IP Log for technology.lyo Licenses Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 Eclipse Public License v1.0 Third-Party Code Pre-Req Dependencies CQ Third-Party Code License Use ANTLR Runtime only: Version: 3.2 (PB Orbit unmodified 5828 New BSD license CQ4865) binary Apache License, unmodified 5843 commons-logging-1.1.jar (PB CQ1279) 2.0 binary MIT license, + MIT License with unmodified 5845 SLF4J API Version: 1.5.10 (PB Orbit CQ3680) no endorsement binary clause Apache License, unmodified 5847 Apache httpclient Version: 3.1 (PB Orbit CQ1857) 2.0 binary New BSD license, Creative unmodified 5848 Jena 2.6.3 WITHOUT Version: Antlr (PB CQ4397) Commons binary Unported 3.0 (CC by 3.0) Apache License, unmodified 5849 oauth-core Version: 20090617 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 5850 oauth-consumer Version: 20090617 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 5851 oauth-httpclient3 Version: 20090617 2.0 binary Apache Commons FileUpload Version: 1.2.2 (PB Apache License, unmodified 5852 Orbit CQ5810) 2.0 binary Apache Commons IO Jar Version: 1.3.2 (PB Orbit Apache License, unmodified 5853 CQ1893) 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 5854 Apache POI Version: 3.7 2.0 binary New BSD 5855 openrdf-sesame Version: 2.6.3 Subset modified binary License Common Public unmodified 5856 junit Version: 4.8.1 (PB Orbit CQ3678) License 1.0 binary Apache XML RPC 3.1.3 Version: 3.1.3 (PB Apache License, unmodified 5858 CQ5204) 2.0 binary unmodified 5859 jenabean Version: 1.0.6 MIT License binary Apache License, unmodified 5861 Derby Version: (PB Orbit CQ2500) 2.0 binary Java Servlet API Version: 2.5 jsp_2_0.xsd (PB Apache License, unmodified 5863 Orbit CQ2075) 2.0 binary Academic Free License OR BSD (Dual - we choose BSD), unmodified 5877 Dojo Version: 1.5.0 (Subset) (PB Orbit CQ4803) BSD alone, source & binary Python, MIT, Unicode, Apache 2.0 Apache License, unmodified 5878 log4j Version: 1.2.16 *Subset* (PB CQ4897) 2.0 source & binary Apache License, unmodified 5970 j2bugzilla Version: 1.0 2.0 binary Apache License unmodified 5963 Apache Jena-Core Version: 2.7.1 2.0, New BSD binary license Apache License, unmodified 5964 Apache Jena-ARQ Version: 2.9.1 2.0 binary Apache HttpComponents Core Version: 4.1.4 (PB Apache License, unmodified 5982 CQ5925) 2.0 binary Apache HttpComponents Client Version: 4.1.2 (PB Apache License, unmodified 5983 CQ5926) 2.0 binary Apache Derby Version: *Subset* (PB Apache License, unmodified 6139 CQ5813) 2.0 binary MIT license, MIT license with no unmodified 6180 SLF4J API Version: 1.6.1 (PB Orbit CQ4408) endorsement binary clause Apache License, unmodified 6238 Apache poi-scratchpad Version: 3.7 *Subset* 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6239 Apache poi-ooxml Version: 3.7 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6434 apache abdera-parser Version: 1.1.2 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6446 odata4j Version: 0.4 2.0 binary JQuery Version: 1.7.2 (Includes Sizzle Component) unmodified 6508 MIT License (PB CQ6398) source Common Development and unmodified 6571 activation-1.1.jar Version: 1.1 (PB Orbit CQ2170) Distribution binary License Apache License, unmodified 6572 commons lang Version: 2.3 (PB Orbit CQ1942 ) 2.0 binary geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec Version: 1.1.1 (PB Apache License, unmodified 6573 Orbit CQ4633) 2.0 binary ICU4J License ICU4J