1 (IMPROVEMENT IN THE PROCESS OF_PROGPAICREVIEWFOR THE SCHOOL) Reviewers will assist schools in realizing three correlatedbenefits through the process of program review: Atturate diagnostic information Assistance in planning Generai_quaIitative information about the effects ofthe program - Suggestions for the focus of planning nekt steps TraiPing for school staff in the reviewprocess which can then be-borne part of the school's management In addition; the program review will provide datato state policy makers on issues of statewide concern. GOAL 2 (IMPROVEMENT IN THE INSTRUCTIONAL_PROGRNO Reviewers will encourage improvements in the quality of CUrriCulum. and instruction as expressed_in_the review criteria. The Criteria contain a special :emphasis or the following themes WhiChare woven throughout: Thinking, communication and learning skills developedfor all stodentS in each area of the curriculum: Shift the balance of instructional timeaway froth rote tasks_(drill ans1 practice; fill-in7the-blanks, cOlor_in the_shapes,yes7-no questions; and so_on) toward assignments that_challenge thestudent to think, communicate and learn Zo his or her best ability (problemsolving, reading interpretatively, writing reports;group discitssiOn, And SO oh). More attention to the concepts, ideas, issues and stbrieSin each curric- -Ilum area as the motivation and framework for learningfatta Teaching methods which encourage and challenge all studentsto think and uotimunicate their thoughts, and apply what they have learnedto complex, 1.tig-term aSsignments (science projects, reading; andinterpreting literature, histury reports, and so on). Balanced curriculum for aII students, including special needsStudents, To the extent possible, subjects suchas science, social studies and fine artr should not be supplanted by remedial curriculaor extra curricular activities. 1-3 Special needs services which_provide extra help for the student to succeed in the regular curriculum. _For example, the reading specialist_ helping the_student_through tke grade level science, social studies, and literature_books which his or her peers are using, instead of_pulling the student. out of science instruction and putting himor her in a remedial reading program; the regular_classroom reading program haridlinga wide soectrum_of reading levels and the special needs services supporting the students' success in this regular reading program as wellas the other areas of the curriculum; St.aff development resources_which focus on what staff need to adopt and install Curriculum and instruction improvements. ;OAL aJIMPROVEMERT_IN=SCHOOLWIDE_STRATEGIES THAT SUPPORT THE DELIVERYOF THE_INSTRUCTIONAL-PROGHAM) 'AViewers Will_entourage improvements in the schoolwide effectson learning as Xpressed in the program review criteria. The criteria contain a special mphasis on the following themes: Theculture of the school revolves around the joy and importance of learning; 4 ThE allocation of resources, human and material, is aligned with the curriculum and instructional goals. The school is actively engaged with_the Wider community of parentsi business, civic organizations, public agencies, and the general public in common support of school and community goals. There is a living improvement process rooted in the learning culture which is cultivated by management practices and supported by policieS and resources. 7 1-4 2:25 Procedures of Program Review Sequence of events and responsibilities involved in the program review process Development of the Report of Findings 3:20 Managing the Review The role of team members The skills required in organizing and managing a Succe8Sfu1 collaborative review 3:45 Closure, E-;Yaluation Day 2 8:00 Suggestions for Increasing School EffectiVene88 Place Of suggestions in the school review The elements of a suggestion Writing_a suggestion Developing a suggestion into an aSSiStance
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