THUNBERGIA 33 Fungi Exsiccati Suecici Praesertim Upsalienses Mandatu Collegii ex Friesio nominati edendos curaverunt L. Holm et S. Ryman Fasc. 74 (Nos 3651–3700) DISTRIBUTED BY THE BOTANY SECTION, MUSEUM OF EVOLUTION UPPSALA UNIVERSITY 2003 1 THUNBERGIA is the continuation of "Publications from the Herbarium, University of Uppsala", of which 19 numbers were issued between 1978 and 1986. The name is given in memory of Carl Peter Thunberg (1743– 1828), a disciple of Linnaeus and a famous traveller to South Africa and Japan. His collections, about twentyseven thousand sheets, were trans- ferred to our University in 1785, and became the foundation of the Botanical Museum. Thunberg succeeded Linnaeus filius as professor in 1785 and held the professorship to his death. Thunbergia is issued irregularly and distributed on exchange basis or by order to the address below. Contributions are refereed by external specialists. Editor: Roland Moberg Museum of Evolution Botany Section Uppsala University Norbyvägen 16 SE–752 36 Uppsala, Sweden Fax: +46 18 471 2794 E-mail: [email protected] 2 THUNBERGIA 33 _____________________________________________ Fungi Exsiccati Suecici, Praesertim Upsalienses Fasc. 74 (Nos 3651–3700) L. Holm & S. Ryman _______________________________________________________________ UPPSALA 2003 Distributor: Botany Section, Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University 3 Fungi Exsiccati Suecici, Praesertim Upsalienses Fasc. 74 Lennart Holm & Svengunnar Ryman Holm, L. & Ryman, S. 2003. Fungi Exsiccati Suecici, Praesertim Upsalienses. Fasc. 74 (Nos 3651–3700). – Thunbergia 33: 1–22. ISSN- 0283-2275. The fascicle comprises 17 nos of Ascomycetes, 8 nos of Ustilaginales, and 25 nos of Hymenomycetes. A new species Coronophora paucispora K. & L.Holm is described. Isotype material of Coronophora paucispora and Pseudopeltis filicum are issued. Some nomenclatural points are touched upon: Farinaria Sow.is found to be an invalid name, the status of Xylopezia Höhn. maybe questioned, Sphaeria vepris Delacr. ex Rabenh. can be interpreted as a substitute name for Sphaeria rubi Currey, with the same type. Lennart Holm & Svengunnar Ryman, Botany Section, Museum of Evolution, Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University, Norbyvägen 16, S-75236, Uppsala, Sweden. Email: [email protected] FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3651. Pseudopeltis filicum L. & K. Holm Isotype Bot. Notiser 131: 102 (1978). In dead fronds of Dryopteris filix-mas. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, in mixed forest c. 200 m NW of Jerusalem. 10.VI.1976 leg. K. & L. Holm (854b) FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3652. Zygospermella insignis (Mouton) Cain Mycologia 27: 227 (1935). – Syn.: Delitschia insignis Mouton, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belge 36(2): 13 (1897). – Zygospermum setosum Cain, Univ. Toronto Stud., Biol. Ser. 38: 74 (1934). On very old cow dung in moist chamber. UPPLAND: Läby parish, Solsäter, spruce forest. 24.VIII.1963 leg. & det. Nils Lundqvist (4074-d) For a full discussion of the species see Lundqvist, Bot. Notiser 122: 368–373 (1969). It was previously distributed as no. 3612. 2 FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3653. Ditopella ditopa (Fr.:Fr.) J.Schröt. Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 3(2): 388 (1897). – Syn.: Sphaeria ditopa Fr., K. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1818 p. 106 : Fr., Syst. Mycol. 2: 481 (1823). – Gnomonia ditopa (Fr.) M.Monod, Sydowia, Beiheft 9: 88 (1983). In fallen twigs of Alnus glutinosa. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, Hammarskog, c. 500 m SE of the manor, on the shore of Lake Mälaren. 14.IV.2001 leg. & det. K. & L. Holm (6294b) FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3654. Phragmoporthe conformis (Berk. & Broome) Petrak Ann. Mycol. 39: 285 (1941). – Syn.: Sphaeria conformis Berk. & Broome, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. 9: 335 (1852). In fallen twigs of Alnus glutinosa. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, Hammarskog, c. 500 m SE of the manor, on the shore of Lake Mälaren. 14.IV.2001 leg. & det. K. & L. Holm (6294a) Intermixed with Ditopella ditopa, as is generally the case. FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3655. Melanconis chrysostroma (Fr.) Tul. & C.Tul. Sel. Fung. Carp. 2: 125 (1863). – Syn.: Valsa chrysostroma Fr., Summa Veg. Scand. p. 412 (1849). – Sphaeria xanthostroma Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 2. 1: 301 (1834) non Sphaeria xanthostroma Schwein., Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. ser. 2. 4: 193 (1832). In fallen branches of Carpinus betulus. SKÅNE: Vallby parish, the nature reserve Gislövs Stjärna. 12.V.2001 leg. & det. K. & L. Holm (6310a) 3 FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3656. Cryptodiaporthe vepris (Delacr. ex Rabenh.) Petr. Ann. Mycol. 