and ICU4J Replacement Version: 3.6.1 (PB unmodified 6574 (X License, MIT Orbit CQ2205) binary Style) Apache License, unmodified 6575 Apache jena-iri Version: 0.9.2 2.0 binary Glassfish servlet-api Version: 3.1-b33 (PB Orbit CDDL, Apache unmodified 6576 CQ5018) 2.0 binary Common JAXB 2.2 Version: API (Binary Only) (PB Orbit Development and unmodified 6577 CQ3842) Distribution binary License Common JAXB 2.2 Version: Impl (Binary Only) (PB Orbit Development and unmodified 6578 CQ3843) Distribution binary License Common Development and JAX-RS (JSR311) API Version: 1.1.1 (PB Orbit unmodified 6579 Dis tribution CQ4514) binary License, + 1 file partial ASL unmodified 6580 SLF4J API Version: 1.6.2 (PB CQ5587) MIT License binary unmodified 6581 slf4j log4j12 Version: 1.6.2 (PB CQ5803) MIT License binary Apache License, unmodified 6582 stax-api 1.0.1 jar (PB Orbit CQ3088) 2.0 binary xercesImpl.jar (as part of Apache Xer ces2) Apache License, unmodified 6583 Version: 2.8.0 (PB CQ1541) 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6584 xml-apis-1.3.03.jar (PB CQ1303) 2.0, Public binary Domain, W3C wstx-asl Version: 3.2.8 (Excluding nested jar files) Apache License, unmodified 6611 (PB CQ3038) 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6733 Apache Wink Version: 1.2.1-incubating Subset 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6756 Commons Codec Version: 1.3 (PB Orbit CQ2208) 2.0 binary MIT license with ICU4J and ICU4J replacement Version: 4.0.1 (PB no endorsement unmodified 6779 Orbit CQ2981 clause, Unicode binary license Apache License, unmodified 6780 xml-apis.jar Version: 1.3.04 (PB Orbit CQ2166) 2.0 binary unmodified 6781 args4j Version: 2.0.12 (PB Orbit CQ3545) BSD License binary SLF4J log4j-over-slf4j Version: 1.6.4 (PB Orbit Apache License, unmodified 6782 CQ5884) 2.0 binary Java Servlet API Version: 2.5 + jsp_2_0.xsd (PB Apache License, unmodified 6795 Orbit CQ2075) 2.0 binary geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec Version: 1.1.1 (PB Apache License, unmodified 6796 Orbit CQ3372 2.0 binary Apache Commons Codec Version : 1.3 (PB Orbit Apache License, unmodified 6797 CQ2103) 2.0 binary SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j Version: 1.6.4 (PB Orbit Apache License, unmodified 6798 CQ5882) 2.0 binary log4j Version: 1.2.15 (Subset - see all comments) Apache License, unmodified 6806 (PB Orbit CQ3560) 2.0 binary jakarta-httpclient-4.1 Version: 4.1 (PB Orbit Apache License, unmodified 6807 CQ4840) 2.0 binary httpcore Version: jakarta-httpcore-4.1 FINAL (PB Apache License, unmodified 6808 Orbit CQ4718) 2.0 binary Apache License unmodified 6918 Apache Jena-Core Version: 2.7.4 2.0, New BSD binary license Apache License, unmodified 6919 Apache Jena-IRI Version: 0.9.4 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6921 Apache Jena-TDB Version: 0.9.1 2.0 binary Apache Commons Codec Version: 1.4 (PB Orbit Apache License, unmodified 6939 CQ6789) 2.0 binary Apache License, unmodified 6940 oauth-httpclient4 Version: 20090617 2.0 binary Apache License, 6995 oauth-provider Version: 20090531 modified binary 2.0 Apache Commons Logging Jar Version: 1.1.1 Apache License, unmodified 7020 (using Orbit CQ1907) 2.0 binary Exempt Pre-Req and Works With Dependencies No Exempt Pre-Req or Works With dependencies Committers Past and Present Active Name Organization Michael Fiedler IBM Paul McMahan IBM Samuel Padgett IBM Steve Speicher IBM