N. 798 NAMlUM VETI UM. N N. N. A n abbreviation of the "Nocella," NAKED DEPOSIT. A. bailment ot g of Novels Justinian, used in citing them. to be kept for the depo itor, \\ ithout blre or Tayl. Civil Law, 24. reward on either aide. N. An A. abbreviattou for "non alloca­ NAKED POWER. One which 1 shu­ If tur, it is not allowed. ply collateral and without nt which arises to a III re r N. B. An abbreviation for "nota bene," nee, when, n r, is of di of 1111 int r mark well, observe; also "nulla bona." no authority given po iing I. in which he had not nor b. goods. before, by lit instrument creating the power, til N. D. An abbreviation for" Northern Dis­ whatsoever. Caine, Cas. 15. trict." . NAKED TRUST. or) or P he N. E. I. An abbreviation for "non est trust; one which requir 110 action on lht! inv(:ntus," he is not found. part of the tru tee, beyond turnmg ov N. L. An abbreviation of "non liquet." money or property to the c tui ifill! trn t. (which see.) NAM. In old Fngli h law. A a tre N. P. An abbreviation for "notary pub­ or seizure of chattels, lic;" also for "nisi prius," (q. 'D.) As a Latin conjunction, tor; b c. u . Oftell used the old writers in N. R. An abbreviation for "New Re­ by introducing the quotation of 8 Latin maxim. ports;" also for" not reported," and for" non­ " resident. NAMARE. L. Lat. In old records. To N. S. An abbreviation for "New Series;" take, seize, or distrain. also for "New Style." NAMATIO. L. Lat. In old EIIIlIl II uf N A A M. The attaching or taki ng of and Scotch law. A distraiuing or takinl{ movable goods and chattels. called "vif'" or a dlatress : an impounding. Spelmun. "mort" according 88 the chattels were living NAME. The designation of an indiviJual or dead. Termes de la Ley. person. or of a firm or corporatton. 10 I. w NABOB. Originally the governor of a a man can not ba ve more than one ur, ti n province under the Mogill governmentofllin- name. 1 Lei. Raym. 562. dostan, \\ hence it became a mere title of any NAME AND ARMS CLAUSE. 'I he mall of rank, whom it was con- high upon " name in law for the clan ferred without any office being attached to it. popular English sometimes inserted in a will or settlement by "\Vils. Indian Glo s. which property is given to a person. lor the NAIF. L. Fr. A villein; a born alave: a purpose of imj o ing on him the COlu.IItJon bondwoman. that he shall a su me the surname lind arm of the testator or settlor, wilh iI ulr lion NAIL. A lineal measure of two inches that. if he neglects to as lime or di euntmue and a quarter. the use of them. the estate hall devo \ e 011 NAKED. As a term of j ui isprudence, the next nel son in remainder. and a provielon this word is equivalent to bare, wanting in for preserving contingent reurain ler .. a nece ary condition, incomplete, as a naked Dav. Pree. Conv. 277; weet. contract. (nudum pactum,) i, e., a contract NAMIUM. L. Lat. In old Engli b la devoid of consideration, and therefore In valid ; rlbln • A a drstress. pi man. or imple, unilateral, comprising but a single Laking; tr • or animals taken by way oC di element, as a naked authority, i, e.one which goods. Simpt-» namium, a [mple taking or pledge. IS not coupled with any interest in the agent, Bract. fol. 20,)6. but sub i ts for the benefit of the principal '. i alone. NAMIUM VETITUM. .\n unju 11 and drlv 10 til ru NAKED CONFESSION. A confession ing of the cuttle of another to all Ullh\\CIII act', ndiuz of (rime wl ich is un .upported by any evi- pi pret 11 • comuns lou 01 the offense. dUII� lly t lu tu, 3 HI. Comrn. b dlllce of the I x A ·TE , EDICT OF ,99 NA'l IO.-.AL �OMICILE N ANTES, EDICT OF. A celebrated re pectiug tile rights and duties which attach to it 8 a constituent law for the security of Protestants, made by member of the familv of nations. Such a society, says Vattel, has her aiairs and her Henry IV. or France, and revoked by Louis interests; she deliberates and takes resolutions in xiv.. October 2, 16S5. common; thus becoming a moral person, who pos­ sesses an understanding and will to her­ NANTISSEMENT, in French law, is the peculiar self, and is susceptible of obligations and rights. of if of a movable, it is called contract pledge; Vattel, §§ 1,2 . .. U U gage;" and if of an immovable, it is called The words nation" and people" are frequently r anuehrise." Brown. used as synonyms, but there is a great difference between