32: 445 (1934). – Syn.: Sphaeria vepris Delacr. ex Rabenh., F. Eur. no. 443 in sched. (1862) ≡ Sphaeria rubi Curr., Trans. Linn. Soc. 22: 325 (1859) non Sphaeria rubi Mart., Fl. Crypt. Erlang. p. 487 (1817). – Apioporthe vepris (Delacr. ex Rabenh.) Wehm., The Genus Diaporthe p. 221 (1933). In last year's stems of Rubus idaeus. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, wood's edge c. 250 m S of Jerusalem. 18.III.2001 leg. & det. K. & L. Holm (6288a) An overlooked problem of typification remains to be solved. As published by Rabenhorst Sphaeria vepris Delacr. was a nomen nudum, but a reference was given to Sphaeria rubi Curr. non Mart.; thus Sphaeria vepris can be regarded as a new name replacing the illegitimate Sphaeria rubi Curr., and consequently typified by Currey's material, if extant. – L.H. FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3657. Rosellinia thelena (Fr.) Auersw. ex Rabenh. F. Eur. no. 757 in sched. (1865). – Syn.: Sphaeria thelena Fr. in Kunze & J.C.Schmidt, Mykol. Hefte 2: 36 (1823) : Fr., Syst. Mycol. 2: 441 (1823). On bark of a log of Picea abies. SKÅNE: Villie parish, Rydsgård, c. 600 m NE of the castle, in deciduous wood. 28.X.2000 leg. & det. Sven-Åke Hanson 4 FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3658. Discostroma fuscella (Berk.& Broome) Huhndorf Bull. Ill. Nat. Hist. Survey 34: 520 (1992). – Syn.: Sphaeria fuscella Berk. & Broome, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. 9: 325 (1852). – Sphaeria corticola Fuckel, Symb. Mycol. p. 114 (1870). – Discostroma corticola (Fuckel) Brockmann, Sydowia 28: 313 (1976) ("1975"). In cut twigs of Prunus spinosa. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, c. 500 m SW of Jerusalem, wood's edge. 6.II – 13.III.2002 leg. & det. K. & L. Holm (6335a) This polyphagous species is best known on twigs and branches of Rosa spp., where it is common and conspicuous thanks to the shining clypeus. As pointed out by Petrak (Ann. Mycol. 19: 33. 1921), no clypeus is formed on certain other hosts, like Prunus spp., a condition considered by Petrak to be due to differences in periderm structure. A priori, it cannot be excluded, though, that the species comprises host-specific forms, differing i.a. in the formation of clypear tissue. The present material corre- sponds to Sphaeria corticola that was described on material from Prunus domestica and P. spinosa. – L.H. FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3659. Coronophora annexa (Nitschke) Fuckel Symb. Mycol. p. 229 (1870). – Syn.: Calosphaeria annexa Nitschke, Pyr. Germ. p. 102 (1867). In the bark of dead and dying twigs of Populus tremula, lying on the ground. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, c. 300 m S of Jerusalem, field edge. 11.XII.2000 leg. & det. K. & L. Holm (6278a) 5 FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3660. Coronophora paucispora K. & L.Holm n. sp. Isotype In the bark of cut branches of Sambucus racemosa. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, Tuna, just S of pt 20.34. 4.III.1987 leg. K. & L.Holm (4392a) Species nova Coronophorae, peritheciis pilosis, ascis paucisporis (4–8) distinguenda. – Perithecia saccate, 0.6–0.8 mm diam., generally strongly hairy of hyphae, 5–8 µm wide, thickwalled, brown, septate; perithecia solitary or up to 10 together in valsoid groups. Peridium largely of uniform thickness, c. 40–50 µm broad, of c. 10 layers of cells, the outer ± polyedric, up to 20 µm, with thickened, pigmented walls, perforated by "Munk pores", the inner cells hyaline, strongly compressed, up to 40 µm. "Quellkörper" conical, up to 0.7 mm long, 0,3 mm broad at base. No hamathecium. Asci reminiscent of tadpoles in shape, with a long slender stipe and an ellipsoid, sporiferous part, c. 40 x 12 µm; generally tetrasporous but 5– 8-spored asci occur; wall early dissolving. Spores allantoid , 1-celled, hyaline, 10–12 x 2–2.5 µm in 4-spored asci, 8–10 x 2,0 µm in 8-spored ones, with 2–4 oil droplets. – Holotype in UPS. – Two further samples in UPS, from the same area (K. & L. Holm 4387c, Sambucus racemosa; K. & L. Holm 4413a, Berberis vulgaris). – L.H. Figs 1–3, p. 22 FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S. Ryman 3661. Calosphaeria abnormis (Fr.:Fr.) Höhn. Sitzungsber. K. Akad. Wissenschaft. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl., 1 Abt. 118: 1507 (= Fragm. z. Mykol. 442) (1909). – Syn.: Sphaeria abnormis Fr., K. Sv. Vet.-Acad. Handl. 1817 p. 104 : Fr., Syst. Mycol. 2: 411 (1823). – Sphaeria floccosa Fr. in Kunze & J.C.Schmidt, Mykol. Hefte 2: 38 (1823) : Fr., Syst. Mycol. 2: 375 (1823). – Enchnoa floccosa Karst., Meddel. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 2: 187 (= Symb. Mycol. 4: 187) (1878). In the bark of cut, heaped-up branches of Sambucus racemosa. UPPLAND: Dalby parish, Tuna, c. 100 m S of pt. 20.34. 19.IV.1987 leg. & det. K. & L. Holm (4459a) As pointed out by Dr. Margaret Barr (in litt.) the species seems close to Phragmocalosphaeria Petr. – L.H. 6 FUNGI EXSICCATI SUECICI, PRAESERTIM UPSALIENSES Ed. cur. L. Holm et S.
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