Never Active Name Organization Olivier Berger Jim Conallen IBM Rob Elves Tasktop Alberto Giammaria IBM Sofia Yeung Oracle Contributors and Their Contributions Ref Size Description Chris Kyrouac (us.ibm.com) c38675 3 lines Bug 389001 The <img> tags in manage.js need alt attributes for accessibility Lukasz Jedrychowski (pl.ibm.com) OSLC4J can not create Jena model/JSON for a ServiceProvider when 391395 991 bytes running on JVM with Turkish locale comment #0 OSLC4J can not create Jena model/JSON for a ServiceProvider when 391395 125 bytes running on JVM with Turkish locale comment #1 Max Vohlken (us.ibm.com) Bug 390266 - I didn't remember to update the version number in the 3f22b4 14 lines Lyo::OSLC perl modules Lyo::OSLC::RDF perl module fails find the identifier or title in the records 6048 389554 returned from the server bytes Patch to fix the issue 6293 Lyo::OSLC::RTC::CM.pm fails if the RTC server has only one project area 390049 bytes Patch to fix the issue Michael Fiedler (gmail.com) 0564a8 9 lines Bug 361832 add oslc:details to AM, CM, RM 0ce1db 6 lines Fix CatalogResource references to service provider 1090e0 149 lines Bug 362012 - update buildResponseResource to put query results in element 2bb95c 6 lines Bug 357694 - add links to EPL and EDL cbe612 343 lines Bug 362012 - Improve query parm handling. d9f786 6 lines Bug 359763: Fix typo s/perviceprovider/serviceprovider efab30 2 lines Change AM to CM in title of resource list page f4fa6d 33 lines Update pom.xml to force execution of the antlr goal. fe04b1 5 lines Bug 359854 - new key in messages.properties 0a9fc0 5 lines Bug 362015 - Add NPE protection to OSLCUtils#getHttpClient 1728bc 134 lines Bug 357387 Replace use of deprecated HttpEntity#consumeConent with 398d43 18 lines Bug 357387 - Update to Apache HttpClient 4.1.2 and fix connection leak 3a2000 4 lines Bug 357277 s/dc/dcterms in the config file f0fadf 138 lines Bug 361870 - config file updates for test suites 433149 Initial contributions for "rio" and "testsuite" components 356584 bytes Initial contribution for Lyo project 2507 RIO catalogs have an incorrect link to the ServiceProvider document 357269 bytes Patch for incorrect catalog entry 1050 rio-cm returns 500 for dc:title query - unknown namespace 357277 bytes change dc to dcterms in config file Investigate uplift of TestSuites to Apache HttpClient 4.1.x 2076 357387 Update Apache httpclient to 4.1.1. Consume response correctly in event of bytes error. 33875 Investigate uplift of TestSuites to Apache HttpClient 4.1.x 357387 bytes Replace use of deprecated http client API 2722 "About" page needs valid link to EDL 357694 bytes Add good links to EPL and EDL to about page CM RIO resource listing page has "AM" in title instead of "CM" 359136 600 bytes Fixed typo in page title 5619 Typo in org.eclipse.lyo.rio.core.IConstants 359763 bytes Fix typos 1481 Query response title is unresolved NLS property 359854 bytes Added the missing key to messages.properties 3964 Lyo core pom.xml does not validate with latest maven plugins on indigo 361317 bytes pom.xml updates to force antlr goal execution 2753 Add oslc:details to the RIOs ServiceProvider 361832 bytes Add oslc:details to ServiceResource Want the default property files to work against a RTC eGA instance 10397 361870 on quagmire bytes Updates to RTC config files RIO provider query results are incorrect format.
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