them. A nation is an aggregation of men NARR. A common abbrevation of una1,­ speaking the same language, having the same cus­ and ratio," (q. e.] A declaration in an action. toms, endowed with certain moral qualities which distinguish them from other of a Jacob. groups like nature. It would follow from this definition that a nation is NARRATIO. One of lhe common law destined to form only one 8tate, and that it constitutes one indivisible whole. Never­ names for a plaintiff's count or declaration, theless, the history of every age presents us with a narrative of the facts on wbich he as being nations divided into several states. Thus, Italy relies. was for centuries divided among several different governments. The people is the collection of all cotch NARRATIVE. In conveyancing. citizens without distinction of rank or order. All That part ot a deed which describes the gran­ men living under the same CWI.7e'M17nent compose the of the state. In relation to the tor, and person in w bose favor Lhe deed is people state, the citizens constitute the people; in relation to and states the cause (consideration) granted, the human race, they constituto the nation. A of Bell. granting. free nation is one not subject to 8 foreign govern­ ment, whatever be the constitution of the slate; a NARRATOR. A countor; a pleader who people is free when all the citizens can participate narrs. a draws Seroiens narrator, serjeant in a certain measure in the direction and in the t law. Fleta, I. 2, c. 37. examination of public affairs. The people is the political body brought into existence by community NARROW SEAS_ Those seas whIch run of laws, and the people may perish with these between two coasts not far apart. The term laws. The nation is tbe moral body. Independent of 18 sometimes applied to the English channel. political revolutions, because it is constituted inborn which render it indissoluble '\ harton. by qualities The state is the people organized Into a political NASCITURUS. Lat. That shall her-­ body. Lalor. Pol. Enc. 8. 'I). nfter be born. A term used in marriage set­ In American consti tutional la w the word tlements to designate the future issue of the "state" is applied to the several members of ruauiage, a� distinguished from "natus," a the American Union, while the word "na­ , hild already born. tion" is appl ed to the whole body of the peo­ embraced Within the of the NATALE. The stale and condition of Ii ple jurisdiction federal government. Cooley, Con t. Lim. 1. IJlIIII acqulred by birth. See 7 Wall. 720. NATI ET NASCITURI. Born and to NATIONAL BANK. A bank be born. All beirs, near and remote. incorpo­ rated and doing business under the laws of NATIO. In old records. A nati ve place. tile United tates, as distinguished from a Cowell. state bank, which derives its powers from the authority of a particular state. NATION. A people, or aggregation of men, existing in the form of an organized NATIONAL CURRENCY. �otes is­ jU1'I\1 society. inhabiting a distinct portion of sued by national banks, and by the United the lhe same earth, speaking language, using tates gO\ eromen t. the 11m cu toms, po ses ing historic coutin­ NATIONAL DEBT. Tbemoneyowing uity. lind dlstrngui bed from other lik groups by to ome of the public, the in­ by their racial 01 igin and characteristics, and government terest of which is paid out of the taxes raised IH'nwllly, but not nece sarily, living under by the whole of the public. till:' ame govet nment lind sovereignty. II ide the elein nt of a t nomy or self-govern­ NATIONAL DOMAIN . ..A. term some­ that ! tbe of the mont, • Independeuce community time applied to the <l!?tTr gate of the property 08 II \\ hoi troul tbo in errereuce of auy foroign owm-d directly uy a nation, POll or In I Iralr or. 'lY cbj 'lioll to such I'OWOI', t I furthl I' nee to . the constitution oC a na­ NATI(\NAr� DOMICILE. The domi­ tion that It should 00 n organized jural ociety, as cile of , 'OIl, COil klered wltbin tb t ,both gOY ruin ib own members by regular per being I ,IIU I d llnlu' n p te ting tbeir rights, and the terrilory of a particular nation, and not XATlOX.\'L GOVEl��ME"NT 8UO NATURAL AL.Lt;GL�.• -CE N with reference to a or sub­ NATIVITAS. In old particular locality Eng b . YII division of a nation. lenage; that state in which men ere born slaves.
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